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Trump v Biden

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Trump v Biden

Postby AkydefGoldberg » Oct 27, '20, 6:44 am

Election day nears and frankly, as an outsider, these are not the most inspiring candidates as a major understatement but Biden will be the best option.

Polling reports made me think Biden was ahead, but now I think on polling day, Trump could swing the victory his way somehow.

I still find it baffling out of all the Democrats they thought: "Yup, Joe Biden's the guy to beat Trump"

If they don't win, they have themselves to blame.
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Re: Trump v Biden

Postby Hanley! » Oct 28, '20, 6:16 pm

Even as someone on the outside looking in, I can't wait for it to be over. This election has gone on for eternity and the whole thing is just so depressing considering the two options and how badly suited they are to addressing any of the issues facing America at the moment.

Trump is a disaster, and he needs to go. Biden is such a weak candidate and offers so little that I honestly believe he would have lost to Trump if it hadn't been for the pandemic and everything that has followed from it. But I do think Biden will get the clear victory now. I can't get remotely excited for the possibility of a Biden presidency though. It's the less depressing of the two options, but it's still not what the country or the world needs.

I just hope that Biden wins and is then ruthlessly pressured to move further left on various issues. I hope the protesting and speaking out keeps going until people's lives actually improve. You don't want the vague promises of a corporate-owned Democrat to act as a placebo and keep people complacent.

I'll still keep my fingers crossed for you guys on election day.
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Re: Trump v Biden

Postby DBSoT » Oct 29, '20, 9:13 am

The more important races are in the Senate. If the Democrats take back the Senate majority, then it completely changes the game. If Trump wins, he will never get anything done that needs congressional approval and could be removed from office. If Biden wins, then he will be be working with the full power of the Democratic party. Biden is clearly the better choice because it is more likely his party (Congress) can pull him left on certain issues or at least have the power to do so. Trump with a Democrat controlled House/Senate is just asking for constant explosion politically. It will be 4 years of Trump trying to enact executive orders, congress overturning them and Trump vetoing that decision. The Democrats won't have a 2/3rd majority, so they can't override the veto and the Supreme Court is heavily conservative and likely won't overturn them either.

Biden isn't great, but he can do one thing that Trump winning could never do. He can restore some semblance of normalcy to this country. I would take a career politician with a sense of morality over the corrupt/racist monster that Trump is.

I would also say that beyond the person, Biden winning has some major world wide implications. He would likely put the funding back into WHO and the Paris Climate Agreement. Both of those things can be a great ways of getting our allies to trust our leaders again. Working with WHO is obviously very important during a global health crisis. Having someone in charge that believe in science and health officials is the most necessary thing for this country.
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Re: Trump v Biden

Postby DBSoT » Oct 29, '20, 9:18 am

To a lesser degree I like the idea of Andrew Yang being part of Biden's cabinet and taking WWE to task for their independent contractor nonsense. He is already very vocal about doing it, so I would be interested to see if it happens.
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Re: Trump v Biden

Postby Hanley! » Oct 29, '20, 3:42 pm

DBSoT wrote:Biden isn't great, but he can do one thing that Trump winning could never do. He can restore some semblance of normalcy to this country. I would take a career politician with a sense of morality over the corrupt/racist monster that Trump is.

America's version of normalcy resulted in Trump though. I think it's important for people to remember that Trump isn't actually the disease, he's just its ugliest symptom. He could be voted out of office and replaced by someone even nastier in 2025 if the underlying causes aren't addressed. President Tom Cotton or President Tucker Carlson don't sound any less scary to me. Right wing populism won't end with Trump.

I don't think the Democratic party can (or want to) pull Biden left; they're still a very moderate party at best. But hopefully sustained grassroots pressure might be enough to do it. And the number of leftist Democrats in Congress is thankfully on the rise, so one day that contingent might grow strong enough to genuinely transform the party.
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Re: Trump v Biden

Postby The Legend » Nov 09, '20, 11:56 am

Hanley! wrote:
DBSoT wrote:Biden isn't great, but he can do one thing that Trump winning could never do. He can restore some semblance of normalcy to this country. I would take a career politician with a sense of morality over the corrupt/racist monster that Trump is.

America's version of normalcy resulted in Trump though. I think it's important for people to remember that Trump isn't actually the disease, he's just its ugliest symptom. He could be voted out of office and replaced by someone even nastier in 2025 if the underlying causes aren't addressed. President Tom Cotton or President Tucker Carlson don't sound any less scary to me. Right wing populism won't end with Trump.

I don't think the Democratic party can (or want to) pull Biden left; they're still a very moderate party at best. But hopefully sustained grassroots pressure might be enough to do it. And the number of leftist Democrats in Congress is thankfully on the rise, so one day that contingent might grow strong enough to genuinely transform the party.

I'm pretty leftist and would like to see plenty of progress in this country, but even I realize living in America right now, this country needs some neutrality at the moment. America sits very precariously at a point where one wrong move could tilt it toward our second civil war, which no one would benefit from.
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Re: Trump v Biden

Postby Hanley! » Nov 09, '20, 8:13 pm

Neutrality doesn't solve any of the issues that have helped to create the current political tensions though. Obama was a moderate Democrat and 8 years of Obama led to Trump. It's going to be a long road to heal the divide in the country (and much of the world) but making people's lives materially better by increasing their access to healthcare and housing and a living wage would be a more effective step than just asking voters to reach across the aisle to people they've been at war with for the last few years.

Most major progressive issues are very popular at the moment anyway, even amongst Republican voters. Polls consistently show that. Voters just aren't connecting these issues with most politicians, or the Democratic party. If Biden can deliver tangible change to those who are struggling, that will have a positive impact on the current culture war also, though it's sadly going to take a while to undo the damage that's been done.
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Re: Trump v Biden

Postby Everlong » Nov 13, '20, 9:05 am

Biden winning can at least allow us to put out some fires and give us some semblance of hope for the future. That's a lot more than we could've said with Trump.

He was my second to last choice out of the primary candidates, but a billion lightyears ahead of Trump, so I'm satisfied with the results for now.

I think he does have some good plans for the initial couple months of his presidency. But without the senate it's unfortunately going to be difficult to accomplish much of anything. Disappointing results in that regard.
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Re: Trump v Biden

Postby Hanley! » Nov 13, '20, 8:07 pm

Everlong wrote:I think he does have some good plans for the initial couple months of his presidency. But without the senate it's unfortunately going to be difficult to accomplish much of anything. Disappointing results in that regard.

I think Biden's strategy of running solely on the issue of "Trump is bad" hurt Democrats down ticket. The campaign could have spent more time attacking the Republican party as a whole, who can't really be separated from Trump at this point. The reasonable, moderate Republican idea that the Democrats are so fond of doesn't really exist anymore. They've mostly been full-blooded in their support for this maniac over the last four years.

They got the most important win in ousting Trump, but the Democrats approach to this election cost them a number of winnable seats in Congressional races. Would be nice if they learned from that for next time.
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Re: Trump v Biden

Postby Kreashko » Jan 20, '21, 12:30 pm

From 2016 when Trump took office until about August of this past year I would agree with the people in the poll. But then something changed. I became a fan of the Don.
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