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Tell us the times where you have, or nearly have, shat yourself.

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Re: Tell us the times where you have, or nearly have, shat yourself.

Postby AkydefGoldberg » Sep 06, '17, 2:00 pm

This come on my Twitter feed moments after Porky's post..
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Re: Tell us the times where you have, or nearly have, shat yourself.

Postby Viazon » Sep 06, '17, 2:04 pm

This story got read out today at the staff meeting at work. My team leader had it emailed to him. He printed it out and was instructed to read it out to us by our manager, who pretended the story was about him. It was all very weird. I thought it was just a random made up story.
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Re: Tell us the times where you have, or nearly have, shat yourself.

Postby Viazon » Dec 28, '18, 2:51 pm

How's it going guys? Hope all are well. Sorry I haven't been around much lately. Been crazy busy this past year. I'm never gone for good though. And something happened yesterday that is relevant to this topic. So I thought what better place to say hey and share an amusing story?

So yesterday, I was invited to a little party round my friends house. I drive over there and parked outside his house. I had been feeling a little unwell these past few weeks. Nothing too major. Just a bit of an upset stomach. I'm sat there outside his house and I need to fart. I thought, I don't wanna do it inside. I'll do it in the car, before I go in. It was just supposed to be a little fart. It was not a little fart.

So, I'm sat there, in my car, with soiled underwear. As I said, I had an upset stomach. So it wasn't just normal shit. Obviously, I can't go inside. So I turned around. I make the drive home with crap in my pants. I am currently living with my parents. I got home, they were confused as to why I have returned so soon after just leaving. Unable to come up with an excuse, I was forced to tell them the truth. I cleaned up, changed clothes and head back out.

So, if you guys have been wondering about good old Viazon and how my life is going, I am a 32 year old man who shit myself in my car and then had to go home and tell my parents, whom I still live with, all about it.

Happy new year!
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Re: Tell us the times where you have, or nearly have, shat yourself.

Postby prophet » Jan 28, '19, 7:08 am

i love you, vince
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Re: Tell us the times where you have, or nearly have, shat yourself.

Postby VaderBomb » Jan 28, '19, 1:51 pm

I was taking a shit last night before the Rumble and was using my laptop. The battery was low so I got up off the toilet (I did wipe beforehand so the rest of this story is mysterious) to plug in the charger which is about 3 feet in front of the bowl. I sat back down and was cruising through the internet and I felt something wet on my sock.

I looked down and there was a glob of crap on my right sock. I immediately took it off and threw it in the trash and sat back down. My bare foot then landed into something similar. I looked down and there was shit all over the little carpet thing in front of the toilet. Problem being, I was still in the midst of shitting. While I pooped, I had to now wipe off my foot with wet wipes and throw away the rug. I cleaned up nicely and then took a solid shower afterwards.

Yum, dude.
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Re: Tell us the times where you have, or nearly have, shat yourself.

Postby VaderBomb » May 14, '19, 11:40 pm

All of you bastards no sold my last story, so I'll keep this brief. No joke, I was watching a YouTube video about volcanic eruptions and I erupted in my pants. Last clean pair too. I'm sitting here wearing a sweater and t-shirt and no pants or underwear. Not sure how tomorrow is going to play out.
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