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Defenders TV shows

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Defenders TV shows

Postby Everlong » Dec 04, '16, 2:40 pm

So I just recenty finished watching the first two seasons of Daredevil. Now I'm working on Jessica Jones, and will afterwards move on to Luke Cage.

Gotta say, I had pretty low expectations, given how bored I've been with most Marvel stuff recently. But maybe the TV format really gives them more chance to shine. I thought Daredevil was excellent, particularly the way they handled characters like The Punisher and even Elektra (wasn't huge on her portrayal initially). Looking forward to seeing where that show goes.

Jessica Jones has also been really good so far. I love the noir feel it has, and Killgrave has been creepy as fuck.

Who else has watched these?
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Re: Defenders TV shows

Postby Hanley! » Dec 04, '16, 3:27 pm

I thought Daredevil had potential, but ultimately it was pretty bad. It ended up being all style and no substance whatsoever. I've never seen a show try so hard to NOT deliver on its potential. It was frustrating. That being said, I only watched Season 1. But everyone who's told me about Season 2 says its worse than the first.

I liked the idea of it being a mix between a superhero show and a lawyer show, but we almost never see Daredevil acting as lawyer in the show. I thought it would be cool to watch a hero who had an obvious vulnerability (blindness), but it didn't effect him in any way throughout the entire season. I was even interested in seeing a hero who was torn between three codes of morality: Christianity, the law, and vigilantism. But this wasn't really explored either.

Hell, I even thought the main cast had a lot of chemistry with each other and they capitalised on it by barely having them in scenes together. There was so much waste in this show. Often an episode would end and I'd find myself wondering where the time had gone; wondering what they had actually managed to accomplish in that episode.

I just wanted the show to be more than a series of long, pretty, highly choreographed fight scenes that look extremely impressive without actually being engaging at all.

Jessica Jones is another story. I wasn't excited about watching the rest of these Marvel shows, but I was sold on giving Jessica Jones a shot due to the concept behind it. The idea of a former superhero being broken and scared and barely keeping a roof over her head as a private investigator was automatically engaging. This wasn't a show that was simply selling itself on name value. There was an immediate hook.

Kilgrave was such a great villain. He's creepy as fuck. The flashbacks in the show were all great at creating atmosphere and making Kilgrave even more terrifying. The show continuously made me wonder how the heroes could possibly deal with this guy. Which is a great and rare thing to establish in one of these superhero shows. I thought Tennant was great in the role too - as were most of the rest of the cast.

I thought the show was the opposite of Daredevil too in one way. Daredevil stretched the shit out of absolutely nothing plot points, while Jessica Jones would have episodes around interesting plot developments that could have been drawn out for half a season if they had wanted to go that way. It always had me guessing.

So I was a big fan of Jessica Jones and look forward to hopefully seeing more of it. Though I'm not too interested in checking out Luke cage, even though he was good in Jessica Jones. There's not that same hook there to draw me in, and I've heard mixed things about it so far.

Not sure what to think about the Defenders either. I mean, I already don't much like the Avengers because I don't think the characters all work together. I don't see how the show version would be any better.
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Re: Defenders TV shows

Postby Daz » Dec 04, '16, 4:40 pm

The cast for Defenders is insane. Literally everyone from the separate shows with Sigourney Weaver thrown in for good measure. No idea how they're gonna handle them all.
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Re: Defenders TV shows

Postby Locke » Dec 04, '16, 4:58 pm

I thought Daredevil needed its own movie. The first season was one thing, but after the second season it was just flatout better than anything Marvel has put out in movie form. I mean Matt Murdock/Dare Devil is one thing, but all of his co-stars being like 200x better is just flat out unheard of. And Kingpin? HOLY BALLS. I cannot believe that's Full Metal Jacket's "Gomer" are you kidding me? Or Jurassic World's Military "baddy" are you KIDDING ME? That dude's acting chops... fucking astounding. I've never seen a better show than Season 1 of DD, and then Season 2 comes along and also introduces The Punisher (who I didn't know as I've never seen Walking Dead but after I read up on it, I thought he did waaaay better here than WD), who made me for the first time in my life feel sympathy for a psycho ex-war guy. They really put that shit into 2015/16 perspective.

I loved the first Avengers movie, but so far I think DD Season 1 and 2 both out do it all, and let's not forget how bad ass Agents of Shield is nowadays with Ghost Rider (even tho I loved it well before).

These shows on TV are mocking the movies, and I love it. Tony Stark be damned, this shit is awesome.
Great time to be a "comic guy."
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