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What's next for Harper and Rowan?

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What's next for Harper and Rowan?

Postby VaderBomb » Jan 05, '15, 6:17 pm

Clearly they should feud, am I right?

WrestleMania would make sense but I really don't think that there is any room on the card. Seeing as names like Lesnar, Bryan, Rollins, Cena, Ziggler, Ambrose, Rusev, Wyatt, Reigns, Triple H, Sting and The Undertaker will all most likely work the card, I don't see how Rowan and Harper will fit in.

Perhaps at the PPV in between the Rumble and Mania, but why begin a big feud like that when theres no room on the biggest card of the year which is the following event. To be honest, I don't see them entering any big feuds until after Mania passes.
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Re: What's next for Harper and Rowan?

Postby Str8Shooter » Jan 05, '15, 6:31 pm

I'm a little underwhelmed by both of these guys lately to be honest. I never thought that should have broken up as a team yet to begin with, and even though they've both had a little success since, long term I think they would have been better off staying together as a team for a while.

I just don't think the crowd cares all that much right now about them. Rowan was surprisingly over right away with his inclusion on Team Cena at SS, but that seems to be over now already. Harper is the better worker but he's in that midcard purgatory where so many get stuck.
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Re: What's next for Harper and Rowan?

Postby VaderBomb » Jan 06, '15, 1:42 am

Seems as if they are going to feud after what happened on Raw.
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Re: What's next for Harper and Rowan?

Postby Westcoastvibes » Jan 07, '15, 6:07 am

Str8Shooter wrote:I'm a little underwhelmed by both of these guys lately to be honest. I never thought that should have broken up as a team yet to begin with, and even though they've both had a little success since, long term I think they would have been better off staying together as a team for a while.

I just don't think the crowd cares all that much right now about them. Rowan was surprisingly over right away with his inclusion on Team Cena at SS, but that seems to be over now already. Harper is the better worker but he's in that midcard purgatory where so many get stuck.

I agree with this. At the time of their split the talent was weak and it made sense to have them split so creative had some flexibility with stories. Now we have reigns and barrett back, bryan returning shortly, HHH is back on tv, taker, lesnar, sting, and possibly hogan all gearing up for the road to wrestlemania. Harper and rowan would have faired better to stay a team and build their characters more, maybe with a couple title runs as a team and then give one a mid card title followed with the standard team split over a singles title feud.
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Re: What's next for Harper and Rowan?

Postby prophet » Jan 07, '15, 12:18 pm

Their transition from Wyatt thugs to bonafide singles wrestlers has been pretty woeful. I'm pretty sure Erick Rowan just appeared at the end of promo segments that had nothing to do with him, staring at a fucking toy or something to try convey him as innocent and childlike, before eventually he began just walking out to the ring during a match and doing fuck-all.

Harper I don't even remember. I know he had those terrible non-speaking vignettes of just his eyes that he now uses for an entrance video for no reason whatsoever and they've never bothered to explain why. Within two weeks of those teaser videos airing on RAW for the first time he'd already shown up at the end of an episode volunteering himself to join Team Authority. Rowan was the same, he just randomly volunteered himself as part of Team Cena - neither man's motivations for doing so have been explained.

When Survivor Series had finished and Team's Cena and Authority were no more we were just left with two guys...and not a whole lot else. The problem we have now is they've still not fucking bothered explaining anything about either of them so they're still just sort of...there. The one and only thing we've been told is that Erick Rowan doesn't like bullies - fair enough, but the Big Show bullied him and he soon forgot about that. Harper was given the IC title only to lose it a few weeks later and he's done nothing since. Now they've got a problem with each other and guess what? We've no idea why - so why should we care?

They were brought in too soon after being 'set free' by Wyatt, likely because WWE needed to fill vacancies and couldn't think of anyone else to do so. I like Harper as a worker but I fear both he and Rowan will be doomed to purgatory before falling further into obscurity.
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Re: What's next for Harper and Rowan?

Postby VaderBomb » Jan 07, '15, 12:32 pm

Seems as if I was right, they began feuding on Raw.
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Re: What's next for Harper and Rowan?

Postby Hanley! » Jan 07, '15, 3:40 pm

They've fucked these guys up so badly. Their split from Wyatt did nothing for his character or theirs, it was an absurd move. All three of them have been struggling to get over since. Before their gimmicks were irritatingly undefined, but at least they had the cult angle going for them. Now they're all just weird guys who say weird stuff because weird. Something needs to anchor these characters fucking badly.

To split the Wyatts without any story just made it more confusing too, and left the audience unsure of how to react to Harper and Rowan. The problem is that they're acting the same as they were when they were aligned with Wyatt. They're still both weird creepy guys, but they're now not a part of the weird creepy cult so they're just kinda floating about. They still look and dress the same, they have the same general attitude. How do you keep going with these guys under their same gimmicks without making it look like they should still be aligned with Wyatt?

Maybe they should just get the group back together. It was dumb to split them in the first place.

Harper has talent too. If they manage to sort the booking out for him, he could actually go far. I reckon Rowan is a lost cause, but they could at least give him a shot. It feels like WWE have decided that Bray is going to be a star, but they've no interest in the other two at all. If I'm correct, they have among the worst win-loss records in the company right now. Rowan technically was on the winning team at Survivor Series and they both scored a win over the Shield way back. But other than that, have either of these guys ever won on pay per view? They spent most of their tag run being beaten by the Usos. Fans are never going to care if all the guys do is lose.
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Re: What's next for Harper and Rowan?

Postby VaderBomb » Jan 08, '15, 1:08 am

I don't understand why they didn't just keep Harper and Rowan as a team after they split. If Harper & Rowan were still together they would be the best tag team on the roster by a country mile.
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