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Why do people think that...

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Why do people think that...

Postby PorkChop » Jun 13, '15, 6:18 am

...Ryan Giggs was better than Gareth Bale?

Whenever this is brought up, people act like it's a controversial statement. But why? In 20+ seasons in the Premier League, Giggs never came close to the heights Bale achieved in his last two seasons with Spurs, despite being surrounded by some of the greatest players the league had ever seen. Bale's last season with Real Madrid was still much better than most (if not all) of Giggs' seasons at United - and by Bale's standards, he was disappointing.

I think Bale is better in almost every discernable facet of the game than Giggs ever was. I've always felt Giggs' legacy was always viewed through rose-tinted glasses because of his longevity, but in terms of actual ability, Bale is the far superior player. The only advantage I'd give to Giggs is that he's better looking, as Bale could be mistaken for Charles Darwin's missing link.

Bale is stronger than Giggs, is faster than Giggs at this point in both of their careers (Giggs' pace consistently declined throughout his career) is better in the air, is a better finisher, scores more goals, is a better crosser of the ball, better at set pieces, better at long shots, more versatile, actually gives a shit about his country and doesn't shag his brother's wife.

I rest my case.
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Re: Why do people think that...

Postby Chewy » Jun 14, '15, 5:27 am

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Re: Why do people think that...

Postby Daz » Jun 14, '15, 1:55 pm

You convinced me with your closing line.
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Re: Why do people think that...

Postby SKS » Jun 16, '15, 9:13 pm

Ryan Giggs is a fucking wank cunt and Gareth Bale is Donkey Kong's cousin and he fucks sheep like any good Welshman would. Only reason Bale has trophies is because he rides Ronaldo's glorious penis like Giggs brother's wife rode his willy. They both can fuck off.
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