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What are your favorite PCW and WCSF moments?

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What are your favorite PCW and WCSF moments?

Postby KaiserGlider » Jan 08, '18, 10:04 pm

Here are all the PCW shows if you need to jog your memory:


These are my favorite PCW moments that I compiled into a show: ... df-1-2-meg

A for WCSF, ones that I remember are:

- Andrew Logan winning the world title at the end of the last Rev
- Mark Thomas beating Johnny Devine
- UK vs USA
- Daz heel turn
- Starlets controversy
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Re: What are your favorite PCW and WCSF moments?

Postby Everlong » Mar 02, '24, 11:32 pm

The Andrew Logan title win at Revolution VI was such a huge stunner and will always have a soft spot in my heart for storytelling I've been involved with. Literally no one saw it coming for a variety of reasons, including the fact that I very intentionally booked myself to job at PPVs the vast majority of the time. And yet, if you went back, you could see a lot of the breadcrumbs leading to it and it was so satisfying in the end.

Daz had a really great buildup to his title victory as well, and the way we turned Kaiser Cavanah into a legitimate threat after essentially having him as the king of the midcard for a while was awesome.

So many great little runs. I loved what we did with the British invasion bit, and also taking Alex Morgan and turning him into a character that led that initial British Invasion but ultimately having him take a backseat to other characters with more active writers.

Got those nostalgia glands pumping tonight.
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Re: What are your favorite PCW and WCSF moments?

Postby Everlong » Mar 02, '24, 11:33 pm

ALSO: Dynamite's title win. VERY early WCSF, but it was the first big babyface moment we had and there were a lot of old-school writers who just weren't getting as "over" with our readers at the time. Chris Cameron was one of our first "legendary" characters, but he was just kind of your bland cocky heel in retrospect. What Chewy did with Dynamite kind of raised the stakes for what WCSF should be.
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Re: What are your favorite PCW and WCSF moments?

Postby Enygma » Mar 03, '24, 9:36 am

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Re: What are your favorite PCW and WCSF moments?

Postby AkydefGoldberg » Mar 04, '24, 11:54 am

Everlong wrote:ALSO: Dynamite's title win. VERY early WCSF, but it was the first big babyface moment we had and there were a lot of old-school writers who just weren't getting as "over" with our readers at the time. Chris Cameron was one of our first "legendary" characters, but he was just kind of your bland cocky heel in retrospect. What Chewy did with Dynamite kind of raised the stakes for what WCSF should be.

Yes, Dynamite was the best face who nailed it. Not many could unseat him (even though 'ol Delroy tried) and the writing was quality.

The early days were fun and the characters like Cameron, Williams had a cartoonish quality at times but it made the reading hilarious.

What a run the company had!
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Re: What are your favorite PCW and WCSF moments?

Postby KaiserGlider » Mar 08, '24, 6:00 pm

I was very proud of what we were able to accomplish in the earlier periods of PCW, with these being my two favorite highlights:

1.) The Escalation Match (a sim fed version of the Royal Rumble). The announcement of this thing came as a big surprise, partly because it had not been attempted in WCSF and people were skeptical about how well it could be pulled off. But I had a plan on how to tackle it - basically splitting the match writing into sections based on which wrestlers were in the ring at that specific time, with the final section of the match written by the bookers in order to hide the outcome. At the time this match was announced, PCW was just starting out and didn't yet have a World Champion. I felt that we needed to crown our first champion in a way that was not only creative, but would also generate big buzz and interest in the fed. I'd say mission accomplished. The match turned out pretty easy to follow (thanks to careful editing to make sure all segments flowed together properly) and people were anticipating it so much that they were literally chatting about the match in the shoutbox as they were reading it. The match had its fair share of memorable moments such as the unexpected early elimination of Kaiser Cavanah, the dominant performance of Amos Hess, and the star-making effort by Nick Foster. Which brings me to the second highlight:

2.) Being able to put over Nick Foster and set him up as the... Cody-like top babyface of PCW. Propet was someone who had been on the scene for a long time in WCSF and had really become a solid writer. When PCW came along and Propet was one of the first people to sign up, he now had an opportunity to position himself as one of the main players in the new fed. I did feel like it made the most sense to have Kaiser Cavanah be the first PCW Champion, considering he was the last WCSF Champion and never got beaten for that belt. Ultimately the goal for my character was to generate as much heel heat as possible and use it to put over Nick Foster as much as possible. I thought Prophet and I did a great job setting up the story for the match ("The 8 Year Odyssey"), and the match itself was the best one I have ever written.

I believe the main event of the next PPV was going to be Nick Foster vs Shane Evans. Which was really neat because I think they had been WCSF Tag Team Champions together. Now they were gonna be squaring off for the world title, with Shane Evans just coming off a subtle heel turn and becoming a very interesting character in his own right. Sort of like Drew Mcintyre is right now - someone who feels their actions are justified because they were wronged many times in the past, but is clearly doing asshole things to achieve his goals.

If PCW had continued, Nick Foster would have probably dropped the belt to Amos Hess, who would have gone on to have a monster reign before eventually being overcome by the next big babyface, which could possibly have been Andrew Logan. I was interested in further developing the Andrew Logan character along with Tim, and it's one of the stories I'm kinda bummed we didn't get to see (along with Hess taking over the show, obviously. He was always the most unique character and I made sure to keep him undefeated). Other future plans included Nick Foster and Daz having a big feud, Kaiser Cavanah turning babyface, and a Mafia reunion and Mafia fatal 4-way match with Foster/Evans/Thomas/Devine. Well ok, the last one might've been more of a fantasy.

With the benefit of hindsight, there were things I would've done differently. But the bottom line is we had a good little run especially considering it happened after WWE-Club shut down. 

Also, on a somewhat related note, a fun fact is that Tony Khan (the president of AEW) used to run a sim fed of his own.
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