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PCW Resurgence Pay-Per-View RESULTS!!

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PCW Resurgence Pay-Per-View RESULTS!!

Postby KaiserGlider » May 30, '14, 4:28 pm

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Re: PCW Resurgence Pay-Per-View RESULTS!!

Postby Daz » May 31, '14, 3:07 am

Phoenix Fray Battle Royal – What a controversial little match this was. Interesting way of doing things with Orion’s elimination being explained through instant replay. I don’t think I’ve ever seen that before, and it helped sell the chaotic nature of the multi man match. Bishop coming back to toss Gabriel Reece to the outside is decent booking, continuing their growing rivalry. Clever idea with the finish, using the kneepad as a distraction, allowing Sears to hurl Ace to the floor. Glad to see Sears get the victory.

A Fair Fight – I really liked this little segment. The feud has unfolded really nicely and this added another dimension to it. Gryphon asking Omega not to involve himself in his match with Andrew Logan continues to add a little bit of underlying tension between the Canadian Wrecking Crew and I’m really intrigued to see whether or not Omega plays ball with his protégé.

Amos Hess vs. Kid Spartan - #FieldPlow. This one was over quickly. Post-match attack effectively writes Spartan out, and I;m interested to see where Hess goes from him.

The Zanetti Family – Decent little interlude. This worked really well as a followup to the previous Zanetti Family segment. The focus on the tag team division certainly intrigues me, and I always welcome more teams to the division. Looking forward to the Family’s debut.

Andrew Logan vs. Gryphon Richard – Shaking hands before the match. Can’t say I necessarily expected that from Logan. Gryphon’s test of strength and throwing the early kick is a nice way for him to test the waters, and Logan, being the veteran I guess between these two, being wise to them was a good touch. Commentary talking about the strategy of the competitors is always appreciated. I like that as this one went on, Andrew became less and less respectful, letting some of the old arrogance and cockiness seep in. And the same can be said for Gryphon, who used the rules to his advantage, keeping submissions hold locked on and the like. Also, good use of Alexa on the floor. It’s easy to forget to utilize managers properly, but little touches like having her cup her hand to her ear whilst the fans chant “Logan Sucks!” work wonders. All I can say about the finish is … DAMN YOU! YOU STOLE OUR SPOT YOU [EXPLETIVE DELETED] … In all seriousness, it works wonders in setting up the Gryphon/Omega tension. Omega tried to do the right thing and inadvertently cost his protégé the match, which will not sit well with Gryphon. Will Richard realize this, or will he be able to see that Logan orchestrated the entire thing?

The Disciples vs. Neo Runway Chic – #GFW, #GFTT

Zaid vs. Johnny Valentine – This started well, without a lot of intensity, which is important for a feud ender obviously. I like what you did with commentary, having the more heel inclined Cage verbally attacking Valentine and calling him a coward for going for an early cover on Zaid. The weapons spots I felt could have spread out and setup a little better, rather than pulling them out and then going straight into it. I like it went there’s at least the appearance of planning and forethought. See, the stuff with the table, much better. You teased something with it, moved away for a moment, then came back with the Powerbomb, and it felt like a bigger moment because of it. Great job with the commentary, selling the impact of the move, even if it was a tad over the top. I liked it. Really enjoyed Zaid resorting to desperate measures, throwing a drink in Valentine’s face. Nice touch to sell the effects of the match as Zaid uses the trash can to help himself to his feet. Good build into the finish, again teasing the brass knuckles before delivering on the blow. Great win for Johnny V and I would absolutely do a gimmick from here where Johnny V proclaims to have finally shut the A-Lister up, by breaking his jaw with that shot.

Heartbreaker – Seeing as Gia’s fate was somewhat up in the air as a result of this feud, it was good to see her return and tie up that loose end. The nut shot was a fitting conclusion to this saga.

Assassin’s Creed – Decent little promo, acknowledging everything we’ve been trying to accomplish with the various segments and matches with Miller over the past months or so. Tying it back into the Daz promo of a few weeks ago was smart, and I particularly liked Miller addressing the idea that he rides on other people’s coat tails, and the way he curtailed that into the bit about Daz having to believe that, otherwise he won’t stand a shot.

Miller vs. Daz – We tried to keep this a reasonable length, as we assume this feud will continue beyond Resurgence. Don’t want to give it all away up front. I was fairly happy with how this came out. There are some things I’d perhaps liked to have elaborated on further, but in the interest of keeping the page count down, kind of rushed through a little. The idea was that Daz didn’t want to make a cover and risk the possibility of ending the match, whilst Miller was more interested in scoring the victory and putting himself in line for a title shot down the road. I think it made for a good story, and the finish whilst clean enough, puts a little asterisk beside the victory. Hopefully we can kick things up a notch in a rematch down the road.

Don’t Hate the Player – Big fan of Bernard and his Player gimmick, so I’m delighted to see he’s coming back. I didn’t really expect this, so it made for a nice little surprise.

Magnum Opus - Interesting little deal here with Magnum. He’s such a bastard. The tease that he’s going to burn the title was cool, but Omega rushing to make the save was nice and fitting. All around good segment and it should give both guys something to do from here on out. I do question what this means for Omega and Richard’s interaction with Andrew Logan but we’ll see. I assume there will be a tag match at some point.

Just Like Old Times - I did not expect Johnny Devine to show up, but I marked. A really nice moment between these former stable mates, giving the Main Event a bigger feel that it already had.

Kaiser vs. Foster – Great work on the commentary, really building Foster’s 8 year odyssey and selling the match. I’m gonna make notes as I go through this one, as I assume it’s gonna go long and I don’t want to miss anything: -

-Good use of the repeated spot at the top of the match. Really helped sell Foster’s early advantage, and the crowd reactions tied into these went a long way in showing their desire to see Foster win.

- Lots of Boo/Yay chants on this show thus far. This was the most fitting place for them. Kaiser is such an effective character that even when getting clotheslined to the floor he manages to be entertaining.

- Good continuity as Kaiser takes advantage of Foster’s weakened state, courtesy of those Onslaught chair shots.

- Foster’s call to arms and the way he played to the crowd was on another level here. Kaiser repeatedly thwarting him time after time was good heel work and made for a really interesting, back and forth matchup.

- Great nearfall off the Emerald Flowsion. Loved the commentary proceeding it as well, touching on Foster’s promo at the end of the last Onslaught, referring back to the Last Man Standing match at Oblivion, and drawing parallels between Foster and the whole meaning of phoenix to begin with. All worked nicely.

-Kaiser’s desperation to win, bludgeoning Foster on the floor was a great way to alter the moment. And coming so soon after asking the question whether Foster would resort to some of his old Mafia ways in his effort to win, made for a nice parallel.

- Foster rolling through into the FCC, only to connect with the Devine Valley Driver was a beautiful touch, and an angonizing nearfall to boot.


- What a god damn finish.
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Re: PCW Resurgence Pay-Per-View RESULTS!!

Postby Stratusfied619 » May 31, '14, 4:01 am

Battle Royal - First I will say that it was very well written and I feel so bad for Master lol everyone gangs up on Bishop and each get their shot in on him but when Master attempts, it's blocked. Poor Master, but will say it's glad to see that he wasn't eliminated early in the match like I thought he was gonna be. What I also loved about this match is from the simple fact that there were moves used other than punches, attempting to throw someone over, constantly using the ring corner like most wrestling battle royals go. Got to see powerslams, slingshot DDTs, etc. It's going to be interesting on where the Bishop vs Reece feud is going to go after this.

Hess vs Spartan - That was a quick match and Amos is so damn evil, don't think any character can match Amos' level of evilness. With the way he unmasked Spartan and beating him again after the match. The fact that Amos carries the Bible just makes his character that much worse in a great way. To me Hess is one of the top heels in the fed and one of the rare characters that can successfully feud with another heel like Kaiser. I also did like that he still has that cast and has Omega and Dylan's names on it. If the match is no DQ, I'm thinking that the ref wouldn't be making a five count when Hess has Spartan on the ropes cause ref can't DQ him.

Zanetti Family - I already had this promo already wrote out, so it was sent to Kaiser on the 2nd day lol. For the record, the woman isn't dead, they're not killers. They just assassinated her means of income, she has to look for another job which we know in this day in age is hard to do. I just wanted this promo to show that we don't know who they plan on targeting first and there's a reason why Melissa has been chosen separately instead of being pictured with NRC. So hope you all enjoyed the little break from Resurgence

Logan vs Richard - Good competitive match between Logan and Richard with Andrew adding a little submission to his arsenal in order to defeat Gryphon. Nice little John Cena type chant in the middle of the match. A couple of close calls and the line 'steal an underhanded win and run' made me chuckle slightly for some reason. I still think that Logan is underhanded, he just gives off that aura and it's the writing for him that does it with the handshake and the little moments with the chair with Omega and Gryphon. Looks like he's going to start some heavy mind games with Omega.

NRC vs The Disciples - I liked earlier on how The Disciples really worked Adrian Dale over during the beginning of the match and kept him a distance away from Brody, showing that Dale is still relatively a newcomer/noobie and Brody coming into the match and show that he has more ring psychology than Dale. So I've been liking the continuity of that storyline within NRCs own little story. The Disciples proven to be very tough challengers in this match, good pacing, good back and forth action, and I was expecting Dale's molar to fall out since it was loosened during the match lol. NRC picking up the win was kind of obvious since the J Team picked up the win in the number one contenders match. Wouldn't mind these two teams facing off again.

Street Fight - I know that street fights have a different pace than a regular type and a little more fast paced but I felt that it was a little rushed. Felt like I was watching this match in fast forward for a bit and I think it had to do with the way that the weapons were used. Now for the post match it brought back memories of Roxanne did to Amos during Dylan and Amos' final encounter.

Daz vs Miller - I liked the flying headbutt that Daz performed and Daz really not caring much for what the ref has to say in the match. I ddid see that Miller was willing wanting to pick up the win while Daz was just a little bit more focused on putting Spencer through hell. I really enjoyed this match and it did go above expectations. So bravo to both writers.

Don't Hate the Player - Another rich guy with money, but if Bernard is here for the long run then he might make good use of the over privledged rich guy. I never got to see the gimmick full fledged so hopefully third time is the charm. I'm wondering if his first target will be Kyle since Dylan does attract the money makers lol.

Magnum's Opus: Magnum is another one of my favorite top 3 characters, he's just too damn awesome. I'm wondering if Burke is going to make that belt a part of PCW or let Phillips be under the delusion that he's a champion. I am wondering about Omega on the direction he's going, is he going to let Richard do his own thing, possibly still feud with Andrew, or feud with Magnum now.

Just Like Old Times - Wow, I was in awe at seeing Devine show up to talk to Foster and give him words of encouragement before walking into the main event. I nearly shouted in joy over reading Devine's name but composed myself.

Main Event - This match was definitely an 8 Year Odyssey match, it was great and quite frankly I'm not gonna find enough words in the English language to describe this match. I loved everything about it, had a great atmosphere, the moves and the counters exhibited by both Foster and Cavanah were impeccable. Looks like Foster was the one to end Kaiser's reign. Excellent finish to a great ppv.
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Re: PCW Resurgence Pay-Per-View RESULTS!!

Postby Everlong » Jun 01, '14, 11:20 am

Alright, gonna have to compile these thoughts over the course of a couple days.

Starting off at the beginning!

Phoenix Fray Battle Royal - SAVE THE DRAMA FO YA MAMA. I love that Master and Sato get a jobber entrance at PPV :lol. Did Ace get taken out of this match, then? Ok wait, now he's in. There was no reference to him that I saw during the entrances, unless I'm mistaken. With this being such a short match there's not much room for delay, so it's kind of fun reading the action flying by at a clip here in the early going. I appreciate how quickly the momentum would change. Just when Sears would get the edge, Ace would be there to surprise him. Stuff like that. Gotta be difficult to plan a match like this with so many people and such little space. I love that Sato and the Master were released at the same time :lol. Clever method of eliminating Orion here, having it not even happen on screen and bringing in the replay -- it sells the fact that Reece can bring in some big offense at any time and it would seem to indicate that they're heading into a feud... especially now that he's just cheated Reece haha. Great victory here for Sears, and some clever booking to advance at least one feud in here.

A Fair Fight - Interesting that Omega would so willingly agree to stay at ringside. This could backfire in a big way for Gryphon.

Amos Hess vs. Kid Spartan - Well this was a quick one :lol. I'd have liked to have seen slightly more reaction to Spartan's mask getting removed, but it was an effective way of ending it early and getting Hess more over as a heel. It would make it seem as though Spartan isn't done with Hess yet, but I wouldn't have predicted this one to go for another PPV. But now especially after that postmatch, damn, that was brutal. We'll see what happens.

Another promo for the new Mafia, eh? Looking forward to seeing these guys actually debut. Stratusfied seems to have nailed the aura surrounding these guys, so I'm looking forward to how it actually translates to in-ring action.

Gryphon vs. Andrew - We went about writing this in a different way than I usually have... HFX wrote a bunch of stuff, then I went back and added a bit within what he'd already wrote and added the commentary, then tacked on the final spots and ending. Hope it turned out well! Daz -- I wouldn't necessarily say that Omega cost Gryphon the match, because Gryphon was already down when Omega came out.

God's Favorite Tag Team - What the hell is Dale saying here? lmao. But forreal, good segment to show a different side to NRC than we've seen in the past. Should be a good one.

Tag Team Championship - Fitting that Dale is the one to start this off for NRC. It's been interesting throughout this feud to see how Dale and Brody, who didn't really get along beforehand, have become a more cohesive unit as they've had to band together against this truly big challenge in the Disciples. And that cohesiveness definitely got tested in this match, especially with the way that Dale got worked over. That also made it a really nice touch that both the NRC members picked up the pin at the end the same time. Really subtle stuff like that that doesn't even necessarily get brought up explicitly by the announcers is great, because it's still a nod to how far they've come over the past couple months. Going to be interesting to see where the Disciples go from here, because we're now going to have an odd number of tag teams and they and Hess are both seemingly floating around without much to do right now. I'm sure something is in the works.

Street Fight - Cage going a bit heavyhanded on the "Valentino has no chance" makes me think even more that he's going to win, haha. Like the hot start, getting things to the outside right away and even bringing in a chair within the first page. The way these guys have gone after each other the past couple months, that's more than merited. Gotta appreciate Zaid taking advantage of the "anything goes" rules with some underhanded tactics. Always a fan of kendo sticks! Holy shit, the Frankensteiner/Powerbomb/Table combo was brutal. I think I'd have waited to use that spot until the very end of the match honestly, because it'd be hard to believe that these guys would be able to go on much longer after that. But it was a sweet spot, and like Daz said, you did a great job of setting it up. Love Zaid throwing a drink in Johnny's face, haha. That discus punch with the brass knucks was reminiscent of Shane Evans' discus lariat with the chain against Foster at Rev V. Nice way to end the match, and fitting victory for Johnny V. Nice job on this one guys, it was thoroughly enjoyable.

The postmatch - it's funny, I'd almost forgotten about Gia too :lol Love the addition of this segment to put the cherry on top of the finished feud. Zaid getting kicked in the balls is sweet justice. Really looking forward to seeing where both of these characters go from here now that they can officially move on to bigger and better things.

Assassin's Creed - Interesting quote from Miller here, about how he's evolved in PCW but Daz is stuck in the past. Adds another unique element to the feud here that will be interesting to see how it manifests itself in the match.

Miller vs. Daz - Been looking forward to this one. Not too often that you see Daz wanting to start things off hot, he's usually more methodical. But this being a true blood feud, it's good to see him get more aggressive in the early going. Daz is gonna give himself CTE with all these headbutts :( Not often you see Daz get this amped up, completely disregarding the rules. Perhaps Miller isn't the only one to have "evolved." I like the little hints of Miller's old cockiness seeping through, suggesting that perhaps he hasn't changed as much as he wants us to think. Daz is getting yet another ass kicking, and I like how the announcers are playing up his history of comebacks. The interesting thing here is that Miller has already proven himself to get easily frustrated by resilient Brits (Foster), so if Daz mounts a comeback it'd be cool to see Miller just plain lose it.

And here comes that comeback... the dodge of Miller, the Cloverleaf, the fan noise swelling, nice job painting a picture of the moment there, and then the teasing of the Dazaster Driver. Spencer yelling encouragements at Daz to smack him with a chair was also a great touch. I almost thought it would have been cool for the match to end that way... Daz giving in and beating the absolute shit out of Miller, and Miller picking up the DQ victory. Love the spots on the outside, especially the Tope con Hilo from the announce table.

Kind of a role reversal here, with Miller being the one to kick out of successive pins and Daz looking up in shock. Really does a lot for Miller to be able to power out of so many pinfalls in the late going against a Hall of Famer. Daz could have ended this match here after the Dazaster Driver and the headbutt, this is going to cost him. I love that this one ended clean -- I'm absolutely shocked at that, actually. I figured Miller would win, but that it would be with some underhanded tactics. This way was much better -- Daz gives in to the hate, lets his emotions get the better of him for the first time in memory, and it costs him dearly. Miller's going to be able to play the whole "new era, Daz has lost his touch" bit now, and it's awesome.

Three straight PPV losses for Daz. Definitely unfamiliar territory, and it's a great new direction to take with the character.

Don't Hate the Player - Bernard is back? Stick around this time, PhenomRocks :P

Magnum - BLING BLING BITCHES WE GOTS THE GOLD. Who's going to be the one to knockout Magnum?

Just Like Old Times - JOHNNY D!!!! Yaaaaaaaaas!! Awesome segment. Man, I'm really starting to question my Kaiser prediction now :lol

Main Event - HERE WE GO. Love the Tale of the Tape bit. That ovation for Foster reminded me of the one for CM Punk at MITB 2011, haha. Glad to see this one start off with a more competitive focus rather than the emotional beginnings we've seen in several other matches earlier that night. Starts like this really make the belt seem like an important competitive prize. The bit with Kaiser telling the fans to shut up was a great tie-in to the previous Onslaught. Nice to see the action playing up Foster's MMA background. Kaiser is at a huge disadvantage in the striking game, so it'd be cool to see that played up throughout the match.

Great back and forth action here. Having a near pinfall off a rollup is another great reference back to earlier portions of the feud. And another nearfall. If Foster winds up winning this match, these near falls will have been great to amp up the tension and anticipation. Been quite a while since I've seen an over castle! Cool to see Cavanah actually dishing out some strikes as well here with those soccer kicks. LOL @ Kaiser counting out the punches for the fans, that was great. Also, great bit with the announcers questioning whether Devine's presence in the building would tempt Foster to cheat to win. Wouldn't have even thought about that, but it introduces a cool new element to the match.

Kaiser's desperation near the end here (I assume we're near the end) is obvious... sliding out of the ring, using Foster's own stomp against him, and then the arrogance with his Christ pose. Great stuff. Sweet spot with Foster reversing that crossbody though, that's always been a personal favorite spot of mine (rolling through the crossbody and picking him up). Awesome use of the Devine Valley Driver too, great use of storytelling to implement that with Devine being in the building. Seriously thought Foster had it there for a sec too.

Gotta feel as though Foster not taking the FCC when he had the chance and going to the turnbuckle is going to backfire in a big way. He's enjoying the spotlight too much here. And there it is, Kaiser Bomb... thought for sure it was over there, but another kickout by Foster. Dude's going full Cena!!! :P This Kaiser Bomb/Triangle Choke spot is awesome, I can just imagine how the audience would be freaking out. What a fucking way to end the match. A couple weeks ago there's NO WAY I'd have thought Kaiser was losing, but with the Devine segment and the way the last Onslaught ended, it was a great way of building up an amazing moment, possibly my favorite one so far in PCW.

Congrats to prophet, the story with Foster has really mirrored prophet's own WCSF/PCW journey over the past eight years and it's a truly well-deserved win. What a freaking match. And hats off to Kaiser, a great first PCW World Championship reign.

AWESOME show!! Have to wonder what's next for Cavanah... will there be a rematch at the next PPV? Will he even wait that long?

That was a ton of fun to read. Great job guys.
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Re: PCW Resurgence Pay-Per-View RESULTS!!

Postby HardcoreLegend » Jun 02, '14, 4:24 pm

Phoenix Fray- I liked everyone placing their money in the pot as the match started, the little things like Sears using an encrusted card and Bishop waving a roll of cash around just add to their character. I liked the surprise elimination of Bishop, it was clever how we didn't get to see it straight away, something which often does happen in Battle Royals. I look forward to seeing how the Bishop/Reece situation plays out come Onslaught. I also wonder how Sears will spend his money, I want to see how that can be worked into a storyline or feud.

A Fair Fight- it's nice to see the advice about Gryphon Richards accent is being taken on board. I found I wasn't really having to read over bits as I was doing in the past. I would've maybe liked to have seen Omega get a little more pissed at having to stay backstage, but I don't know if this is maybe part of a slow build to the separation of the two.

Hess Vs Spartan- I liked how losing the mask is the ultimate dishonour as a way to write Spartan out while at the same time just adding to what Hess already is.

The Zanetti Family- it seems as if this promo had a lot more direction to it than the one we saw last time. I wonder how long it will be until they make their debut.

Logan vs Richards- I feel a little confused by Logan. There were no real heel traits shown throughout the match, it seemed more as if Alexa was playing the heel role, whereas in recent weeks it has came across the other way, as if Andrew was the heel force and maybe Alexa a little reluctant. I enjoyed the ending and it's another thing that makes me wonder what will happen at Onslaught.

Gods favourite tag team- it was refreshing to see a more serious side of NRC, while keeping their individual characters in check.

NRC vs the Disciples- I have always seen Dale as slightly inferior to Chambers and Brody, the promo before the match started to break that for me. It looked like the whole mistrust was rearing its head as NRC made the decision as to who would start the match but having the Disciples play a part in that decision meant that would be something the team wouldn't have to worry about. By the end of the match though, I definitely saw NRC as one unit... So it'll be interesting to see how this will continue

Assassins creed- I think Miller got this spot on. Loved his explanation of him evolving and Daz just staying the same.

Daz Vs Miller- Daz starting off strong, giving the fans what they want in the way of a beating. Wasn't long until the British Rose was the one taking a beating himself. I have to wonder how many more wars Daz will be able to go through. Interesting seeing a chair brought into play for the second time this evening... Guessing this wasn't planned. Lots of back and forths for the end that I didn't have a clue who was going to pick up the win. I'm keen to see how Daz rebounds, especially with what Miller had to say before the match.

Don't Hate The Player- I think it was last Onslaught I mentioned about 1 or 2 gimmicks being similar and how writers will need to work on developing their individual characters to make themselves different. I think this is the time to echo that statement and it'll be interesting to see how that's done down the line.

Magnum Opus- I'd really been looking forward to seeing Philips on the card, but with what I'd already read, I'd kind of forgotten about him. I had guessed there would be some kind of announcement regarding a new championship here. Interesting concept for the Championship but I want to hear some sort of official ruling on it so we know more about it. I was surprised to see omega make an appearance here. I just thought Philips would get away with doing his own thing.

Just Like Old Times- Devine's appearance was a nice way to play up on this being Foster's dream of being champion. Nice segment. The tale of the tape was a nice way to build the match but without doing another segment because I think all has kind of been said there.

MAIN EVENT- I've really loved the build to this match, the whole 8 year odyssey. That's a build you can only really run with once. You couldn't have Foster go for another shot at the title and use the same build. But I honestly didn't think he was going to win. I thought Kaiser would crush the dream being the bastard he is. I loved the ending of this match. It kind of reminded me of an Undertaker moment, where he would be getting powerbombed and pummelled but locking Hells Gate in over and over. Everyone loves a confetti moment as well.
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Re: PCW Resurgence Pay-Per-View RESULTS!!

Postby Everlong » Jun 05, '14, 11:16 am

We can do better than four comments, people :tim
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Re: PCW Resurgence Pay-Per-View RESULTS!!

Postby SKS » Jun 05, '14, 11:46 am

I've been trying to come up with a full set of comments but I'll just go over a few things:

Phoenix Fray Battle Royal - Loved the line from Cage about how Orion is only eliminated if he's barefoot. Bishop getting his revenge by eliminated Reece anyway was good to see, as it keeps the feud between the two continuing onto the next show. Nice teamwork from Onyx and Sears to get the win and the three thousand dollars.

Amos Hess vs. Kid Spartan - Short match as expected but it got the point across. Spartan losing his mask essentially writes him off, with Romo no longer around I think that's the right decision.

The Zanetti Family - Interesting promo, I liked the "hit list" shown of the rest of the tag division. Looking forward to seeing who they target first, seems like it will be TBC.

Andrew Logan vs. Gryphon Richard - I read this before Resurgence was posted (I got those connections, yo) and I enjoyed the match. The chair spot was a bit similar to what Daz and I used in our match, but it wasn't entirely the same. The match told a good story, Logan tricking Omega into getting involved and proposing that he was the bad guy instead. Gryphon fought with honor but came up short, and there was some respect shown which was nice.

Magnum Opus - I figured something was going to happen with the SOS belt, I predicted it would be thrown into the trash and lit on fire. :lol This opens the Omega/Phillips feud which should be a good ole fashioned brawl.

Just Like Old Times - Did not expect to see Johnny Devine! Bah gawd!

Kaiser Cavanah vs. Nick Foster - Devine Valley Driver was something else. The end sequence to this match was insane. I really thought Kaiser was going to lift Foster up for a final Kaiser Bomb, but he was thwarted in the end. Great stuff.

Good PPV ladies and gents, hope everyone enjoyed Daz/Miller as well. :tim
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Re: PCW Resurgence Pay-Per-View RESULTS!!

Postby The Legend » Jun 05, '14, 11:51 am

Phoenix Fray – A lot has been said about this match already, but just about this version. I thought it was really well written and a fantastic way to get the show started with a high energy and chaotic battle royal. These have to be the hardest kind of sim fed matches to write and this was a great example of how to do it right.

Fair Fight – Gryphon has come a long way in the way he delivers his promos. There was just enough of a touch of dialect to know who he is, but not so much that he’s distracting. As for the story, I kind of like it from both angles. Gryphon doesn’t want to get tied into old grudges and wanting to be his own man. I am really interested in seeing where Richard is in a few months’ time.

Hess vs Spartan – Not much to say about the match itself as Hess does a good job of dispatching Kid Spartan, but the character development as Hess continues to drive further and further into believing his prophecy is great. Amos Hess continues to develop his character and I can’t wait to see what’s next in terms of a real rivalry.

Zanetti Family – Interesting promo and introduction. I think I’ll be really interested in seeing what this group will be all about. They will have some challenges of avoiding a Mafia rip-off label. And I’m not exactly sure the promo had the feel for what writer was going for, but still it created interest for me which is the most important part.

Logan vs Richard – Interesting choices for some of the psychology and start of this match, but it worked well. That hurricanrana reverse by Logan sounds amazing. Quite the action back and forth throughout this match. Both Logan and Richard looked really good and got over well. Now to the finish, I’m not really digging on this one. I understand the cloud of mystery that Logan is working on building, but this just came off as confusing and bizarre more than mysterious. I’ll hold total judgment until the story develops a little more, but I’d like to see Logan pick a direction and run in it pretty soon.

God’s Favorite Tag Team – Nice promo by NRC here. Possibly the most substantive promo I’ve seen this trio cut. I mean really good and I’m really looking forward to see how they contrast with the Disciples in this feud as it continues to develop.

Disciples vs NRC – This match was everything I hoped it would be. True classic. These teams blend so well together and for the perfect style. Both teams had plenty of room to operate and it resulted in a great match. And that finish was fantastic. Congrats to NRC.

Zaid vs Valentino – Hot start that showed both guys personality well with Valentino’s hot temper and Zaid’s aggressive blindside attack. Fantastic brutal action and I loved the powerbomb through the table. Awesome spot! Feel really good to see Johnny get his retribution after all these months. Strong, strong match.

Heartbreaker – Gotta say this was a nice moment, albeit a bit anti-climatic. I figured Gia was going to turn on Johnny. Glad on some level that she didn’t though because Valentino may be one of the most likable faces on the roster.

Assassin’s Creed – Pretty good segment by Miller. I have to say that I’m a little concerned about the direction Miller is heading in at the moment. It’s nice that he’s getting a little more serious and aggressive, but I don’t think he should completely abandon what made him so popular from the beginning. He’s almost becoming too generic for my taste, but we’ll see what happens.

Miller vs Daz – Good action overall and a good match, but if I’m being perfectly honest there was something odd about the pacing. It felt almost out of place on this show with a lot of the other matches reading quickly with fast paced action and shorter paragraphs with lots of commentary. Again there’s nothing really wrong with the writing and not with the characters, just on personal preference this match dragged just a bit. However, for the positives: I really do believe that Daz and Miller make for fantastic foils for each other. They play each other’s mind games well. Also, the ending was fantastic with Miller coming up with the spear from out of nowhere. I really expected Daz to win this match so this was a good surprise.

Don’t Hate the Player – Well so Drake Bernard is coming back? Sounds good. I always liked him, but am I the only one that thinks he almost sounds like a completely different person? He almost seems to be heavily influenced by Kenny King. It could be good, but it was just a little jarring to have him coming back with such a different character.

Magnum Opus – I like the idea of Magnum creating his own championship, in part because he’s not the first guy you would think would create his own belt. He cut a really good promo and it will be interesting to see how this works out for him.

Just like Old Times – Nice little segment here between Foster and Devine. I liked the touch of this a lot. Made Foster seem more human and a deeper character to draw on a former relationship he had with a partner. I kind of wish WWE would do little touches like this more. Definitely adds a little touch.

Cavanah vs Foster - What a match! What a classic. I loved the chemistry between these two and I loved how things built to the Foster's championship win. Congratulations to Nick, it's well deserved.
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Re: PCW Resurgence Pay-Per-View RESULTS!!

Postby Hanley! » Jun 20, '14, 8:28 pm

Okay, I'm really late to the party here. But I said I'd read this show, and I'm a man of my word. Now it's time to get some comments up in this bitch!!

The Format:

I have to say that the little images and logos and different colours of text really help to make things pop a little bit more. It breaks up the wall of text and makes everything seem a little easier to digest. So kudos on that.

On a more negative note, why do you use one commentator's first name and the other commentator's surname? It's a shallow thing, but it bugs me. :lol

Phoenix Fray Battle Royale:

This one was a little hard to keep track of at times, particularly for someone who wasn't familiar with all the characters. It was confusing at the start because it was announced as a six person match but only five people entered. Ace randomly appeared a little later, but I was wondering what the fuck was happening there for a minute. That's the disadvantage of writing matches like this; those kinds of things can get lost in the shuffle.

I didn't know the characters here that well, but I have to say I enjoyed them all. I did get mixed signals from Sears - I might be missing substantial elements of his character due to not having read much stuff from him in the past, but I didn't think Deftones seemed to fit his character. Other than that, I liked him. My favourites though were Bishop & Reece. Both their characters jumped off the screen for me. Bishop just seemed like a mean ass kicking type, while Reece was a little bit like a more likable face version of Maverick. If those two are going to be in a feud soon, that should be exciting.

The action here was good too. I liked the double elimination and some of the interferences. Showing Bishop's elimination via replay was an interesting choice, and I think it actually worked. Decisions like that would regularly bother me but it seemed to be done for the right reasons and in the right way. It kept Bishop looking strong as it showed how unexpected it was for him to be eliminated at that particular moment. It made Reece look cool too though. This was a fun way to open the show.

A Fair Fight:

I liked this segment. It told me a lot about both characters and their relationship. Not sure what the context for it is exactly - whether there's been underlying tension between the two or anything like that. But I got the impression that it was a regular mentor/student relationship where the student is starting to become more confident and assert himself more because he's getting good enough to do so. It makes sense for anyone that Omega is paired with to be the reasonable one also. :P Nice character development here.

Amos Hess vs Some Bitch Who Can't Hang With Our Savior:

I love Hess's entrance. The laughing is great. More people should do something like that - really making an impact and setting the character apart right from the moment he walks out. Plus I can imagine that when Hess appears unexpectedly on the weekly shows, it works much better than with other characters. It's much cooler to have someone getting cut-off suddenly by "HAHAHAHAHAHAHA" than to just write that someone's music plays and he walks out.

It was a super effective little match too. Hess could have been doing something more productive on the show probably, but maybe everyone else was just too busy with other stuff. That being said, I thought this was one of the highlights of the entire show. Simple but effective. Hess's cast was creepy, his unmasking his opponent followed by the Field Plow was a great visual. I have to commend ShaneOfan for getting the basics so right - having possibly the most memorable finisher and the most memorable entrance in the fed makes a big difference for a character.

The Zanetti Family:

This was an odd one for me. It seemed like it was supposed to be very serious, but it came off pretty cheesy. I might be misreading that. I thought the idea of two guys coming in with the intention of wiping out various tag teams was interesting. Definitely makes them seem like threats right out of the gate. If the tag teams are being portrayed as hits though, does that mean someone's pulling their strings. Who is it that wants these teams out of the way? This piqued my curiosity, even if I thought the explosion was a bit weird. :lol

Gryphon Richard vs Andrew Logan:

Turns out that Gryphon Richard has a great entrance too. And that theme really seems to go with his character. I approve of this. A good entrance makes a big difference to me. And of course, Logan's entrance is distinct too with the cool little graphic. This was an interesting booking decision putting these two together. It's outside the box, but it really works. Instead of putting Logan against someone who had a history with him, you put him against someone new - and a character that seems generally decent and trusting. That's the perfect foil for a character who's trying to prove that he's changed his ways.

This was an enjoyable match; very tight and professional and it told an interesting story. I liked that the match was clean fought and that there was such a focus on strategy - what the bigger man and smaller man should be doing to play to their strengths, how Gryphon's inexperience effected his performance. I thought the way Logan's full heel turn was teased was cleverly done for the most part, although Cage's reasoning for why Logan picked up the chair in the first place was a bit absurd, which made it look like Logan really was just being an evil jerk. I think it would have left things more open to interpretation if Logan had played it up (after Omega came out), that he was getting the chair so that the referee could sit down and recuperate. I think that would have been more on point. That's a small detail though. On the whole, I really enjoyed the match.

God's Favourite Tag Team:

This was a really cool promo. Just a good way of hyping up the match. Melissa Chambers comes off confident and sassy as ever, and seems to have transitioned well to her face role. All of the in-character talk about never wearing the same outfit twice and blending together was very effective too. Neo Runway Chic and Melissa Chambers never fail to stand out from the other teams.

The Disciples vs Neo Runway Chic:

It's cool that Hess has his own stable now. He definitely seems worthy of the honour, and it's a different kind of stable to any we had going in the WCSF. Wow, Knight has really had a hell of a career, hasn't he? :lol He's wrestled in all kinds of company's and under all sorts of gimmicks. Is edgecution still around or is someone else writing him these days?

I like that Adrian Dale is creating problems for his team. Having two separate personalities within one tag team is important and Daz has managed to pull it off while still making his team fit together, which takes talent. I enjoyed the style of wrestling on display in this match. I thought Barry's offense was cool. He's probably someone who went under the radar for a long time, but he seems to have come a long way in PCW. It feels like this fed has a lot more ass kicking, brawling types than WCSF had, which is no bad thing.

The match was impressive. I liked that the strategy of picking on one member of the team ultimately backfired when the fresh man got in. Tag team booking 101 there. The pace of the match really worked too, starting slow but gradually accelerating. When a match is Daz length, you need the pacing to be done well to keep you immersed and that worked here perfectly.

Valentino vs Zaid:

I'm not particularly familiar with either of these characters, but for all that, the writers did a good job of showcasing them in this match. I definitely got an idea that they had a bad history and the tension really did come across. Zaid seemed like the biggest shit of a heel you're likely to find, taking every cheap shot. It felt like he knew for the whole match that he was about to get what he deserved and he was doing anything he could to try and put off the inevitable. It was a cool story.

I did think some of the commentary went a bit over the top at points in the match, but at least the action felt within the bounds of what can be done in matches like this. A few less exclamation marks would have been fine though. :P Either way, I liked this one. I'm not sure who wrote it, but nicely done.

Assassin's Creed:

I wasn't a massive fan of the promo here, I thought it was a little too lacking in focus and that the sentence structure was a bit choppy. I did like how it brought in a little bit of history between the two and that it tried to highlight Miller as being a more dangerous competitor now. Though I always find it a little unnatural how much he has changed since WCSF.

Miller v Daz:

Just let me mark out about Daz's entrance for a second. Okay now I'm done. I wasn't a fan of Miller becoming a brand new character while still being the same guy ... I thought that was weird. But with that being said, the new Miller makes for an interesting opponent for Daz in a way that the old one wouldn't have. And I enjoyed that this was being portrayed as the biggest match of his career. That felt organic.

Daz playing loose with the rules was a nice differentiation from his usual behaviour and it made the feud feel more personal instantly. Daz is most known for his submission wrestling and technical prowess, but it can't be all O'Connor rolls in the midst of a heated feud and Daz is smart enough to know that. I liked how violent this match was without actually being no disqualification. There was a lot of great sequences of just strikes. And the descriptions helped too - like headbutting someone and describing the swelling on the victim's eyebrow. It's still legal, but now it sounds vicious.

I'm not sure I bought the part where Miller goaded Daz into giving him the DQ victory. Miller maybe seemed crazy enough to take a beating for the win, but I just couldn't imagine a scenario where Daz actually snapped and did it. Lots of cheeky near falls as this match wears on with both men looking like gold. It really started to feel like a long, grueling match that was taking everything out of both men. Not surprised to see Miller get the win - it was a good move to help elevate the character. But it's cool that the commentators really played up the upset. Good match here.

Munging Time:

The Deadliest Viper is in the house!! :tim This was a cool little promo to help reestablish the character. I do have the same problem as with Miller in that it seems like a whole new character under the same name. But we've been through that before with Drake Bernard so that practically is part of his character by now. :lol Good to see him back in the mix.

Magnum Opus:

If I was to write one more big match, I'd want it to be with Tim. For three reasons. First of all, I've never written a proper program with Tim. Second of all, Maverick has unfinished business with the Logans. And third of all, Magnum is the fucking tits. I like this guy. He's got attitude. I think this new belt seems like a good idea too. It's got an identity to it and will help get Magnum over in the long run.

It opens up a lot of cool potential matches too. If I was writing, I'd want Mav v Magnum in a knockout match. But better still, it looks like we're getting Omega vs Magnum. And that's just a perfect fit for the inaugural Lone Star championship match if that's the way this is going. Nice pairing here, it's bound to produce quality results.

Just Like Old Times:

Fucking mothertrucking Johnny fucking DEVINE! Mark out moment there, that was a cool little interaction. Foster's going on to become the fourth Mafia member to become a world champion.

Main Event:

Love the inclusion of the tale of the tape, it just makes things feel more official. The writers did a great job in following this up too. The slow introductions and the effort to make it feel like there was a big fight atmosphere ... all of that added a star to this match before it even began. It just puts you in the mood for an epic showdown. And again the slow start to the match with the grappling just helped to keep that buzz in the air before things really exploded.

Foster nursing his injuries during the match was a nice touch, as it let him be the aggressor but also held him back. When he was pushing himself further than his body was willing to go, it really showed how much he wanted the victory. The babyface in peril act was worked nicely in general, with Kaiser coming up with something to cut the challenger down every time he started building momentum.

Kaiser came off an evil bastard in this one, and Foster was the perfect resilient babyface, taking everything the heel could throw at him. The match had some great false finishes that almost had me jumping out of my seat, and I liked how Foster just soldiered on while Kaiser threw tantrums and panicked every time he failed to score the pinfall. The Devine Valley Driver would have been a great way to end it. The Top rope Kaiser bomb sounded scary. And the submission counter to the Kaiser bomb was a great visual. Masterful end to the match. Best match I've read in a long time, guys. Ye knocked it out of the park.
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Re: PCW Resurgence Pay-Per-View RESULTS!!

Postby Everlong » Jun 24, '14, 9:42 am

Hanley! wrote: Wow, Knight has really had a hell of a career, hasn't he? He's wrestled in all kinds of company's and under all sorts of gimmicks. Is edgecution still around or is someone else writing him these days?

He disappeared a while back. I think BSM is mostly doing the writing for him these days.
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Re: PCW Resurgence Pay-Per-View RESULTS!!

Postby prophet » Jun 26, '14, 9:19 am

Apologies I've not been able to get my thoughts up sooner. Haven't had as much time on my hands as I'd like what with starting my new job but now I'm settled in things'll be going back to normal for me. That said, on with the show!

Pheonix Fray - I'm a fan of multi-man matches. I think they allow for fast-paced non-stop action and that's what I'm expecting from this. Enjoyed how you kept Jaden relevant quite early on in the bout having her issue orders to Sears only to then be a factor in him losing momentum after the slingshot DDT - they have a strange dynamic, it's love/hate almost (at least to me). This was basically a fun way to open the show with various momentum changes and a string of decent moves from all men. Wise to eliminate the biggest threats first in Sato and Master. I agree that the Bishop elimination was cool to read and I also don't think I've seen that before - was the booked or writers intuition? Either way good stuff. Bishop eliminating Reece is good logic and allows Sears to pick up the big win, good match. What now for Matt Sears? Really want to see him in a feud.

Fair Fight - Nice little segment fleshing out Gryphon's motives for stepping up and challenging Logan. As you know I'd been somewhat critical of this feud in recent weeks but this segment was a good addition too it. I'm not sure if this is the plan but I really like Gryphon more than Omega lately. It may be because I of all people know what it's like to have a character overshadowed by bigger and better mentors/allies but yeah, I'm a Gryphon fan - hope he does well later on.

Hess/Spartan - Brutal squash, this. Unmasked and Field Plow'd in under 5 minutes and that's all she wrote. Not much to say really other than I think Amos Hess has suffered from this feud and his hot-streak has dampened a bit - not ShaneO's fault obviously but I was surprised in the first place to see Hess with all his momentum after the feud with Omega/Gryphon paired with a completely newbie in Spartan - I think the character deserves a higher place on the card than this. Hopefully he'll move onto something more interesting now, I'm sure he will.

Zanetti Family - Good segment, very well written. Delighted to see another tag-team, especially one that looks to be different to the one's we have now. The sooner these guys debut the better IMO, I'm bored of seeing numerous teasing vignettes for characters now (speaking of which, is Anon even still around?)

Logan/Gryphon - Ooo yeah Logan's first match back and I see what we're doing. We're not going to know whether Logan is a changed man or not for a long time I reckon, interesting to see a handshake between the two though I can't help but feel Gryphon's naivety will come back to haunt him. I was also very surprised to see than Logan didn't really suffer any ring-rust though the commentary team handled it nicely. Gryphon's strength was played up well during this one as the story developed - I was expecting Logan to be suffering from rust and Gryphon to be doing well but this one felt more like Logan on top with Gryphon doing well to stay in and show heart, which is good for a young face. All in all this was a really enjoyable match that served it's purpose for Logan and did more to help Richard than I think was anticipated.

God's Favorite Tag Team - Loved Chambers' note of never wearing the same outfit twice, brilliant reference to make in relation to the difference between NRC and Catwalk. Brody coming in at the end of the segment to let us know just how unified they are was a brilliant touch that makes this match all the more harder to call.

NRC/Disciples - Interesting start to the match that immediately contradicts what I've just said as now we find that Brody and Dale may not be as unified as we may think, think this was one of the more unusual teases of unrest within the NRC ranks as to me it was Brody that caused this problem by going back to argue when he really didn't need too. The reminder on commentary that Dale is the real person the Disciples take issue with was a needed one and a nice point to re-emphasize so early on in the bout. Terrific pacing to the match and you guys did a great job of keeping that consistent whilst incorporating big spots with the more transitional grappling. "You will believe in Hess" was a cool way of getting across just how brainwashed these two are, so close to winning a championship but still giving priority to the message of their leader. Nice touch having Brody and Dale pick up the win together to cap off a great tag team match. I'm not sure where this leaves either team, maybe they'll continue this rivalry.

Zaid/Valentino - First thing I want to pick up on is a certain bit of dialogue I feel is unnecessary. A punch by Valentino 'YEAH'. A punch by Zaid 'YEAH'. It's nothing major or anything but for future reference if the two guys in the ring are trading blows you don't need to individually state each punch, we know what's happening and who's hitting who on crowd reaction alone. This was the match I was anticipating most beforehand due to the fact this has been the first feud from the beginning between two completely original characters and for both writers this is the first chance you've gotten to make a big impression, stipulations can be daunting for some so I'm intrigued to see how you handle it.

I'd also like to point out that both of you took on board the advice you received after Oblivion which is fantastic to see. In the last match between these two you only included one cover attempt which sort of stifled the match as a whole. It made the ending more abrupt and limited the amount of drama you could include in the writing. Here we had no such problem and as a result the story-telling was much improved. Zaid using some under-handed tactics to get the win such as using the ropes for leverage was a nice touch to remind us just how much of an ass this guy really is. In matches of this magnitude you need to have a clear good guy and a clear bad guy and we had that here. Again though, when writing crowd interaction such as chants remember to differentiate it from the rest of the text, you can use italics or just include speech marks just to smooth things out.

Powerbomb through the table was badass as was the KO punch to wrap things up. Sad to see this feud end but Valentino winning was probably the right call. You should both be proud of what you've accomplished together since debuting. Ohhh look Gia is back, completely forgot about her. Johnny V should pie her off he's done better without her, she's only back with him now he's won :D

Assassin's Creed - Pretty standard Miller promo. The dialogue was a little weird at the beginning due in part to the fact that Spencer just had 'one last thing he wanted to address' right before the biggest match of his career - I found that a little odd. He's about to step into the ring with a legend but can't help himself getting the last word in merely minutes before the match. Definitely improved at the end though - Disney reference aside Miller saying he was done playing games was a nice moment, can't wait for this one.

Miller/Daz - I was a little apprehensive about this one before reading it because I knew we were likely going to see a different side to Daz, one we've never really seen before and I didn't know whether or not it was going to work particularly without the freedom of a stipulation to help get across just how heated and personal this one is.

That said I think the first thing to comment on is how wrong I was to even be apprehensive at all. This match felt violent, personal and intense which is a great testament to the writing. The storytelling right off the bat in this match was superb, the audience expected an all out war and we know that Daz had gone out there to destroy his opponent but instead we had Miller going for a number of covers and you really understand how desperate he is to get the victory and just how much getting the win would mean to him, something smartly referenced in commentary. With all the emotion and rage Daz has within him imagine what he'd do if he suffered a shock early loss before he could even inflict the world of hurt he'd been promising?

I wouldn't have noticed that Daz was differing in his striking method if not for commentary, so good job on that. Using those straights to punish Miller rather than the usual forearm was a good little detail to include to show that Daz really has abandoned his honorable morals in favor of beating Miller down. I'd also like to commend another bit of added detail written in that Steve picked up on, describing the instant swelling on the victim's eyebrow after a strike now makes that strike seem all the most devastating and impactful. When writing a bad blood feud match these are the type of details that help make them great.

LOVED the spot with the chair and the tease that Daz might just snap. Really does just show that there's a method behind the Miller madness and how cold and calculating he really is - willing to probably be beaten to a bloody pulp by a man who despises every fibre of his being in order to get the win. Great to see Daz fight the urge and continue on. From here we had an abundance of big grapples and strikes that saw both men putting their bodies on the line in order to hurt the other, great stuff.

Wow, mammoth win for Spencer Miller. Unsurprising to see it stem from an error in Daz' judgment and I fully expect this feud to continue. The way the ending was written was great, rather than a wave off boos and jeers there was instead a hushed tone as the audience were stunned silent. What now for Daz? Another big loss for him. The character is continuing it's foray into uncharted waters and the question has to be asked - is the British Rose's career winding down? Has he lost his touch? We've never seen Daz faced with these questions before and it's this that makes him one of the most unique characters in the fed. Terrific match, can't wait to see what's next in store.

Don't Hate The Player - Nice to see Bernard back I suppose. You'll have to forgive me but PhenomRocks has flaked on PCW already before so I'm not going to get pumped about the deadliest snake until PR gives me a reason to do so. You were really improving before you left last time, hopefully you stick at it this time around.

Magnum Opus - Already commented my thoughts on this in another thread. Very well written segment, KO rules for the Lone-Star Title is a very intriguing stipulation to have and ohhhh shit could there be a more perfect challenger than Omega? Pumped to see Magnum in an actual feud with an actual writer that won't abandon him this time. Exciting times for both men.

Just Like Old Times - When I found out I was going to be winning the title this segment was almost the first thing we discussed. How fucking cool was it to see Johnny Devine back? Even if it was only for one night. I'd like to thank @Tom for not even hesitating to come write the segment and cheers for helping make the PPV and moment all the more special for me.

Cavanah/Foster - Blown away by some of the comments we received on this one. For Hanley! to call it the best match he's read in a long time is flattering due in part to the fact we all know he's notoriously hard to please :D

Had a blast writing this and my personal aim was to make it worthy of cracking my top 3 all time matches and we definitely did that. Kaiser was phenomenal and his writing in this was superb. As a writing partner he's also brilliant to work with and I found our conversations about the match and what we wanted to do were among the easiest planning sessions I've ever participated in. Again I'd like to thank the mods for selecting me as the Champion - it really is a humbling accolade to receive and it's more than relieving to have finally achieved the big one after all these years. The real test is what I can do now I've become Champion and I intend on being a damn good one.


Phenomenal show, great job guys. :tim
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