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So what's happening?

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So what's happening?

Postby Everlong » Jan 19, '15, 2:28 pm

It's been about a week and a half since there was discussion in the Onslaught thread about the state of PCW. There needs to be a clear decision made about the trajectory of this game. Is it going to move forward under the same format? Is it going to move forward under a different format? Is it going to come to an end altogether?

I'd encourage the mods and everyone else to give their opinions here, because we can't keep putting off having this conversation.
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Re: So what's happening?

Postby Stratusfied619 » Jan 19, '15, 11:43 pm

IMO as far as formats for the game, I think that's something that only current and past mods can come together and bounce ideas off of each other on the format of the game. I like that Kaiser wants a laid back atmosphere but there may be some things that mods may have to tighten the reigns on like tardiness (if writer(s) doesn't notify co-writer and mods that unable to write, etc.) unless it's like holiday season like Thanksgiving/Christmas/New Years. I think towards the end of the year, may have to do a mini break and maybe one show during the early part of December and then wait til the new year before new card goes up.

Maybe things are being a little late because there may not be a lot of communication going on. When the card goes up and have 10 days to write and if you know that 4 of those 10 days you're busy with work, school, etc. ask co-writer if they can cover first half/2nd half or just write the whole thing and give them an explanation on how you want your character to come off and what you want to accomplish in the segment/match.

If not able to write or whatever let your writer know in both PM & Email cause one might check their email everyday over logging into the club and vice versa.

I wish there was more discussion as I love reading other thoughts and criticisms but as far as discussions go, some people like doing it and some just don't.

That's all I got, I really hope PCW doesn't go away.
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Re: So what's happening?

Postby Everlong » Jan 20, '15, 12:43 pm

The fact that this has one response in 24 hours basically tells me all I need to know.
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Re: So what's happening?

Postby BSM » Jan 20, '15, 2:56 pm

I'm going to give my thoughts, although I'm not sure it matters at this point. One of the problems I have is as the fed gets bigger, so do the shows, and I often can't find the time to read the entire show in a timely manner before the next card is posted. I skim and read enough to know what is going on, but not always enough to leave any useful comments, and I feel others may be having the same problem, but I'm not sure.

So my suggestion would be to have multiple shows, each with their own mostly unique rosters. Then alternate cards between the two shows, so that about half the roster gets a short break every other show. As for the ppv's, I guess combine the two shows, but have a slightly longer break before the next card goes up.

With that being said, I'm not sure it will fix anything, or if it even matters at this point
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Re: So what's happening?

Postby Stratusfied619 » Jan 20, '15, 3:14 pm

Is the roster big enough for 2 shows. If you don't include the tag teams you have about 19 characters with tag teams you have about 27 characters excluding the women, who aren't booked in matches unless need be.

Don't know if the fed will get bigger because there's no sign up thread. I mean if it's to continue I guess the mods can do what WCSF did and have a small 1 hour type of show like they did with Uprising/Ascension and instead of it being for newcomers making it to the main roster it could be where they hold their mid-card feuds and hope nobody sees it as a demotion or anything like that if character winds up being on that show for a spell or two.

That show can be due before Onslaught and it can give writers a break. They write for the new show and character isn't booked on Onslaught in a match and just may be needed for a backstage segment or something. Also the shows might not be so long for some of you and doesn't take that long to read.
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Re: So what's happening?

Postby prophet » Jan 20, '15, 4:00 pm

I hate to say it, I really really do; but I think it's the end of the road.

It was right to point out that this thread had only one response in 24 hours and I think the cold hard truth is that people just don't care anymore. I mentioned in the other thread that I was among the people that would have been potentially happy to remain on-board as a writer and I stand by that but how long do you think that could suffice? If you were asking me? I'd say not long. We may well continue on writing killer shows and awesome matches but without a community and without discussion interest will wain and that's a fact. It's a problem that can only ever be temporarily solved, eventually this discussion would happen again...and again. As a writer I've had my finest moments in PCW and being made champion made me genuinely proud and so it hurts to have to say it but these days the only time we ever have a bit of activity in this section is when we're either talking about disbanding or having nostalgic chats about old times, that's unhealthy.

If I was to offer my two cents on what can be done (though truthfully I don't think there's much) I'd say maybe PCW would benefit from being largely seasonal. So to give a hypothetical example book one PPV cycle within the months of Jan-Feb with those that want too and once that cycle is up have a break for the next two months - that'd give people more than enough time to read each show and might inspire people to comment more because they've actually read the show plus the lengthy hiatuses might keep people interested and eager for the next cycle. That's just me spit-balling from the top though and right away I can think of clear cons for that idea.

Unfortunately guys, I think this is probably it.
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Re: So what's happening?

Postby Stratusfied619 » Jan 20, '15, 4:35 pm

I think that there should be a poll here on whether or not people are interested in continuing on with the game or just let it go.
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Re: So what's happening?

Postby KaiserGlider » Jan 21, '15, 9:23 am

I haven't been as active in this section lately as I usually am, because I wanted to step back a bit and see how many of the other writers and mods said something. And also because I've been in Florida for a week.

Here's my current stance on PCW (some of this is taken from an email I wrote to PhenomRocks):

I don't really feel like running the game anymore for several reasons - mostly because classes are starting soon and I'm pretty sure that and some other personal tasks are going to make my schedule too busy to continue booking and putting together the shows. Secondly, I'm just not seeing enough enthusiasm to really make me passionate about keeping it going. There's still a small core group of writers who seem interested (Stratusfied, god bless you lol), but I don't think it's enough people. Another reason is something that Everlong, Str8Shooter, and Prophet have all brought up: if PCW continues, it'll only be a matter of time before we end up having this conversation again and again. The format is not sustainable. I definitely thought we could get more mileage out of it, but now I realize that I may have been wrong about that.

If the format changed so that it would be less work to run the game and less work for everyone else to participate in the game, that would be great and I would totally be on board. But I was never able to think of a way to change the format. If I had, I would have implemented it by now. I really appreciate all the suggestions made in this thread, but honestly I don't think any of them would really help. On a positive note, it's great to see Tim's game taking off. He has the right idea with people competing with each other - that motivates them to participate. Something like that, but character-based, would be great in PCW.

It would suck to see PCW die like this. We had a lot of awesome moments in the 1+ year that the fed was going strong. Is PCW done? Seems like it. As for me personally, I'm probably done as well. I could make a thread or poll to see who still wants to participate. But that's basically been this thread and the Onslaught preview thread.
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Re: So what's happening?

Postby Str8Shooter » Jan 21, '15, 9:29 am

Maybe take 6 months or a year and if anyone is clamouring for it to return then people could come up with a brand new version of PCW with a different format that might be a better fit for people with less work.
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Re: So what's happening?

Postby Everlong » Jan 21, '15, 11:53 am

My idea with the PubTalk game was taking the competition element of WWDG and mixing it with creative writing. If somehow a new version of PCW down the road could combine that competition element with a character element, I think that'd be great.

Or, we could mix PCW with the new PubTalk game. Have a specific leaderboard dedicated purely to wrestling stuff, where people are asked to write a promo on a certain topic, and that is their prompt for the week. People who wish to participate in that leaderboard create a character of their own and interact with each other in character.

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Re: So what's happening?

Postby Tom » Jan 21, '15, 2:39 pm

I know I am not involved in the fed and that my opinion probably doesn't matter at this stage but I feel like I need to throw my two cents in. Personally, I feel it would be great for the game continue. I think Kaiser has done an awesome job with the reboot; his dedication and his patience has been admirable. I don't think the fed would have lasted anywhere near as long if he wasn't involved.

However, in my honest opinion, I don't think it is feasible for the game to continue. I just don't think interest is there and although reboots can bring interest and will be beneficial in the short term, I don't think it is a long term solution. I think it would be great to have a reunion kind of show every six months, where people who want to write together and put on some kick ass matches can. I think people would even comment on those reunion shows as well as absence creates interest in my opinion. But as a storyline based game that works as a four show leading to pay per view format, I just don't think enough people are committed to making that work in the long run. For that reason, I think the fed should close it's doors.

I don't have much knowledge as to what Tim's new game is. I haven't looked in the forum yet. One thing I would be against though is narrowing options for it's members, and possibly creating a character as well. I think forcing a person to be a character and not themselves limits that persons potential. The more freedom that a member has with a game, the more interested they will be in my opinion. And that's one of the reasons I think PCW/WCSF as a format ended up getting stale; I don't think people had a reason to care about anything outside of what their own characters was doing on a long term basis and to get to the top it was a long process for them. If that game gives a certain element of control to its members, and gives people a reason to care about other other things outside of their own matches etc, then you could be onto a winner.

As I said, it would be great to revisit the old format every six months or so for a show which includes five/six matches. I think people would be interested in seeing a once off show in which the people competing decide the winners of the matches and have control of what content is in the match. I would nearly be inclined to bring Devine back if the shows happened once/twice annually. But as a four show followed by pay per view format, I just don't think the interest is there anymore!
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Re: So what's happening?

Postby KaiserGlider » Jan 21, '15, 10:21 pm

Everlong wrote:Or, we could mix PCW with the new PubTalk game. Have a specific leaderboard dedicated purely to wrestling stuff, where people are asked to write a promo on a certain topic, and that is their prompt for the week. People who wish to participate in that leaderboard create a character of their own and interact with each other in character.

I was thinking about that, but I'm not sure how well it would work. I should probably hold off on giving my opinion until the Pubtalk Game has gone through a couple prompts, but I think having characters cut promos on random things could get hard to follow if the characters aren't in storylines or other interactions that help them develop personalities. (Or maybe I'm just thinking of the first season of NXT where they had the rookies do that. If anyone remembers.) So I agree with Tom as far as possible limitations go if people can only write while being in character mode. But without the characters, it wouldn't really feel like a wrestling game anymore.

Something like the old Debate League could work, where two people who are competing against each other make a bunch of posts in one thread, having a debate in promo-style and responding to each other's trash talk. This is then judged or voted on. But again, it would be harder to do things like that without storylines or shows.
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Re: So what's happening?

Postby Ali » Jan 21, '15, 10:41 pm

Oh, PCW... I just don't think we have the people to do this on a regular basis. I think most of us are just kind of tired of writing regularly, whether we want to admit it or not.

I can tell you from my perspective: I love my characters. I love Johnny Briggs, Ryan Haynes, the Comeaus, and other characters I've come up with but never gotten to use/write in PCW or WCSF. But I don't really like wrestling anymore. Wrestling, to me, is tired and boring, but that's where I've invented these characters. So PCW, for me, has been more about keeping these characters "alive" than the wrestling.

It might be time to move on, or make PCW more of a "special event" thing. I'm not sure, that's just my ramblings.
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Re: So what's happening?

Postby PhenomRocks » Jan 29, '15, 10:47 am

As for me, I absolutely LOVE PCW. I still have enough enthusiasm and passion for the game, I can still write, i don't want it to die like that.. As a writer I enjoyed every single word, I wrote here in PCW. I was enjoying my new character, it's like I had the creative control over my character which is why I was improving like never before.. Honestly in WCSF I never really cared about anything outside of what my own character's doing but in PCW, I do read every single show. I've learned alot here in PCW and It would suck to see PCW die like this.
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Re: So what's happening?

Postby Kreashko » Apr 14, '17, 8:52 pm

Where was I when PCW was going on? Damn I wish this would come back...
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Re: So what's happening?

Postby PhenomRocks » May 09, '17, 11:35 pm

Those good old days... :damn
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Re: So what's happening?

Postby KaiserGlider » May 10, '17, 7:22 pm

PhenomRocks wrote:Those good old days... :damn

The munger is back!
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Re: So what's happening?

Postby PhenomRocks » May 19, '17, 12:33 am

KaiserGlider wrote:
PhenomRocks wrote:Those good old days... :damn

The munger is back!

Hahaha.. you damn right :tim

BTW Is there any chance PCW might come back any time soon? Somebody please say YES, come on. :angrysanta :P ;)
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Re: So what's happening?

Postby KaiserGlider » May 19, '17, 8:46 pm

PhenomRocks wrote:
KaiserGlider wrote:
The munger is back!

Hahaha.. you damn right :tim

BTW Is there any chance PCW might come back any time soon? Somebody please say YES, come on. :angrysanta :P ;)

Not as an ongoing fed because nobody has the time, but if there's interest in a WCSF/PCW One Night Stand one-off show, I'd be all for it.
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Re: So what's happening?

Postby Everlong » May 20, '17, 7:50 am

^I'd do a one-off.
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