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"The Player" Drake Bernard

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"The Player" Drake Bernard

Postby PhenomRocks » Jul 10, '14, 11:16 pm


Name of your character: Drake Bernard

'The Player'
The Stylin' N Profilin' Superstar
'The Greatness At Its Best' .

Height: 6 ft 3 in

Weight: 239lbs

Home Town: Manhattan, New York City

Appearance: Long black hair, has a great muscler but lean and ripped physique.

Attire: Wears hooded black jacket, stylized black wrestling trunks, and black wrist band, black knees pads along with long black wrestling boots.

Non-Wrestling Attire: Wears sharp suits, expensive watches and sunglasses.

Entrance Music: Playing The Saint by Digital Summer

Entrance Style: The lights black out in the arena, white spot lights whirl around the arena as 'Playing The Saint' by Digital Summer blasts through the arena. The lights then dim around the arena with light effects and the explosion of intense machine gun pyrotechnics. Combine that music with the mix red and yellow lighting that fills the arena. The cameras pan out of the ringside area showing a full view of the entrance ramp as a white spotlight beams in the center of the entrance area, Moments later and the hooded figure of Drake Bernard emerges onto the stage with a large grin on his face. A camera goes on the right side of Bernard as he yells, "Its Munging Time". Bernard arrogantly makes his way down the aisle, slowly looking around at the arena around him, smirking smugly to himself, he hops onto the stairs and quickly jumps into the ring. He stands on the second rope and stretches his both arms out posing on the turnbuckle.

Signature Taunts:
Kip-up followed by the middle finger gesture to the opponent
Climbs the turnbuckle and Stretches his both arms out
Sits onto the top turnbuckle

Style of wrestling: Bernard is a former Mixed Martial Artist. Bernard's so calculating when it comes to what he does. Bernard scouts his opponents and their weaknesses. He carefully watch them wrestle so he can analyze their techniques. He studies his opponent's game, analyze their styles, and then devise a strategy against them. Even in the face of defeat, his expression never changes from his constant "I got this" demeanor.

Finishing Moves(s):

- Just Die Already/JDA: Jumping Cutter

Signature Strikes
- Flying forearm smash
- Step-up Enzuigiri
- Repeated MMA elbow/knee strikes to an opponent's chest, ribs and head
- Running Soccer kick to the kidney or elbow joint or to opponent's head
- Stomps all over the body of a fallen opponent
- Jumping knee to the head of downed opponent
- Three Knife Edge Chops followed by two European Uppercuts followed by a knee strike to the chest followed by a Roaring Elbow

Signature Moves:
- Blue Thunder Bomb
- Hotshot (Flapjack dropped into a hangman)
- Avalanche/Turnbuckle/Rolling/Release German Suplex
- Overhead Belly-To-Belly Suplex, sometimes into the turnbuckles
- Demise Driver: Shin breaker followed by a Backdrop Driver
- Turnbuckle powerbomb followed by a Curb Stomp
- Blind Bombshell: Elbow Suicida
- Suicide Dive into a Jumping Snap DDT
- Lou thesz press followed by mounted punches
- Step-up high knee to a cornered opponent
- Running Swinging Neckbreaker
- Spinning sitout Sleeper Slam
- Tilt-a-whirl Backbreaker
- Snap scoop powerslam
- Dragon screw legwhip
- Facewash

Submission Moves:
- Bridging arm triangle choke/Muta Lock combination
- Indian Death Lock/Double Underhook hold combination
- Camel Clutch
- Figure-four leglock

Bio:(Back story, gimmick of your character. This is the important part.) Drake Bernard was born and grew up in Manhattan, New York City. He graduated from high school where he was a member of football team. Bernard always wanted to become a combat fighter so he studied Boxing and Mixed martial arts both. But his uncle, who was a huge fan of wrestling convinced him to give wrestling a shot. Bernard then moved to his uncle in Chicago, Illinois where he spent some time at a wrestling school, honing his skill before heading to Japan and wrestled there, right before moving back into the independent circuit. Then in 2010, Bernard joined WCSF. Bernard started his WCSF career as the "The Deadliest Snake" and been wrestling there for almost 3 years before WCSF went out of business. He won the lottery in 2013 and made the right use of that lottery win. He now owns several dozens businesses, from race tracks, to restaurants, to car lots, to payday loans joints, to several construction firms and one hell of a lot of real estate, rental properties and business space.

Now Bernard has fully dropped the "The Deadliest Snake" gimmick and has dubbed himself as "The Player". Bernard's just being himself now, He's not that old serious Drake Bernard anymore, He has learned to live on the fun side of life. Bernard's role is a ruthless, greedy, self-important egotistical heel plain and simple. He cheats to win, and is proud of doing so, never looks up to anyone, and truly believes he is the Greatness at its best. He never sucks up the fans, he never acts politically correct, and he doesn't live off the past. Bernard has never pretended to be anything more than he is. His trademark talking style has the ability to get under people's skin because he downright insults or humiliates whoever is in his face. Bernard could be a good guy when he needs something from you, he's willing to work with you as long as it suits him. Drake Bernard has all the elements that a wrestler needs to be the best.
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