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Another active shooter

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Another active shooter

Postby DBSoT » Mar 02, '18, 9:51 am

This time its on the campus of my alma mater. Another day another unnecessary death. Fuck the NRA. This pales in comparison to the tragedies in Parkland, Sandy Hook or Columbine, but it just shows how it can happen everywhere.
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Re: Another active shooter

Postby Hanley! » Mar 02, '18, 4:40 pm

Sorry to hear that man, hope nobody that you know is in any danger there.

The gun situation in America is completely fucked. It's crazy how many people talk themselves in circles to convince themselves that gun control isn't the solution. The idea of designated teachers bringing guns into schools for the purposes of safety is nuts beyond my comprehension.

Though I have to say, what the teenagers from Parkland have done over the last couple of weeks is incredible. From an outsider's perspective, it feels like they have kept this story in the news cycle for longer than usual, and they're putting real pressure on politicians to actually take action. Whether the politicians will rise to the challenge is another question, but at least they're being held accountable to the extent that their continued inaction may cost them their seats in the next election.

It's the first time that after one of these stories, I've felt like things might actually change for the better. Even if it takes a while, or if the change isn't as drastic as people might like. That might be naive, and maybe those living in America don't really get that impression. It's just good to see that those affected by the shooting actually seem to be getting heard this time around.
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Re: Another active shooter

Postby The Legend » Mar 03, '18, 9:00 am

I can't take this stuff any more. I read a story where a 7th grader brought a rifle to my old middle school and had planned to carry out a shooting, but somehow managed to shoot and kill himself while preparing for it in a bathroom in the school. We're talking a 13 year-old. There's been a school shooting in America every week this year.

I'm all in favor for stricter gun control and just enforcing the laws that we do have on the books as well, but this problem goes so much deeper than making it more difficult for a teenager to get their hands on a gun when they come to the decision to want to shoot up their school. These kid's don't snap in an instant, it's not a random act of violence. These kids are abused at home, bullied at school and altogether left isolated by the world for pretty much their entire lives until they feel so desperate they don't know where to go or what do. Making it more difficult when that decision is made is fine, but how about we also find a way to intercede in the decade leading up to these incidents and start preventing people from ever getting to this point to

Where did we get to a point where we have become so uncaring for our fellow man that we abuse and put others down to make ourselves feel better about our own insecurities? We are far too competitive as a nation, we are far too callous and care far too little about our fellow man. Once we answer those issues, we will truly take a step forward as a nation.
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Re: Another active shooter

Postby Circled Square » Mar 06, '18, 11:31 am

I'm still pro gun but whenever I hear people say arming teachers is the solution I have an autistic fit
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