by Everlong » Jan 10, '14, 11:39 am
Ok, as promised, my story.
So it was the fall of 2009, and I was a badass Senior at my college. By now I pretty much ruled the entire campus of 45,000 people of course, so the beginning of this school year held a whole ton of promise.
I was involved in Greek life, and had at one point been the president of my fraternity. This year, however, I was able to take a step back and enjoy myself a bit more and let the younger guys run things. Therefore, I was finally able to get involved with a philanthropy event called Humorology, which basically is a gigantic competition where fraternities and sororities get paired together to write their own unique 20-minute musical.
This was still in late September, so we were still in the "getting to know each other" phase of our pairing with our sorority. I was on the leadership with this pairing, as well as a couple other guys from my frat and a few girls from the sorority. One of the girls recommended that we have a party to kick things off and help people get to know each other. I was all about that. We decided to have it at her apartment (sorority houses are not allowed to have parties, and our frat house was having a recruitment event on the chosen day). It was settled.
So the day of the party comes. I met up with a couple of my frat brothers at QDoba to grab some food, then we headed over the party. So we're all there and having a good time. Most of the cast came, which isn't a huge amount like 30 people, but still enough to have pretty decent party. Now I get to talking with the host girl, who was pretty damn attractive, and am getting a bit flirtatious. Well, the night continues to go on, everybody's getting drunker, and perhaps it was just my state of inebriation, but I started to think I had a real chance of hooking up with this girl.
However, I had another problem... what the fuck was I thinking eating QDoba right before a party? I should have known better. There was a huge shit brick forming in my lower intestines, and it was getting harder and harder to hold in. I look at the clock and it's like 1 AM and I'm thinking "ok, I can do this." So I hold it in longer, keep flirting, sooner or later it seems like things are for sure going down with this chick. But I'm in a terrible way. There was no way I was in any condition to do the sideways salsa with this chick. I knew I had to make a choice. Either I took a shit in her apartment, or I gave up on this opportunity and went home.
Now, in normal conditions I'd go home ten times out of ten. Shit in a hot chick's apartment? Fuck no. If there's any way you want to guarantee you're not getting any, it's by dropping a shitbomb in her toilet so vile that it clears out the entire party, and knowing my history with QDoba, that's exactly what was about to happen. But I was so convinced that I had this on lock down that I was seriously considering it.
Now I must have blacked out momentarily because I don't remember exactly when I left or if I even said goodbye to anyone, but the next thing I remember is I'm heading home. Now unfortunately, my frat house is completely on the opposite corner of campus from where this chick's apartment is, and campus was huge. It'd be a half hour walk. So I thought to myself, "ok, you can do this." I started to jog it, knowing I couldn't hold it much longer, but every single step started to jostle it out. I was prairie dogging it hard, people.
I get about ten minutes into the 25 minute to half hour walk and I realize there's no way I'm going to be able to make it. I feel it starting to come out, so I get behind a bush and quick pull down my pants and released the kraken all over the side of a building. Unfortunately, I didn't pull down quite soon enough... a little got stuck in my pants, and when I pulled my pants back up I could feel a bit slide down my leg. Whatever, I was drunk as fuck. I didn't give a shit.
Now, I get to my street and see that the people two houses down from my frat house are having a party. They're out playing beer pong on their porch. Someone yells out to me "HEY BRO, WANT A SHOT?" which of course I did. So I went up and took a few shots with them. Suddenly someone was like "wow what smells like shit up here?" Now I suddenly remembered my "shitty" predicament, and realized that a little bit of the shit that had caught into my pants had leaked out of the bottom of my pants leg and was sitting on the deck right next to someone's foot. The person standing next to him realized this as well, and was like "WHAT THE FUCK!" Fortunately, everyone thought it was THAT GUY who had shit himself, not me, so while they all rounded on him, I grabbed a beer and quietly slipped out back to my own house.
I get home, and as far as I can tell nobody is up on my floor. I quickly take off my pants, boxers, socks and shoes, wash them off with soap and water and then throw the pants/boxers/socks into the laundry. Then I jumped in the shower, washed my ass and went to bed.
Next day I woke up, and I'd gotten away with it. Not a single person knew what happened that night. Until I told them this past fall at the wedding of one of my frat brothers, four years after it happened. They thought it was hilarious.
As for the chick, she apparently wound up passing out like 5 minutes after I'd left, and didn't even realize I'd gone. She sent a text apologizing to ME, we wound up hooking up a few times that semester. Victory.
That is my story.