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What TV show did you try to watch but gave up on?

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Re: What TV show did you try to watch but gave up on?

Postby Kyle » Feb 11, '14, 6:36 pm

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Re: What TV show did you try to watch but gave up on?

Postby ShaneOfan » Feb 11, '14, 6:52 pm

Walking Dead. Stopped at the mid season mark and don't plan to start again.
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Re: What TV show did you try to watch but gave up on?

Postby SlightlyJames » Feb 11, '14, 6:56 pm

RatedRBowler wrote:
Hanley! wrote:1) Yes, the series is still going. It's gotten quite popular, so there's even some stand alone graphic novels from the same universe now outside of the main story, and one character also got his own spin off series. It doesn't look like ending any time soon.

2) Yes, he's one of the biggest characters in the comics. If I was forced to say there was a main character, I would say that it was him. But it's not that kind of series really. He is a really great character, and insanely badass throughout the comics.

3) There are a lot of things the comics do really well. They have some very interesting characters - they take old fairy tale characters and put an interesting spin on them. Certain character traits are embellished to form a new impression on a well known character, and it's handled quite cleverly.

I'll give you an example: Prince Charming is one of the major characters of Fables. As you know, "Prince Charming" has been the love interest in a lot of fairy tales over the years. So in Fables, he's a womanizer. He's been married to Rapunzel & Snow White & Cinderella, and none of them like him very much any more.

Some evil characters from fairy tales are now good and some good characters from fairy tales are now evil, as you've probably already realised based on Bigby alone. Witch hunter Hansel is a fun example of a good character turned evil, and on the opposite side you have Frau Totenkinder who's one of my favourite characters.

There's a really strong central story, about these Fables being driven out of the Fable lands into the real world where they have to keep their origins secret from the rest of the world. Their slow-burning fight against the Adversary who drove them out of their homes is really compelling and filled with little mysteries and reveals.

The art is also really pretty. There's a specific style that tends to be used in all of the stories set in our world, but often when they set a story in one of the Fable lands, they'll switch up the art style, so there are always new pretties to look at. :P

Appreciate the in-depth response. Honestly, it sounds really good and my interest has already been climbing rapidly, now it's just gone up even more. The art style sounds particularly cool, I really like that idea of changing it for the Fable stuff. I'll probably look into reading in when I get some time in the next month or so.

If you needed any extra recommendation after all that, I've been reading the comics since Episode one of TWAU came out, I'm about 60 issues in atm and enjoying the hell out of it. :tim

On topic: Dexter and 24.
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Re: What TV show did you try to watch but gave up on?

Postby Kreashko » Jun 26, '16, 10:01 am

Everlong wrote:Revolution

This and Grimm are the two that come to mind the most. I wanted to get into them but I just couldn't.
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