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Overcoming a creative block..

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Overcoming a creative block..

Postby AkydefGoldberg » Feb 17, '15, 8:22 am

I wrote my recent blog post (cheap plug in my sig) and after I wrote it and posted it, I kinda realised I wasn’t happy with how I wrote it.

Prior to writing, I felt pretty pumped about what I was going to write about (the cricket match between India-Pakistan and the latter’s weaknesses) but when I write, I just end up having a blank. I try to read articles to get an idea of different writing and styles and I do try to implement some things but there are a few times I have a blank of WTF do I need to write next and how?

Generally IMO, my mind span probably isn’t the best but words I have in my mind about a topic, putting that down in writing for a wider audience seems difficult to compose.

We’ve got some creative folks in here writing novels like @Daz and @Hanley! (or similar) so keen to get any thoughts.
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Re: Overcoming a creative block..

Postby Daz » Feb 17, '15, 10:06 am

It's definitely tricky. I went through about 8 months of serious depression a couple of years ago and that was the worst for doing anything creative. For me, when I'm feeling blocked or whatever, I just try to power through and put something down on the page. It doesn't matter if what you've written is shit, because you have something to build on. Usually a find there's one or two things in there that spark something and you can go through them.

When I get really blocked , I might step away from the computer and write by hand. If I'm writing by hand, I'll switch to the laptop. I might move to a different room and try to change my environment. I don't know what it is about my brain but it seems to get tricked into gear moving from one place to another.

I don't know, there's not really a secret to it, which is why it's taken me three and a half years almost to write and edit a book. You kinda just have to force yourself to do it.
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Re: Overcoming a creative block..

Postby Everlong » Feb 17, '15, 11:01 am

Yeah, it's really tough. Part of my biggest problem with the novel I've been kinda-sorta working on is that I just don't know exactly how I want to wrap things up, and there are some details that I need to fill in here and there, and having that stuff up in the air has really gotten in the way of my writing. I've found that I love to write, but not so much to plan :lol

But really, if you're able to outline some general ideas of what you want to do, that helps out so much. Never underestimate the importance of pre-writing.

When you write your blog posts, do you plan them out or do you just sit down and start typing?
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Re: Overcoming a creative block..

Postby DanielsonTHAGOAT » Feb 17, '15, 11:50 am

Yeah, I agree with Tim, never underestimate pre-writing.

I think the best thing to do as a creative is to just write down whatever you possibly can. It doesn't matter if it's crappy, just continue to write until you get led on to something you can work with.

Another thing you could do is re-visit some of your favorites books, movies, music records, and paintings to get your creative juices flowing with inspiration.

I also recommend reading Julia Cameron's; The Artist's Way: A Spiritual Path in Higher Creativity. That book really kicks you out of writer's block.
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Re: Overcoming a creative block..

Postby SortaCreative » Feb 17, '15, 12:12 pm

Plan, plan and then plan some more.

That's where most of the creativity comes out. The ability to jump around the plan at will and change things. Eventually you want to be in a position where the plan is practically the finished post, novel, article or whatever and all that's left (which is a hard part in and of itself) is writing it out.
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Re: Overcoming a creative block..

Postby AkydefGoldberg » Feb 17, '15, 2:41 pm

Everlong wrote:When you write your blog posts, do you plan them out or do you just sit down and start typing?

The latter. I shouldn't do but I just tend to write but I should bullet point a few items I want to discuss, then sort the intro and work from there using the bullet points.
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Re: Overcoming a creative block..

Postby Hanley! » Feb 17, '15, 8:19 pm

Usually I find you just have to push through it. Nothing is more inspirational to a writer than those first words you put on the screen. One sentence gives you the idea for the next, and before long the ideas start ballooning outwards. I'm all for planning your work ahead of time, but when you get that creative block and start to feel stuck, just start writing. Anything at all. It'll help to get rid of the block. And if you're not happy with those first few sentences when you go back and look over your work later, you can just get rid of them or rewrite them.

I do find, like Daz, that sometimes a change of location can help to get me in the right mindset. It can be helpful to have a designated space or time when you write, because your mind will make the connection and put itself in the right mode.
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