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Disney acquires Fox entertainment assets and film studio

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Disney acquires Fox entertainment assets and film studio

Postby KaiserGlider » Dec 15, '17, 11:33 pm ... ion-stock/

This happened yesterday and has been touted as one of the biggest deals ever made in the entertainment industry. It encompasses a ton of different TV/film/network/etc content, but the main bullet points for here are:

- Disney will be the undisputed top studio as they will own Star Wars, Marvel, and Avatar.
- They will also own X-Men, Fantastic Four, and Deadpool - so those characters will be able to appear in the MCU.
- They will have rights to distribute the original, unedited Star Wars trilogy.
- The deal will take 1-2 years to take effect.
- This has a lot of people worried that Disney is getting too big.

I see Fantastic Four probably getting rebooted yet again and will undoubtedly be the best version of it so far (not that there's much of a bar to clear there). Disney CEO said they are open to keeping Deadpool rated-R, and they would be fools to reboot that after the massive success of the Ryan Reynolds film. X-Men is the one I'm not really getting excited about at all. They will likely reboot it but it will never be as cool as the previous casts with Hugh Jackman, Patrick Stewart, Michael Fassbender, etc. Wolverine's story was concluded perfectly in Logan so I'm okay with Jackman being done. Thoughts?
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Last edited by KaiserGlider on Dec 16, '17, 9:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Disney acquires Fox entertainment assets and film studio

Postby Hanley! » Dec 16, '17, 8:48 pm

I personally don't like this. I find the Marvel Cinematic Universe movies decent, but at this point pretty boring. They're very much paint-by-numbers action films that lack any clear creative vision. It's rare that you can see any of the director's voice in the films. The last thing I want for the superhero genre is for most major superhero properties to not only be owned by the one company, but to be owned by a company with a terrible track record at offering us diversity within that genre.

Fox had some massive misses in the genre, but Deadpool and the best X-Men films were better than anything the MCU has put out yet, and I fear that these properties are going to become more generic now that they're with Disney. And the concept of a X-Men / Avengers crossover has no appeal to me whatsoever. Any film that tried to incorporate that many characters with that many different powers would be a mess.

Side note: I liked the first Fantastic Four movie with Jessica Alba and Chris Evans. It was cheesy and dumb, but in a fun enjoyable way. Unpopular opinion, I know. But I still quite enjoyed it.
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