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Who should win the MITB briefcase?

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Who should win the MITB briefcase?

Postby Str8Shooter » Jun 07, '15, 9:46 am

Who should win, the MITB usually means that this person is winning the World title in the next 12 months. So who ya got!?
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Re: Who should win the MITB briefcase?

Postby Hanley! » Jun 07, '15, 10:03 am

I voted for Dolph Ziggler, though I was torn between Ziggler and Sheamus. The reason I went with Ziggler in the end is that I reckon that Rollins is going to be having a long title reign, so I'd rather the winner of the Money in the Bank be a face for that reason. If the title holder is a heel, and the briefcase holder is a heel, then you know there aren't going to be any cash-ins for a while.

I think Ziggler is a good shout. They should be doing more with him than they are. He's still very popular as a face, and with Bryan gone, they should be trying to make the most of the big faces that they have available to them. I think he's someone who can carry the briefcase around for a while before announcing that he wants to face Rollins at a certain pay per view in a certain match type (similar to RVD at One Night Stand 2006). It would be even better if Rollins could weasel his way out of a title shot at one of the major pay per views and Ziggler came out and announced that he'd be defending the title on that pay per view after all.

If it were me, I'd consider giving Ziggler the championship at one of the major pay per views, because I think he could excel in that role if they give him the opportunity. But even if they don't want him to win the title, I still think he's a good choice to win the briefcase.

It should absolutely NOT be Reigns though. That's just not a good idea. Even if they want to put the title on him in the next year, they shouldn't sign post that this is going to happen by giving him the Money in the Bank briefcase. Part of the reason the fans turned on him is because he came across as the WWE's chosen successor to John Cena before he was ready to fill that role. They shouldn't be reminding fans that he's the chosen one. He needs to get to the championship organically this time.
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Re: Who should win the MITB briefcase?

Postby CubsIn5 » Jun 07, '15, 10:22 am

Roman and for very short term purposes. With Dean and Roman being buddies and Dean being in the #1 contender spot it could create some really cool storytelling opportunities.
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Re: Who should win the MITB briefcase?

Postby VaderBomb » Jun 07, '15, 7:23 pm

I get that he does spots but why the hell is Kofi in this match? He's one third of the tag team champions, this booking makes no sense other than 'Kofi Spot here'.

I'd like to see Ziggler win.
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Re: Who should win the MITB briefcase?

Postby lyonssv » Jun 07, '15, 7:24 pm

I'd like to see Ziggler or Sheamus win....

but I'd bet a paycheck that it is going to Reigns.
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Re: Who should win the MITB briefcase?

Postby Circled Square » Jun 07, '15, 10:13 pm

You want an opportunity to push Ziggler, this is one of them. Might be one of the last ones.
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Re: Who should win the MITB briefcase?

Postby EmperorWu » Jun 07, '15, 10:51 pm

I was trying to think about then I realized I don't care. That might be bad for the product. I don't know how much people would give a shit right now.

Kofi is a joke to consider in the main event. New Day is the best thing he's had in a while.
Randy doesn't need a briefcase to challenge for the title, he gets to be in the main event whenever WWE decides.
Reigns is always being pushed into the main event, it's pointless for him to win. He doesn't need it.
Kane is filler. I doubt any fan in the world really wants to see him win. Also he's already the go to fill in guy for title challengers anyway.
Ziggler is eternally buried. Even if they did decide to give it to him, let's be honest they'd just decide to bury him again two weeks later.
Sheamus is the only legit contender. He's firmly been in the midcard for a while but has mainevented. That's what the case is for. To elevate a midcarder into the mainevent when they decide to pull the trigger. However as Steve pointed out a heel champ and heel case holder doesn't work that well.
Neville is all that's left. He's getting over. Is a midcarder, who could put on great mainevent matches potentially, and is a face. He seems like the best choice. However that all depends on his prospects backstage and whether WWE considers him a full time or part time maineventer in the future. Will he be ready within a year? It's hard to say. I don't think he has enough charisma yet. But since I have to guess a winner I'll go with him. They can always bail out like they did with Sandow.
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Re: Who should win the MITB briefcase?

Postby Hanley! » Jun 07, '15, 10:59 pm

Actually, while I think Ziggler should be the winner, I think I know who is going to win the briefcase. And it's not Reigns. It's Kane. It's going to involve Triple H and Rollins trying to convince Kane not to take his title shot but Kane eventually doing it anyway. I can't see him winning the belt from Rollins, but I reckon they might give him a title shot and this is definitely a way of getting there.

It's stupid booking, nobody wants to see Kane in that position in 2015. But I really think that's what's going to happen.
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Re: Who should win the MITB briefcase?

Postby DBSoT » Jun 07, '15, 11:05 pm

Reigns. I want to see a Shield triple threat at WM, damn it!
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Re: Who should win the MITB briefcase?

Postby CMPUNKFAN » Jun 07, '15, 11:16 pm

I really think Kane may win it to and it could end with him in a "shocking turn" and winning the title from Rollins lol
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Re: Who should win the MITB briefcase?

Postby EmperorWu » Jun 08, '15, 12:33 am

CMPUNKFAN wrote:I really think Kane may win it to and it could end with him in a "shocking turn" and winning the title from Rollins lol

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Re: Who should win the MITB briefcase?

Postby The Legend » Jun 08, '15, 5:14 am

There could be an interesting story to me with just about every case winner and something I could potentially enjoy seeing, almost no matter what way they decide to take it.

Neville could make an interesting choice, if for nothing than they could do an RVD like cash in for him eventually. Build him up as a ladder match threat and specialist because of his ability to fly and eventually have him do an announced cash in with a ladder match against a heel champion.

Sheamus seems like the obvious MITB winner and main event choice. He's an over heel that could do the typical MITB thing. There's currently a heel world champ, but it's not as if Rollins will be champion a year from now. It could actually work out well for the MITB cash in that Rollins is champ for a while. Have him be champ and have Sheamus be under the radar as MITB holder for a while. Eventually we could see Reigns beat Rollins and then if the crowd is still against Reigns have Sheamus cash in 24 hours later on RAW and end Reigns' run quickly. That throws another road block towards Reigns.

Orton's one that would seem redundant and unnecessary. I don't need to see him win MITB.

Reigns could be an interesting choice only if they decide to take it in a new direction with a heel turn. Ambrose could take the title off of Rollins on Sunday. Reigns wins. Reigns turns heel on Ambrose and cashes in mid-match like Rollins did, during the Ambrose/Rollins re-match. That could lead to the Shield triple threat feud for the world title.

I could enjoy the Kane cash in that most people described. It would also go a long way to protecting Rollins as well. Have Kane cash in, so it won't make Rollins look weak when he loses. Have somebody else quickly take the title off of Kane, instead of Rollins. Then Rollins can beat Kane in a short feud between the two. Rollins can move on to something else before getting into the title scene again.

Ziggler could win, but I'd only want to see it if they spiced up his character with a heel turn. Just have him go somewhat crazy like Edge did when he felt he was being held down and just turn on everyone. No more fun loving Ziggler, but a more serious and aggressive guy.

The only thing I can think of with Kofi is they may go like the Shield did with New Day and instead of free bird rules they have Woods and Big E be tag champs and have Kofi be like Ambrose and do his own singles push kind of thing.

Of those options, Ziggler and Sheamus would be my favorite choices.
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Re: Who should win the MITB briefcase?

Postby Str8Shooter » Jun 09, '15, 4:57 pm

If they wanted a huge moment, it writes itself. Reigns wins MITB, Ambrose congratulates him on the win. Ambrose goes out and defeats Rollins to win the World title. Reigns comes out and cashes in, winning the title and royally screwing over his best buddy in the process. You could have Reigns full on heel turn, or slowly turn heel afterwards, trying to apologize and saying he "had to do it".

I think Reigns is the no brainer winner. I know he's not well liked and him winning might reignite the fans hatred on his "overpush". But he makes the most sense really, at least short term. If Rollins wins, Reigns and him have history and Rollins being paranoid about Reigns cashing in could be fun. If Ambrose wins Reigns can tease turning on him and cashing in.

Add a returning Lesnar to the mix and he has a history with Rollins and Reigns as well from Mania.
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Re: Who should win the MITB briefcase?

Postby DBSoT » Jun 09, '15, 6:36 pm

Str8Shooter wrote:If they wanted a huge moment, it writes itself. Reigns wins MITB, Ambrose congratulates him on the win. Ambrose goes out and defeats Rollins to win the World title. Reigns comes out and cashes in, winning the title and royally screwing over his best buddy in the process. You could have Reigns full on heel turn, or slowly turn heel afterwards, trying to apologize and saying he "had to do it".

I think Reigns is the no brainer winner. I know he's not well liked and him winning might reignite the fans hatred on his "overpush". But he makes the most sense really, at least short term. If Rollins wins, Reigns and him have history and Rollins being paranoid about Reigns cashing in could be fun. If Ambrose wins Reigns can tease turning on him and cashing in.

Add a returning Lesnar to the mix and he has a history with Rollins and Reigns as well from Mania.
This is basically my feeling as well. If WWE wants to eventually have the Shield triple threat match, they are going to have to do something to break up the Ambrose and Reigns bro down.
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