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X-Men: Apocalypse Review (Spoilers)

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X-Men: Apocalypse Review (Spoilers)

Postby DBSoT » May 27, '16, 8:05 am

So me and my GF were bored yesterday and randomly decided to see a movie. I really wish it would have been any other movie besides X-Men: Apocalypse. The best way to describe the movie is unsatisfying. Though it isn't as bad as BvS, it does have one very similar problem. The movie tries way to hard to introduce too many characters and it just ends up mudding up the story. So here is the good, bad, and awful.

Magneto: This is the one character that seems to be consistently well done throughout all of the X-Men movies. They always spend time to develop his character just a little more each time. His constant internal conflict between helping his mutant friends and hating a world that rejects him is well done. Fassbender and McCavoy have very good chemistry and it shows.

Quicksilver: It was nice to see a more expanded role for Quicksilver after he only had a few scenes in previous movies. His character adds levity and has some of the most visually well done special effects. Evan Peters is also a critically underrated actor. His work on American Horror Story is great and I would expect to see him get bigger roles sooner rather than later.

Professor X: If I had a middle ground between good and bad that is where I would put Professor X, but I don't so I lean more towards good and that it mostly because of James McAvoy's acting. McAvoy did the best he could with the bad dialogue that plagued this movie.

Wolverine: I could watch Wolverine go berserker for 2 hours and be happy. That was the case here and it was fantastic. He was only in the movie for a short time, but it was fun to watch and should set up Hugh Jackman's swan song in Wolverine III.

Apocalypse: They tried so hard to make Apocalypse seems all powerful and menacing, but it fell so flat. The voice was the first problem. It was more annoying than menacing. The second problem was how horribly crafted his powers were. He turned an entire warehouse worth of people into dust, but couldn't figure out a way to defeat a few X-Men. Even his power to enhance his horseman was written badly. An enhanced Angel got beat easily by just Nightcrawler and an enhanced Psylocke got beat by just Beast. It also doesn't help that Apocalypse just didn't look intimidating at all. He wasn't very tall, he wasn't big, and he make up was atrocious.

Mystique/Raven: Jennifer Lawrence is a great actress, but Mystique's time on screen just wasn't doing it for me. There just hasn't been that much development of her character since First Class.

The time in the government facility: This whole section of the movie could have been cut out and it wouldn't have changed a thing. Besides introducing Wolverine and the post credit scene, it was just filler. The escaped X-Men just happen to find a fully functional jet that Beast knows how to pilot and jumpsuits that fit every person. I mean come on now.

Dialogue: Lord help me the dialogue was terrible. There was such an attempt to beat you over the head with forced dialogue that it was downright grating. Check out how cheesy this dialogue is:

"Alex! Bring the Havok!" - Clearly referencing his nickname "Havok"
"Who is that guy? He seems like some sort of animal!" - Talking about Wolverine
"Forget everything you think you know, you're not students anymore! You're X-Men!" - Raven
"The world needs the X-Men." - Beast "That's why I'm here. To fight!" - Raven
"I am no hero" - Raven "You are a hero to us" - Rest of young X-men
"I hope we never see him again" - Cyclops talking about Wolverine

Jean Gray - I want to be fair to Sophie Turner. I just don't think this was the right part for her. She couldn't quite get the accent right and her dialogue was as bad as anyones. The fact that she destroyed Apocalypse with one Phoenix moment didn't help matters. It really killed the whole point of Apocalypse being the strongest mutant ever and kind of jumped the shark on her character.

Psylocke: She might as well have not been in the movie at all. She had barely any dialogue and didn't exactly fair well in her fights scenes.
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Re: X-Men: Apocalypse Review (Spoilers)

Postby KaiserGlider » May 27, '16, 9:22 pm

Looks like I'm Redboxing this one. Kinda surprising since I liked Days of Future Past a lot, I assumed this would have been up there with Civil War for movies that were guaranteed to be good this year. Coming out right after Batman v Superman and Civil War wasn't doing them any favors, but they still they had the advantage of a big and memorable villain. From the sound of things that didn't work out.

The trailers made it seem really cliche and made it look like Jennier freaking Lawrence was the main star of the movie. Was her part as big as the trailers made it look?
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Re: X-Men: Apocalypse Review (Spoilers)

Postby Daz » May 28, '16, 5:27 am

They over reached. Poor characterization, which has been true of most of the X-men films, even the good ones. The fact they butchered Psylocke, who is one of my favourite characters, was just the icing on the disappointment cake.

Not as bad as BvS, but a huge step down from Days of Future Past. I really hope They continue the franchise without Jennifer Lawrence, cause despite being a terrific actress, Mystique is a real detriment to the series.
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Re: X-Men: Apocalypse Review (Spoilers)

Postby DBSoT » May 28, '16, 4:40 pm

KaiserGlider wrote:Looks like I'm Redboxing this one. Kinda surprising since I liked Days of Future Past a lot, I assumed this would have been up there with Civil War for movies that were guaranteed to be good this year. Coming out right after Batman v Superman and Civil War wasn't doing them any favors, but they still they had the advantage of a big and memorable villain. From the sound of things that didn't work out.

The trailers made it seem really cliche and made it look like Jennier freaking Lawrence was the main star of the movie. Was her part as big as the trailers made it look?
No Jennifer Lawrence had a reasonable role. McAvoy and Fassbender were more of a focus.
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