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Who from NXT are you most looking forward to seeing debut?

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Finn Balor
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Who from NXT are you most looking forward to seeing debut?

Postby prophet » Mar 30, '16, 3:23 pm

NXT has a lot of big stars right now but who from the roster are you most looking forward to seeing debut on the main roster? I've put a few options in a poll but if your answer isn't up there let us know below.

I'd say Finn Balor has the most intrigue about him given that he's extremely charismatic, extremely talented in the ring and has the X-Factor in the body paint/entrance plus with Anderson and Gallows backing him I'd say there's ample reason for people to be excited.

Joe, Aries, Nakamura, Bayley? Who's it gonna be?
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Re: Who from NXT are you most looking forward to seeing debut?

Postby Messiah » Mar 30, '16, 4:20 pm

I will just go down the list you put in the poll.

Finn Balor: Obviously he is destined for success on the main roster. He has the look, skills, and marketability to be a star. Very interested in seeing what they do with the inevitable Balor Club. With that said, while I think he will be a success as far as how much WWE features him and how many titles he wins, I don't know how much I'm actually going to like him. Even NXT, which has been great at masking someone's weaknesses and putting light on their strengths, hasn't done a great job at portraying his character on television other than a generic babyface who shows up as a demonic character for special events. This will be an even bigger issue in the WWE, who seem to expect all of their top guys to be able to talk for 15+ minutes and do an even worse job at giving everyone a unique personality. That said, if they turn him heel and have him form a group with the incoming guys, it could go well.
Interest Level: 9/10 if heel, 5/10 if face

Samoa Joe: Joe is very good in the ring and even better on the microphone. I think he will do great on the main roster, but I would also like to see him stay in NXT because he is the only main-event level heel they have right now. Whenever he does arrive to WWE though, I think he will do great. Probably won't ever win the WWE World Heavyweight Championship due to age, plus there would be too many guys ahead of him on the totem pole, but I'll definitely be excited.
Interest Level: 8/10

Bayley: She is one of, if not the, most genuinely likable character(s) in the entire company. Not sure I am as excited as I would be if she hadn't already done her underdog story in NXT, but I'm still excited.
Interest Level: 7/10

Austin Aries: Aries is a great performer, obviously, and he'll do a lot of great things if/when he gets called up.
Interest Level: 7/10

Baron Corbin: Big fan of Corbin. I think he might be better off staying in NXT as the resident bad-ass who despises indy wrestlers and quite frankly, WWE won't be able to hide his weaknesses nearly as well as NXT has done and he is not good enough otherwise to overcome it. So if he never came to the WWE, I would be cool with it.
Interest Level: 2/10

Shinsuke Nakamure: Need to see how he is booked in NXT before I say. I'm sure he is a fantastic wrestler, but there are a bunch of those in the company.

Apollo Crews: Crews, for as good as he may be in the ring, might be the worst talker in the company. He will have some kick-ass matches though so there's that. Just not sure it is possible for him to have any character, but I thought the same thing about Tyson Kidd so who knows.
Interest Level: 4/10

The Revival, American Alpha, Enzo and Cass, and Alexa Bliss are people off the top of my head I'm really looking forward to seeing in the WWE. If they don't make Alexa Bliss the Vickie Guerrero of the company (as far as her influence as a manager) upon her arrival, they are stupid. She plays her role so well. Asuka is an obvious one too, but it should be awhile before she is in the WWE.
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Re: Who from NXT are you most looking forward to seeing debut?

Postby Str8Shooter » Mar 30, '16, 4:36 pm

My answer has to be Finn, I mean the hype behind him and what he could on the main roster has been bubbling for what seems like since the minute he debuted in NXT. There's been no shortage of people who think he could be a main event guy in short order. But there's definitely some potential red flags with him as well. His mic work isn't that great, will that be a hindrance? His size could be an issue, I mean he's a big bigger than Neville but he's not huge by any means.

The guy has a great look and certain kind of natural charisma or star quality to him though. So much depends on the booking and I think we all have our doubts about that given the fate of some NXT call ups.

I'd have Bayley as the runner up, and I can easily see her debuting a in under a week at the Raw after Mania. With Nikki Bella possibly finished as a full timer, and Brie gone, the "Divas Revolution" might really be happening now, as it's clearly Charlotte, Sasha, Becky as the top ladies and Bayley rounding out the four seems likely. I wonder how her "hugger" act gets over on main TV, and how having Charlotte as the only heel will work.
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Re: Who from NXT are you most looking forward to seeing debut?

Postby The Legend » Mar 30, '16, 4:55 pm

My answer isn't in the poll. The person/people I'm most excited to see is Enzo and Cass. If I'm honest, there's not a lot of people I'm super excited for at the moment, but these guys are a lot of fun and I really enjoy them.

Finn I actually think is someone and a character that works far better on the small scale that is NXT and is not WWE.

Aries would be enjoyable to see on the main roster, but I'll feel like it's too little too late in his career. I'd have loved it more five years ago.
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Re: Who from NXT are you most looking forward to seeing debut?

Postby Tom » Apr 01, '16, 1:24 am

I'd probably go with Balor, simply because I think him being called up does a lot more to shake up the main roster than others. With rumours of "Balor Club" debuting after Mania, I can see them being put in a similar position on the roster as The Shield so it could have immediate impact at the top of the roster (in the short term anyway).

With Joe, I feel like they have a better "bully" character than him on the roster in Kevin Owens. Joe was great back in 05/06. He's doing great as well now, he seems to have got some motivation back since coming to NXT. But I don't see how a transition to the main roster would make WWE more interesting at the moment.

I still question WWE's motivations with their womens division. Despite looking to improve the quality of the wrestling on the main roster by introducing people like Sasha, Becky etc, I still think people like at the top of the main brand prefer looks over ability (especially Vince). I don't have faith that they will give the likes of Sasha and Becky the time consistently to have great matches on pay per views. For that reason I am not as excited about Bayley being called up, despite her talent.
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Re: Who from NXT are you most looking forward to seeing debut?

Postby Daz » Apr 01, '16, 2:04 am

For me, it's the all the tag teams, especially the Revival and American Alpha. I love tag team wrestling and you take those two teams, as well as Enzo/Cass and throw them into a division with the New Day, Uso's, Dudleyz, Lucha Dragons, short term teams (presumably) like the League of Nations, you're looking at a tag division at long fucking last, that could arguably compete with the resurgence in the late 90's/early 2000's.
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Re: Who from NXT are you most looking forward to seeing debut?

Postby Hanley! » Apr 03, '16, 10:45 am

I'm surprised to see so many votes for Balor, because the guy is so not ready. I'm a fan of the guy, and the fact that he's Irish certainly helps a little there. But he's so low on personality. He's worse than Corbin and Crews in that respect. Those are three guys that I actually enjoy a lot, but they all feel like they need more seasoning in NXT before debuting.

That being said, I think I'm looking forward to Balor's DEBUT more than anyone else's. His entrance and theme are so badass, and he's been positioned in a way that you believe he'll be a potential main event player when he debuts on the main roster, which is important. And if he debuts with Karl Anderson and Luke Gallows that won't hurt either.

In terms of the guys I just want to see most on the main roster though, I went with Nakamura. Mostly due to his crazy charisma, and also because of the matches he'd be able to put on against some of the guys on the main roster. Though it was a hard choice, because Joe has been one of the best workers in the company over the last year and could add so much to the main roster. Aries is really good too and could also have a major influence on Raw. And Bayley is someone who will add tons to the women's division on Raw. She's crazy over and I think she can keep that going in the larger venues.

I agree with some of the others on the tag teams though. WWE's tag team division sucks, whereas the NXT tag division is really good. I'd be thinking about moving a few of those teams up very soon. Enzo and Cass should debut on Raw this week. But the Revival should move up soon too (those guys are so underrated ... people say they're good in the ring, but I actually like their promos and personalities too). There are a couple of other teams you could move up soon also. Jordan & Gable obviously, once their title run is over.

Also, I'm with Messiah on loving Alexa Bliss. I'd like to see her in some role on Raw before too long.
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Re: Who from NXT are you most looking forward to seeing debut?

Postby Viazon » Apr 03, '16, 11:44 am

I am excited to see Finn. I saw a lot of his indy matches and they were very good. I'd love to see what he can do in the main roster.
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