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"The Assassin" Spencer Miller

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"The Assassin" Spencer Miller

Postby SKS » Dec 13, '13, 6:22 pm

Name of your character: Spencer Miller

Nickname: "The Assassin"

Height: 6'4

Weight: 260 lbs

Home Town: Topeka, Kansas

Entrance Music: "Beast" by Nico Vega

Entrance Style: As his music plays, Miller enters through the crowd. He hops the guard rail and enters the ring slowly. Doesn't pay much attention to the fans.

Finishing Moves(s):

Spear (Gore type spear ala Rhyno)

"Discontinuation" - Koji Clutch (usually after a reverse STO - positions his leg underneath the neck of his opponent and applies pressure with both arms locked behind his opponent's head)

Signature Moves:

"Mill Shot Kill Shot" (Rolling Elbow Shot - he slides down his elbow pad and takes a few steps back before rotating in a 360 motion, uses the momentum to crack his opponent in the head with his exposed elbow)

Musclebuster (when opponent is seated atop the turnbuckle)

Slingshot European Uppercut (he propels his opponent in the air and as they fall down, he delivers a stiff European Uppercut to the jaw)

Spring Board Clothesline (he walks through the ropes and onto the ring apron, then grabs the top rope, propelling him up and off the top rope in a flying clothesline attempt)

Rolling Reverse Neckbreaker (grabs the neck of his opponent in a dragon sleeper position, then rolls out, spinning his opponent into the canvas)

Sit Out Missile Drop Kick (opponent can be seated against the bottom rope in the turnbuckle or draped across the ring apron, he runs then leaps in the air, lands on his butt with his legs outstretched and both feet extend into his opponent)

Reverse STO

Samoan Drop

Sidewalk Slam

Running Knee (as the opponent is on his knees).

Methodical in nature, Miller's move set is cerebral, so to speak. Doesn't take as many chances as he used to but can still let it fly on occasion. A bit of a brawler with a bit of technical wrestling as well.

Bio: (Back story, gimmick of your character. This is the important part.) Spencer Miller has shown up at PCW with a bang. Beating down Daz & Nick Foster his first two weeks, and demolishing Foster once again has solidified Miller as a huge threat. It is unknown what Miller's motives are at this time, who he's working with, or if he's working with anyone at all. The once cocky loudmouth is now a dark, deadly assassin.

Previous Accomplishments: WCSF International Champion, WCSF Tag Team Champion w/Delroy Andrews, Ended the career of Flash (twice)
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