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UK Peeps, EU Referendum. You in or out?

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EU Referendum

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Re: UK Peeps, EU Referendum. You in or out?

Postby Daz » Jun 25, '16, 11:37 am

Twister wrote:These sound bites from the general public make for some embarrassing watching:

Is it just me who thinks immigration will probably remain the same and that the leave campaign did a fine job at playing on people's insecurities regarding the issue?

I don't think we should have had a referendum on this, it's to big of a decision for the general public to make, especially when it seems most of them are complete idiots without a clue what they were voting for in the first place.

What a shambles.

Of course it won't solve immigration. We'll still have non-EU migrants like we did before, and we always had the ability to "close" the borders when it came to them.Beyond that, trading with the EU isn't gonna come free, and frankly we need EU workers to come and work in places like the NHS. So we'll likely wind up coming to agreement to allow the free movement of labour and shit. The whole thing is a shambles.
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Re: UK Peeps, EU Referendum. You in or out?

Postby Viazon » Jun 25, '16, 12:09 pm

A few people where I work voted leave. I don't think they fully thought about the long term implications when it comes to their job. Firstly, they are so many European workers where I work. A majority of them are immigrants with most of them coming from Europe. There are very few British born people who actually work there in the warehouse. People moan about them coming over and taking our jobs, but let me tell you. They do the sort of jobs British people may not want to do. And they work hard. Damn near all of them come in early and do a few extra hours over time. Most of them even come in at the weekends. The British born workers there do a bit of overtime but no way near as much. And also, most of the product we sell comes from Europe. I'm really not sure how that is going to effect us in the long run. Most people at work feel like it wont end well for the company.
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Re: UK Peeps, EU Referendum. You in or out?

Postby Daz » Jun 25, '16, 12:15 pm

Viazon wrote:A few people where I work voted leave. I don't think they fully thought about the long term implications when it comes to their job. Firstly, they are so many European workers where I work. A majority of them are immigrants with most of them coming from Europe. There are very few British born people who actually work there in the warehouse. People moan about them coming over and taking our jobs, but let me tell you. They do the sort of jobs British people may not want to do. And they work hard. Damn near all of them come in early and do a few extra hours over time. Most of them even come in at the weekends. The British born workers there do a bit of overtime but no way near as much. And also, most of the product we sell comes from Europe. I'm really not sure how that is going to effect us in the long run. Most people at work feel like it wont end well for the company.

I've seen so many posts gloating about taking our country back, escaping from a "dictatorship" who don't at all understand the ramifications of what they've done. They're treating it like they've won a kickabout in the park and it is thoroughly disgusting.
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Re: UK Peeps, EU Referendum. You in or out?

Postby AkydefGoldberg » Jun 25, '16, 1:05 pm

And here starts the racist, gloating, threatening behaviour that will only exacerbate post EU referendum.
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Re: UK Peeps, EU Referendum. You in or out?

Postby PorkChop » Jun 25, '16, 3:09 pm

I can't put into words how I feel about this. It's a combination of feeling sickened, betrayed, and hopeless.

I can't believe this is actually happening. We've massively fucked up. I'm praying that somehow we're able to reverse the decision, even though this would anger half the country. I've just completely lost faith in democracy. I can't actually believe that people trusted the Leave campaign and actually thought it was a good idea to leave the EU. We shouldn't have had this referendum anyway. Fuck you David Cameron for using this as a bargaining tool to get into power, you slimy, shiny-forehead wanker.

I've never felt less British than I do right now. Britain is becoming increasingly racist and fascist and this referendum brought out the worst in people. Many people seemed to side with the Leave campaign because it best reflected their thinly-veiled racism and xenophobia. It's difficult to accept that the Remain side, the more prosperous and forward-thinking side, lost out and now I have to live with the consequences.

Watch as UKIP and Britain First get a huge surge in support now, and tensions between the UK and Europe reach highs we haven't seen since World War 2. It's absolutely terrifying to think about the future now.
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Re: UK Peeps, EU Referendum. You in or out?

Postby SlightlyJames » Jun 25, '16, 4:30 pm

I'm seeing a lot of No voters from the IndyRef in 2014 saying that next time around they'll be voting Yes as a result of this, the Sunday Post have done a poll on what people think of Independence in the wake of the Brexit vote and 59% were in favour, though of course that is immediately after a major change in circumstances and a lot of people are worried about what it may mean, so time will tell how many of those are merely a knee jerk reaction.

The most recent General Election and the results of the EU Referendum have only further highlighted the growing disparity in political attitudes between Scotland and the bulk of the UK. Scotland said very clearly and very strongly that we don't want to leave the EU and Sturgeon is looking for talks with EU representatives to keep us in when the rest of the UK departs.
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Re: UK Peeps, EU Referendum. You in or out?

Postby Matteo » Jun 25, '16, 7:35 pm

PorkChop wrote:Many people seemed to side with the Leave campaign because it best reflected their thinly-veiled racism and xenophobia. It's difficult to accept that the Remain side, the more prosperous and forward-thinking side, lost out and now I have to live with the consequences.

While this may certainly apply to numerous voters, I don't think it's right to label everyone who sided with the Leave campaign as racist, fascist and/or xenophobic. Also, I do not like the connotations where nationalism is intrinsically linked to racism or bigotry. There are many sound arguments for nationalism. I don't agree with them, mind you, but I can acknowledge them as rational and logical and hardly fuelled with any xenophobic hatred.

I actually think the results of the referendum are very telling. Numerous scholars have documented the 'failure' - or the fragmentation - of multiculturalism in Europe, and this referendum reflects those sentiments. When you look at the philosophical tenets of multiculturalism, it has, by definition, not worked. It's a utopian conception, honestly, and its failure does not really come as a surprise.

I also think it is important that, in moments like this, one shouldn't succumb to the hyperbole or start pointing fingers at people and calling them xenophobes or bigots. Of course, there are some voters who took part in the referendum to satisfy their own irrational beliefs, sure, but not all 52% of them. It is not that black and white to me.
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Re: UK Peeps, EU Referendum. You in or out?

Postby Daz » Jun 26, '16, 12:06 am

Matteo wrote:
PorkChop wrote:Many people seemed to side with the Leave campaign because it best reflected their thinly-veiled racism and xenophobia. It's difficult to accept that the Remain side, the more prosperous and forward-thinking side, lost out and now I have to live with the consequences.

While this may certainly apply to numerous voters, I don't think it's right to label everyone who sided with the Leave campaign as racist, fascist and/or xenophobic. Also, I do not like the connotations where nationalism is intrinsically linked to racism or bigotry. There are many sound arguments for nationalism. I don't agree with them, mind you, but I can acknowledge them as rational and logical and hardly fuelled with any xenophobic hatred.

I actually think the results of the referendum are very telling. Numerous scholars have documented the 'failure' - or the fragmentation - of multiculturalism in Europe, and this referendum reflects those sentiments. When you look at the philosophical tenets of multiculturalism, it has, by definition, not worked. It's a utopian conception, honestly, and its failure does not really come as a surprise.

I also think it is important that, in moments like this, one shouldn't succumb to the hyperbole or start pointing fingers at people and calling them xenophobes or bigots. Of course, there are some voters who took part in the referendum to satisfy their own irrational beliefs, sure, but not all 52% of them. It is not that black and white to me.

I know plenty of people who voted Leave for "legitimate" reasons other than immigration.

A big one is based on the fishing industry. The EU enforces a limitation on how much they can catch, which I'm sure is frustrating when they might not being doing as well business wise as they think they might. But the view is so myopic and they haven't seen the larger scale of the issue. Some of the people I've talked to haven't even thought about why those limitations exist. Overfishing areas, which is now something these fisherman will seemingly be able to do, can lead to depopulation, unbalance the ecosystem and that will damage their business more in the long run.

Even after the vote, I'm still to see a reasonable and balanced argument as to why we're leaving and the only answer you can get is "we're taking control", "democracy wins over dictatorship for once" and "we're closing our borders".

I literally had a discussion with someone the other day who said it'll be nice to other immigrants from other countries, not the EU ... which w already have. And why would trading migrants from one section of the world be any better than migrants from another? What's the difference?
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Re: UK Peeps, EU Referendum. You in or out?

Postby AkydefGoldberg » Jun 26, '16, 1:20 pm

Labour's Shadow Cabinet is dwindling quickly and the deputy leader eyeing up the top job. Corbyn's performance was poor throughout the campaign and it probably didn't help matters at all but the cowardice of his cabinet to resign is simply to oust someone who was democratically elected out of his job. Sure Blair is happy.
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Re: UK Peeps, EU Referendum. You in or out?

Postby Viazon » Jun 27, '16, 1:29 pm

So, A guy at work who worked in transport has just been promoted. He is now the new Line Manager. He is have never picked before and as such, is not familiar with the picking process. He shadowed me all day today to get used to the picking process and see what it's all about. We had a conversation that went a little like this.

Him: So, are England not going to be in the next Euros?

Me: What? Yeah they will. Why?

Him: Because we have voted to leave now. So we won't be in it any more.

Me: We just voted to leave the EU. We are still part of Europe.

Him: No, because we have actually left Europe now.

This man is my superior. This man is above me at work.
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Re: UK Peeps, EU Referendum. You in or out?

Postby PorkChop » Jun 27, '16, 1:42 pm

I've seen a few people say that. Some don't seem to understand that we've just left the union, and not the continent.
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Re: UK Peeps, EU Referendum. You in or out?

Postby Daz » Jun 27, '16, 1:43 pm

Both major parties falling about. The pound dropped lower than it did on Friday. Billions lost in stocks. 120 billion having to be pumped in to stabilize the economy. Hate crimes up 57% since Friday. We've not even left yet and this shit is happening. Can someone please stop the fucking madness.
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Re: UK Peeps, EU Referendum. You in or out?

Postby Viazon » Jun 27, '16, 1:46 pm

Daz wrote:Both major parties falling about. The pound dropped lower than it did on Friday. Billions lost in stocks. 120 billion having to be pumped in to stabilize the economy. Hate crimes up 57% since Friday. We've not even left yet and this shit is happening. Can someone please stop the fucking madness.

The hate crimes and racism that has come out of it has been ridiculous. It's like people feel like they now have the right to tell people that they have to leave now and go back to their country. I'm really not sure what immigration is going to be like now but I am pretty sure that just because we have left the EU, it doesn't mean immigrants now have to go back to their country. I have read about the kind of shit that has gone down and it seriously feels like we have taken a huge step back as a society.
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Re: UK Peeps, EU Referendum. You in or out?

Postby Daz » Jun 27, '16, 2:05 pm

Viazon wrote:
Daz wrote:Both major parties falling about. The pound dropped lower than it did on Friday. Billions lost in stocks. 120 billion having to be pumped in to stabilize the economy. Hate crimes up 57% since Friday. We've not even left yet and this shit is happening. Can someone please stop the fucking madness.

The hate crimes and racism that has come out of it has been ridiculous. It's like people feel like they now have the right to tell people that they have to leave now and go back to their country. I'm really not sure what immigration is going to be like now but I am pretty sure that just because we have left the EU, it doesn't mean immigrants now have to go back to their country. I have read about the kind of shit that has gone down and it seriously feels like we have taken a huge step back as a society.

Most of them don't seem to have a grasp of what the EU is or the countries that are apart of it. Maybe there should have been a basic geography test before people were allowed to vote...

Also, another thing that's pissing me off, is people who voted leaving posting pictures of World War II, saying the "younger generation" should stop whining about how we've had our futures taken away. First of all, you're not proving the point you think you are. Highlighting the fact we fought in a war against European countries only enforces the reasons why we should have voted to stay in the EU, and undermines this notion that we were fine before we were apart of the EU and will be fine afterwards. No, we weren't fine. We fought in wars and collapsed our economy. An economy that was turned around by joining the EU.
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Re: UK Peeps, EU Referendum. You in or out?

Postby PorkChop » Jun 27, '16, 2:13 pm

It's become quite clear that Boris Johnson has shat enough bricks to build Trump's wall.

He clearly has no post-Brexit plan. His demeanor at that press conference wasn't that of someone who's just won a major victory and had essentially been handed the keys to Downing Street. He looked petrified and hasn't been seen since.

This whole thing has been an absolute farce.
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Re: UK Peeps, EU Referendum. You in or out?

Postby Daz » Jun 27, '16, 2:15 pm

PorkChop wrote:It's become quite clear that Boris Johnson has shat enough bricks to build Trump's wall.

He clearly has no post-Brexit plan. His demeanor at that press conference wasn't that of someone who's just won a major victory and had essentially been handed the keys to Downing Street. He looked petrified and hasn't been seen since.

This whole thing has been an absolute farce.

Sad thing is it's only going to get worse. The fact all we've heard from that side is "it'll be fine" whilst all evidence points to the contrary is pretty telling.
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Re: UK Peeps, EU Referendum. You in or out?

Postby War Daddy » Jun 27, '16, 4:19 pm

Buying GBP as we speak, gonna get dat cash money return in a year or so.
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Re: UK Peeps, EU Referendum. You in or out?

Postby Daz » Jun 28, '16, 9:46 am

Dear god Farage is a contemptuous cunt. Every time he opens his frog like mouth and spews his bile and bullshit, he makes matters worse. I don't know about "closing the borders" to migrants but if we refused to let this fucker back in, it'd be a good start.
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Re: UK Peeps, EU Referendum. You in or out?

Postby AkydefGoldberg » Jun 28, '16, 12:35 pm

Johnson and Gove have hidden away to the point the former's first in-depth comments were in his newspaper column for which he gets paid six figures and later on, his aides said he wrote it quickly as it was contradicting everything he'd been spouting during the Leave campaign trail.

I actually think Johnson was praying Remain would win win by a small margin, thus not a significant win for Cameron and the pressure would be on him and that it'd spark an election contest and he'd be able to swoop in with us still in the EU. Now it hasn't, him and Leave are all shitting it yet amazingly the media focus is on who will be the party leader of Labour/Conservatives whilst the racism in society continues to spiral out of control.

The video of an American bloke getting abused has gone viral and now has had three arrests but uneducated numpties conflating voting OUT as in voting out everyone they don't like based on their religion, colour, immigration status. It's shit
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Re: UK Peeps, EU Referendum. You in or out?

Postby KaiserGlider » Jun 28, '16, 8:04 pm

Daz wrote:Dear god Farage is a contemptuous cunt.

I caught his speech to the EU summit this morning on the news.

"Now, I know that virtually none of you have ever done a proper job in your lives"

What a heel!
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