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Roundtable 2 - WWE Elimination Chamber - Updated Leaderboard!

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Roundtable 2 - WWE Elimination Chamber - Updated Leaderboard!

Postby prophet » Feb 18, '14, 7:09 am

Better get cracking with the next round-table. After last month's Royal Rumble the leaderboard currently looks like this;

prophet - 7
SlightlyJames - 7
The Legend - 6
CubsIn5 - 6
Georgerv - 6
Settee321 - 5
AkyDefGoldberg - 5
xgamr - 5
Viazon - 5
BSM - 5
Everlong - 4
ShaneOFan - 4
Taj - 4
GameDesigner14 - 4
Hanley! - 3
Romo - 3

Again the high-scorer for the PPV will receive some rep points and the rules are as they were - 1 point for a correct prediction and you'll get extra points for a correct order of elimination prediction. If you didn't play last month but want to join in this month - feel free! Simply post your predictions below! No need to PM me your predictions.

WWE Elimination Chamber

WWE World Heavyweight Title Match
Elimination Chamber
Randy Orton (c) vs John Cena vs Daniel Bryan vs Cesaro vs Sheamus vs Christian
Order of Elimination:

The Shield vs The Wyatt Family

Batista vs Alberto Del Rio

WWE Tag Team Titles
The New Age Outlaws (c) vs The Uso's

Intercontinental Championship
Big E (c) vs Jack Swagger

Darren Young vs Titus O'Neal

Cody Rhodes and Goldust vs Ryback and Curtis Axel

Let's see if we can get another perfect score this month!

Code to copy your predictions in is as follows;
Code: Select all
[b][color=#40FFBF]WWE World Heavyweight Title Match[/color][/b]
[b][color=#40FFBF]Elimination Chamber[/color][/b]
[color=#40FFBF]Randy Orton (c) vs John Cena vs Daniel Bryan vs Cesaro vs Sheamus vs Christian[/color]
Order of Elimination:

[color=#40FFBF]The Shield vs The Wyatt Family[/color]

[color=#40FFBF]Batista vs Alberto Del Rio[/color]

[b][color=#40FFBF]WWE Tag Team Titles[/color][/b]
[color=#40FFBF]The New Age Outlaws (c) vs The Uso's[/color]

[b][color=#40FFBF]Intercontinental Championship[/color][/b]
[color=#40FFBF]Big E (c) vs Jack Swagger[/color]

[color=#40FFBF]Darren Young vs Titus O'Neal[/color]

[color=#40FFBF]Cody Rhodes and Goldust vs Ryback and Curtis Axel[/color]
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Last edited by prophet on Feb 18, '14, 10:26 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Roundtable 2 - WWE Elimination Chamber

Postby The Legend » Feb 18, '14, 9:54 am

WWE World Heavyweight Title Match
Elimination Chamber
Randy Orton (c) vs John Cena vs Daniel Bryan vs Cesaro vs Sheamus vs Christian

So here's the thing I don't see how Orton loses the match right now because it just looks ridiculously silly to push him for this long and then fall apart with a huge losing streak. That being said, I see Bryan starting the match and lasting all the way through until something happens to let Orton get the win. Cesaro is in for one spot with his giant swing probably and Christian is probably just in to take the spot. Sheamus is a wild card to me I could see him turning heel and doing something interesting which is why I have Cena going out before Sheamus.

Order of Elimination: Christian, Cesaro, Cena, Sheamus, Daniel Bryan

Winner: Randy Orton

The Shield vs The Wyatt Family

I see the Shield breaking up at the PPV and that makes it easy to see the Wyatts as the winners. Short of that I don't think there's much to see here. Reigns probably has a good showing, just because he's the guy the WWE will be pushing as a face coming out of all this.

Winner: Wyatt Family

Batista vs Alberto Del Rio

Batista is maybe the least pushed/least hyped Royal Rumble winner of all-time. The WWE I feel are regretting the decision in a major way, but they have to get over it. If they are going to save this WrestleMania season for a lot of their viewers - some will never accept it, but you can still get a large portion of your audience to buy in - Batista needs to look strong in this match and needs to be put over as a babyface. He must win, end of story.

Winner: Batista

WWE Tag Team Titles
The New Age Outlaws (c) vs The Uso's

This may be the match that is the hardest to predict to me. I want to choose the Outlaws, simply because I want to see the Usos get a huge moment at WrestleMania by winning their first titles there. NAO should retain by some dirty business that opens the door for a re-match at Mania with maybe a third team thrown in. However I think this PPV is probably just a little too heel heavy at the moment and the WWE doesn't have patience to let the Usos wait until Mania.

Winners: the Usos

Intercontinental Championship
Big E (c) vs Jack Swagger

I feel like Big E Langston is starting to stagnate a little and to salvage that I think he needs a change of scenery some what, same with Swagger. Let Swagger win the gold and with Cesaro losing the gold you may see Zeb align himself more closely with Swagger again - I think there may be a match between these two at Mania brewing. It would do both Big E and Swagger a lot of good to have Swagger win the belt here.

Winner: Jack Swagger

Darren Young vs Titus O'Neal

I don't see anything special in Darren Young and I don't think the WWE does either. Because of that O'Neal becomes the guy who gets pushed coming out of this match.

Winner: Titus O'Neal

Cody Rhodes and Goldust vs Ryback and Curtis Axel

The Rhodes Brothers have done as much as they can interestingly do together. I'm not sure how the split will go and if it will even be an angle, but they don't need another tag team victory. Let them go their seperate ways already.

Winners: Ryback and Curtis Axel

Just a note, I'm fairly certain that the IC and tag title matches will decide this roundtable. The rest of the matches seem locked in to me.
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Re: Roundtable 2 - WWE Elimination Chamber

Postby ShaneOfan » Feb 18, '14, 10:54 am

WWE World Heavyweight Title Match
Elimination Chamber
Randy Orton (c) vs John Cena vs Daniel Bryan vs Cesaro vs Sheamus vs Christian
The only one that can be ruled out as a winner 100% is Christian. That being said Cesaro is a long shot and Sheamus doesn't follow to far behind. It really will be Cena, Orton, or Bryan. But it's hard to tell. The initial plans were likely to have Orton v Batista at Mania but I think Bryan will be in there somehow. My guess is Cena has something else going (maybe the Wyatts) so Orton will walk out as champ.
Order of Elimination:

Winner: Orton

The Shield vs The Wyatt Family
The Shield looks ready to implode and I see a Ambrose vs Reigns match at Mania if not shortly after that. Rollins seems to be trying to hold the group together so I am not sure why he would be against either man in a triple threat but we will see how that plays out. I think the Wyatts win here simply to create more tension in the Shield.

My guess is the match starts with Rollins and Harper or Rowen with the second hill billy entering as #3. Rollins looks to be eliminated when Reigns comes into the ring. They take on the Wyatts until Bray comes in and the Wyatts eliminate Rollins leaving Reigns alone against all three. This helps build him as he survives the assault until Ambrose enters maybe even taking out one of them in the process. But when his pod unlocks Ambrose waits a few moments before helping Reigns. Eventually it comes down to Reigns and Ambrose vs Bray. Reigns is taken out when Bray refuses to break up the pin. This match is less about the Wyatts and more about tension in the Shield. As for the winner. I'm going to go with the Wyatts
Winner: Bray as only survivor

Batista vs Alberto Del Rio
No way you want your Royal Rumble winner and Wrestlemania Main-eventer to lose a thrown together PPV match. Plus Del Rio is reportedly on his way out so I don't see WWE putting him over for the last few months of his contract.
Winner: Batista

WWE Tag Team Titles
The New Age Outlaws (c) vs The Uso's
I don't see the NAO holding the titles for very long, but I think they keep them to Mania where they drop them to either the Uso's or The Real Americans.
Winners: Oh you didn't know?

Intercontinental Championship
Big E (c) vs Jack Swagger
Filler match for sure. The only way they have Swagger go over is so Cesaro can ditch him (as rumored) and challenge him for the title at Mania. Which I think would be a pretty damn good match to be honest. You know what? I'll take Swagger with the upset here. I think him holding the IC Championship would help his gimmick. If Cesaro leaves him it will be as the face and Swagger will keep Zed. But yeah Swagger with the IC title and Cesaro getting continually frustrated with the situation makes the most sense to me.
Winner: A REAL AMERICAN to hold the IC title. Jack Swagger!!!

Darren Young vs Titus O'Neal
As much as I liked the Prime Time Players they have come to an end. I backed them for a long time and felt they should have been champs and that they helped WWE with the tag team division. I still think they did but that is the past now. Like every other tag team WWE has. I wanted to like Darren more then Titus, but he lacks the flair. WWE seems high on Titus so we will see where he goes from here. All I know is he will get the quick win and Darren likely already has his duffel bag packed for NXT, If only Abraham Washington hadn't made that Kobe joke.

Cody Rhodes and Goldust vs Ryback and Curtis Axel
This is the preshow match no? We all but know the brothers are supposed to face off at Maina. They can't do that without a split and they won't split without a loss.
Winners: Rybaxel[/align]
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Re: Roundtable 2 - WWE Elimination Chamber

Postby AkydefGoldberg » Feb 18, '14, 1:38 pm

Am I right in saying it's this weekend?
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Re: Roundtable 2 - WWE Elimination Chamber

Postby ShaneOfan » Feb 18, '14, 1:38 pm

AkydefGoldberg wrote:Am I right in saying it's this weekend?

Yes sir
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Re: Roundtable 2 - WWE Elimination Chamber

Postby Viazon » Feb 18, '14, 2:23 pm

WWE World Heavyweight Title Match
Elimination Chamber
Randy Orton (c) vs John Cena vs Daniel Bryan vs Cesaro vs Sheamus vs Christian

I don't see anyone else other than Orton winning this. It seems obvious they are going for a Randy Orton vs Batista main event at Wrestlemania.

Order of Elimination: Christian, Sheamus, Cesaro, Cena, Bryan.
Winner: Orton

The Shield vs The Wyatt Family

The Wyatts will win this, causing the Shield to snap at each other and finally break up, leading to a triple threat match at Wrestlemania.
Winner: The Wyatt Family

Batista vs Alberto Del Rio

No way is Batista losing his first singles PPV match since coming back, a month before he is due to main event Wrestlemania.
Winner: Batista

WWE Tag Team Titles
The New Age Outlaws (c) vs The Uso's

The Usos have gotten to upper hand on the NOA for the last couple of weeks, so I believe they will lose here. But I think they will finally win the tag titles at Wrestlemania, making it a much bigger moment for them.
Winners: The New Age Outlwas

Intercontinental Championship
Big E (c) vs Jack Swagger

I think if Swagger wins this match, while Cesaro on the other hand is unable to win the Chamber match, it could perhaps lead to some tension between the two, perhaps leading up to a match at Wrestlemania with Cesaro walking out on top.
Winner: Jack Swagger

Darren Young vs Titus O'Neal

Titus seems to be the one they are looking to push the most out of these two. So I will go with him.
Winner: Titus O'Neal

Cody Rhodes and Goldust vs Ryback and Curtis Axel

Didn't even know this match was happening. I predict a win for the Rhodes brothers.
Winners:Cody Rhodes and Goldust
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Last edited by Viazon on Feb 18, '14, 6:43 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Roundtable 2 - WWE Elimination Chamber

Postby SlightlyJames » Feb 18, '14, 2:34 pm

WWE World Heavyweight Title Match
Elimination Chamber
Randy Orton (c) vs John Cena vs Daniel Bryan vs Cesaro vs Sheamus vs Christian
Order of Elimination: Christian, Sheamus, John Cena, Cesaro, Daniel Bryan
Winner: Randy Orton

The Shield vs The Wyatt Family
Winner: The Wyatt Family

Batista vs Alberto Del Rio
Winner: Batista

WWE Tag Team Titles
The New Age Outlaws (c) vs The Uso's
Winners: The New Age Outlaws

Intercontinental Championship
Big E (c) vs Jack Swagger
Winner: Big E Langston

Darren Young vs Titus O'Neal
Winner: Titus O'Neil

Cody Rhodes and Goldust vs Ryback and Curtis Axel
Winners: Rybaxel
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Re: Roundtable 2 - WWE Elimination Chamber

Postby BSM » Feb 18, '14, 3:45 pm

WWE World Heavyweight Title Match
Elimination Chamber
Randy Orton (c) vs John Cena vs Daniel Bryan vs Cesaro vs Sheamus vs Christian
Order of Elimination: Christian, Cesaro, Sheamus, Cena, Bryan
Winner: Orton

The Shield vs The Wyatt Family
Winner: Wyatts

Batista vs Alberto Del Rio
Winner: Batista

WWE Tag Team Titles
The New Age Outlaws (c) vs The Uso's
Winners: New Age Outlaws

Intercontinental Championship
Big E (c) vs Jack Swagger
Winner: Big E

Darren Young vs Titus O'Neal
Winner: Titus

Cody Rhodes and Goldust vs Ryback and Curtis Axel
Winners: Rhodes Brothers
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Re: Roundtable 2 - WWE Elimination Chamber

Postby AkydefGoldberg » Feb 18, '14, 3:53 pm

WWE World Heavyweight Title Match
Elimination Chamber
Randy Orton (c) vs John Cena vs Daniel Bryan vs Cesaro vs Sheamus vs Christian
Order of Elimination:
Winner: The Robot Randy Orton

The Shield vs The Wyatt Family
Winner: The Wyatt Family

Batista vs Alberto Del Rio
Winner: Bootista

WWE Tag Team Titles
The New Age Outlaws (c) vs The Uso's
Winners: The Uso's via DQ

Intercontinental Championship
Big E (c) vs Jack Swagger
Winner: Big E

Darren Young vs Titus O'Neal
Winner: Darren Young (P.S - these two have split, is it face vs. heel respectively?)

Cody Rhodes and Goldust vs Ryback and Curtis Axel
Winners:[/align] Ryback/Axel
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Re: Roundtable 2 - WWE Elimination Chamber

Postby Everlong » Feb 18, '14, 3:58 pm

WWE World Heavyweight Title Match
Elimination Chamber
Randy Orton (c) vs John Cena vs Daniel Bryan vs Cesaro vs Sheamus vs Christian
Order of Elimination:
1. Christian
2. Cesaro
3. Sheamus
4. Bryan
5. Cena
Winner: Orton

I don't trust the WWE not to give us Orton vs. Cena in the finals. The two Smackdown people will go out first, because duh. Really my main interest in this match is seeing whether WWE actually has the gall to give the people Orton vs. Batista in the main event of WrestleMania 30. Would bet we'll be seeing some Wyatt involvement to weaken Cena or cost him the match altogether.

The Shield vs The Wyatt Family
Winner: The Wyatt Family

Batista vs Alberto Del Rio
Winner: Batista


WWE Tag Team Titles
The New Age Outlaws (c) vs The Uso's
Winners: New Age Outlaws

Intercontinental Championship
Big E (c) vs Jack Swagger
Winner: Eh. No idea. People are saying Big E so I guess I'll go with him.

Darren Young vs Titus O'Neal
Winner: Don't know anything about these guys. Titus O'Neil I guess.

Cody Rhodes and Goldust vs Ryback and Curtis Axel
Winners: Rybaxel to set up for Rhodes/Rhodes at WrestleMania.
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Re: Roundtable 2 - WWE Elimination Chamber

Postby prophet » Feb 18, '14, 4:27 pm

WWE World Heavyweight Title Match
Elimination Chamber
Randy Orton (c) vs John Cena vs Daniel Bryan vs Cesaro vs Sheamus vs Christian
Order of Elimination: Christian, Cena, Cesaro, Sheamus, Bryan
Winner: Randy Orton

I think the shock of the night will be how early Cena is eliminated and I think The Wyatt Family will cost him the match like they did last month. The reason I see Cena going out so early is because I also think HHH/Authority will cost Bryan the match just when it looks like he's finally going to win and that'll set up their match the following month. There is no way in hell Orton doesn't win this match, especially after losing a few times in recent weeks.

The Shield vs The Wyatt Family
Winner: The Wyatt Family

The Shield's break-up continues. I'm not sure what they'll do, Rollins will probably be the fall-guy although I think it'd make sense for Reigns to take the loss after being nailed by Ambrose.

Batista vs Alberto Del Rio
Winner: Batista

Bathroom break.

WWE Tag Team Titles
The New Age Outlaws (c) vs The Uso's
Winners: The New Age Outlaws

I don't think the Outlaws will drop the gold this quickly after picking them up. If they do drop the titles I almost question why they won them in the first place so I'll say that the Outlaws retain but hopefully it's just to keep The Uso's waiting for their first titles at Wrestlemania.

Intercontinental Championship
Big E (c) vs Jack Swagger
Winner: Big E

I'm not really interested in this match and I don't like Big E but if the dirt-sheets are to be believed management does, plus Swagger has had no build for this match. He got the title shot less than a week before the PPV, not a chance I believe he has a chance of winning.

Darren Young vs Titus O'Neal
Winner: Titus O'Neal

This feud has materialized out of thin-air in what? 2 weeks? I don't really watch Smackdown so I don't even know what's going on with this programme but I haven't seen Darren Young on air in months whilst Titus was on RAW last night. This is a no brainer.

Cody Rhodes and Goldust vs Ryback and Curtis Axel
Winners: Cody Rhodes and Goldust

Contrary to popular opinion I don't actually think Rhodes vs Goldust will (or should) happen at Wrestlemania. The chance to do this was last year when Goldust came back at the Rumble and eliminated heel Cody. Plus this is the PPV Kick-Off show! If we're going to see these two start a Wrestlemania feud I can't see it being on the kick-off show.
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Re: Roundtable 2 - WWE Elimination Chamber

Postby CMPUNKFAN » Feb 21, '14, 7:46 am

WWE World Heavyweight Title Match
Elimination Chamber
Randy Orton (c) vs John Cena vs Daniel Bryan vs Cesaro vs Sheamus vs Christian
Order of Elimination: (1) Christian (2) Sheamus (3) Cesaro (4) John Cena (5) Daniel Bryan
Winner: Randy Orton

The Shield vs The Wyatt Family
Winner: The Wyatt Family

Batista vs Alberto Del Rio
Winner: Batista

WWE Tag Team Titles
The New Age Outlaws (c) vs The Uso's
Winners: The New Age Outlaws

Intercontinental Championship
Big E (c) vs Jack Swagger
Winner: Big E

Darren Young vs Titus O'Neal
Winner: Titus O'Neal

Cody Rhodes and Goldust vs Ryback and Curtis Axel
Winners: Cody Rhodes and Goldust
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Re: Roundtable 2 - WWE Elimination Chamber

Postby Ace » Feb 21, '14, 1:31 pm

WWE World Heavyweight Title Match
Elimination Chamber
Randy Orton (c) vs John Cena vs Daniel Bryan vs Cesaro vs Sheamus vs Christian
Order of Elimination: 1.) Christian 2.)Sheamus 3.)Cesaro 4.)Cena 5.)Daniel Bryan

We all can agree that Orton will pick up the win at EC. He's been on a losing streak as of late on purpose & we can read WWE like a book in knowing that they'll have Orton walk into Mania with the championship. As far as the order of eliminations, Christian goes first. He was just kinda added into match just to put a big name in there or two. He's number 1. Sheamus & Cesaro are kinda tied. I wanna see Cesaro eliminated even after Cena but the WWE won't let that happen & having Sheamus return after a long break just to be second to last in the Chamber doesn't seem likely. However I put him second last because I'm hoping that Cesaro's push will take him further than second to last. Super Cena will be in the finally 3 but D Bryan is the star of this Chamber match so the feud between the authority & himself will have him fighting for his life @ the end with Orton but we know that ultimately Orton will score the pinfall.

The Shield vs The Wyatt Family
Winner: Wyatt Family

My pick for match of the night. Two awesome stables finally go at it. I imagined a match like this further down the line. Maybe too soon? Idk. Anyway, the Shield has had their differences lately & they'll use Ambrose not getting along with Reigns as the angle that'll cost them the match. Hopefully setting up for something magical @ WM 30.

Batista vs Alberto Del Rio

:facepalm His current push will send Batista to Mania with 2 victories under his belt since his return. Not too much that I care to say about this feud or this match. It is what it is. Victory goes to Batista :facepalm

WWE Tag Team Titles
The New Age Outlaws (c) vs The Uso's
Winners: New Age Outlaws

Like some of you said, the WWE most likely won't take the titles from the NAOs so soon. The Usos will have a good showing though.

Intercontinental Championship
Big E (c) vs Jack Swagger
Winner: Jack Swagger

I'm not too sure about this one. Don't care too much about Big E. I just think that with Cesaro losing the Chamber match, they'll want to keep the Real Americans relevant. Swagger picks up the title.

Darren Young vs Titus O'Neal
Winner: Titus O'Neal

Kinda random feud. Darren Young has always been the sidekick of the tag team & I see Titus moving on to bigger & better things. A quick victory over D Young to put this behind him & end their partnership.

Cody Rhodes and Goldust vs Ryback and Curtis Axel
Winners: Rhodes Brothers

Cody & Goldust win & maybe it'll qualify them to another rematch with the NAOs. Rybaxel don't really have much going for them & this point. Another push for the Rhodes Brothers.
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Re: Roundtable 2 - WWE Elimination Chamber

Postby KaiserGlider » Feb 21, '14, 2:35 pm

WWE World Heavyweight Title Match
Elimination Chamber
Randy Orton (c) vs John Cena vs Daniel Bryan vs Cesaro vs Sheamus vs Christian

Order of Elimination: (1) Christian, (2) Sheamus (3) Cena, (4) Cesaro, (5) Bryan
Winner: Randy Orton

If Orton loses after looking so shit the last 3 weeks, then he'll go down as one of the weakest looking World Champions in recent memory. It's one thing making your defending champion look like the underdog before a big title defense, but they've gone above and beyond that by having him lose to 3 guys CLEAN in a short time frame. So now they've created a situation where Orton just HAS to win, and that's not good in a big 6-man match like this, where the audience is invested in other possible winners like Bryan and Cesaro.

The only eliminations I'm 90% sure about is Christian going out first, and Bryan going out last. They won't repeat the Rumble situation by having Bryan out early so the fans hijack the rest of the match, and Christian is the weakest character out of all 6, and the only guy that lost to Orton. Cesaro's been booked really well lately, so I expect him to last a good amount of time to look good, and do his Giant Swing against the chamber wall at one point. I don't buy into the rumor of Sheamus turning heel on Bryan. The big fella will have some great spots in this match but he won't last longer than Bryan or Cena. The Wyatts will cost Cena the title once again, even though they botched the follow-up to them costing Cena the title at the Rumble SO BAD. But they'll just do it again and pretend it didn't happen the first time? I don't know.

Orton will win the match by pinning Bryan. If Bryan is going to feud with HHH at Wrestlemania, I could see Triple H screwing him out of the title here. This PPV takes place in Minnesota, so I wish Brock Lesnar will make an appearance of some sort, but unfortunately they're just going to randomly cart him out when Undertaker returns the next night, to somehow set up that feud. In any case, I think this will be one hell of a match with Sheamus, Bryan, Cesaro, Christian, Cena and even Orton capable of having some great spots. Orton's winning though, and we're heading to the extremely anticipated Orton/Batista showdown. Oh joy.

The Shield vs The Wyatt Family
Winner: The Wyatt Family

This has been a simple yet really great feud, and I know I'm not the only one really looking forward to what has been billed as an epic collision. Unfortunately, the recent tensions between the Shield means they're not winning this match. Kind of a shame, but this should still be pretty good. Could give the chamber a run for Match of the Night.

Batista vs Alberto Del Rio
Winner: Batista

HAHAHAHAHA. Oh boy. Obviously this match only serves as an excuse to but Bootista on PPV. It would be really funny if he only wrestles in this match and the Rumble before Wrestlemania. Hahaha. The only thing to look forward to in this match will be "how fast will Batista get gassed?" And for that reason, I'm looking forward to it. But I bet you 20 bucks it's going to be a 5-minute squash match.

Seriously though, Del Rio got fucking destroyed by Batista already and he was wearing a neck brace on the last Raw. How the fucking fuck are we supposed to believe he's any sort of threat to Batista? I guess we're not. Which makes this match even more stupid.

WWE Tag Team Titles
The New Age Outlaws (c) vs The Uso's
Winners: The New Age Outlaws

I like the Usos. I don't think they'll take the belts off the Outlaws that soon though. It would be cool if they do a huge match with ALL the tag teams at Wrestlemania, just to showcase how strong that division has gotten.

Intercontinental Championship
Big E (c) vs Jack Swagger
Winner: Big E

Jack Swagger is a black hole of suck. Big E should win this one.

Darren Young vs Titus O'Neal
Winner: Titus O'Neal

Titus should win, because Titus is better than Darren. Black Cena winning? Ain't nobody got time for that!

Cody Rhodes and Goldust vs Ryback and Curtis Axel
Winners: Cody Rhodes and Goldust

So, did they decide to make Ryback and Axel a tag team just to remind us when they were with Paul Heyman and had an ounce of potential? I remember when Axel was announced as the new "Paul Heyman guy" and some people thought Heyman was going to make him a star. Bahahaha. Heyman is good, but he's no miracle worker.

Oh, this match. Rhodes brothers win.
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Re: Roundtable 2 - WWE Elimination Chamber

Postby Locke » Feb 21, '14, 4:50 pm

WWE World Heavyweight Title Match
Elimination Chamber
Randy Orton (c) vs John Cena vs Daniel Bryan vs Cesaro vs Sheamus vs Christian
Order of Elimination: Christian, Cesaro, Sheamus, Cena, Bryan
Winner: Orton

The Shield vs The Wyatt Family
Winner: Wyatt Family

Batista vs Alberto Del Rio
Winner: Batista

WWE Tag Team Titles
The New Age Outlaws (c) vs The Uso's
Winners: New Age Outlaws

Intercontinental Championship
Big E (c) vs Jack Swagger
Winner: Big E

Darren Young vs Titus O'Neal
Winner: Titus O'Neal

Cody Rhodes and Goldust vs Ryback and Curtis Axel
Winners:[/align] RhodesDust
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Re: Roundtable 2 - WWE Elimination Chamber

Postby KaiserGlider » Feb 21, '14, 5:01 pm

ShaneOfan wrote:The Shield vs The Wyatt Family

My guess is the match starts with Rollins and Harper or Rowen with the second hill billy entering as #3. Rollins looks to be eliminated when Reigns comes into the ring. They take on the Wyatts until Bray comes in and the Wyatts eliminate Rollins leaving Reigns alone against all three. This helps build him as he survives the assault until Ambrose enters maybe even taking out one of them in the process. But when his pod unlocks Ambrose waits a few moments before helping Reigns. Eventually it comes down to Reigns and Ambrose vs Bray. Reigns is taken out when Bray refuses to break up the pin. This match is less about the Wyatts and more about tension in the Shield. As for the winner. I'm going to go with the Wyatts
Winner: Bray as only survivor

That's all well and good Eric, but the Wyatts vs The Shield will not be in the Elimination Chamber :P
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Re: Roundtable 2 - WWE Elimination Chamber

Postby xgamr » Feb 23, '14, 7:58 am

WWE World Heavyweight Title Match
Elimination Chamber
Randy Orton (c) vs John Cena vs Daniel Bryan vs Cesaro vs Sheamus vs Christian
Order of Elimination: Christian, Sheamus, Cesaro, Cena, Bryan
Winner: Randy Orton

The Shield vs The Wyatt Family
Winner: The Wyatt Family

Batista vs Alberto Del Rio
Winner: Batista

WWE Tag Team Titles
The New Age Outlaws (c) vs The Uso's
Winners: New Age Outlaws

Intercontinental Championship
Big E (c) vs Jack Swagger
Winner: Jack Swagger

Darren Young vs Titus O'Neal
Winner: Titus O'Neal

Cody Rhodes and Goldust vs Ryback and Curtis Axel
Winners:Rhodes Brothers[/align]
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Re: Roundtable 2 - WWE Elimination Chamber

Postby ShaneOfan » Feb 23, '14, 9:02 am

KaiserGlider wrote:
ShaneOfan wrote:The Shield vs The Wyatt Family

My guess is the match starts with Rollins and Harper or Rowen with the second hill billy entering as #3. Rollins looks to be eliminated when Reigns comes into the ring. They take on the Wyatts until Bray comes in and the Wyatts eliminate Rollins leaving Reigns alone against all three. This helps build him as he survives the assault until Ambrose enters maybe even taking out one of them in the process. But when his pod unlocks Ambrose waits a few moments before helping Reigns. Eventually it comes down to Reigns and Ambrose vs Bray. Reigns is taken out when Bray refuses to break up the pin. This match is less about the Wyatts and more about tension in the Shield. As for the winner. I'm going to go with the Wyatts
Winner: Bray as only survivor

That's all well and good Eric, but the Wyatts vs The Shield will not be in the Elimination Chamber :P

Yeah I found that out later but fuck it that is what SHOULD happen. Either way Wyatts win.
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Re: Roundtable 2 - WWE Elimination Chamber

Postby Hanley! » Feb 23, '14, 9:11 am

WWE World Heavyweight Title Match
Elimination Chamber
Randy Orton (c) vs John Cena vs Daniel Bryan vs Cesaro vs Sheamus vs Christian
Order of Elimination: Christian, Cesaro, John Cena, Sheamus, Daniel Bryan
Winner: Randy Orton

Orton will win because of how much he's lost lately and because of how much WWE don't give a fuck what people actually want to see. This is the first match where I think somebody will win because of a wrestler turning on someone. Believe me, it won't be the last. Sheamus will knock out Bryan after he gets eliminated, to begin their rumoured feud and give Orton the win.

The Shield vs The Wyatt Family
Winner: The Wyatt Family

The Wyatt Family don't do much for me, because they don't seem to have much of a character outside of CREEPY. But Bray Wyatt seems to be a talent and this team seems to be on the way up, while the much superior Shield appear to be on the verge of splitting up. So this is the second match where I predict someone will turn on someone else to cost them the match. Either a miscommunication happens here and it costs Shield the victory, or Ambrose might screw over Roman Reigns.

Batista vs Alberto Del Rio
Winner: Batista

Wow, this is a shitty looking match for the guy who's going to main event Wrestlemania. Batista is obviously winning this, and obviously nobody will care.

WWE Tag Team Titles
The New Age Outlaws (c) vs The Uso's
Winners: The New Age Outlaws

I'd like the Uso's to win here, but I'd prefer for them to win at Wrestlemania. It'd be a bigger deal for them. I don't think the New Age Outlaws should really have won the belts in the first place, but now that they have I think a month reign is too short, particularly with Wrestlemania right around the corner.

Intercontinental Championship
Big E (c) vs Jack Swagger
Winner: Oh my God who fucking cares, I guess Big E

Both these guys kinda suck, but Big E sucks more so he'll probably win. They're bigging up Cesaro lately so maybe Swagger will win this so that he still seems to be on Cesaro's level. But it's more likely he loses so Cesaro can start treating him like the weak link and they can split up, given that friends turning on each other is the theme of this show.

Darren Young vs Titus O'Neal
Winner: Titus O'Neal

These guys turned on each other already? Wow, the WWE might be setting a record for most tag teams broken up in a short period of time. They really don't know how to book compelling tag team feuds, do they? It seems the only story they have for them is breaking them up.

Cody Rhodes and Goldust vs Ryback and Curtis Axel
Winners: Ryback and Curtis Axel

You guessed it. Miscommunication by Rhodes or Goldust causes them to lose the match and have a falling out with each other. Maybe my picks have been influenced by how hilarious I think it would be if they actually pull the trigger on all these turns at the same time. But they have been teasing quite a few of them lately. At least Goldust v Rhodes is a match I'd kinda like to see. But there were a lot of better ways to go about making it.
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Re: Roundtable 2 - WWE Elimination Chamber

Postby Daz » Feb 23, '14, 9:27 am

WWE World Heavyweight Title Match
Elimination Chamber
Randy Orton (c) vs John Cena vs Daniel Bryan vs Cesaro vs Sheamus vs Christian
Order of Elimination:
Winner: Randy Orton

Batista vs. Orton seems sadly inevitable, showing how out of touch WWE are with their fanbase. Cesaro will be the mvp of the match. I imagine they'll set something up for mania with Bryan. Possible Wyatt interference where Cena is concerned. I wouldn't be surprised to see the Wyatt's take out Christian pre-match so Bray can replace him. Nevertheless, after losing to pretty much everyone in the buildup, an Orton victory is pretty much nailed on.

The Shield vs The Wyatt Family
Winner: The Wyatt Family

I imagine we'll see an accidental Spear on Ambrose leading to some post-match Shield shenanigans. I don't want to see them break up to be honest but when WWE gets an idea in their head. Bray Wyatt's destined for a big match at mania, possibly with Cena, so I see him scoring the eventual pin fall.

Batista vs Alberto Del Rio
Winner: Batista

No explanation necessary.

WWE Tag Team Titles
The New Age Outlaws (c) vs The Uso's
Winners: The Uso's

I half expect the Outlaws to retain and for this to stretch out until mania. The Outlaws were only ever going to be transitional champs and the Uso's have been knocking at the door for about year now. The best thing to come out of the brief tag team resurgence was the extended push of the Uso's. They deserve the belts and should get them here. If not here, they'll get them at mania. Either way, I'm happy.

Intercontinental Championship
Big E (c) vs Jack Swagger
Winner: Big E.

This is a courtesy match for Swagger as his partner is in the main event. Big E's one of the E's recent pet projects so this one shouldn't be in any doubt. I'm pleased someone like E is going into mania with the belt, as hopefully it means the title will get highlighted in some regard at the biggest show of the year.

Darren Young vs Titus O'Neal
Winner: Titus O'Neal

I'm tempted to go with Darren young, as it's the kind of ass backwards booking WWE throws out now and then. but they see something in Titus, they want to push him, so he should go over.

Cody Rhodes and Goldust vs Ryback and Curtis Axel
Winners: Ryback and Curtis Axel

This is probably one of the more difficult ones to book. Axel and Ryback are just sort of floating about but Ryback is a guy they could chose to push at a moments notice. I half expect them to pull some sort of turn with Goldust and Cody to lead into the Rhodes vs. Rhodes match at mania they've been wanting to do for years.That'd leave WWE shy on teams again with the Primetime Players broken up, Shield well on there way, but it's never stopped them before.[/align]
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