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If Styles vs Lesnar isn't GREAT, I don't want to see Lesnar ever again

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If Styles vs Lesnar isn't GREAT, I don't want to see Lesnar ever again

Postby Hanley! » Nov 15, '17, 1:17 pm

I haven't watched a WWE pay per view in a while now, because I just haven't given a shit about them lately. But the Survivor Series card has turned around a lot this past week to the point where it looks like it could be a pretty damn good show. I'll probably be on a wrestling buzz after Takeover the night before, and I've got a day off from work on Monday. So I'm looking forward to watching this.

But a lot of that hinges on Styles vs Lesnar. It should be a really good match based on the talents of both guys. They're both hard hitting, they can both sell really well, and the clash of styles should work really well here. Even if Styles wasn't such a star, it would be refreshing to see Lesnar fight against a smaller guy after all the hoss matches he's been involved in this year.

Unfortunately, everyone seems a little unsure of how good this match will actually be. Because Lesnar doesn't wrestle long matches anymore and he doesn't often make much of an effort. His matches against Joe and Strowmann were apparently big let downs, and it's been a while since I've seen him in a really good match. Particularly if you discount matches with more than two participants.

Lesnar's whole act has worn on me. His character is a big nothing, he does little to build interest in his matches, he doesn't cut promos, he does very little to earn his pay. The one thing he should have going for him is that he's a good worker, but he rarely makes an effort in his matches. And with the level of talent in the company right now, that shouldn't be acceptable anymore.

Styles is the best worker in WWE right now. If Lesnar can't have a great match - not just a good match - with one of the elite wrestlers in the world, then I don't give a shit about him anymore. I'd rather he just retire permanently. I'm excited for this match, even though it seems a certainty that Lesnar will pick up the win. But if this match doesn't really deliver, then I can't see myself getting excited for another Lesnar match ever again. This is his last chance to win back my interest.

That's not a bad standard for the entire roster to be honest: if you can't put on a 4 star title match on PPV against Styles then get the fuck out of the main event.
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Re: If Styles vs Lesnar isn't GREAT, I don't want to see Lesnar ever again

Postby DBSoT » Nov 15, '17, 11:05 pm

1 word: Agree
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Re: If Styles vs Lesnar isn't GREAT, I don't want to see Lesnar ever again

Postby KaiserGlider » Nov 15, '17, 11:36 pm

I don't know if Lesnar is solely to blame for the string of disappointing matches at this point. The Goldberg/Joe/Strowman matches all followed pretty much the same formula of a short, intense fight that ended after one F5. It worked well for Brock/Goldberg because there were virtually no expectations for that match (and for Goldberg in general), but it didn't work when Brock was able to easily dispatch monsters like Joe and Strowman that should've been able to sustain more damage than that. It's starting to feel more to me like this is how they want to book Lesnar matches. Maybe they want to make him like Goldberg in order to be an alternative to all the guys on the roster who work 20+minute matches at every single PPV, I dunno. I thought the fatal 4-way at Summerslam was really good, and I wouldn't say Brock phoned it in during that match. But then again that wasn't a singles match.

I'm not getting super pumped about Styles/Lesnar, cause I did so for Brock/Joe and Brock/Braun and both times I was disappointed. I expect a good 10 minute match. Once Brock hits the F5, it's over. If Braun Strowman couldn't kick out of one then I don't expect AJ Styles to. I would love it if this match ends up being good, like AJ vs Reigns last year. As has been pointed out, AJ is a different type of opponent for Lesnar and that could lead to a positive change. Here's hoping (but not too much).
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Re: If Styles vs Lesnar isn't GREAT, I don't want to see Lesnar ever again

Postby AkydefGoldberg » Nov 16, '17, 3:14 am

Physically, Styles is a different proposition to the guys Brock has faced so you'd hope that may bring a change to the way the match pans out. They could - but I'd hope not - squash him quickly or think they can conjure up a more sustainable match and ask Brock to work longer. IDK how much of a run Styles is on since his work as a heel around last year's Mania (I'd assume his stock has faded due to not fault of his own) but if they give Mahal the strap they clearly don't care about the guy who who holds the belt or the belt itself (not that they have for a while tbf)
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Re: If Styles vs Lesnar isn't GREAT, I don't want to see Lesnar ever again

Postby Str8Shooter » Nov 16, '17, 10:34 pm

Brock is fully capable of having very good matches, the problem is once he stumbled upon the "suplex city" formula where the suplexes got over, he realized he didn't have to do much anymore. It's just him pummeling his opponent with germans and a few shoulder thrusts and them getting a couple big hope spots before the finish.

We'll see if they allow Styles to be portrayed as any sort of threat. But given his size I doubt they will.

This match still will blow anything Brock/Jinder could have done out of the water though.
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