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Story #7

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Story #7

Postby Ace » Oct 22, '14, 6:33 pm

2 stories for my fans today


One dark night, a woman was driving home; alone on empty & vast open road. With no one in sight, the woman started to fall asleep. She could hardly keep her eyes open. She tried turning on the radio & opening the windows but nothing worked.

Suddenly, a bright light appeared behind her. It was very blinding. Just as fast as it came, it left. The woman checked her rear-view mirrors & saw a dark car. With it's lights off. She figured that maybe the driver had accidentally messed with their lights & brushed it off as nothing.

Only moments later, the car behind her flashed their brights once again. The car also started riding only a couple feet behind her. At this point, she became annoyed & tried honking. Nothing happened. He stayed on her & kept his brights on.

After some time, he started to flash his lights on & off repeatedly. Now the woman started to become nervous. The driver eased up & backed off.

'What does this person want? Do they want me to pull over? But I don't know them. what if they want to hurt me?' thought the woman to herself.

Just then the driver pulled up close again & started flashing his bright a third time. The woman, blinded, started to speed up in order to maybe get rid of the reckless driver.This didn't work. The driver matched her speed & continued to flash his lights at her.

The 2 cars were driving erratically now. The car followed the woman all the way to her town. The whole time flashing his brights at her. No matter where she turned, no matter how fast she sped up, the driver was always a few feet away with his bright lights on. After every stop, she would peel out in the hopes of losing the car but this driver was overly persistent.

The woman finally got to her street & her heart was racing. She knew that she'd have to quickly dart out of her car & run into her home before the mystery driver could get out & attack her.

She pulled into her driveway & simultaneously parked her car. She flung the door open & bolted for her front door. Just then the mystery car quickly pulled straight onto the woman's front lawn & the a man cam running out of the car.

"Hurry inside & call the cops!" said the man to the woman.

Confused, the woman ran inside, dialed 911 & hid in her bedroom closet. The police arrived shortly after. From inside, the woman could hear the sounds of men yelling & gunshots being fired. After about 15 minutes, 2 police officers pounded on the woman's front door.

The woman answered the door, shaking. The 2 officers inform the woman of a terrifying truth. As the officers started talking, the woman noticed an ambulance putting 2 men into black body bags. One of the body bags had a butchers knife sitting inside another bag on it.

The woman learned that when the officers arrived onto the scene they witnessed a large man brutally gutting another man with a large butchers knife. They ordered the man to put the knife down but he refused so the officers shot the man.

The victim was hanging onto his last breath when he informed them that the woman was hiding in the house. He had been following her home, flashing his brights in order to warn the woman of the killer in her backseat

Every time the killer would sit up & raise his knife to kill the woman, the man would flash his lights & the killer would lower himself again...

The whole ride home...
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Re: Story #7

Postby Kein » Oct 22, '14, 9:26 pm

No image sir! I liked this one though, pretty good twist. Although you think if she was being blinded and was paying attention to the car behind her shed see the killer sit up once. alas its just a story but I liked it.
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Re: Story #7

Postby Chewy » Oct 22, '14, 10:52 pm

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