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Seven years

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Seven years

Postby Everlong » Oct 23, '20, 2:47 pm

We recently surpassed the seven-year anniversary of the founding of this site and the closure of WWE-Club.

Obviously this site is dead, barely anyone checks it any more and I can't be assed to put any time into updating it, but just wanted to share this milestone because, damn, that feels like a lifetime ago.

Missin' those WWE-club and early PubTalk/SquaredCircle days. It was a better internet back then!

Cheers :cheers2 :cheers

Hope you're all well!
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Re: Seven years

Postby Hanley! » Oct 23, '20, 3:22 pm

We've had some good times here, I remember the place fondly. But it does feel like the whole forum might be better suited to being a WhatsApp group at this point.
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Re: Seven years

Postby PorkChop » Oct 25, '20, 3:59 pm

7 years is crazy. WWE-Club feels like a distant memory now. A fond one though.

Although activity is lower than ever these days, I am grateful to still keep in touch with you guys. It means a lot. It's nice to go through old posts and reminisce from time to time, remembering some of the classic threads and some familiar names. I'd love to know how @prophet and @Viazon are doing as it's been a while.

An interesting idea from Hanley! above. I'd be up for that.
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Re: Seven years

Postby AkydefGoldberg » Oct 27, '20, 6:34 am

Yeah, there's something in the fact that even though the place is quiet as hell, we still come back for the odd post or the nostalgia. There's a positive in that. :)

I'm on Twitter, and so are Tim and Hanley, but not everyone is. Not sure what's the alternative and having an infrequent conversation or updates :shaq

If it's not costing anyone money, besides time, then this place could still be around. I think if we got rid of it, I would end up missing it on a slow home working day lol
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Re: Seven years

Postby The Legend » Nov 09, '20, 11:57 am

Congratulations too us. I enjoyed logging on here and seeing some more activity. Hopefully we could see it continue in some form.
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Re: Seven years

Postby Enygma » Nov 24, '20, 5:55 pm

Yeah I occasionally check in on this place every now and then, just to see how everyone is and have a look at some of the classic threads on here. Unfortunately work and personal life stuff ate up a lot of my life a few years ago and became less active (still does) I'd love to do that WhatsApp group chat though because there really is a great bunch of people on here who kept me coming back because everyone is just a laugh on here. :tim
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Re: Seven years

Postby AkydefGoldberg » Nov 27, '20, 7:10 am

Enygma wrote:Yeah I occasionally check in on this place every now and then, just to see how everyone is and have a look at some of the classic threads on here. Unfortunately work and personal life stuff ate up a lot of my life a few years ago and became less active (still does) I'd love to do that WhatsApp group chat though because there really is a great bunch of people on here who kept me coming back because everyone is just a laugh on here. :tim

Remind me - were you in the WCSF? Name definitely rings a bell but I'm sure it was involved in the game in some form. Welcome back! :cheers
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Re: Seven years

Postby prophet » Nov 27, '20, 9:55 am

Happy anniversary all!

It may not be what it once was but in the golden years we had one of the best little communities on the internet and the fact we’re still in touch, however sporadically, is a testament to that!
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Re: Seven years

Postby Kreashko » Jan 20, '21, 12:32 pm

Sorry I'm super late to the party but damn was it a party. Although I haven't posted all that much here, I have enjoyed my time.
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Re: Seven years

Postby JDD » Feb 01, '21, 7:56 pm

Decided to log on for the first time in forever and just wanted to say hey. A little late but here’s to seven years :tim :tim :tim

I literally grew up on wwe-club/pub talk and around all you guys. A lot of great memories that I’ll always hold dear so thank you all for that. Hope you’re all doing well.
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Re: Seven years

Postby Ali » Feb 07, '21, 10:48 pm

How about we set up a Discord server?
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Re: Seven years

Postby Viazon » Apr 13, '21, 11:46 am

PorkChop wrote:7 years is crazy. WWE-Club feels like a distant memory now. A fond one though.

Although activity is lower than ever these days, I am grateful to still keep in touch with you guys. It means a lot. It's nice to go through old posts and reminisce from time to time, remembering some of the classic threads and some familiar names. I'd love to know how @prophet and @Viazon are doing as it's been a while.

An interesting idea from Hanley! above. I'd be up for that.

I'm still alive. Don't worry!

It is quite sad to see how dead this forum is now. I just randomly logged on after Wrestlemania and saw there have been very few posts made in the last few months. I know I'm to blame for that too. I just never found the time to come on here anymore.

As some of you may know, I started my own business back in 2018, opening my own gaming store. And I have to say, it has not been a fun few years. There is a lot of shit that has happened, on top of a global pandemic, that I wont go into right now. There was a time where I worked everyday for three straight months, doing 12+ hours a day. I had literally no time to do anything. Even if I had time to do stuff, I was so tired to do anything. Things are a lot better now. We are lucky to still be in business after so many have gone bust. Now that lockdown restrictions are easing, we can finally get this business back on track, with other previous problems having been dealt with, and start actually earning a decent living.

But on top of all that, I don't watch wrestling as religiously as I used to. Also, I think spending every hour possible on a internet forum is all good during your 20s. But it gets a bit difficult to do as you are older. Not that there is anything wrong with it at all. But as you get older you get other responsibilities that you have to prioritise.

I still have very fond memories of this forum though and it means a lot to me. This was literally my home whenever I got home from school or work. I feel like I know most of you people more than I know most people in my life.

It may be a bit too late now but I want to try and find time to come back on here more often and post when I can.
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Re: Seven years

Postby DBSoT » Apr 15, '21, 6:58 am

It is crazy to think it has been so long since this site was active. In that time frame, I got married, moved twice and a mini me is coming soon. I hope your all doing well.

As @viazon mentioned, it is difficult to find the time to talk on a forum as you get into your 30s and responsibilities increase. It is a testament to the how awesome this place was that people still come back to visit, even with the discussion being dead. Ironically, it does feel like going back to a "pub" in your hometown. Too bad the Pub name never stuck. Lol
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Re: Seven years

Postby AkydefGoldberg » Apr 26, '21, 10:42 am

Viazon wrote:
PorkChop wrote:7 years is crazy. WWE-Club feels like a distant memory now. A fond one though.

Although activity is lower than ever these days, I am grateful to still keep in touch with you guys. It means a lot. It's nice to go through old posts and reminisce from time to time, remembering some of the classic threads and some familiar names. I'd love to know how @prophet and @Viazon are doing as it's been a while.

An interesting idea from Hanley! above. I'd be up for that.

I'm still alive. Don't worry!

It is quite sad to see how dead this forum is now. I just randomly logged on after Wrestlemania and saw there have been very few posts made in the last few months. I know I'm to blame for that too. I just never found the time to come on here anymore.

As some of you may know, I started my own business back in 2018, opening my own gaming store. And I have to say, it has not been a fun few years. There is a lot of shit that has happened, on top of a global pandemic, that I wont go into right now. There was a time where I worked everyday for three straight months, doing 12+ hours a day. I had literally no time to do anything. Even if I had time to do stuff, I was so tired to do anything. Things are a lot better now. We are lucky to still be in business after so many have gone bust. Now that lockdown restrictions are easing, we can finally get this business back on track, with other previous problems having been dealt with, and start actually earning a decent living.

But on top of all that, I don't watch wrestling as religiously as I used to. Also, I think spending every hour possible on a internet forum is all good during your 20s. But it gets a bit difficult to do as you are older. Not that there is anything wrong with it at all. But as you get older you get other responsibilities that you have to prioritise.

I still have very fond memories of this forum though and it means a lot to me. This was literally my home whenever I got home from school or work. I feel like I know most of you people more than I know most people in my life.

It may be a bit too late now but I want to try and find time to come back on here more often and post when I can.

Great to hear from you Vince, good that your business is fighting another day in what must have been a horrific time.
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Re: Seven years

Postby PorkChop » Apr 29, '21, 9:37 am

It's really good to see some familiar names in this thread. I miss talking to you guys a lot. I feel I got to know a load of you really well, and shared some hilarious (and at times, downright weird :lol) moments together.

It's a trip down memory lane coming back on here. I just read through a load of my old posts and it's crazy how different my life is now. I suspect everyone here can say the same. It's quite strange looking back.

@Viazon it's great to hear that your business is back on the right track. Covid has done a job on us here, but there's light at the end of the tunnel now. I wish you all the success in the world. @Everlong and @AkydefGoldberg, I hope fatherhood is treating you well and proves to be the making of you. @prophet and @Daz, you're still my boys.

If this site is ever going to go under and we reconvene on Discord or whatever, count me in. I don't check the site as much as I used to these days, but I'll keep an eye out for any plans. I hope that whatever happens, I'll still be able to catch up with you guys like we used to, and share a few more laughs along the way.

Best wishes to all :tim
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Re: Seven years

Postby Everlong » May 07, '21, 9:23 am

I'd be down for setting up a discord server. This site will probably never shut down because it costs me nothing at the moment (I use the same hosting for a couple other websites that aren't going anywhere, so basically I pay the $15 bucks a year or whatever to keep this domain name). But I don't exactly check it more than every couple weeks at the moment.
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Re: Seven years

Postby prophet » Jul 31, '21, 6:16 pm

PorkChop wrote:It's really good to see some familiar names in this thread. I miss talking to you guys a lot. I feel I got to know a load of you really well, and shared some hilarious (and at times, downright weird :lol) moments together.

It's a trip down memory lane coming back on here. I just read through a load of my old posts and it's crazy how different my life is now. I suspect everyone here can say the same. It's quite strange looking back.

@Viazon it's great to hear that your business is back on the right track. Covid has done a job on us here, but there's light at the end of the tunnel now. I wish you all the success in the world. @Everlong and @AkydefGoldberg, I hope fatherhood is treating you well and proves to be the making of you. @prophet and @Daz, you're still my boys.

If this site is ever going to go under and we reconvene on Discord or whatever, count me in. I don't check the site as much as I used to these days, but I'll keep an eye out for any plans. I hope that whatever happens, I'll still be able to catch up with you guys like we used to, and share a few more laughs along the way.

Best wishes to all :tim

You’re still the man, Porky. Hope you’re well mate (and everyone else for that matter)
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Re: Seven years

Postby Chewy » May 20, '22, 6:52 am

So, did you start a Discord? :deadhorse
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Re: Seven years

Postby Everlong » May 31, '22, 11:37 am

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Re: Seven years

Postby AkydefGoldberg » Jun 19, '22, 10:40 am

What's this Discord business about, it's a new one for me.

I have to say, I was reading excerpts of WCSF online and reminded of how exciting it was to be part of that and struggling away on my dial up Internet to read shows. Neat having a character holding a title but the big one eluded 'ol Delroy Andrews (damn you Dynamite @Chewy)
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