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UK Peeps, EU Referendum. You in or out?

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EU Referendum

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Re: UK Peeps, EU Referendum. You in or out?

Postby Daz » Jun 24, '16, 12:08 am

The difference is, Switzerland haven't been apart of something for 40 years, don't have their laws intrinsically tied to another organization, and don't have an economy that's the equivalent of quicksand to try and build on. It's not remotely similar in any fashion.

And I didn't vote for Cameron. I didn't want the Tory's in power, because everything I thought would happen under them has indeed happened, and now this shit show has made matters even worse. The problem is, there will still be a Tory government, and the alternatives to Cameron are equally bad, if not far, far worse.
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Re: UK Peeps, EU Referendum. You in or out?

Postby Circled Square » Jun 24, '16, 12:14 am

And the EU hasn't been this powerful for 40 years. Don't forget that. They've only been in their current state, or close to it, since the early 90s. Britian will be fine without the EU. It's the EU that needs Britian. If only the EU didn't get so power hungry, Britian would be in an effective trade union.
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Re: UK Peeps, EU Referendum. You in or out?

Postby Daz » Jun 24, '16, 12:38 am

it's not the EU getting too big for its britches that caused this referendum. It's mass hysteria, flat out lies and propaganda from the right wing.
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Re: UK Peeps, EU Referendum. You in or out?

Postby PorkChop » Jun 24, '16, 3:18 am

Circled Square wrote:Britian will be fine without the EU. It's the EU that needs Britian. If only the EU didn't get so power hungry, Britian would be in an effective trade union.

I'm not really sure how to appropriately respond to this. It's wildly off the mark.

We are completely and utterly fucked now we're not a part of the EU. What caused this referendum, as Daz said, was scaremongering and right-wing propaganda which has fooled millions of people into making this decision. We face decades of uncertainty now. You can't just say we'll be fine like it's a bump in the road, this is the biggest political decision Britain has made in generations and will almost certainly prove to be the worst.
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Re: UK Peeps, EU Referendum. You in or out?

Postby Daz » Jun 24, '16, 3:27 am

Cameron has resigned, Johnson is primed to take over, Farrage has admitted the Leave campaign was built on mistakes and bullshit, the pound is worth less than the Zimbabwean dollar, Northern Ireland want to call a vote for Irish Unity leaving the EU and Scotland want another referendum. This fiasco has crashed our economy and successfully divided the UK.

At the end of the day, we've put the country in the hands of people who have cut tax credits for the disabled, tried to privatise education by turning schools into academies, tried to force junior doctors to work more hours for less money, underfunded our NHS and are trying to privatise it. Apparently we're better off.

God help us all.
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Re: UK Peeps, EU Referendum. You in or out?

Postby Everlong » Jun 24, '16, 7:59 am

On the bright side, at least it's not the Americans who are the world's biggest shitshow in politics for this week!

But holy jumping fuck, the fact that people in the UK are actually that cynical and bigoted is shocking and disappointing to me. Leave it to the older generations to fuck over the younger people like they do time and time again. This is going to have huge worldwide repercussions. Scotland is going to leave the UK without a doubt, and Northern Ireland likely will as well. The EU is toast, it's only a matter of time.

Cameron is going to be reviled in history for letting things get to this point.
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Re: UK Peeps, EU Referendum. You in or out?

Postby Everlong » Jun 24, '16, 8:06 am

Also, I'm shocked at how little coverage this is getting here in the US!
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Re: UK Peeps, EU Referendum. You in or out?

Postby War Daddy » Jun 24, '16, 8:10 am

If any of my UK homies wanna come to American and party, let me know.

Just be careful of the gunfire.
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Re: UK Peeps, EU Referendum. You in or out?

Postby Daz » Jun 24, '16, 8:23 am

The sad thing is Tim, the whole referendum was built around 3 things and all three of them are completely transparent. Immigration, the NHS and Cameron trying to unite the Tory party. The arguments raised for immigration were bullshit. We have more non-EU immigrants than immigrants from the EU, so this take back our borders bollocks was never even an issue. We had control of our borders. We had the right to turn large chunks of people away and introduce a system to counter act rising immigration, whilst still maintaining he free movement of labour with EU countries.

The NHS was underfunded by the Tory government's own budget. A budget that was massively depleted by their own overspending and mismanagement. They've spent years blaming it on the previous Labour government, they've blamed the previous recession on Labour, despite the fact the real cause was the crash in America which had a knock on effect globally, and they've blamed the EU. They've claimed the money we'll save now we're out of the EU will go into the National Health Service and if anyone believes that I've got a bridge in Sweden to sell you. They've actively been trying to privatise the NHS for years, and the key figureheads of the Leave campaign have spoken about this at length. Now you think they'll try and save it? Also the myth that there will be money to put into the NHS at all is complete fabrication. That money will still be spent on trade with either new partners or under a new agreement with the EU, and now our position is significantly weakened, and could get even weaker should Scotland and Ireland seek their own independance, meaning will likely wind up paying more than we do now, whilst getting none of the rebates the EU currently provides.

And as far as Tory unity, the gullible British public has failed to realize this referendum was a political bluff on Cameron's part to keep his party from facturing and many MP's jumping ship to ultra right wing UKip. Well played to Boris Johnson I guess for reading the tea leaves, flip flopping to the other side and changing his mind on the EU to position himself as the next Prime Minister. Cameron's resignation and the conference with Johnson was absolutely sickening, completely transparent, and absolutely what this whole referendum debate was about. Seeing Farage basking in the afterglow, proclaiming this as our Independence Day was absolutely vile and unfortunately we're all gonna suffer in the long run.

The whole thing was built on lies, now we're gonna have to rebuild our economy on fucking quicksand. The pound will likely recover somewhat in the coming weeks, and perhaps even return to the status quo, but whenever Article 50 is inacted in the next couple of years, we're gonna be looking at economic disaster.
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Re: UK Peeps, EU Referendum. You in or out?

Postby PorkChop » Jun 24, '16, 8:37 am

How people of different ages voted (YouGov poll):

•18-24: 75% Remain
•25-49: 56% Remain
•50-64: 44% Remain
•65+: 39% Remain

Many of the old people who voted leave will probably be dead before the real changes come in.
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Re: UK Peeps, EU Referendum. You in or out?

Postby Daz » Jun 24, '16, 8:45 am

My nan voted to Leave because "we did fine before we were in the EU."

Uh, I seem to remember a couple of World Wars and crashing economies because of them. I also seem to remember a a Tory government ripping apart all of our industry through privatisation before selling chunks off to European companies. It wasn't exactly sunshine and rainbows.

And too many people basing their vote on migrants coming here taking our jobs. How does a person take someone's jo?b If no one is doing the job, and then a migrant does the job, surely he is just filling a position that is needed and avaialble? And paying tax in the process, which helps our economy, which allows for more business, more jobs, so on and so forth. It's fucking illogical.

And people cpmplaining about immigrant coming to this country, without thinking for one second that they could also go to Spain or France or Germany or Belgium or Poland or whatever country in the EU they choose the exact same fucking way. It's not as if it was a one way street.

I'm so angry.
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Re: UK Peeps, EU Referendum. You in or out?

Postby Str8Shooter » Jun 24, '16, 11:19 am

Everlong wrote:Also, I'm shocked at how little coverage this is getting here in the US!

Can't interrupt the 24 hour coverage of future President Trump.
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Re: UK Peeps, EU Referendum. You in or out?

Postby Hanley! » Jun 24, '16, 11:31 am

Trust ye fuckers to try and offload the 6 counties back onto us exactly when we don't want them. :lol

This is a real shit show. It feels like even a lot of people in Britain who voted to leave were trying to do so as some kind of nationalist statement, and now are worried about what the actual implications will be now that it's happening. People just went out to vote in ignorance, and they can't even be held entirely to blame given all the misinformation the politicians were spreading. The idea that £35 million will now be given to the NHS has already been dismissed by Farrage.

The immigration angle was always horseshit too, but of course it never had to be anything more than that. When you're playing on the most primitive and ugly of emotions, there's no need for proof or for clever arguments.

I guess this is where nationalism gets you. Britain have always acted 'above' being in the EU and regarded it as an annoyance. Maybe due to their history as the worlds primary superpower, there's a reluctance to cooperate with others. Well lets see how they get along without Europe now.

With the press this is getting early on, and the votes being so close though, you have to wonder if there could be another referendum on this soon. It might be in everyone's interests if there was.
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Re: UK Peeps, EU Referendum. You in or out?

Postby PorkChop » Jun 24, '16, 11:37 am

It's looking increasingly likely that we could actually live in a world where the UK and US are run by Boris Johnson and Donald Trump.

Let that sink in for a moment.
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Re: UK Peeps, EU Referendum. You in or out?

Postby Viazon » Jun 24, '16, 12:05 pm

Now, I will admit, I have never been interesting in politics. I really don't know what it means now that we are out. I suppose it's a good thing that I couldn't vote on the matter because I don't really understand it. That doesn't apply to some people though.

A lady at work told me how she went and voted yesterday and dragged her son along to vote as well. They both voted to leave. I thought, cool. Whatever, that's your choice. If you think that's the best choice, then you have the right to vote that way. But she then went on to say that she doesn't actually know what it means but voted on it anyway. If you don't understand it, then why vote on it? And this woman is an idiot. That seems to be the problem. Idiots who don't know well enough, hear some stupid shit and just think, fuck it, I'll vote. I only know a few people who were in favour of leaving. And then were either idiots, chavs and people who hate immigrants.

All I have heard now is all the bad things that will now happen because we have left. I have yet to hear one good thing. What exactly are some of the good things that are supposed to come from leaving, because I really have no idea.
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Re: UK Peeps, EU Referendum. You in or out?

Postby Hanley! » Jun 24, '16, 12:11 pm

PorkChop wrote:It's looking increasingly likely that we could actually live in a world where the UK and US are run by Boris Johnson and Donald Trump.

Let that sink in for a moment.

What the fuck does it want now?

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Re: UK Peeps, EU Referendum. You in or out?

Postby AkydefGoldberg » Jun 24, '16, 12:34 pm

Depressing, demoralising and frightening.

It's the General Election 2015 feeling but a hundred times worse. Last night, YouGov poll suggested Remain would win so I went to bed HOPING it was a positive sign.

Got up in the morning and it was fucking hell. I don't think the majority of people who have voted to Leave really truly understand the wider implications of leaving besides immigrants and "our laws". This is a massive shock to the economy as shown by the numbers of the pound falling to its lowest rate since 1985 and the uncertainty this will create won't help either.

One of my work colleagues explaining the night's events said: "I voted for Leave but I didn't think they would win!" coupled with other people I saw on Twitter who said the same thing and a few regretting the decision. I have no sympathy for those who complain or whinge that they didn't know the implications - everything is out there in terms of information. London/Scotland/Manchester/Liverpool/York/Leeds all voting Remain kinda dispels the myth it was the north that killed off Remain but importantly the north-east results were awful. Sunderland to vote Leave considering Nissan's factory is based there will hurt them in the future.

As for Cameron's resignation, have no fucking sympathy for him. None. The guy has jeopardised his country's economic future so he could his appease his minority party colleagues who were against the EU and/or threatening to join UKIP. He was always the salesman - never to be trusted or liked. He's left his party to be open to Gove/Johnson/May to come in and win their little party war. Farage is a prick, we all know that but the media's reluctance to quote his comment that they had won the 'war' without 'a bullet being fired' is proof what a cunt he is - that they can ignore such a distasteful comment in the week that an MP lost her life.

Scotland could - and would be in their right - for another independence vote but I doubt Sturgeon would want to do it too soon.

I like Jeremy Corbyn and his principles and the way he wants to approach politics in terms of behaving in a different way but I feel extremely disappointed that he played such a backbencher's role in the Remain campaign. Not helped by his indifferent views to the EU anyway but once he'd committed himself, his failure not to drill home his points will cause him more friction from his MPs. The Remain campaign was failing under the horrible campaign led by Cameron/Osborne and it was an opportunity to take a leading role yet Corbyn refused to do so till the end.

I feel sorry for those young people between 18-24 who voted in a vote that will affect them yet it seems their seniors decided they would fuck them over for the future.
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Re: UK Peeps, EU Referendum. You in or out?

Postby PorkChop » Jun 25, '16, 6:16 am

Quite a few of people have come forward saying that they voted Leave but regret doing so, because they used it as a protest vote and didn't actually expect Leave to win.
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Re: UK Peeps, EU Referendum. You in or out?

Postby Viazon » Jun 25, '16, 6:41 am

The Sun newspaper wanted everyone to vote leave. That enough made me want to vote to stay in. And I hate how smug and biased they are being about the whole thing. I mean, I know I should expect nothing less from a newspaper, especially The Sun. But it's like, they show quotes from people who are talking about how sad they feel now that we have left the EU and they are basically trying to shame them and make them out to be idiots.
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Re: UK Peeps, EU Referendum. You in or out?

Postby Twister » Jun 25, '16, 9:10 am

These sound bites from the general public make for some embarrassing watching:

Is it just me who thinks immigration will probably remain the same and that the leave campaign did a fine job at playing on people's insecurities regarding the issue?

I don't think we should have had a referendum on this, it's to big of a decision for the general public to make, especially when it seems most of them are complete idiots without a clue what they were voting for in the first place.

What a shambles.
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