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Nick Foster *PCW World Heavyweight Champion*

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Nick Foster *PCW World Heavyweight Champion*

Postby prophet » Oct 17, '13, 7:05 am

Character Name: Nick Foster
Height: 6ft 1
Weight: 215 pounds
From: Yorkshire, England
Entrance Theme: 'Cigarettes & Alcohol' by Oasis

Entrance Style: Foster jumps to the ring apron, climbs the nearest turnbuckle, slides his MMA gloves on and holds both fists in the air.

Attire: Knee-Length MMA Shorts, MMA Gloves, Wrestling Boots.

Style of Wrestling: Mixed Martial Art style technicality, brutality and submission.

The FCC (Firemans Carry Cutter) - Called the FCC for short as a homage to the moves technical name. lifts opponent on shoulders, twists in the same fashion as an F-5 before dropping down to the mat whilst holding the head. A cross between the F-5 and the RKO.

Triangle Choke - Self explanatory submission finisher, has no name too it other than the Triangle Choke

Signature Moves

Recession Stomp - with the opponent on his back, Foster takes the wrist and bends it backwards at a 180 degree angle, so that the opponents elbow is pointed towards the ceiling. Foster then stomps on the elbow, inflicting pain on both the elbow and wrist.

Butterfly Buster - applying a double underhook, Foster hits a modified Butterfly suplex, releasing the hold early causing the opponent to land face first.

Knee's the the ribcage (from the Clinch Position)
Double Knee Facebreaker (from the Clinch Position, jumps up, driving both knee's into opponent's face)
Discus Lariat (essentially a spinning clothesline)
European Uppercut
MMA Elbows (done when opponent is in the sitout position, frenzy of elbows to the side of opponents' head)

Chaos Theory (Roll-Through German Suplex)
T-Bone Suplex
Regal Plex
Samoan Drop
Michinoku Driver II (essentially a sit-down scoop slam)

Fujiwara Armbar
Surfboard Stretch
The St George Stretch (Regal Stretch)
Brazilian Heel Hook
The Dragontamer (Boston Crab placing his knee on the back of opponents' head)

has been known to take risks, such as suicide dives and top rope dives. hardcore is an element he excels in, using weapons and putting his body on the line if the circumstance calls for it

Foster found despair spilling from his arrogance, and took solace in wrestling.

Career Accomplishments:
1x PCW World Heavyweight Champion

2x WCSF Tag Team Champion (1 - with Johnny Devine and Mark Thomas) (2 - with Shane Evans)

Former Associates/Partners: Mark Thomas, Johnny Devine, Charisma, Shane Evans, Amen.

Nick Foster was signed to WCSF developmental in 2006 after impressing at an open-tryout in London, England. He remained in training for a few months until finally making his debut on the then pre-show Ascension, where he was defeated by Sean Knight. Mere weeks later on the Revolution 3 pre-show, Foster captained a 4-Man Ascension team against a 4-Man High Voltage captained by future world champion 'Iron Man' Anthony Blake. Despite losing, mainly due to a lack of team-work by his team-mates, Foster had impressed, and was called up to one of the main shows, Unleashed.

As far as debut opponents go, Sinistra is up there with the most daunting, Foster impressed once more but couldn't pick up victory. Nonetheless, it was what took place in the coming weeks that arguably foreshadowed Foster's entire career to date. The Mafia, Blair 'The Player' Trotter and Johnny 'The Gambler' Devine, were falling apart. They had gone from one of the most successful tag team in the industry to fierce and bitter rivals. After an intense feud, both men decided to recruit a new partner and put their career's on the line in a tag team match.

Devine acted first, recruited rookie Mark Thomas to be his partner. Trotter, however, struggled to find a partner to help him save his job. A week before the 'Loser is Fired' match, Trotter still had no partner: Step forward Nick Foster. The English rookie named himself Trotter's partner and the match was set.

Birth of The Mafia
At the next PPV, Blair Trotter and Nick Foster looked to be in control of the match, but the climax shocked the entire world. Hitting his then finisher, the Fosterfication, on Trotter. Foster effectively turned heel and alongside future World Champion Mark Thomas, aligned himself with Johnny Devine, creating a new Mafia. What followed remains to this day one of the highest viewed clips on Youtube, The New Mafia savagely beat Trotter to a pulp and threw him into a dustbin.

For months the new Mafia ran riot over the WCSF, winning matches, attacking people and eventually winning tag-team gold. Crack began to form, and a more ambitious Mark Thomas emerged, seemingly gaining a moral objection to The Mafia 'way': after Thomas and Foster lost the titles, Thomas hit a grand slam on Foster, quitting the group and leaving the Mafia in it's darkest period.

Mafia Domination
Johnny Devine, flanked by a loyal Nick Foster, began to rebuild. Recruiting Charisma, Amen and Shane Evans to form a new, arguably stronger line-up. The group planned WCSF domination, heading into Revolution 4 with the possibility of holding every single championship in the company. Alongside Shane Evans, Nick Foster got the pin and brought home the tag titles, Charisma managed to retain her title and Amen captured the International gold. The only man unable to complete the full-set was leader Devine, who found himself thwarted by one of Foster's first ever opponents in Blake.

After the main-event, The Mafia appeared on the big-screen in one of the WCSF's most disturbing images ever. CEO Ralph Pierce lay unconscious in his office in a pool of his own blood. Stood over him holding a steel chair was Nick Foster, flanked by Amen, Charisma and Evans, thus signalling a Mafia takeover. Renaming the show 'Carnage' and becoming the General Manager, Johnny Devine added to his accolades further, defeating Blake at the next Pay-Per-View, meaning that The Mafia held all the titles are one time.

War with The Yakuza's
Months of Mafia domination seemed unstoppable, untill mass fan favourite Rage Mishima took a stand. Recruiting his cousin, Murakami and long time friend Tomohiro Matsuda, a new faction, the Yakuza's were re-birthed. Devine succesfully retained his belt on numerous occasions, finding any loophole and using every dirty trick possible to do so. Mishima turned up the heat, allowing Muntari Mebah to join the cause and battle the Mafia leader.

At this point it seemed like The Mafia were at war with just about everybody in the company. Mishima and Murakami went to battle with Foster and Evans in one of the most personal, brutal and violent feud this company has ever seen. One point in particular highlights this; handcuffed to the ring ropes, a helpless Rage Mishima would sprint into the locker-room in a frantic bid to save his cousin Murakami and his wife Kurisutaru, who had been handcuffed to lockers. To his dismay, he found both lay in a pool of their own blood following alleged chair shots.

At Hacked'09, Foster and Evans defended the belts against the Yakuza's (Mishima and Murakami), taking place at the top of the rivalry, this match is still talked about as one of the most violent, full on fights the WCSF has ever seen. The Mafia managed to retain but during the match something awe-inspiring happened, winning the E-Wrestling Observer's 'HOLY SHIT' moment of the year, whilst fighting in the crowd, Mishima and Foster threw each other over the guardrail, falling 15-feet from the top floor and through a table.

Split and Release
Following this brutal war, The Mafia began to disintegrate, Devine lost the World title, Amen had gone AWOL and Charisma had lost her title and followed suit. Team Catwalk were the latest challengers to the only gold The Mafia had left, and after a dispute during Battlefield, a bickering Foster and Evans lost their titles and turned on each other instead.

Devine seemingly rewarded Foster's years of loyalty by accepting that Shane Evans was the obvious weak link. He recruited Rage Mishima in another shocking twist to the Mafia story and the three attacked Evans. Foster signalled his intention for bigger and better things now he was a singles' competitor but Shane Evans would return, beating Foster down and setting up an anything goes, Street-fight at Revolution V, following a devastating defeat by his former partner, long-serving veteran Foster was released from his contract and hadn't been seen for months.
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