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Post videos and discuss of random wrestling moments/thoughts*

Postby Messiah » Dec 10, '17, 10:28 pm

One thing we all have in common is that at one point or another, whether it is now or 10 years ago, we loved wrestling. That is why we joined WWE-Club and why we are on this forum right now. Unfortunately the WWE has gotten so bare-bones with their creative direction that there is usually nothing to talk about.

So I decided that we have a thread dedicated to talking about some of our favorite moments. They can be from any time period, company, etc. They could be a segment or a match. They could take inside a ring or outside of it. It could have been in the 60s or just yesterday. Just post a video and talk about it. And the goal is to just post as many times as you please with any moment that comes to mind.
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Last edited by Messiah on Jun 12, '19, 4:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Post videos and discuss your favorite wrestling moments

Postby Messiah » Dec 10, '17, 10:33 pm

Genesis 2006: Kurt Angle vs Samoa Joe

I have long said Kurt Angle is one of my favorite pro wrestlers ever. This is around the time I was getting into being a "smark" and it coincided with Angle leaving the WWE, ultimately signing with TNA. I had barely even heard about the company beforehand, so I decided to give it a shot. This is the earliest TNA memory that I can recall watching as it happened (or the day after, or whenever I watched it). Looking back, having Joe take his first loss to Angle probably wasn't the best decision, but I could understand it. Plus Joe would get his win back and then some. It was a great match that was different in a way than what I was accustomed to as of late in the WWE.

I wouldn't say I became a committed TNA fan, but I would try to watch it as much as I could. IIRC, they were still just an hour-long show at this point so it wasn't hard keeping up with it. And there were a lot of fun moments. Sting/Abyss began their rivalry around this time and Abyss became one of my favorite big men. LAX, Christian Cage, AJ Styles, and the X-Division Paparazzi were some other pieces I enjoyed watching.

So basically yeah, this match helped introduce me to TNA and gave me an alternative to the WWE back then. For that, even if you disagree with Angle winning, I would say this is a big moment overall.
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Re: Post videos and discuss your favorite wrestling moments

Postby PorkChop » Dec 15, '17, 3:04 am


This was such an incredible, happy moment at the time. But on reflection, I don't think there's a more poignant and melancholy photo in wrestling history.
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Re: Post videos and discuss your favorite wrestling moments

Postby KaiserGlider » Dec 16, '17, 8:57 pm

The Cutting Edge with Mick Foley during the summer of 2008.

(somehow I could only find part 2 of the segment, but that episode of Smackdown is on the Network if you wanna check it out)

This is one of my favorite segments of all time, and one of the moments that made the Edge vs Undertaker feud great. Given the level of consistent storytelling we have now, it's amazing to me how well this feud was booked over that long of a period of time (from when Edge cashed in on Undertaker in mid 2007 all the way to Summerslam 2008).

So, a bit of backstory leading leading up to this segment: Edge defeats Undertaker in a TLC match and Undertaker is forced to "retire" per the stipulation of the match. Edge then retains the WHC against Batista at Night of Champions. The 2008 draft happens and Batista gets drafted to Raw, Edge comes to Raw to gloat but gets beat up by Batista, and then as we all know CM Punk takes advantage of this to cash in and take the belt off Edge.

Edge is so pissed off that he calls off his wedding with Vickie Guerrero, which in turn really pisses HER off. As Smackdown GM, she reinstates The Undertaker and puts him in a Hell in a Cell match with Edge at Summerslam.

Edge basically goes into a depression and wants to find a way to beat The Undertaker in a Hell in a Cell match. So this segment happens - it starts off with Edge sitting in a ring surrounded by tables, ladders, and chairs, because he says that he feels better "when surrounded by HIS instruments of destruction". Edge says he has found the one person that can help him thrive in Hell in a Cell against the Undertaker. He looks at the ramp like he's gonna call someone down, but then abruptly turns around and gets in commentator Mick Foley's face, announcing that the person is HIM.

So Foley hesitantly gets in the ring and then delivers the great promo you can see above - giving Edge a pep talk and basically stating that only the Rated-R Superstar version of Edge can hang with The Undertaker in that environment. Like a drill sergeant, Foley repeatedly asks Edge if he understands what needs to be done. Edge hesitates and finally says he "understands"... and then beats the fuck out of Foley and puts him through a table off the ladder with a chair (he goes on to use this same spot on Undertaker in the cell match).

Edge has now seemingly gone completely insane. On the next few Smacksowns before Summerslam, he terrorizes Vickie, randomly turns on Chavo Guarrero and destroys him with a chair, and basically begs the Undertaker to strike him down with lightning. It's fucking awesome.

This all leads to a really great blow-off match for the Edge/Undertaker feud at Summerslam. It's really more of a TLC in a Cell match, which makes it all the more memorable and unique compared to other cell matches. The match (and feud) ends with Undertaker doing everything to Edge that Edge first did to him, and then chokeslamming him off a ladder through the ring. This was the last Hell in a Cell match before they fucked the gimmick next year and introduced the Hell in a Cell PPV, where there were like 3 cell matches on one show and none of them were memorable...

Anyway, stories like these and HBK/Jericho are why 2008 is probably the best year out of the 2007-2010 "PG Era" stretch.
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Re: Post videos and discuss your favorite wrestling moments

Postby Hanley! » Dec 16, '17, 9:15 pm

That Edge / Foley segment was awesome. I think Edge's reactions were actually even better than Foley's promo. There was a three week stretch before that match where Edge was killing it on character work every week. It built anticipation for that match like nothing I can remember from WWE since. That feud has long been a favourite of mine, so it's great to see it mentioned here.

It is sad to see how much a Hell in a Cell match meant back in 2008. They've destroyed the gimmick in the 10 years since. We can never get anything like this from it now.
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Re: Post videos and discuss your favorite wrestling moments

Postby Hanley! » Dec 16, '17, 9:47 pm

Here's one of my favourite wrestling promos ever, that nobody ever talks about. It's from an obscure pay per view that WWF only ran once, called 'This Tuesday in Texas'. It was during the awesome feud between Jake Roberts and Randy Savage.

I couldn't find the promo on Youtube except as part of an episode of OSW Review (a channel worth checking out), but it should be time-stamped below (13.40 if the time stamp isn't working).

Watch on

Jake Roberts is the best promo in the history of the business, in my opinion. He doesn't have to scream and yell, or spout catchphrases, or pander to the crowd. He just draws you in with his innate charisma and awesome character portrayal. I loved this feud and this promo in particular. Macho Man had a great promo later on in that same show too.
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Re: Post videos and discuss your favorite wrestling moments

Postby KaiserGlider » Dec 22, '17, 11:49 pm

One of the best returns ever that doesn't get mentioned very often - when Big Show destroyed the entire Smackdown roster.

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Re: Post videos and discuss your favorite wrestling moments

Postby Messiah » Apr 18, '18, 1:17 pm

"You think I'm playin'? Rey... I'm not playin'. I'm gonna rip your head off."

Seriously, heel Batista was a masterpiece. One of the best and most underrated heels of the last 20 years. Every time I look back on his career, I feel like most fans (including myself) underrated him. 2003-2007 Batista (I said it in another thread - his series of matches with The Undertaker is among the best you will find if you are a fan of nasty brawls; they had unbelievable chemistry) was very entertaining and it wasn't until '08-'09 when his act grew old. Then he turned into a bad guy and it just revitalized his career. Plus if you listen to his interviews, he's very much so an old school guy (once got fined $100,000 for blading in a cage match vs Jericho and paid for everyone else's fines). It wouldn't surprise me if he had a great mind for the business.

In a lot of ways, Batista reminds me of Roman Reigns. Reigns has similar traits. What made Batista work is he was never asked to be more than he was when he was a good guy; just a cool, calm and collected bad-ass. He wasn't a good talker, but he never had to make long-winded promos like they ask Roman to do. And I imagine Roman, like what we saw from Batista, would be more comfortable in a talking role as a bad guy.
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Re: Post videos and discuss your favorite wrestling moments

Postby Messiah » Apr 18, '18, 5:57 pm

Before there was NXT, there was mid 2000s SmackDown where almost any new-coming talent usually debuted first. My favorite of those debuts:

One of my favorite moments from that period. Carlito had some cool (no pun intended) vignettes leading up to his debut and Cena was probably the perfect guy at the time for him to interrupt. A very good dueling promo between the two led to Carlito challenging for the US Championship later that night and in a shocker (I didn't have access to spoilers) Carlito won the title on his first night before spitting in Cena's face. Awesome moment.

I used to say the WWE mishandled him, and they did, but it turned out he had a shitty attitude so hard to feel too bad for him. Still, great in the ring, great talker, and great personality.
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Re: Post videos and discuss your favorite wrestling moments

Postby KaiserGlider » Apr 18, '18, 8:54 pm

I HATED when Carlito beat Cena for the US title on his first night. And not in a smarky way cause I wasn't a smark yet at that time, I just hated Carlito for stealing the belt right after Cena got done with his best of five series against Booker T. Smackdown in '04 sure had some despicable as fuck heels.
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Re: Post videos and discuss your favorite wrestling moments

Postby Messiah » Apr 20, '18, 10:14 am

Outstanding televised match. I watched it first on the RAW 15th Anniversary DVD I had gotten yearsss ago. Hart's facial expression when 1-2-3 Kid (aka X-PAC) arm-drags him in the beginning of the match is top-notch. Savage was a great commentator.
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Re: Post videos and discuss your favorite wrestling moments

Postby Messiah » Apr 20, '18, 11:09 am

This was a great moment, but I wonder who woke up and said, "lets have one of our wrestlers threaten to actually kill someone on television. Our network won't get angry."
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Re: Post videos and discuss your favorite wrestling moments

Postby Everlong » May 08, '18, 1:55 pm

Just came across this promo for the first time in years. Goddamn prime Austin was so good. I miss when wrestling had this kind of intensity. It feels so authentic. This kind of promo never happens today. Everything feels so overly scripted and clean and rehearsed. The fire in Stone Cold's eyes here, the full commitment to the character, it's just amazing.
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Re: Post videos and discuss of random wrestling moments/thoughts*

Postby Messiah » Jun 12, '19, 5:00 pm

Bully Ray is probably the best heel professional wrestling has seen in the last decade. I mean, damn. Ray perfectly played an on-screen piece of shit.

Granted there's definitely a lot of stuff he wouldn't be able to say in the WWE, but it's still a shame we never saw him get a solo heel run in that company. He was a great promo guy in general and while he wasn't the best wrestler, he was a capable one. He would have been an excellent veteran to have in the mid-card, someone capable of making a story feel important.
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