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How I'd book the world title scene

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How I'd book the world title scene

Postby The Legend » Apr 30, '16, 8:12 am

So tomorrow's Payback with Reigns vs AJ with the Bullet Club lurking around the storyline. Here's how I think I'd handle the world title scene through SummerSlam.

At Payback I'd have Gallows and Anderson come out, but instead of attacking Roman have them turn on AJ. Have Reigns win due to the attack, act surprised momentarily before giving both of them a big hug and going with it as their plan all along. On Monday's RAW Reigns and G&A brag about getting one over on everyone - especially AJ. AJ comes out and challenges G&A to a tag team street fight with his partner.... FINN BALOR!

Balor and AJ work as faces and get one over on G&A in a good match at Extreme Rules. Meanwhile Reigns beats some face as he works a heel character. At MITB, Reigns wins again with the assistance of G&A, while AJ wins the MITB match with Balor making a save late in the match that takes himself out of the running as well.

At Battleground, Reigns wins again with the help of G&A, but this time after the match G&A attack Reigns and beat him up pretty good allowing AJ to cash in and win the world title. The next night on RAW AJ is joined with the Bullet Club and all admit that they tricked Reigns all along and that G&A were plotting this the whole time and just waiting for the right moment.

At SummerSlam, AJ retains over Roman who can't overcome the strength in numbers of the Bullet Club in what will be a great match. AJ has the ability to put on great matches in his reign to overcome winning the title with the briefcase.

They need a good old double turn stab in the back story to breathe some life into their world title scene.
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Re: How I'd book the world title scene

Postby Str8Shooter » Apr 30, '16, 9:06 am

I don't know about this one man lol.

How could that make any sense. Gallows and Anderson turn on AJ and join up with Reigns, then AJ proceeds to fight Gallows and Anderson... for TWO MONTHS! Including likely a street fight or something at Extreme Rules. Then Gallows and Anderson turn on Reigns, helping AJ win the World title with the MITB.

Why wouldn't Gallows and Anderson just help AJ win the belt at Payback instead of dicking around and fighting against him for two whole months before doing it?
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Re: How I'd book the world title scene

Postby The Legend » Apr 30, '16, 9:23 am

Str8Shooter wrote:I don't know about this one man lol.

How could that make any sense. Gallows and Anderson turn on AJ and join up with Reigns, then AJ proceeds to fight Gallows and Anderson... for TWO MONTHS! Including likely a street fight or something at Extreme Rules. Then Gallows and Anderson turn on Reigns, helping AJ win the World title with the MITB.

Why wouldn't Gallows and Anderson just help AJ win the belt at Payback instead of dicking around and fighting against him for two whole months before doing it?

He wouldn't fight them for two months. He'd fight them for three weeks between Payback and Extreme Rules. Basically they'd have one argument in which they just have one great match with each other which their own personal pride could explain.

As for why not? It's called suspense. It's called tension. It's called storytelling. Complex stories are more intriguing and interesting than simple ones.
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Re: How I'd book the world title scene

Postby Messiah » Apr 30, '16, 12:43 pm

The Legend wrote:As for why not? It's called suspense. It's called tension. It's called storytelling. Complex stories are more intriguing and interesting than simple ones.

Agreed, but your scenario isn't even logical. It would make no sense for them to go about the scenario this way. Why wouldn't Gallows, Anderson, and Styles plot to win the title the first time around? Why would they go through all the trouble of having Styles lose, having a street fight between them, and have to compete in Money in the Bank?
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Re: How I'd book the world title scene

Postby Headlesspete » Apr 30, '16, 10:03 pm

The Legend wrote:As for why not? It's called suspense. It's called tension. It's called storytelling. Complex stories are more intriguing and interesting than simple ones.

Ya know, i think suspense and tension were used to describe the then upcoming Undertaker vs Shane McMahon match up....and then the storytelling of the entire feud made the first two adjectives null ans void.

I'm all for a good shock or surprise twist, but if the twist lacks logic or any motivation other than "shock value", there's no point.

This Sunday, Anderson and Gallows should interfere leading to the Usos interfering. While both teams attack each other, Finn comes out to attack Reigns leading to AJ winning. It makes sense, its still a shock in that no one thinks WWE are gonna give us this in the first place, and it makes everyone happy.

Honestly, the biggest shock WWE could give us is booking the most obvious outcome that will make most folks happy, and thats get the WWE title off Reigns. I'd rather WWE focus on getting the basic storytelling right first, before venturing back into making choices that lack of sense of storytelling or logic.
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Re: How I'd book the world title scene

Postby The Legend » May 01, '16, 5:47 am

Getting the world title off Reigns is the last thing the WWE needs or should do. Making him a three-time world champ with three quick reigns with a fourth reign around the corner is the last thing they should do. They need to find some way to make this reign work. Turning Reigns heel for a chunk of that reign would help make it a credible reign. Book him better as a heel (which I think they would do vs being a face) and you could get more people on his side.
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Re: How I'd book the world title scene

Postby Messiah » May 01, '16, 8:32 pm

I don't think Reigns needs to turn heel. In fact, I've enjoyed him a lot since WrestleMania. He's played the "I don't give a fuck, I know I'm the best" role really well. Just don't have him talking in long winded segments.
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Re: How I'd book the world title scene

Postby Hanley! » May 01, '16, 9:02 pm

Reigns is playing a good heel right now. They just need to admit that he's heel.
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