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Game of Thrones time get hyped

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Game of Thrones time get hyped

Postby prophet » Jul 11, '17, 10:51 am

It's back homies, it's finally back. Get hype.

My predictions, taken from context from the trailers only;

- Jon and Dany will unite
- Theon will die at the hands of Euron, sacrificing himself for Yara
- Cersei and Jaime will die, with the latter killing his sister and then Brienne putting him out of his misery
- Jon and Sansa will beef and I won't like it
- Bran will be responsible for the Wall falling at the end of the season, because Bran is terrible

Anyone pumped?
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Re: Game of Thrones time get hyped

Postby Hanley! » Jul 11, '17, 1:20 pm

I'll be watching it, but I can't say I'm pumped just yet.

Part of it is that I feel like the best part of this story is over. The political maneuvering and shifting alliances has always been my favourite part of the story - both in the show and in the novels. My inner six year old will be very disappointed in me for saying this, but the zombies and dragons just aren't as interesting. Martin has never been as good at writing classic fantasy.

Another thing that's preventing me from reaching full hype is that most of my favourite characters are either dead or neutered at this point. There aren't many left that I genuinely care about. Even Tyrion is suffering from being directly associated with the dullest character in the show (Dany).

That being said, I'll still be watching along as it comes out and I am definitely interested in what happens this season. My expectations are just lower than they've been in the past.

In terms of predictions, I think Cersei will be the season's big death. She's run her course as a character. She's in a position now that seems impossible for her to survive unless the show upgrades her plot armor. And I think they'll want her out of the way for the final season so that the Night's King will have sole focus as the primary antagonist.
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Re: Game of Thrones time get hyped

Postby Everlong » Jul 16, '17, 1:18 pm

Hanley! wrote:I'll be watching it, but I can't say I'm pumped just yet.

Same. There isn't a whole lot getting me hyped for the season. The show has lost a lot of steam, and I don't particularly have a lot of faith that things are going to have a satisfying conclusion, in the show OR the books.

I'll be watching, but at this point more out of a sense of duty than because I'm actually invested in it.
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Re: Game of Thrones time get hyped

Postby SlightlyJames » Jul 16, '17, 3:13 pm

I'll watch it of course, because even if I don't I'll be hearing about it some way or another so it had may as well be first hand. I do keep the show at arm's length these days though. George takes a big chunk of the blame for this but since I can't compare the show to the book anymore, I don't know how much of what I'm seeing is fan fiction. I know he's come out and said before that one of the major twists of Winds of Winter can't happen in the show because they took liberties and killed characters they probably shouldn't have. Like I said though, gonna be watching it regardless.
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Re: Game of Thrones time get hyped

Postby prophet » Jul 17, '17, 4:54 pm

Well that was boring. A lot of clunky dialogue, a lot of exposition, a lot of meh. Also Ed Sheeran's cameo was sickening.

The Hound was the only good thing about it. Thank you, The Hound.
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Re: Game of Thrones time get hyped

Postby Hanley! » Jul 17, '17, 6:55 pm

I didn't think it was that bad actually. I enjoyed it just fine for an opening episode.

I've been worried that they were just going to pretend that the Lannisters were still a dominant force, despite their depleted army and their lack of allies, so I liked that at least Jaime brought some of that stuff up. And that the show is admitting outright that Cersei looks set to lose this war.

The stuff in the north was good. Jon is improving as a character, and I like this new tougher Sansa. And we even got a little Lyanna Mormont.

Arya's scenes were pretty good. Nice to see her doing stuff again after a few seasons out in the cold.

The Hound and Beric buddying around together has potential for later in the series. I'm so happy they didn't bring in Lady Stoneheart to the show. Beric is a much more interesting character, and sacrificing him to introduce Lady Stoneheart in the novels never made any sense to me.

The gratuitous excrement scene in the Citadel was not so good.

My main problem with the episode was the dull ending. I fucking hate Dany, she's so sinfully boring. That whole scene just missed the mark for me. It was at least two minutes of music swelling as she ascended to the throne - you can tell that we were supposed to be thinking "oh my stars, she's finally here" whereas most of the audience were probably thinking "it's about fucking time".

Overall, I thought this was a decent start, but it didn't do much to alter my expectations of the season. I still feel like it could go either way.
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Re: Game of Thrones time get hyped

Postby Daz » Jul 18, '17, 8:02 am

I really liked it.

Arya's revenge for the Red Wedding was a great moment. Lyanna Mormont continues to be awesome. I loved Sansa's little quips at Littlefinger. I agree, it's taken a fucking age for Danny to get to Westeros and return home to Dragonstone, so there was definitely the "about fucking time" feel to it, but I thought they did a good job setting up Dragonstone with the dragon glass thread throughout the episode. Whilst her arrival didn't quite pack the punch it should have because it's taken so long, it certainly set the table for some new character interactions and conflicts that I'm interested in seeing.

My one disappointment for the episode was that there wasn't more Bran after he was taken in by the Night's Watch. Not even a scene of Jon and Sansa receiving a raven, letting them know their brother/cousin? is alive. I assume it's coming, but I'd really like for the surviving Stark children to reunite already.
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Re: Game of Thrones time get hyped

Postby Hanley! » Jul 18, '17, 8:52 am

I really wanted Dany to be picked off by an arrow as soon as she landed at Dragonstone. That would have been fantastic. My interest in the show would have shot up at that point. The longer the show goes on, the more she feels like its protagonist, which really lowers my interest because she's such a bad character. The performance is one of the worst in the show, the character is dull and it feels like the writers don't know that in storyline she's actually shown herself to be incompetent and kinda evil.

It was weird how deserted Dragonstone was, particularly considering how easy it was to break in. So it's just been empty since Stannis left? You would think that the Lannisters or some other noble family would have snatched it up and that it would have at least a bare bones force guarding it. There weren't even any vagrants in there. It came off as pretty unrealistic. Like the whole thing was set up just for that "epic" final scene with no consideration given to anything else.

I also forgot to mention the Ed Sheeran cameo earlier, which I did find a little strange. I didn't mind it too much, until Arya said she liked his song but hadn't heard it before and he said that it was "a new one". Something about that just took me right out of the moment. It felt like he was about to announce the release of his latest single. That being said, his cameo really wasn't that bad (and I actually enjoyed the scene as a whole) so it's a shame that he seems to be catching so much abuse for it.
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Re: Game of Thrones time get hyped

Postby Messiah » Jul 18, '17, 11:08 am

The hate Sheeran is getting for his scene seems silly to me. People are taking it way too serious. Could they have done without it? Sure, but I don't see why so many people are making a big deal out of it. And he barely spoke once Arya sat down.

I thought it was a good episode. The ending felt a bit anti-climatic but Daenerys finally making it to Westeros was a big deal. Not a lot of action happened, but it wasn't like they were going to get right into war in the first episode. Plus the Arya/Freys scene was tremendous.
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Re: Game of Thrones time get hyped

Postby Viazon » Jul 19, '17, 11:55 am

prophet wrote:Well that was boring. A lot of clunky dialogue, a lot of exposition, a lot of meh. Also Ed Sheeran's cameo was sickening.

The Hound was the only good thing about it. Thank you, The Hound.

What was sickening about it? Seriously? I mean, some people are so pissed about him being in the episode. I can't say I am a die hard Ed Sheeran fan but I think the guy is talented and I enjoy some of his songs. Him being in the show is no big deal. I really don't understand why people get so angry at such things. A singer appeared in a TV show. So what?
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Re: Game of Thrones time get hyped

Postby prophet » Jul 19, '17, 12:51 pm

Viazon wrote:
prophet wrote:Well that was boring. A lot of clunky dialogue, a lot of exposition, a lot of meh. Also Ed Sheeran's cameo was sickening.

The Hound was the only good thing about it. Thank you, The Hound.

What was sickening about it? Seriously? I mean, some people are so pissed about him being in the episode. I can't say I am a die hard Ed Sheeran fan but I think the guy is talented and I enjoy some of his songs. Him being in the show is no big deal. I really don't understand why people get so angry at such things. A singer appeared in a TV show. So what?

I'm a fan of Ed Sheeran's, I saw him at Glastonbury last month and enjoyed myself...but seeing him in the episode took me right out of it and I didn't like it at all. That a good enough reason for you or shall I try delve deeper into why it threw me off so much?
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Re: Game of Thrones time get hyped

Postby Viazon » Jul 19, '17, 1:05 pm

prophet wrote:
Viazon wrote:
prophet wrote:Well that was boring. A lot of clunky dialogue, a lot of exposition, a lot of meh. Also Ed Sheeran's cameo was sickening.

The Hound was the only good thing about it. Thank you, The Hound.

What was sickening about it? Seriously? I mean, some people are so pissed about him being in the episode. I can't say I am a die hard Ed Sheeran fan but I think the guy is talented and I enjoy some of his songs. Him being in the show is no big deal. I really don't understand why people get so angry at such things. A singer appeared in a TV show. So what?

I'm a fan of Ed Sheeran's, I saw him at Glastonbury last month and enjoyed myself...but seeing him in the episode took me right out of it and I didn't like it at all. That a good enough reason for you or shall I try delve deeper into why it threw me off so much?

Delve deeper if you don't mind. What do you mean took you out of it? There must be something else going on here if a singer who you admitted to liking ruins a whole episode for you just by merely making an appearance. If I am being honest here, and this is just my opinion, the type of people who get irrationally angry at little things like celebrities making little cameos in TV shows are the type of people who just like to get angry and complain about everything. Perhaps that's not the case but I only say that because it really isn't a big deal. I mean, sickening? Really? Pedophilia is sickening. Human trafficking is sickening. What happened to Baby P was sickening. Any irritants shown towards Ed Sheeran appearing on Game of Thrones should be very mild at worst. Him being driven off Twitter by trolls is overkill.
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Re: Game of Thrones time get hyped

Postby SlightlyJames » Jul 19, '17, 5:41 pm

Viazon wrote:
prophet wrote:
Viazon wrote:
prophet wrote:Well that was boring. A lot of clunky dialogue, a lot of exposition, a lot of meh. Also Ed Sheeran's cameo was sickening.

The Hound was the only good thing about it. Thank you, The Hound.

What was sickening about it? Seriously? I mean, some people are so pissed about him being in the episode. I can't say I am a die hard Ed Sheeran fan but I think the guy is talented and I enjoy some of his songs. Him being in the show is no big deal. I really don't understand why people get so angry at such things. A singer appeared in a TV show. So what?

I'm a fan of Ed Sheeran's, I saw him at Glastonbury last month and enjoyed myself...but seeing him in the episode took me right out of it and I didn't like it at all. That a good enough reason for you or shall I try delve deeper into why it threw me off so much?

Delve deeper if you don't mind. What do you mean took you out of it? There must be something else going on here if a singer who you admitted to liking ruins a whole episode for you just by merely making an appearance. If I am being honest here, and this is just my opinion, the type of people who get irrationally angry at little things like celebrities making little cameos in TV shows are the type of people who just like to get angry and complain about everything. Perhaps that's not the case but I only say that because it really isn't a big deal. I mean, sickening? Really? Pedophilia is sickening. Human trafficking is sickening. What happened to Baby P was sickening. Any irritants shown towards Ed Sheeran appearing on Game of Thrones should be very mild at worst. Him being driven off Twitter by trolls is overkill.

Dumb is a better word than sickening. Having some guy appear as a blatant fan service cameo for no other reason is pretty stupid and it took me out of the episode. It's nothing but immersion breaking. Nobody thought oh, who's this guy, what's his story, they thought oh, there's that celebrity bloke, isn't that odd. There's nothing morally wrong about it, it would just have been a better episode if it wasn't there.
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Re: Game of Thrones time get hyped

Postby Viazon » Jul 20, '17, 8:49 am

I don't buy that. You are not the first person I have heard say it would have been a better episode if that scene wasn't there. How so? The rest of the episode would still have been exactly the same if he had not appeared. And just because a famous singer appeared in the scene doesn't mean it's just a blatant fan service. A lot of people are of the opinion that the scene was added purely for Ed Sheeran to appear. Which is not true. That scene served a purposed. You know Ayra wanted to kill these men because they are the enemy but was conflicted because they all seemed like nice guys. Maybe this scene will mean something more later on in the season. If anything, having a well known person appear makes it easier to remember. Having a character share a quick scene with a bunch of nobodies may be easy to forget. Maybe they wanted this scene to stand out more by including a cameo.
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Re: Game of Thrones time get hyped

Postby SlightlyJames » Jul 20, '17, 1:03 pm

Viazon wrote: A lot of people are of the opinion that the scene was added purely for Ed Sheeran to appear. Which is not true.

Yes it is. "We knew that Maisie [Williams] was a big fan of Ed Sheeran, and for years we've been trying to get him on the show so we can surprise Maisie. This year we finally did it."

Viazon wrote:If anything, having a well known person appear makes it easier to remember. Having a character share a quick scene with a bunch of nobodies may be easy to forget. Maybe they wanted this scene to stand out more by including a cameo.

I would prefer they make me remember it off the strength of their writing rather than taking me out of the experience of the show with a pointless cameo.
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Re: Game of Thrones time get hyped

Postby Viazon » Jul 21, '17, 10:01 am

SlightlyJames wrote:
Viazon wrote: A lot of people are of the opinion that the scene was added purely for Ed Sheeran to appear. Which is not true.

Yes it is. "We knew that Maisie [Williams] was a big fan of Ed Sheeran, and for years we've been trying to get him on the show so we can surprise Maisie. This year we finally did it."

That still doesn't mean that scene was added purely for Ed Sheeran. Wanting him to appear doesn't mean they created a scene just to accommodate him. They finally had a scene that would be suitable for him. The director of the episode has gone on to say that it was a perfect for him because the part required someone who could sing, which means the scene would have been the same without him.
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Re: Game of Thrones time get hyped

Postby Hanley! » Jul 21, '17, 11:00 am

Viazon wrote:I don't buy that. You are not the first person I have heard say it would have been a better episode if that scene wasn't there. How so?

I think you're changing the subject by focusing on the scene itself rather than Sheeran's role in it. And James already told you why that made the episode worse: it broke his immersion, as it did for many fans. It took him out of the story. That's important.

His cameo hardly ruined the episode, but it detracted more than it added.
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Re: Game of Thrones time get hyped

Postby DBSoT » Jul 21, '17, 11:26 am

Hanley! wrote:
Viazon wrote:I don't buy that. You are not the first person I have heard say it would have been a better episode if that scene wasn't there. How so?

I think you're changing the subject by focusing on the scene itself rather than Sheeran's role in it. And James already told you why that made the episode worse: it broke his immersion, as it did for many fans. It took him out of the story. That's important.

His cameo hardly ruined the episode, but it detracted more than it added.
I think the "it took me out of the story" thought is kind of ridiculous. Famous non-actors make cameos in TV shows and movies all the time. It has never taken me out of the story. It seems kind of odd that people are bitching about Sheeran and not any of the other countless instances. Sheeran appearance included barely any singing and one line. He was almost a glorified extra. It isn't like he was Lady Gaga in American Horror Story, where the bad acting ruined many parts of the show.
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Re: Game of Thrones time get hyped

Postby Viazon » Jul 21, '17, 11:53 am

Hanley! wrote:
Viazon wrote:I don't buy that. You are not the first person I have heard say it would have been a better episode if that scene wasn't there. How so?

I think you're changing the subject by focusing on the scene itself rather than Sheeran's role in it. And James already told you why that made the episode worse: it broke his immersion, as it did for many fans. It took him out of the story. That's important.

His cameo hardly ruined the episode, but it detracted more than it added.

Yeah, I get that people got taken out the story because of it. But what I don't get is.......why? Seriously, I am trying to wrapped my head around what the big deal is. As DBSoT said, it was really a nothing part. He barely said anything and was basically an extra. I'm seriously struggling to understand why something so small would ruin and episode for someone. Maybe I just think different to some people. When I saw Ed Sheeran, my thought process was, "hmm. That's Ed Sheeran. I never knew he was going to be in this." I was surprised to see him but then the scene ended, the show carried on and that was the end of it. I don't get what people mean why they say it broke their immersion and took them out of the story. They still carried on watching the show. They still followed the rest of the story line. If people get distracted from a small cameo maybe that's their problem.

DBSoT wrote: I think the "it took me out of the story" thought is kind of ridiculous. Famous non-actors make cameos in TV shows and movies all the time. It has never taken me out of the story. It seems kind of odd that people are bitching about Sheeran and not any of the other countless instances. Sheeran appearance included barely any singing and one line. He was almost a glorified extra. It isn't like he was Lady Gaga in American Horror Story, where the bad acting ruined many parts of the show.

Didn't she win a Golden Globe for that? I never watched the show so I'm not debating whether her acting ability was good, just pointing it out. Was she really that bad?
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Re: Game of Thrones time get hyped

Postby Hanley! » Jul 21, '17, 2:17 pm

I haven't seen the season of American Horror Story with Lady Gaga in it, but I can still tell you that the big difference between her performance in that show and Ed Sheeran's in Game of Thrones is that she was playing a character.

Ed Sheeran on the other hand was hanging around in the woods singing like Ed Sheeran and looking like Ed Sheeran. That's a big part of what made it jarring for viewers. Not only did people have that initial reaction of "Hey look, it's Ed Sheeran" but the show didn't really do anything to differentiate the character from the person playing him.

If he had been playing a white walker or a scumbag guard from Kings Landing or any number of other characters, then it wouldn't have been quite so jarring. But he might as well have been playing himself. Which made it weirder than it would have been otherwise.
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