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Postby Buck » Oct 19, '13, 6:26 pm

If TNA gets its own forum, how can Obama hate not get it own?

Just sayin, watching Obama brush his teeth and criticizing the liberal nature of it is more entertaining than TNA.

I'm not impressed with TNA. I kinda want to see it go out of business just to see where the talent goes. Just saying.
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Re: Question.

Postby Hanley! » Oct 19, '13, 6:30 pm

I kinda hoped we had disposed of the random TNA hate topics when we moved over to the new forum. Apparently not.
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Re: Question.

Postby Buck » Oct 19, '13, 6:34 pm

Steve, you were the one who sold me on checking out TNA again. From the old topic on the old forum. If memory serves me.

You know me and my struggles well enough to know it's NOT random.
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Re: Question.

Postby Hanley! » Oct 19, '13, 7:46 pm

I don't mind people criticizing TNA. It has a lot of flaws at the moment. And I like to talk about these things.

But it irritates me to no end when people just post topics here saying "TNA is shit". This is a discussion forum for Impact and it irritates me to no end when people come in and make blanket statements like that. It adds nothing to discussion and just scares people who watch the show away from actually posting about it.
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Re: Question.

Postby Daz » Oct 20, '13, 10:17 am

It's worse when it becomes "oh you hate TNA because you're a WWE mark." or vice versa.

I just want to yell at those idiots to grow up. I'm not a TNA fan, I'm not a WWE fan. I'm a wrestling fan. I don't want any company to go out of business, and put good workers out of jobs. I don't watch one to spite the other. If I don't enjoy a particular product, which has been very true of TNA in the best (as well as WWE) I find a product that does do it for me. Whether it be ROH, PWG, CHIKARA, Lucha Libre, Puro. It's so easy to follow any of them nowadays. AAA upload all their shows on youtube and have done for like two years, Puro events usually get posted and it doesn't take much to find them. If you don't like TNA (or WWE) and only want to take digs at it, go find something else. Shockingly, WWE and TNA aren't the only two products out there.

Mini Rant over.
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Re: Question.

Postby Settee » Oct 20, '13, 2:09 pm

Daz wrote:It's worse when it becomes "oh you hate TNA because you're a WWE mark." or vice versa.

I just want to yell at those idiots to grow up. I'm not a TNA fan, I'm not a WWE fan. I'm a wrestling fan. I don't want any company to go out of business, and put good workers out of jobs. I don't watch one to spite the other. If I don't enjoy a particular product, which has been very true of TNA in the best (as well as WWE) I find a product that does do it for me. Whether it be ROH, PWG, CHIKARA, Lucha Libre, Puro. It's so easy to follow any of them nowadays. AAA upload all their shows on youtube and have done for like two years, Puro events usually get posted and it doesn't take much to find them. If you don't like TNA (or WWE) and only want to take digs at it, go find something else. Shockingly, WWE and TNA aren't the only two products out there.

Mini Rant over.

:tu Very well said.
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Thanks for the Sig Tim!
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Re: Question.

Postby rawisjericho » Oct 20, '13, 4:46 pm

Can someone please post or pm me some links where I can watch current up to date shows from some of the aforementioned promotions, along with CZW. I would really appreciate it, thanks. Also, where can I watch old TNA ppv's, like before 2008?
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