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Groups or tag teams being split in the draft

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Groups or tag teams being split in the draft

Postby Hanley! » Jul 12, '16, 3:02 pm

WWE keep pushing on television that the various tag teams, groups or partnerships on the roster might be split in the upcoming draft. I find myself wondering why. Is anyone excited at the prospect of any of the company's current teams being split up? Because I don't see a lot of potential there. What are we supposed to be getting out of this?

So I guess my question for you guys is if you think we will see any groups or teams split up in the draft, and who you think they will be. Or better yet, are there any teams you'd actually like to see split up?

I'm not seeing any potential there. Separating Maryse from Miz would hurt both of them, and we've seen what happened before when Rusev and Lana separated. I'm not seeing a whole pile of singles potential anywhere in the tag team division. I mean sure, Bully Ray could be a top heel on one of the brands, but I don't think they're too interested in going that direction. Besides, if they split up the Dudley Boys, they might as well just fire Dvon because he has literally no worth as a singles performer.

I guess I could see them trying to split Enzo and Cass so that they could push Cass as a singles guy, but that'd be a disaster. Not only should those guys stay a team right now, they should stay a team forever because they're far better that way. They hide some of each other's faults. As singles acts they'd both bomb.

Splitting the Club up right now would be disappointing as they're only getting started, and every member of the Wyatts benefits from that team staying together.

Literally the only team I'd consider splitting is Charlotte and Dana (who aren't very good together), but then again if I had it my own way the women's division would be confined to one brand so the female rosters wouldn't become too small.

I'd much rather tag teams and groups were just included as one draft pick and that they dispense with the notion that teams could be split up. I don't want them to be split up. When they've done that sort of thing in the draft before it's never worked out well, at least that I can remember.

Of course maybe I'm overlooking the thrilling possibility of there being an Uso on each brand. Be still my beating heart.
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Re: Groups or tag teams being split in the draft

Postby Str8Shooter » Jul 12, '16, 3:20 pm

I think all the talk about splitting people up is just to hype the unpredictability of the draft. I think there's little chance of much of it happening, particularly if they are splitting the tag division in two. They don't have the depth to split many teams.

Let's go through them:

New Day: They are the tag champs right now as a unit, which I would guess means they stay together for sure. People always say they should be split at some point. But really, why? I don't see any of the three guys being better off on their own right now. Xavier is low card comedy, Kofi is midcard jobber again, and maybe Big E gets the push with everyone missing "New Day" Big E.

The Club: They just got brought in a few months ago, and I really doubt they have any sort of plans for Anderson or Gallows for singles pushes. I think there's a small chance they split AJ off on his own, but just a small one. Their trio is just getting warmed up.

The Wyatts: Again, splitting them does what? Rowan and Stroman I guess could be a tag team somewhere. Maybe Stroman goes on his own and they finally give him the big push we've been hearing all year. I think there's a chance Luke Harper gets drafted alone and when he comes back from his injury he goes solo.

The Tag Teams:

Enzo & Cass: Lots of people thinking they get split and Cass gets the big man push from Vince. I don't see it happening yet, they're way too over right now to split them up.

Dudleyz: If they badly need solo stars I could see them getting Bubba alone and having him work singles, but they've shown literally no hint of being interested in that. Plus the stink of splitting these two in the last brand split is still out there.

Lucha Dragons: My best bet to be split. Kalisto has had a singles run before and Sin Cara has been mainly a jobber on his own. My guess is they get split and this is the "team" that gets broken up in the draft.

Rusev & Lana: In no way should they be split up, but it's been rumoured before Vince doesn't like them as a couple so I could see him splitting them and legit trying to "break them up". Vince is a weird dude.
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Re: Groups or tag teams being split in the draft

Postby Hanley! » Jul 12, '16, 4:25 pm

Damn, it didn't even occur to me that Vince likes to play God by splitting up couples on draft shows. I really hope nothing like that happens this time, it's so cruel and petty.
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Re: Groups or tag teams being split in the draft

Postby Str8Shooter » Jul 12, '16, 5:33 pm

Hanley! wrote:Damn, it didn't even occur to me that Vince likes to play God by splitting up couples on draft shows. I really hope nothing like that happens this time, it's so cruel and petty.

Haha I just remember some internet report like a year ago that Vince didn't think Rusev was good looking enough for a woman like Lana and didn't think it fit. I don't know how reliable that report was though.

They seem to be fine with the two of them now though so I think they're safe.
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Re: Groups or tag teams being split in the draft

Postby DBSoT » Jul 12, '16, 6:16 pm

New Day could survive a breakup. Xavier has the charisma and wrestling skills to become a singles star. He is also one of HHH's biggest projects. Kofi and Big E can stay as a tag team and keep the New Day gimmick. People can disregard these guys as a comedy jokes all they want, but they took a shit gimmick and turned it into one of the most over teams in a long time. They also sell merch like no one, outside of Cena.
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Re: Groups or tag teams being split in the draft

Postby The Legend » Jul 12, '16, 7:03 pm

People have already brought up the most likely candidates. I think the Lucha Dragons are a sure bet to be broken apart. They aren't doing anything right now and Kalisto could be a bigger star on his own.
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Re: Groups or tag teams being split in the draft

Postby Str8Shooter » Jul 12, '16, 8:12 pm

The Legend wrote:People have already brought up the most likely candidates. I think the Lucha Dragons are a sure bet to be broken apart. They aren't doing anything right now and Kalisto could be a bigger star on his own.

In theory Kalisto could be a bigger star on his own. Except he was US champ for months and was barely more over than he is in the tag team. I'm not sure how high on him they are as a singles.
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Re: Groups or tag teams being split in the draft

Postby Westcoastvibes » Jul 12, '16, 8:31 pm

I think at least 2 teams will be broken up.

1 team will reform later in the night when the other member gets drafted as well. The second team will reform the following week when WWE announces that after the draft the 2 shows had a "trade"
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Re: Groups or tag teams being split in the draft

Postby KaiserGlider » Jul 12, '16, 8:58 pm

I really don't see anyone that would be better off in singles right now. Not too long ago I would have easily said Bully Ray, but in my opinion he's too past his prime now and his ring work isn't going to match up to modern standards. The Dudleys should stay together as a heel team, they can really accomplish a lot that way. I feel like the ball has been dropped in a major way ever since their heel turn.
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