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For posting profiles of the Phoenix Championship Wrestling characters.

Moderator: Str8Shooter


Postby Ace » Feb 08, '14, 8:07 pm

Name of your character: Ace

Height: 6'5

Weight: 225 lbs.

Home Town: Chicago, Illinois

Entrance Music:
"Type" by Living Colour

Entrance Style:
Walks down the ramp with a hoodie on & a mouth full of water. Half way to the ring, pauses looks at crowd, turns back to opponent in the ring & spits water out. Climbs up steel steps and walks to the right along the ring apron. Passes the first turnbuckle. Reaches & climbs the next turnbuckle. Throws both hands in the air. Climbs down and enters the ring.

Finishing Moves(s):
FX - A reverse standing Fireman's carry takeover (basically a reverse Attitude Ajustment)
Minigun - vertical suplex lift into a swinging neckbreaker

Signature Moves/Wrestling Style:
Running DDT
Driving European Uppercut to standing opponent
Diving Elbow Drop
Springboard Dropkick to opponent in the corner
Impaler DDT from opponent suspended from corner turnbuckle
Samoam Drop
Belly to belly suplex to a running opponent
Flipping slam from an opponent sitting on the turnbuckle

Ace is an all around wrestler. A few athletic moves here, a few power moves there. He's got high energy & very often looks for the crowds approval. He likes to keep matches fiery & nonstop that's why he tends not to use too many submission holds other than the Sharpshooter. Ace likes to keep the match interesting so every now & again he'll steal his opponents finisher. Ace looks to deliver only blockbuster type matches.

Ace is an American-Hispanic wrestler. No accent or anything like that. He's grew up with the dream of becoming the a great wrestler with millions of people chanting his name.

His father abused his mother and himself & after he was arrested they were left with nothing. Ace promised to one day give his mother everything that she wanted by becoming a great entertainer by doing what he loves the best, wrestling. Throughout his life Ace has been a pushover but once he broke out into the scene he became a smash-mouth guy who challenges all in his way. He won't stop & would face ANYONE & do ANYTHING he has to to get his name going.

Because of those traumatic events, Ace sometimes "fades" & losses consciousness but his body still functions.

Ace is neither heel nor face. Ace does only what benefits him. If he teams with a heel for a title shot, it's nothing personal, it's just a way to escalate himself to bigger & better thinks. If he teams with a face, it doesn't necessarily mean that they are now a tag team. Again WHATEVER it takes & HOWEVER it takes to get there is what Ace is concerned about. He's not afraid to saying anything or do anything.

Ace has a tanned skinned tone to match his Hispanic nationality. Black hair & black eyes.

He wears a black or white hoodie to the ring & takes it off as he enters the ring. Black wrestling trunks that fit more like boxer briefs with a white outline. Black knee & elbow pads. White wrestling boots with large black stripes. Black finger-less gloves with white wrist bands. His boots spell ACE o spelled from top to bottom on the sides in blue. on the back of his trunks is a green & black broken heart.

Ace has a black sunish designed tattoo on his back with medium sized thick sun rays coming off of it. On his right pec is the word Ace in Old English styled font.
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Ace Male
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