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How Many Hours of Wrestling Do You Watch?

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How Many Hours of Wrestling Do You Watch?

Postby EmperorWu » Jun 14, '15, 5:09 am

I was thinking about this. I've been making a bunch of thread for basically all of the wrestling shows out there and there has been little interest. Granted my posts about them may just not be interesting, or be written in a way to invite much discussion. However I know several people have mentioned they don't really watch it all that much anymore. I find it odd to think that I might, just maybe, watch the most wrestling of anyone on here currently. Anyway I've just been curious about this for a while.

I can't give an exact number for me. It depends on how many shows are on and how many PPV's. The recent tournament has certainly added several hours to my viewing. Then there's just all the random stuff I watch on the network or Youtube. That's not even counting all the wrestling related stuff I watch, which aren't actually matches. For example all the documentaries, podcasts like Jericho's/Austin's/Ross'/Cabana's, shows like Total Divas, Tough Enough, Ringside or Riot, the roundtables, Legend's House when that was new, basically anything on the network. If you added all that stuff as well it would be pretty ridiculous to admit how much time I really spend in the "wrestling world".

At an absolute minimum I watch at least 8 hours of wrestling a week. But that number more often runs at around 12+. After tomorrow's PPV I will probably blow past 20-25 in the last seven days or so. If you did count all the other stuff you could easily triple my weekly average most weeks.

:lol God now that I've sat down and though about it.. I'm pretty sad. :rotf And someone on here dared to say I wasn't a true fan at one point. :P

So for curiosities sake. How many hours of wrestling do you guys think you watch monthly or weekly?
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Re: How Many Hours of Wrestling Do You Watch?

Postby SlightlyJames » Jun 14, '15, 5:14 am

Between Raw, NXT and Lucha Underground I watch 5 hours per week. Accounting for old stuff I go back and watch and the occasional PPV it probably averages out to about 8.
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Re: How Many Hours of Wrestling Do You Watch?

Postby Hanley! » Jun 14, '15, 6:00 am

It's random. NXT is the only thing I've been watching every week, but I could see myself stopping soon. I did start Lucha Underground though, so once I catch up, I might watch that every week. It depends on if the quality remains high throughout the season.

I occasionally watch bits of Raw, but never the whole thing. Basically I only watch if something happens that I think looks good and I read about it on here.

At the moment, I am watching all the WWE pay per views though. So those weeks I watch at least 4 hours of wrestling.

Then I do go back and watch stuff occasionally. My amount of wrestling watched per week is going to go way up for this tournament, which I've been looking forward to.

So yeah, I couldn't really give a number because I don't think there's a wrestling program out there at the moment that's worth tuning in for every week. Except maybe Lucha Underground, but I don't want to start watching the current stuff until I'm up to date on the older stuff.
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Re: How Many Hours of Wrestling Do You Watch?

Postby The Legend » Jun 14, '15, 6:28 am

Well, are we talking hours of programming or how long it actually takes me to watch them? I watch RAW, SD and NXT every week. And most weeks I probably watch another old PPV on the network. I don't watch any other companies at this point. But I watch RAW and SD recorded. So when I watch the three weekly programs it takes about 4 hours. Add in an old PPV or a current PPV it might be about 6 and a half.

So I'd say its probably 6-9 hours a week.
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Re: How Many Hours of Wrestling Do You Watch?

Postby Str8Shooter » Jun 14, '15, 8:06 am

Hmm, hard to really put it into a number.

Raw is 3 hours and I usually watch most of it, although I usually flick around to other stuff during the boring parts. Let's just say I watch 2 hours out of the 3. Smackdown I might catch a bit of if I'm home. It airs on Wednesday and Friday here in Canada so it's easier to catch. Let's say I catch the half hour of SD that isn't recaps on average :P

I usually catch NXT, TNA is on a channel I don't get here and I really haven't caught any TNA in ages.

I have been watching quite a bit of older stuff on the Network, and I've been trying to catch up on some New Japan stuff online that I haven't seen from this year. I also want to start getting back into Lucha Underground which I only watched the first few episodes.

I don't know, it's hard to say for sure. I'd say I'm probably upwards of 10 hours a week.
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Re: How Many Hours of Wrestling Do You Watch?

Postby AkydefGoldberg » Jun 14, '15, 10:48 am


I might watch segments and WM if someone from the older era (Rock specifically) is around but not part of my viewing schedule at all now. I drifted away from WWE around 2006 I'd say.
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Re: How Many Hours of Wrestling Do You Watch?

Postby Georgerv » Jun 14, '15, 11:00 am

The last 2 weeks or so it's been rather low, I've had way too much other stuff going on, but usually

Raw/Smackdown/Lucha/NXT/Impact: 8 Hours
Podcasts (I've been listening to a lot or archived podcasts recently but I'll leave them out): 6 Hours
Youtube/WrestleTalk/Old PPVs: 4-6 Hours
WWE Network Shows: 2 Hours

Granted, they don't all get my full attention when they're on (Smackdown in particular) as I might be working at the same time, but they are all watched/listened to in full that brings my weekly minimum to 20 Hours. With ROH being added soon too, their new TV deal reminded me to start watching again.

Then add on any PPVs that might be on that week, and any local shows I got to which are a minimum of once every 3 weeks for me and my monthly total will usually exceed 100 hours. Jeez, someone asked me recently how much I watch and I told them about an hour a night :lol

Shit I forgot to add on the Japanese shows I get recommended to watch, roughly another 4 hours every couple of weeks for that
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Re: How Many Hours of Wrestling Do You Watch?

Postby VaderBomb » Jun 14, '15, 11:03 am

Less than usual. Less than ever, perhaps.

I tune into Raw but usually end up shutting it off after Owens' segments and Rollins/Ambrose stuff. SmackDown is insufferable due to the canned audience noise and I refuse to take part. I haven't caught NXT in about 3 weeks and I haven't had the chance to even check out Lucha Underground yet. I haven't seen an ROH show in years and haven't watched any NJPW since the Dome Show in January. Despite all of that, I haven't missed a WWE PPV in months.

I did however watch about six to eight hours of Dusty Rhodes' promos and matches this week. :tim

Was catching up on some of Dusty's tag work with Dick Murdoch from the mid 70s, and realized how funny it is that he went by the nickname "Dirty Dick".
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Re: How Many Hours of Wrestling Do You Watch?

Postby War Daddy » Jun 14, '15, 11:14 am

I catch Raw, sometimes Smackdown, and usually Lucha Underground.
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Re: How Many Hours of Wrestling Do You Watch?

Postby Daz » Jun 14, '15, 11:21 am

Well let's see, between WWE, NXT, Lucha Underground, ROH, AAA, NJPW and other random videos on youtube ... too bloody many.
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Re: How Many Hours of Wrestling Do You Watch?

Postby Hanley! » Jun 14, '15, 11:50 am

I do listen to podcast stuff on Youtube too actually, often when I'm doing housework or making dinner. I like to listen to Austin's reviews of the pay per views, and the Bryan Alvarez stuff is good too sometimes. Then there's OSW review, those guys are hilarious. I probably listen to people talk about wrestling more than I actually watch it at the moment. :P

Though as I said earlier, I have been watching all the pay per views and these days they're on practically every week, so maybe not.
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Re: How Many Hours of Wrestling Do You Watch?

Postby Str8Shooter » Jun 14, '15, 12:02 pm

Yeah if we include Podcasts about wrestling then mine would go up significantly. I listen to most of Austin's, some of Jericho's, Cheap Heat, and a few of the LAW ones.

The things with podcasts though is they're mobile, so you don't have to sit down and exclusively pay attention to them. You can throw them on and work out, go for a walk/run, do stuff around the house, whatever. So you can still be productive :P
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Re: How Many Hours of Wrestling Do You Watch?

Postby Messiah » Jun 14, '15, 12:15 pm

I rarely ever watch Raw (unless it's WrestleMania season or near SummerSlam when they are putting in more of an effort that makes the 3 hours worth it) and if I do, not the entire show. I try to keep up with NXT, but it's pretty shit nowadays. So if it's a PPV week, then about 5-6 hours (3 PPV, 1-2 Raw, 1 NXT) at best. If it isn't a PPV week, then 2-3 hours at best.
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Re: How Many Hours of Wrestling Do You Watch?

Postby Westcoastvibes » Jun 14, '15, 2:00 pm

Fuck, i dont know anymore

Raw, ROH, TNA, NXT, Lucha, Sd, PPV if its on.....

To many to count
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