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The Levee Breaks

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The Levee Breaks

Postby KaiserGlider » Apr 15, '17, 1:29 pm

Closing Segment - The Levee Breaks

A gunshot echoes through the arena followed by Duran Duran’s “A View to a Kill” to the buzzing of the crowd.

Announcer: Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the President and Owner of PCW, RICHARD BURKE!

Alex: Well, we’ve been teased that he has an announcement to make regarding the PCW World Championship.

Cage: If I know this man, then he has something very interesting in store for us.

Burke steps out on to the stage and motions to the back. A large, bald individual in a suit and sunglasses walks out holding a briefcase. Burke leads him to the ring and they both enter, Burke grabbing a microphone.

Burke Ladies and gentlemen!

The large man stands next to Burke, ready to open the case.

Burke I give you the Phoenix Championship Wrestling World Heavyweight Championship!
The briefcase is opened to reveal a glorious, glittering belt. Burke picks it up and shows it to the awed audience.

Burke This Championship cost tens of thousands of dollars to create. I spare no expense for my company. The belt is made of pure sturgeon leather, one of the more expensive leathers known to man. The belt plates are carved from pure, 24-karat gold. It is studded with certified non-conflict diamonds, and many other fancy bells and whistles that would take far too long to explain.

Cage: Beautiful.

Burke places the title back in the briefcase.

Burke Now, as for how the inaugural champion will be determined. In two weeks, we will hold our first Pay-Per-View event… PCW Escalation. And at this event, we will debut the Escalation Match.

The crowd is buzzing with anticipation at the prospect of this match.

Burke Here is how this will work. 25 men will compete, but only two men will start the match. Every two minutes, a new competitor will enter the match. With the exception of one certain individual, the order of entry will be determined by a random lottery. When a participant is thrown over the top rope and both of his feet hit the floor, he is eliminated. The last man remaining in the ring will be crowned the first PCW World Heavyweight Champion!

The audience is very excited by this idea.

Alex: Now that should be interesting!

Cage: I can’t wait.

Burke Thank you all for your—

“Antichrist Superstar” by Marylin Manson blasts across the loudspeakers, cutting off Burke. Kaiser Cavanah quickly marches down to the ring with a mic in his hand while keeping his eyes fixated on the PCW President.

Cage: What’s this all about?

Cavanah gets in the ring and wastes no time opening his mouth:

Kaiser: Cut the music! Cut it!

The arena goes silent as Kaiser walks right up to Burke, getting in his face.

Kaiser: I want you to tell me something right now. Are you mentally retarded?

Burke begins to answer, but Cavanah cuts him off.

Kaiser: You must be, because I can’t figure out any other possible explanation for why you’ve made dumbass decision after dumbass decision ever since you stepped foot in this company. Well congratulations, you just topped yourself and made the dumbest one of ‘em all!

Cavanah paces back and forth a bit with the mic in his hand, getting angrier and angrier.

Kaiser: Let me get this straight. You think that *TWENTY-FOUR* other people in PCW deserve to be the #1 contender for the World Heavyweight Championship as much as I do? TWENTY-FOUR!? TWENTY-FOUR??

Cavanah’s voice rises higher and higher. The enthusiastic PCW fans start up a “twenty-four!” chant, which only serves to further infuriate Kaiser.

Kaiser: And those 24 are… an obese bible thumper? Buffalo Bill and his French maid? Jackie Chan? The Italian guy with the slut? Sean Knight, or Sean Jesus, or whoever the hell he thinks he is nowadays? THE MASTER!? You think any member of that carnival troupe deserves a title shot as much as I do?

After running down various members of the PCW roster, Cavanah shifts the mic in his hands as he stares at Burke.

Kaiser: How could you screw this up so bad? All you had to do was walk out here and announce me as the new World Heavyweight Champion. But what do you do instead? You make this clusterfuck of a match just to stick it to me, just to disrespect me—

Burke Actually, I wasn’t quite finished with my announcement.

Kaiser stops mid-sentence, a bit puzzled. Burke takes this as his cue to continue speaking.

Burke If you recall, earlier I mentioned that the order of entry for the Escalation match will be determined by a random lottery, with the exception of one certain individual.

Burke pauses, and looks at Cavanah.

Burke That certain individual is you.

Cavanah’s eyes suddenly brighten, and his face cracks into a grin.

Kaiser: Ah. I get it. Well, I still don’t see the need to have this match, but I’m glad you have the common sense to make me entrant #25. Maybe I was wrong and you DO know how to make a smart decision every now and then…

Cavanah’s anger seems to have lessened somewhat. But Burke’s expression has not changed.

Burke Thank you. But you’re not entrant #25. Not even close.

A cheer begins to rise through the crowd. Cavanah blinks.

Burke Once again, I must remind you of two things. First… I’m the president of PCW. Just because you don’t see me in front of a camera, that doesn’t mean that I’m not always paying attention to everything that happens on this show. Take last week for example, when you knocked out a PCW referee? I saw that.

The cheer from the crowd rises higher. The smile from Kaiser’s face begins to fade. He now resembles a kid who’s hand has been caught in the cookie jar.

Burke The second thing I must remind you of: Nobody is above the company. You wanna go around punching my referees, proclaiming that you can do anything you want, expecting me to stay locked up in my office and turn a blind eye to it all? In Phoenix Championship Wrestling, certain actions demand consequences. Therefore…

Burke pauses.

Burke You will be the #1 entrant in the Escalation Match. Good luck!

The crowd roars in approval. Cavanah’s face turns ghostly white, as the brash superstar’s mind registers the information it just received.

Kaiser: S… SAY WHAT!??

Cavanah’s face is now bright red. The crowd continues cheering.

Kaiser: Let me remind YOU of something. I’m the last man to hold the WCSF World Heavyweight Championship. You disrespect the entire legacy of that glorious company by not naming me the inaugural PCW Champion! Just give me the damn belt so we can put this fiasco to rest!

Cavanah reaches for the briefcase that holds the PCW World Heavyweight Championship belt, but the large bald man holding the case pulls it out of Kaiser’s reach. Cavanah grabs for it a second time, but the bald man pulls it out of his reach again.

Kaiser: That’s MY belt, cue ball! Give it to me! Hand that sumbitch over!

Suddenly, Led Zeppelin’s “When the Levee Breaks” erupts through the arena, bringing the fans to their feet. Kaiser is cut off mid rant and he throws his hands up into the air, as if to say “What now?” He is quickly answered by the arrival of “The British Rose.” Daz struts towards the ring, microphone in hand.

Daz You reap what you sow Kaiser.

Kaiser rolls his eyes, his frustration now rising to extreme levels. Daz slides into the ring, squaring up to his rival.

Daz You want to send people to do your dirty work now? Well you can keep running like last week, but you can’t hide for very long. And you sure as hell can’t hide behind Spencer Miller...

Kaiser: Spencer miller? What the hell are you talking about…?

Kaiser turns his attention to Burke, asking him if this guy's for real.

Daz grabs Kaiser by the collar, forcing him to turn towards him. He locks eyes with Kaiser, who is prevented from backing away to safety.

Daz Hey, hey. I’m over here. When did Kaiser Cavanah become such a little bitch, he can’t blindside people himself, huh?

Kaiser shakes his head, beginning to stew. Daz continues to get in his face.

Daz You had nothing to do with Spencer Miller? Who else has been beaten by the rookie two weeks running.

Kaiser can hold his silence no longer.

Kaiser: I'm telling you, MATE, I had nothing to do with those attacks! If that buffoon Miller lost this marbles, that’s not my problem…

Cavanah pauses.

Kaiser: But let's get one thing straight. If I actually WANTED you to get taken out, you sure as hell wouldn’t be standing here.

The tension in the air increases. However, Daz doesn’t seem intimated by this statement. Not one bit.

Daz Oh, is that a fact? Then why don’t you prove that by taking me out… right now?

The crowd explodes in cheers. Cavanah backs up a bit, as he seems to reconsider what he just said for a bit, before facing Daz again, his eyes blazing.

Kaiser: What’s your problem, huh? What do you have against me? Ever since the first show, you’ve done nothing but stick your nose in my business, follow me around, stalk me, and I’m getting SICK TO DEATH of it! What the fuck’s your problem with me, Daz?

Burke Hey, watch your language!

Kasier: I ain’t watching nothing, pops! Cause you’ve been on my nuts since day 1 too! You paid this broken down has-been a fortune, gave him a huge contract, and for what? So he can keep me in line? You CAN’T keep me in line! Neither of you! I’m Kaiser Cav—

Daz slaps the microphone from Kaiser’s hand. It hits the canvas with a crackle and pop before cutting out. Cavanah looks shocked for a moment, as the crowd gives off a huge cheer.

Daz Enough. All you do is run. 2 weeks ago, you ran your mouth, then ran away from a fight with me. Last week, you ran your mouth, then ran away from me. Why don’t we just cut to the chase? You just ran your mouth again… so the next logical step is for you to tuck your tail between your legs and run away.

Cavanah’s face turns a crimson red, a mix of rage and embarrassment.

Daz Go on. In fact, should I hold the ropes for you so you have an easier time leaving the ring?

Cavanah looks like he’s going to explode. But Daz isn’t done.

Daz You can throw a bitch fit all night if you want to, but I think Burke made the right call. This Escalation Match represents everything PCW has stood for: A clean slate. Everyone getting a shot at the world title. And since you just couldn’t contain your inner jackass, the way I see it, you deserve to be entrant #1.

Cavanah picks up the mic, and goes toe-to-toe with the Hall of Famer. The tension in the air increases tenfold. Things are about to disintegrate any minute.

Kaiser: And you know what YOU deserve Daz? You deserve to get your limy ass flown back across the “pond”, where you can have your 9-hour matches until you finally break your neck in the ring and paralyze yourself. Stop playing the PCW sheriff, and for the love of god, STOP GETTING INVOLVED IN MY GODDAMN BUSINESS!!!

Daz tosses his own microphone to one side. Burke tries to step in and keep tempers from flaring, but Cavanah isn’t having any of it.

Kaiser: I’m sick of all this bullshit! Fuck you Daz! And fuck you too Burke!

Suddenly, Kaiser rears back and shoots for the legs, taking Daz by his braced knee, tripping him to the canvas. He tries to mount “The British Rose” and throw heavy blows to the head. Daz has the senses to cover up and is able to roll Kaiser out of the mount and into one of his own. He lays in several Forearm shots, stunning Kaiser on the canvas.

Alex: IT’S ON!!

Cage: Daz and Kaiser, one on one, coming to blows at long last!

Alex: After the words these two have exchanged these past few weeks, it’s no surprise. This has been coming a long time.

Richard Burke rushes in, seeing his PPV Revenue on this eventual clash slipping away, and attempts to drag Daz off of Kaiser. Cavanah is able to kick out his legs, catching Daz in the gut. It stuns him long enough for Kaiser to reach his feet. With Burke still dragging Daz away from Cavnah, Kaiser is able to take full advantage. He levels “The British Rose” with the right hand and he slips from Burke’s grasp. Richard warns Kaiser to back away, however Cavanah isn’t about to start listening now that he has the advantage.

Cage: Inadvertent assist by Richard Burke.

Daz drags himself to the corner buckles, using them to pull himself to a vertical base. Kaiser continues the assault, hammering away at the British Hall of Famer with shot after shot. Daz feeds of the chants of the fans and finds his second wind, surprising Kaiser with a kick to the mid-section.

Cavanah goes reeling, allowing Daz to explode out from the buckles. He backs Kaiser towards the centre, delivering a series of Forearm Shivers. He has Kaiser rattled and sets him in place for the Dazaster Driver. The fans are on their feet, watching with anticipation. Before he can deliver his signature variation of the Butterfly Brainbuster, he is drilled from behind…

Cage: Who the hell…?

Alex: That’s Zaid! With this impending Escalation match, everyone on the roster wants to make an impression. Who better to start with than two former Heavyweight Champions?!

Zaid sends Daz sprawling to the mat and commences stomping away at him. Kaiser uses the opportunity to catch his breath. He claps Zaid on the back, thanking him for the assist and lays in several stomps to the fallen Daz.

Burke holds his head in his hands, his announcement coming to a chaotic conclusion. The bald man holding the briefcase containing the PCW title grabs the president, safety escorting him out of harm’s way through the crowd as the fight continues in the ring.

Cage: Kaiser and Zaid, going to work on Daz!

Alex: You’re half right…

Kaiser quickly realizes he’s the only one delivering boots. His assault slows and he turns to meet Zaid. The crowds boos and jeers quickly turns to cheers as Zaid rattles Kaiser’s cage with a right hand. Kaiser drops to the mat, clutching his jaw in agony.

Cage: Zaid just decked Kaiser Cavanah!!

Alex: It’s going to be every man for himself in the Escalation match, and Zaid knows that!

The “A-List Movie Star” now delivers a series of boots to both Daz and Kaiser Cavanah, flooring them each time they try to gain a vertical base.

Alex: Zaid is making a huge impact here, he’s taking it to two former world champions!

Suddenly, a cheer rises from the crowd as Johnny Valentino runs down to the ring and tackles Zaid, mounting him with a series of punches!

Cage: Valentino finally getting his hands on Zaid!

Johnny Valentino continues punching Zaid, who tries his hardest to cover up, but fails to do so and ultimately decides the wisest course of action is to roll out of the ring. Valentino stands tall, yelling at Zaid to come back in the ring and fight, when suddenly—

Alex: Watch out Johnny!

Just as Velentino turns around, he is nailed by a JDA out of nowhere by none other than Drake Bernard. “The Player”, still wearing expensive clothes, grins to the crowd as he now stands tall in the middle of the ring, over the fallen body of Johnny Valentino.

Cage: Drake Bernard, just like Zaid, trying to make a statement to the PCW locker room!

But Bernard doesn’t grin much longer, because he is soon given a taste of his own medicine by Nick Foster, who runs out to the ring and slides in behind Bernard, who is picked up and nailed with an FCC as soon as he turns around!

Alex: And now Foster hitting the FCC, getting even on Bernard for their match last week!

Foster locks eyes with Zaid and makes a belt gesture around his waist, signaling that he wants to be the World Champion for the first time in his career. But just like the others before him, Foster doesn’t stand dominant for long, as newcomer Magnum Phillips sneaks out through the crowd and into the ring, clubbing Foster from behind and then proceeding to stomp a mudhole in the veteran!

Cage: This is crazy! Are we done here—

Alex: I guess not!!

Ryan Haynes and Hiroshi Sato come through opposite sides of the curtain. When they see each other, they stop and give each other a puzzled look, as if they expected one of them to come out first, then the other, not at the same time. But they shrug and run down to the ring, joining in the developing brawl!

Not to be left out, The Master runs down the ramp and joins the fray as well. Some of the wrestlers have now recovered and gotten back into the fray. Cavanah immediately lunges back at Daz, and they tussle in the corner, as Zaid and Johnny Valentino do the same in another corner. Bernard hits a series of chops on Hiroshi Sato. Mangum Phillips elbows Nick Foster in the face, who responds with an equally-stiff elbow.

Alex: This is insanity, I’ve never seen anything like this! What started as Zaid wanting to make a statement has turned into an all-out WAR!

The Master shoves his shoulder into the gut of Ryan Haynes. Cavanah and Daz continue beating the hell out of each other. The brawl gets increasingly chaotic, as clusters of PCW wrestlers tussle with each other in various parts of the ring.

The crowd, who so far have had their eyes glued to their favorite superstars fighting in the ring, now turn their attention to the stage, where one massive man is lumbering down the ramp.

Cage: Holy shit. It’s…

Alex: It’s AMOS HESS! The biggest man in PCW! The biggest man in the Escalation match!

The Savior almost gets to the ring when The Master lunges at him, but Amos runs forward as well, hitting the FIELD PLOW clothesline on The Master, leaving him sprawled on the concrete.


But Hess has barely started. He makes his way to the ring, stepping over the top ropes, and quickly floors Hiroshi Sato with the Field Plow, then does the same to Ryan Haynes.

Many of the brawlers are still distracted, so they fail to see the Amish man. Hess runs toward Drake Bernard and runs him down with another Field Plow, then continues running as he bounces off the ropes and Field Plows Nick Foster, then Zaid.

Alex: Hess is Field Plowing the hell out of everybody! My god!

Cage: He’s like a derailed freight train!

Hess now sets his sights on Magnum Phillips, but the smart newcomer is already aware of the Amish man, and wisely rolls out of the ring. Taking advantage of this, Johnny Valentino jumps Hess from behind and locks in a Sleeper Hold on the self-proclaimed Savior. But before Hess falls victim to it, he uses his strength to throw Valentino over his shoulders. Valentino lands on his feet, but as soon as he turns around he gets blasted with a Field Plow from Hess!

Cage: Who the hell is going to be able to throw Amos Hess over the top rope!?

Alex: Forget that, who’s gonna be able to take this guy off his feet at all?

Daz, seeing the oncoming danger, leaves Cavanah slumped in the corner and takes the fight to Hess, hitting a series of chops to the large chest of the Amish man, but they seem to have little effect. Hess goes for a right hand but Daz ducks under it and hits a Forearm Shiver on Hess which takes the big man back a step.

Cage: Daz trying to take it to Amos here!

The British Rose runs off the ropes for momentum, going for a running forearm, but Hess stands his ground and blasts him with the Field Plow, turning the Hall of Famer inside out!


Behind Hess, Kaiser Cavanah has climbed on the top turnbuckle, and as soon as Hess turns around, Cavanah launches off the top for a missile dropkick, but the big man blasts him with the Field Plow clothesline in MID-AIR!

Cavanah drops to the mat like a sack of potatoes. Hess now stands alone in the middle of the ring, bodies littered all around him.


Mangum Phillips, still on the outside of the ring, locks eyes with Hess and taunts the big man. Hess just grins, looking down at all the heathens he has dispatched. Suddenly, a cheer begins rising out of the crowd, quickly becoming louder and louder.

Omega is coming down the ramp, eyes fixed on Hess, burning with a fire that hasn’t been seen in the Buffalo in a very long time.

Alex: Omega! He’s now officially un-retired!

Cage: Well, it looks like we’re not waiting till next week! Hess and Omega are about to go to war RIGHT NOW!

The PCW crowd is ecstatic, chanting for Omega as he continues to stare Hess down as he walks ever closer to the ring. But suddenly, Theodore Barry blindsides Omega from behind, knocking the Buffalo into the steel steps!

Cage: Oh, damn it! Not only is Hess a one-man wrecking machine, but he has Ted Barry in his corner as well!

Barry starts putting the boots to the dazed Omega as Hess prepares to join the assault, but before he can do so, The Brothers Comeau run down to ringside and start brawling with Ted Barry and Magnum Phillips!

Amos Hess observes the fight on the outside, but slowly his attention is diverted. Because it now appears that he is surrounded by several individuals who have recovered from their wounds. The Master, Hiroshi Sato, Haynes, Foster, Bernard, Valentino, Zaid, and many others have formed a circle around the big man. A second later, they converge like a pack of dogs on Hess. The ring is once again filled with a massive brawl!


The noise in the arena becomes almost deafening now, the fans going crazy as much as the wrestlers are. Neo Runway Chic run down to the ring and start throwing punches, as everyone else follows suit. Inside the ring, the brawl disintegrates into complete chaos.



Every single referee in PCW now runs down the ramp, trying to separate the mass of brawling wrestlers, but it’s about as effective as trying to control a rampaging herd of elephants.


Clusters of PCW superstars are grappling inside the ring, outside the ring, on the ramp, through the crowd, everywhere. Cavanah and Ryan Haynes trade punches while Foster and The Master do the same. Neo Runway Chic are trying to keep Amos Hess at bay in one corner while Omega throws Ted Barry face-first into the steps. Johnny Valentino rips off Drake Bernard’s expensive shirt and hits him with a hard chop right in front of a screaming fan.

PCW President Richard Burke is seen up in the stands, frantically making calls on his cell phone, but the camera man getting a shot of this is soon knocked down as Magnum Phillips and Hiroshi Sato collide into him while fighting.

PCW road agents, trainers, doctors, even police officers now rush out of the curtain and attempt to stop what has transformed into a complete riot.



But Alex Wright isn’t able to finish her sentence as Zaid gets thrown over the announce table and tumbles into the feet of the commenters, courtesy of Daz.

More people rush out to the ring to try and stop the massive brawl. Chaos is erupting in every corner of the building when suddenly the show fades to black.

Written by Ali, KaiserGlider, and Daz
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Re: The Levee Breaks

Postby prophet » Apr 18, '17, 2:49 pm

Remember how great the Escalation match turned out despite being the biggest clusterfuck of a match to complete?

PCW was awesome.
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Re: The Levee Breaks

Postby KaiserGlider » Apr 18, '17, 3:59 pm

prophet wrote:Remember how great the Escalation match turned out despite being the biggest clusterfuck of a match to complete?

PCW was awesome.

People were having a "live chat" in the shoutbox as they were reading the match right after it got posted. We had everybody hooked.

In hindsight there are things I would have changed about the match if I had to re-book it (and PCW in general), but I'm still quite chuffed with the way things turned out.
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Re: The Levee Breaks

Postby ShaneOfan » Apr 19, '17, 6:27 pm

The Escalation Match was one of my favorite e-fed things ever.
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Thanks to SKS and Tim for the awesome sigs!

Join the PCW!

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