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Dating thread

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Re: Dating thread

Postby Str8Shooter » Aug 07, '15, 7:57 pm

Just go for it. If anything, she would probably be more uncomfortable than you. She knows your family members just the same, and she'll be the woman going for a man 20 years her junior. She might want to keep it low key as much as you do, or more.
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Re: Dating thread

Postby Kein » Aug 08, '15, 12:03 am

Str8Shooter wrote:Just go for it. If anything, she would probably be more uncomfortable than you. She knows your family members just the same, and she'll be the woman going for a man 20 years her junior. She might want to keep it low key as much as you do, or more.

What he said, and for you, just take it slow. Why not go out for lunch or coffee first? If you enjoy each others company then you segue into something else and see where it takes you.
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Re: Dating thread

Postby Daz » Aug 08, '15, 3:58 am

So the other week, a girl messages me, we get to chatting, seem to be clicking quite well. I hate making small talk and that's usually when conversations fall apart or I lose interest, but this was working out quite nicely. Then, all of a sudden, she says "Are you sure you're not any taller?"

How does one even reply to that?

She goes on to explain that she's 5'10 and in heels would be an inch or two taller than me ... like an inch or two matters, right ladies? ... and how she only dates blokes who are at least 6'2.

Is this the world we live in nowadays?
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Re: Dating thread

Postby PorkChop » Aug 08, '15, 5:16 am

^ Just respond saying that it was nice chatting, but her tits aren't big enough.
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Re: Dating thread

Postby Hanley! » Aug 08, '15, 5:30 am

Daz wrote:So the other week, a girl messages me, we get to chatting, seem to be clicking quite well. I hate making small talk and that's usually when conversations fall apart or I lose interest, but this was working out quite nicely. Then, all of a sudden, she says "Are you sure you're not any taller?"

How does one even reply to that?

She goes on to explain that she's 5'10 and in heels would be an inch or two taller than me ... like an inch or two matters, right ladies? ... and how she only dates blokes who are at least 6'2.

Is this the world we live in nowadays?

If you're still interested in her, despite her being a bit of a twat, then I wouldn't necessarily give up. Women who insist that they'll only go out with someone of a certain height inevitably end up marrying someone shorter than them. It's like a law of the universe.

Maybe if you respond telling her how tall you are in heels, that'll make her feel better. :P

Or just reply saying that if she thinks dating a tall guy is more important than dating a quality guy, then that's her loss.
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Re: Dating thread

Postby Locke » Aug 08, '15, 7:55 am

Anyone else reminded of Shitbreak from American Pie when it comes to Viazon? Dude's a milf man.
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Re: Dating thread

Postby Viazon » Aug 08, '15, 3:57 pm

So, I went for it. Got the usual spiel though. She said she liked me and thought I was very handsome (her words) but she feels that I am way too young for her. Worth a shot!

Daz wrote:So the other week, a girl messages me, we get to chatting, seem to be clicking quite well. I hate making small talk and that's usually when conversations fall apart or I lose interest, but this was working out quite nicely. Then, all of a sudden, she says "Are you sure you're not any taller?"

How does one even reply to that?

She goes on to explain that she's 5'10 and in heels would be an inch or two taller than me ... like an inch or two matters, right ladies? ... and how she only dates blokes who are at least 6'2.

Is this the world we live in nowadays?

I know that feel man. I am not particularly tall. I'm 5'8. But I have been turned down before because I was too short for a girl. And it was never that they were all actually taller than me. It was always because they like to wear high heels. So girls would rather be able to wear high heels than get to know a guy for who they are.

Ask her if she is sure she doesn't weigh any less. If she asks why her weight is important then you can ask her why your height is.
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Re: Dating thread

Postby Kein » Aug 09, '15, 10:32 am

Haha you guys, I don't think dogging her for her weight or anything is the right approach. I really liked Hanley!'s idea of saying how tall you are in heels that was pretty funny.

Like they said, if you aren't good looking I hope you are funny :P
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Re: Dating thread

Postby Viazon » Aug 12, '15, 9:03 am

When a girl constantly responds to your texts by simply just saying say "kk" it's not a good sign is it?
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Re: Dating thread

Postby Kein » Aug 12, '15, 11:48 am

Depends on what you are texting them. if it's just confirmation or something I dont think it's a big deal but if you are trying to actually talk to them and aren't getting anything out of it, more than saying they aren't interested I take it that they are simply boring.

A girl needs to take some initiative too, they can't expect a guy to supply them with endless entertainment, if they don't respond and inquire about what you are talking about, you are chatting with a dud. But maybe they are better in person who knows.
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Re: Dating thread

Postby Viazon » Aug 12, '15, 1:05 pm

She added nothing really to any conversation. She would answer my questions but wouldn't ask any in return. I thought maybe it would be better to chat in person, so I told her I would like to take her out one night. I was response was just , 'kk'. At that point I pointed out to her that it doesn't seem like she was interested. She said sorry and asked me when I would be free. I told her when I am free, and again, she simple responded with just ,'kk'. At that point I gave up.
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Re: Dating thread

Postby Kein » Aug 12, '15, 1:47 pm

Yea you got a dud, chances are you'd feel awkward trying to keep the conversation going. Peace out to that one.
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Re: Dating thread

Postby PorkChop » Sep 10, '15, 1:05 pm

Some good advice here.
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Re: Dating thread

Postby Viazon » Sep 10, '15, 1:55 pm

"When you get shit in your pants, you gotta take care of it."

That may be the most profound advice I have ever been given.
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Re: Dating thread

Postby Viazon » Sep 15, '15, 1:02 pm

So a few girls at work were talking about me today. Two sisters who have worked there for a while were talking to one of the new girls who has just started recently. They were all standing by the work station when I went over to get something. One of the sisters said, "oh hello Vince" and then they all started laughing. I asked her what was up and she said that they were just talking about me. I asked her what they were saying and she said she was just saying I was a good guy.

I don't know how the rest of the conversation went before I approached them, but in my imagination, it went a little something like this.

Sister 1: Hi New Girl. How are you settling in then?
New Girl: Very good thank you.
Sister 2: So, any guys here you think look cute?
New Girl: Yeah, that guy over there. I think he is quite sexy.
Sister 1: You mean Vince?
New Girl: Yeah, that's the one. He is so awesome and attractive and his beard amazing.
Sister 2: Yeah, Vince is a really cool and attractive guy. I wish I didn't have a boyfriend. Because if I didn't I would be all over him.
Sister 1: Yeah me too. I wish my boyfriend was as amazing and sexy as Vince. But I will have to make do with him.
New Girl: More chance for me then!
Sister 1: Yeah, you should definitely go for it. You would be a lucky girl.
Sister 2: Sshhh! Be quiet. He's coming over.

That's when I walked over.

The conversation could have gone that way for all you know and none of you should have any reason to think otherwise.
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Last edited by Viazon on Nov 22, '15, 10:32 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Dating thread

Postby War Daddy » Sep 15, '15, 1:07 pm

Fuck bitches, get money.
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Re: Dating thread

Postby Enygma » Mar 12, '17, 10:53 pm

So I decided to give this online dating malarkey a go, signed up to POF earlier, already had 3 people want to meet up with me. Not tryna brag...
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Re: Dating thread

Postby Everlong » Mar 13, '17, 9:13 am

Enygma wrote:So I decided to give this online dating malarkey a go, signed up to POF earlier, already had 3 people want to meet up with me. Not tryna brag...

Have they asked you to input your personal data into a totally legit website yet?
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Re: Dating thread

Postby Viazon » May 21, '17, 1:44 pm

So, last night was a kick in the teeth.

Been quiet chatty to this girl who started where I work recently. Figured I'd ask her if she wants to go out for a drink one time. She said yeah but never seemed to ever be free any weekend when I'd tried to ask. Had a sinking feeling that she wasn't really interested and just wanted to be friends.

During the week, I asked her if she wanted to go out Saturday night and she already said she had plans. As I had no plans, I went out for a few drinks with some other work friends. As we are sitting down and having our drinks, who happens to walk in but this girl and another guy from work. They had just been out for a meal and joined us for drinks when one other work friend I was already there with asked him to. It was a sucky feeling and I felt a bit awkward at first when she sheepishly said hello to me. Obviously, I didn't say anything because frankly it's none of my business and she owes me nothing. Eventually I started talking to her and we had a nice conversation. Didn't bring up anything about me wanting to take her out because it would just make it more awkward, but we were chatting away like it was no big deal. The more and more I was talking to her, the more I realised how cool she was and that I definitely wish I was the one taking her out on a date.

The rejection is no the main thing that hit me. I have been rejected many many times and I still barely know her. It's just the guys from work she was with. Now, I don't think he is a bad guy. In fact I get along with him quiet well. But I'm a guy. When it comes to girls, he is not a nice guy. He is a total player. He has no interest in relationships. Not serious ones anyway. He is always juggling a few girls and any time. There are at least three other girl are work he has hooked up with. One of whom he had a baby with who he has nothing to do with. Girls mean nothing to him because he goes from one to the next. He's just one of those guys who has a way with women. It's something I will never have. And it's just the story of my life. Whenever I meet a girl, there is someone else who she will be more into than me.

I seriously have some major concerns that I will end up alone.
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