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Saw Foo Fighters last night for the 2nd time..

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Saw Foo Fighters last night for the 2nd time..

Postby Locke » Aug 22, '15, 9:18 am

And I'm wrekt. Jeebus I barely drank a thing and my entire body is killing me, my head is pounding, my ears are still ringing.. We were so close to them, like "across the street" close, only we were at an angle where we could see behind the stage and see all the stagehands and techs and stuff.. Close enough we could have probably got something signed if we waited but didn't wanna bug. Dave wrekt it dude, absolutely SMASHED it. Good 3 hour concert if not more, and their opening band (Royal Blood) was pretty epic, too.

All in all fantastic show, Dave looks great on the throne since he broke his leg, he should keep it as part of the show. Told the whole story, showed clips.. my God he's so funny, so HUMAN. Talked to everyone and told awesome road stories.. I can't remember him doing that last time (but they did play like 6 fucking hours last time, I'm kinda glad they didn't do that this time).

Mother fucking Westboro Baptists showed up with signs and protested (because Pat Smear) and a buncha Kansas Citians just whipped their asses Stone Cold style. I just watched on and shook my head.. lol

BEST NIGHT EVER. Gotta say the best performance was Foo Fighters - These Days, though. Holy fucking balls that song lit up the fire of the soul for every person in the Sprint Center. And of course they just fucking melted faces. Ugh my dick can only get so hard, hahahaha.

Just thought I'd share. Even if you're not a huge Foo fan (to be honest I'm not their biggest fan, but my wife is), you will be doing yourself a disservice if you ever pass up a chance to check them out live. They are just.. living fucking legends, period. It'd be like watching The Beatles or The Eagles during their prime.. you just gotta do it while they are still going, you gotta see them!

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Re: Saw Foo Fighters last night for the 2nd time..

Postby Viazon » Aug 22, '15, 10:26 am

I remember the first time I saw Foo Fighters live. It was better than the first time I had sex. Or any other time I have had sex for that matter.

I cannot wait to see them again. I was supposed to see them in Wembley but it got postponed because of Dave's broken leg. However, I now got tickets to see them in two weeks in Milton Keynes, which is much closer to home for me and the same place I saw them the first time.

The best part of the night for me was when they were performing Best Of You. Halfway through the song they stopped playing and everyone in the crowd was the doing "whooooa-oh-oh" part of the song. It went on for a while and they just sort of stood there and let it sink all in. It was amazing. Nearly 70,000 people in attendance and all you can hear was everyone single one of them singing that in complete unison.

Matter of fact, going through Youtube, I found a video of this exact moment. It starts at about 3 mins and 30 seconds into the video.

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Last edited by Viazon on Aug 22, '15, 10:48 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Saw Foo Fighters last night for the 2nd time..

Postby Locke » Aug 22, '15, 10:42 am

I'ma rep you 10, and already did, but I need them back to NEG10 bomb some other piece of shit! BBL~
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Re: Saw Foo Fighters last night for the 2nd time..

Postby Hanley! » Aug 22, '15, 1:33 pm

I really liked them when I saw them live years ago. It was actually a brilliant gig overall, as they were being supported by Nine Inch Nails, who I also like. And NIN were playing a lot of songs from my favourite album of theirs (Pretty Hate Machine), which made it even better. The second support band was Silversun Pickups, who I had never heard before but also turned out to be pretty good.

Grohl has a good presence as a front man. He engages with the crowd and tells stories and makes the live show feel special. I never appreciate concerts where the bands play their stuff mechanically and don't interact with the crowd. If that's the case you might as well stay at home and listen to the CD. You want that back and forth between the crowd and the performers, and the little bit of improv too.

When I saw them, Grohl opened with Everlong. He was playing the acoustic version rather than the original. But for the last chorus the other instruments kicked in and the rest of the band came out on stage. It was a brilliant way to start the show. Another highlight was their version of "Stacked Actors" which was about double it's usual length, with extra instrumental bits thrown in the middle. They played with a ton of energy, and it was just a blast.

They're not one of my favourite bands, but I do really enjoy a lot of their stuff, and their live performance was so much better to listening to them on CD. Tickets for Foo Fighters can run a little pricey, but I still think I'd like to see them again some time.
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Re: Saw Foo Fighters last night for the 2nd time..

Postby Viazon » Aug 22, '15, 2:03 pm

^They did something similar when I saw them but with Times Like These. Dave started the acoustic version all by himself. But my near the end of the song the rest of the band came in and finished it in the full band version. Sounded awesome.
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Re: Saw Foo Fighters last night for the 2nd time..

Postby Locke » Aug 29, '15, 1:33 pm

Photo dump from my shitty phone:

outside arena, sprint center kcmo

wifu and me (we're hot, i know - that's her girly hand in the center, not mine, mine's the fat one behind her - only posting this because our faces are completely retarded and that's when they hit the stage)

big me cell show

cell cam sucks but we were actually closer than this looks

tried to get the throne and do it justice while it was moving, but too blurry.. best shot
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Re: Saw Foo Fighters last night for the 2nd time..

Postby Circled Square » Aug 29, '15, 1:47 pm

I have never been to a concert in my life. Please kill me.
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Re: Saw Foo Fighters last night for the 2nd time..

Postby Viazon » Aug 30, '15, 12:12 pm

I have a question. How was the whole show with him being on the throne? Because I thought the best thing about the show the last time I saw them was how energetic and lively he was. Running up and down the stage and interacting with the crowd. The making his presence known and completely owning the stage. I get the feeling that it wouldn't feel as good with him confined to sitting down the whole show.
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Re: Saw Foo Fighters last night for the 2nd time..

Postby Battleaxe » Aug 31, '15, 3:49 pm

Viazon wrote:I have a question. How was the whole show with him being on the throne? Because I thought the best thing about the show the last time I saw them was how energetic and lively he was. Running up and down the stage and interacting with the crowd. The making his presence known and completely owning the stage. I get the feeling that it wouldn't feel as good with him confined to sitting down the whole show.

I saw them in mid July and had that same thought going into it, and while he obviously wasn't able to be his usual energetic self, he made up for it by being even more verbally interactive than usual.

Sitting down, standing doesn't matter. He could own the stage all the way from the parking lot.
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Re: Saw Foo Fighters last night for the 2nd time..

Postby Locke » Aug 31, '15, 8:06 pm

He shared a lot of awesome road stories which made me feel it was even better. The crowd laughed and cheered as much as they jammed out. Plus, to be fair, that throne buzzed around pretty fast. It was fucking amazing.. haha.
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Re: Saw Foo Fighters last night for the 2nd time..

Postby Viazon » Sep 06, '15, 3:22 am

So just saw them last night. Epic night, as I expected. Dace Grohl did make me feel really old though. He played a bunch of recent songs and then said he was going to play an old song for his older fans. He then proceeded to play Breakout. I wouldn't have considered that an old song. After some research however, I discovered that Breakout was 15 years ago! Insane.

It seems like they did a similar show to yours Locke. He also urged us to get our phones out for the Big Me performance. They also did their history on Milton Keynes, the town the show took place in. The town has a famous concrete cows sculpture has cows have come to be associated with the town. So he performed For All The Cows.

He didn't do the whole slide show thing. He talked about how he does it in America because he feels they don't know the full story of what happened with his leg. But he felt us Europeans did so instead skip the slide show and just sang another song.

John Paul Jones and Roger Taylor joined them on stage and performed Under Pressure which was pretty cool.

There were a few songs I was looking forward to hearing that they didn't perform but they still played a lot of their greats. They opened with Everlong, which they finished with last time, and finished with Best Of You.

10/10. Would go to watch again.
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Re: Saw Foo Fighters last night for the 2nd time..

Postby Locke » Sep 06, '15, 2:39 pm

Omg sounds like you guys got the treatment, John Paul Jones and Roger Taylor? I'd be jelly but I still, to this day, have that concert boner.. so.. Good on ya, glad you enjoyed it. ;) Those guys are epic and crazy and I can't believe he's that fun on a fucking wheelchair (more or less). It's inspirational. <3
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