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Postby SKS » Jun 10, '14, 10:54 am


Alex Wright and Zachary Cage remain seated at ringside as PCW crew members help clean up the confetti around the ring.

Alex: What an excellent night we just witnessed, Zach. Titles were retained, a mask was removed, and a new World Heavyweight champion was crowned.

Cage: We also may have seen the end of "The British Rose", a new Phoenix rising, and a victorious return for a second generation superstar.

Alex: Here on Resurgence Fallout, we will show a culmination of interviews from Keith Hypeman, who has garnered some post match reactions from a few competitors. Enjoy!

Highlights from the Amos Hess vs Kid Spartan are shown, including Hess removing his mask.

Hypeman:Joining me now are the Disciples, Amos Hess, Sean Knight, and Ted Barry. Amos, you were victorious tonight over Kid Spartan in a firmly dominated match. Why did you feel the need to remove his mask?

Hess: Because of what the mask represents. I'm not talking about silly traditions that mistake flash for honor. No. Masks represent hiding. Hiding from the people they claim they represent. Hiding from the Lord. They even hide them from themselves. When Kid Spartan used to look into the mirror he was able to avoid seeing into his own eye. Seeing the sins and the evil inside. He thought his mask would protect him. But the Lord see's through all mask both figurative and material. And the Lord punishes.

Hypeman: Interesting comments, to say the least. Now, The Disciples were unsuccessful in their quest for the tag team...

Hess: For the tag team what Keith? The titles? The Disciples don't lust for fame and fortune. We don't worship golden belts nor do we strive to obtain them or any other material thing. Thats the problem with so many of these other men in the locker room. They set their sights on their achievements for themselves. The Disciples, we set our goals on achievements for God. It isn't about the gold. It's about showing these people, showing the Lord our commitment to him. And we did that. There may have been a pin fall but the Disciples were not the losers.

Highlights of the Street Fight between Johnny Valentino and Zaid are shown.

Hypeman: Joining me is the winner of the brutal street fight, Johnny Valentino!

We turn to find an exhausted Johnny literally being held up by Gia DiFiero, but he still manages to have a smile on his face.

Hypeman: Now, Johnny, that was physical. How do you feel right now?

Johnny Valentino: I'm not going to lie, I am in a world of hurt right now!! But I couldn't be happier...! I have my beautiful G by my side and I just beat the man who has been a pain in backside for far too long.

Valentino and DiFiero smile at each other.

Hypeman: Well, after that passionate kiss we saw out in the ring, it seems as if you two are back on track. What's next for the New Jersey Natives?

Gia DiFiero: The future is bright, Keith! My man is going to climb the ranks of PCW with me by his side all the way!!

Johnny Valentino: But all I can think about right now... Is going home with my woman!

Highlights of the Andrew Logan vs Gryphon Richard match are shown.

Hypeman: Joining me at this time are Andrew and Alexa, the Logans.

The camera pans out to reveal the two stars on their way out of the arena.

Hypeman: Andrew, you beat the up and coming Gryphon Richard earlier tonight, and afterward you came back to the ring to help him to his feet. Why?

Andrew nods.

Andrew: He gave a hell of an effort, and I feel like he deserved some recognition. Plus, it was another chance to show Omega that the kid was fine on his own. He wrestled a great match. Not as great as me, obviously, but I think being the best has given me a pretty keen eye for talent, and that kid has it.

Alexa nods and grins widely.

Hypeman: Right. Now: what's next for the Logan family?

Alexa jumps on this question exuberantly.

Alexa: Right now, Keith, our top goal is the WCSF World Championship, which means our sights are squarely fixed on the new champion, Nick Foster. Now, I understand that there's going to be a long list of people who want a shot at Mr. Foster, including the former champion himself, but we are prepared to obliterate any obstacles in our path. I fully anticipate that the next PCW World Champion will be my brother, the greatest wrestler in the world today, Andrew Logan.

Andrew grins at this, and grabs his sister by the arm.

Andrew: Now if you'll excuse us, Keith, Alexa and I have a flight to catch. See you at Onslaught.

Highlights of the Tag Team Championship match between Neo Runway Chic and The Disciples are shown.

The PCW Tag Team Champions, Neo Runway Chic are backstage. Dale and Brody are both looking a little worse for wear following their Resurgence clash with Sean Knight and Ted Barry, Even Melissa is looking a little dishevelled, having pulled and tugged at her hair along with every nearfall.

Hypeman: Now joining me are the PCW Tag Team Champions, the victorious Neo Runway Chic!

Dean Brody pats the plate of the title belt resting on his shoulder. “Adorable” Adrian Dale has opted instead to rest his belt around his neck, letting it hang loose.

Hypeman: You disposed of The Disciples tonight, how do you feel about that match?

Dale: I told you. What did I say son? Neo Runway Chic still tag team champions, still stylin’, still proflin’, still glamorisin’, these belts!

Melissa Chambers takes centre stage.

Chambers: Amos Hess sent his best soldiers to take the crown God’s Favourite Wrestler has claimed … and they couldn’t get the job done. We are a new breed, setting a new trend in tag team excellence. Of course the Disciples couldn’t dethrone God’s Favourite Tag Team. We’ve been blessed, I mean come on, take a look at these perfect cheek bones.

She raises her hands to her cheeks, letting the cameraman get a good look.

Chambers: These outfits couldn’t be anything other than divine and you don’t want to get me started on our bone density and impeccable metabolisms.

Melissa rubs the palm of her hand against Brody’s six pack abs, her lip curling into an enticing pout.

Dale: Hey, what about me. Sharin’ is carin’ bro!

Brody shoves his tag team partner, not impressed. Melissa scolds him with a piercing glare.

Brody: You’re unbelievable…

Dale half shrugs as Hypeman pipes up, settling the Tag Team champions down.

Hypeman: Earlier on the Resurgence pre-show, The J Team took down the Brothers Comeau. Do you have anything to say to your next challengers?

Brody shakes his head at Dale once more before manoeuvring Melissa to his left, putting himself between her and Dale. He looks towards the camera.

Brody: Yeah, I got something to say. J-Team, they beat Calvin and Carter Comeau, a team we know a lot about. We know that’s not an easy feat. BJ Washington, Jake Jimenez, they’ll do what it takes to win, use every advantage. Trust me, that’s something I know a thing or two about myself. You think moonsualting to the floor was amazing? You think walking the ropes was incredible? You think the Sasuke Special was something to marvel at? J-Team, you ain’t seen nothing yet.

Brody takes Melissa’s hand and leaves camera shot. Adrian Dale claps Hypeman on the shoulder and begins top rocking after his partner. He appears to be taking too long as Brody returns to frame, grabbing Dale by the wrist and dragging him along.

Highlights of the physical bout between "The Assassin" Spencer Miller and "The British Rose" Daz are shown.

A sweaty and exhausted Spencer Miller leans against a backstage wall with a towel around his neck, stretching out his back.

Hypeman: Spencer, may I have a quick word?

Miller turns around and has a bit of a disgusted look when he realizes it's Keith Hypeman.

Miller: What the hell do you want?

Hypeman: You took down "The British Rose" Daz tonight. He's a Hall Of it over between you two?

Miller smirks a bit before answering the question.

Miller: I did what I said I would do, beat Daz. And yes, he is a Hall Of Famer, for good reason. The thing is...he USED to be good...years ago. Now he's nothing more than a punching bag for yours truly. Daz should be retiring like I keep telling him to, but if he wants another ass kicking, I'm not too hard to find.

Hypeman: Nick Foster defeated Kaiser Cavanah to win the PCW World Heavyweight Championship. Thoughts on that?

Miller: Congratu-fucking-lations Nick. You now have a giant target on your back. Quite frankly, you're going to wish you could go back in time to when I was the only one that wanted to end your career. Speaking of ending your may happen soon enough. I just ran through Omega, Nick himself, and Daz in 3 consecutive weeks. If I get a title shot that I deserve to receive...then Nick's championship reign will be over before it even started.

Miller walks away slowly and Hypeman sends it back to the announce team.

Alex: Thank you all for joining us for Resurgence, and be sure to tune into Onslaught this week!

Cage: The pendulum has swung no doubt about it! What's going to happen next?

Thanks to ShaneOfan, Everlong, HardcoreLegend, and Daz for participating!
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