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AEW Discussion

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AEW Discussion

Postby DBSoT » Jul 26, '20, 10:35 am

I can't remember the last time I posted on here, but it is good to be back. Shout out to Everlong/Tim for keeping this going without heavy traffic.

With that written, I wanted to make an AEW thread to discuss all things Elite.

Somethings I have liked:
- Cody's TNT Championship open challenge. Seeing newer talents get a chance to impress is always welcome. Eddie Kingston this past Wednesday was awesome and should be signed ASAP
- Hangman Page's right to being a star. It is impressive that he has kept momentum considering the pandemic made things more difficult
- The tag division is the best in the world. I don't remember the last time a North American promotion intertwined multiple tag team stories together at one time. Just in the past week there has been story progression with FTR, The Young Bucks, Butcher/Blade, Lucha Bros and Hangman/Omega. That doesn't even include the Dynamite main event including stories for Jurassic Express, Best Friends and Le Sex God's.
- Natural promos. MJF, Eddie Kingston, Mox, Jericho, Cody, Britt Baker and various managers.
- Orange Cassidy. I know he isn't for everyone, but I love it.

Things that need work:
- Women's division still needs work. Shida is a great champion to start with, but they will need more experienced workers. Diamante would be a good start. Iveliess and Tessa are options, but that comes with other baggage. I actually like the tag tournament that they are doing. Give exposure to more talents and bring in some Indy talent to compete. Same goes for Shida's open challenge.
- Stop mentioning ratings and stop taking WWE pot shots. Be great on your own
- Dark Order needs some changes. I am high on Brodie Lee and I like Grayson/Uno, but the whole group dynamic is really missing something.
- Some lost talent. Scorpio Sky, SCU, Janela/Kiss, Kip Sabian, Private Party, Matt Hardy. Not everyone can be pushed at once, but hopefully these guys will get some stories post All-Out. Sky is someone I think could be a top babyface with a similar rise to how they handled Hangman.
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Re: AEW Discussion

Postby Hanley! » Oct 23, '20, 3:33 pm

I watch the show every week, I buy every pay per view, and I really enjoy it. The product isn't perfect, but it's far superior to any period in WWE over the last couple of decades. They have a great blend of wrestling styles, book things to make sense, feature a nice variety of characters, and they know how to tell long-term stories. They have done more to make new stars in the last year than WWE have in the last decade. And most importantly the show is just fun.

The main thing they need to do to improve is to invest more in their women's division. The pandemic has hurt them because so much of their female roster was Japanese or European. But even without the pandemic, they could have used a big signing or two and a couple of veterans to anchor the division and help some of the green talent get to where they need to be.
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Re: AEW Discussion

Postby The Legend » Nov 09, '20, 12:06 pm

I love a lot of what AEW does, they've got a wealth of talent that puts on a great show every week. Their men's division in particular does a great job and overall they do a great job of making the big moments feel so damn important and allow you to invest in the stories in a great way. A lot of that is the talent, but I think a hge part of it is the way the commentary team works and gets the angles over. Jim Ross is still the best at announcing huge wrestling matches and making you focus only on the match. They just need to keep Jericho away from the announce booth.

As for things they don't do so well, the women's division doesn't need just better investment, but actually better people. I don't see how I'm supposed to invest in any of the active competitors in the division. Also, the tag division is great, but they feature it too frequently, tag wrestling is pretty limited in terms of its booking and story telling choices so the more you use it the more it burns out. One or maybe two tag team matches a week should be the maximum and sometimes it feels like every match on a Dynamite show is a tag match in some form.

I still watch Dynamite every week, but I don't order the payperviews, simply because I've never regularly bought 50-60 dollar PPV's and don't plan on adding that to my budget any time soon.
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