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Daniel Bryan won't win the World Title at Wrestlemania because Creative is stupid.

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Daniel Bryan won't win the World Title at Wrestlemania because Creative is stupid.

Postby prophet » Feb 24, '14, 10:14 am

Daniel Bryan is going to win the WWE World Heavyweight Championship at Wrestlemania 30. It's what's best for business and makes all kinds of sense. Although going by that logic it probably won't happen because, well, it's the logical thing to do. Now my catchy title has suckered you I'll give you my thoughts on last night's PPV before I eventually get to the point of why I think Bryan's time will come at Wrestlemania.

I didn't really think Elimination Chamber was a good enough show for a number of reasons. Honestly I thought most of the card was filler that we didn't need to see but in saying that I understand why we did see them. Titus O'Neal was a match that nobody cared about and nobody will care about going forward - it should have been a squash match to be honest. If you're going to try and create a new 'monster' type heel you need to give him the impressive, dominant win and we didn't really see that last night. Titus was caused a few problems by Darren Young before he managed to get the win and I didn't like that - Darren Young isn't a star and the only thing that might provide him with a bit of notoriety is the fact that in real-life he's gay.

AJ Lee vs the annoying one from Total Divas was a complete clusterfuck - the only time I've enjoyed AJ's work was when she cut a 'shoot' promo berating the entire cast of Total Divas, aside from that I don't think she's as great as she's lauded online. Nor is Natalya for that matter, they're just the best of a bad bunch. Whilst I'm on that subject I'm completely against Women's Wrestling in the WWE as a whole because the majority of the time it isn't wrestling and if we're completely honest with ourselves, does anyone really give a fuck who's holding the 'Divas' Championship? I know I don't. Don't get me wrong I'm not saying I dislike Women's Wrestling as a whole, I just think since the days of Lita, Trish, Mickie James and even Beth Pheonix the standard has gone so far downhill it'd be damn near impossible to bring back. These days the divas get literally no reaction and I cringe at the screen every time they're in the ring and I have to suffer through watching former Models with 2 months worth of training barely get through the most basic of maneuvers, screaming like teenage girls all the while. Those that actually want to compete would be better off literally anywhere else.

Big E vs Swagger had one show worth of build, not enough to warrant anyone being invested in that match. Batista vs Del Rio was what it was - nobody cared about that match either and for the record Batista looked awful during the contest, he looked gassed and sloppy yet this is the man in the main event of the biggest show of the year. MOTN went too, as expected, The Shield vs The Wyatt Family who put on a classic. My one fault with that match though was that they didn't even tease the inevitable split of The Shield. I understand that this'll likely happen tonight on RAW but I personally felt you should give those that actually bought the PPV something exclusive to the show rather than wait until the next night.

The Chamber match itself was nothing short of the most easily predictable match I think there ever has been. I thought the main event was good, not great. The Wyatt's cost Cena the match as expected then about 5 minutes later they recycled the same angle with Kane screwing Daniel Bryan. Am I the only one who thought that was an example of lazy booking? They literally ran the same angle within 5 minutes of each other only with different assailants/victims. The fact they couldn't come up with something, anything else to keep it fresh astounds me. Again I don't think anyone could be surprised to see Randy Orton retain the title (the rage in the Live Chat confused me, you all knew it was going to happen) and I'm not actually bitter about Orton winning because it made perfect sense and I for one feel it'd be a bigger moment if Bryan finally won the gold at Wrestlemania as opposed to last night on an average card.

That begins to move me onto my point (if you're still with me, you have my thanks). The way Michael Cole sold the finale - the way he damn near lost his voice talking about the wave of injustice that has been plaguing Daniel Bryan since Summerslam, the way the camera cut to numerous disappointed faces in the all seemed to hint that Bryan will be in that Title match at Wrestlemania. The WWE isn't stupid enough to stick with an Orton/Batista singles match to close the show (actually they 100% are stupid enough to do that but for the purpose of this rant they're not). I have complete faith that the WWE higher-ups are well aware that if they run Randy Orton vs Batista it'll get complete shat on from start to finish and with the WWE Network crowd all tuning in for 'Mania they don't want the biggest show of the year to end the same way Royal Rumble did.

Daniel Bryan fought Kane last Monday on RAW, he's not going to face him again at Wrestlemania. I think what could happen is he'll have to fight Kane one more time and if he wins he'll get into the WWE Title match at Wrestlemania where I firmly believe he'll win. A Bryan/Orton/Batista triple threat is good for business, it'll give the fans someone to root for, stop them from completely shitting all over the main event, provides a way of giving fans what they want and allows a finish in which golden boy Batista doesn't have to take the pinfall. The people have spoken, they've been speaking for years now and the WWE can't ignore them forever. Wrestlemania 30 is the time to pull the trigger and finally give the audience what it's been craving, put the belt on the man the people chose.

Of course if they go the other route and have Bryan face Triple H, insert Lesnar into the title match and the crowd can root for him. I don't know what's going to happen, hopefully tonight's RAW will provide us with a little more clarity. Daniel Bryan should win the World Title though and I firmly believe that's what's going to happen. I wouldn't be too down heartened if it didn't happen though because I'd actually really look forward to watching Batista vs Orton get shat all over. I'm aware this a long post and some of you don't enjoy reading these little rant essays but for those of you that did take the time to read this, I say thank you! :)
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Re: Daniel Bryan will win the World Title at Wrestlemania.

Postby SortaCreative » Feb 24, '14, 10:56 am


I didn't think Elimination Chamber was that bad. Big E vs. Swagger was OK. Entertaining enough match to start the show. Shield vs. Wyatts was insane and i'm actually quite glad that Ambrose didn't cost the Shield the match or that we had some hokey oh I accidentally hit you kind of moment. Instead we got treated to some decent story telling and quite the put over by the Shield.

I don't even remember there being a Batista match I might have skipped over it by mistake :o

AJ Lee is beautiful. That cheerleader she fought wasn't a great opponent. You're prolly right, best of a bad bunch.

Titus and Young, again, I may have skipped over this by mistake.

As far as the Elimination Chamber match it wasn't bad! Probably not one of the best ones but I can't really remember there being that many great Chamber matches. Until Kane wandered out it wasn't predictable at all, hardly anyone was eliminated.
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Re: Daniel Bryan will win the World Title at Wrestlemania.

Postby prophet » Feb 24, '14, 11:04 am

SortaCreative wrote:As far as the Elimination Chamber match it wasn't bad! Probably not one of the best ones but I can't really remember there being that many great Chamber matches. Until Kane wandered out it wasn't predictable at all, hardly anyone was eliminated.

I didn't think the show was that bad either, I just thought it wasn't good enough to warrant people paying for it (I know that doesn't apply for most here but still) - aside from the Chamber and the Wyatts/Shield match that card was average at best.

The Chamber match itself wasn't bad either, like I said it was good but nothing spectacular. I agree the order of elimination wound up being unpredictable but the outcome itself and the manner in which it ended (Wyatt's attacking Cena, Kane costing Bryan) was far too predictable for me. Again I was fine with Orton winning but I just thought running the same angle within 5 minutes of each to end the match was a bit lazy.
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Re: Daniel Bryan will win the World Title at Wrestlemania.

Postby Everlong » Feb 24, '14, 11:15 am

I watched the chamber match last night, that was the only one that I saw all the way through. From the sounds of it I'll have to check out the six man tag.

But as for the chamber match itself, I thought it started off slow but got really, really good once there were 5 and 6 people involved. Lots of great spots, nobody came out looking weak and some really great wrestling. I do yearn for the days of the chamber actually being a vicious environment, but what can you do. I'd probably give that match a solid 8/10, right in the "very good" range.

As far as your thoughts about Bryan winning the title at Mania, allow me to play devil's advocate, as I really have no strong belief as to whether he will or won't:

The way Michael Cole sold the finale - the way he damn near lost his voice talking about the wave of injustice that has been plaguing Daniel Bryan since Summerslam, the way the camera cut to numerous disappointed faces in the all seemed to hint that Bryan will be in that Title match at Wrestlemania.

I keep seeing people say this, but Cole's rant could just as easily be foreshadowing a match against Triple H as a berth in the world title match. What happened at Summerslam? HHH screwed him. Bryan's storyline to get over the "injustices" he's faced could very easily be a storyline where he gets revenge against Triple H in a match against him, rather than by getting what he deserves in the form of a title match at Mania. Consider the fact that Punk is no longer with the company and Triple H was slated to face Punk, as well as the fact that HHH is very unlikely to sit on the sidelines for WrestleMania 30, and it would seem just as likely, if not more likely, that Bryan will be in a match with HHH. Cole's rant would certainly fit in with that story.

The WWE isn't stupid enough to stick with an Orton/Batista singles match to close the show (actually they 100% are stupid enough to do that but for the purpose of this rant they're not).

The problem with this, as you even admitted in the same sentence, is that they totally ARE stupid enough to have an Orton/Batista singles match to close the show. They were stupid enough to completely leave Bryan out of the Royal Rumble, were they not? They were stupid enough to throw Kevin Nash into a story about CM Punk. I could go on. WWE has more than proven that they're stupid and stubborn enough to stick with Orton and Batista.

They've had plenty of time to resolve the WrestleMania main event fuckup since the Rumble and they haven't done it. Sure, there's still time for them to do it, but it gets less and less likely as time goes on.

Of course if they go the other route and have Bryan face Triple H, insert Lesnar into the title match and the crowd can root for him.

Eh. At this point I think it's fairly obvious that Taker will be righting Lesnar.

I admire your optimism, and while I agree that there's still a chance that Bryan could get put into the main event, the signs seem to be pointing to him taking on HHH.
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Re: Daniel Bryan will win the World Title at Wrestlemania.

Postby prophet » Feb 24, '14, 11:28 am

Everlong wrote:I keep seeing people say this, but Cole's rant could just as easily be foreshadowing a match against Triple H as a berth in the world title match. What happened at Summerslam? HHH screwed him. Bryan's storyline to get over the "injustices" he's faced could very easily be a storyline where he gets revenge against Triple H in a match against him, rather than by getting what he deserves in the form of a title match at Mania. Consider the fact that Punk is no longer with the company and Triple H was slated to face Punk, as well as the fact that HHH is very unlikely to sit on the sidelines for WrestleMania 30, and it would seem just as likely, if not more likely, that Bryan will be in a match with HHH. Cole's rant would certainly fit in with that story.

Yeah I agree that Bryan vs HHH is more plausible and I actually predicted that in my makeshift Wrestlemania card yesterday and you'll likely wind up being right that Cole's over-selling of the injustice was just the build for him taking on the Authority but something just stuck with me last night that made me think we're going to see him put in the title picture.

Everlong wrote:The problem with this, as you even admitted in the same sentence, is that they totally ARE stupid enough to have an Orton/Batista singles match to close the show. They were stupid enough to completely leave Bryan out of the Royal Rumble, were they not? They were stupid enough to throw Kevin Nash into a story about CM Punk. I could go on. WWE has more than proven that they're stupid and stubborn enough to stick with Orton and Batista.

I honestly don't think so, though. I'm not denying the WWE are capable of making the most retarded decisions but after the negative backlash they received after the Royal Rumble which made it's way into the mainstream media I really can't see them sticking with a singles match that they know is going to get shat all over. I can't see them closing the biggest show of the year with a pissed off crowd, particularly with the always awesome RAW the next night.

Hopefully tonight's RAW clears things up a bit!
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Re: Daniel Bryan will win the World Title at Wrestlemania.

Postby Ace » Feb 24, '14, 12:49 pm

prophet wrote:I'm aware this a long post and some of you don't enjoy reading these little rant essays but for those of you that did take the time to read this, I say thank you! :)

Don't worry, I read it all :cheers2

I agree with you saying that besides the Wyatt/Shield match, the card for the EC PPV was mediocre at best.

I skipped the divas match (didn't care to watch it). Skipped Batista vs. Del Rio (didn't care to watch it). I thoroughly loved the Wyatt vs. Shield match. Sure maybe it was missing some elements & maybe it wasn't. However, in my opinion, I was just happy to see such a good stable match since the days of DX vs. the Nation. The fans were going nuts for that match & so was I.

The Chamber was too predictable. In the Roundtable for this match, for the order of elimination, I only got Sheamus & Christian mixed (but they literally got eliminated 5 minutes within each other, fella). We all knew that Cena, D Bryan & Orton would be left standing & the fact that the authority has had some trouble with Daniel Bryan already suggested that he'd be the last one to get eliminated.

Not too impressed for it being the last show until the grandest stage of them all...
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Re: Daniel Bryan will win the World Title at Wrestlemania.

Postby KaiserGlider » Feb 24, '14, 12:56 pm

I'll just comment on a few quotes.

prophet wrote:Titus O'Neal was a match that nobody cared about and nobody will care about going forward - it should have been a squash match to be honest. If you're going to try and create a new 'monster' type heel you need to give him the impressive, dominant win and we didn't really see that last night. Titus was caused a few problems by Darren Young before he managed to get the win and I didn't like that - Darren Young isn't a star and the only thing that might provide him with a bit of notoriety is the fact that in real-life he's gay.

I see a lot of people saying this match shouldn't have been on PPV and I disagree. This is exactly the kind of match that should fill out the undercard of a PPV. They had a storyline going and it was only natural to blow if off on PPV. If Titus won in a quick squash people would have been saying that the match should have happened on Raw. There's nothing wrong with letting both guys look good.

prophet wrote:The Shield vs The Wyatt Family who put on a classic. My one fault with that match though was that they didn't even tease the inevitable split of The Shield. I understand that this'll likely happen tonight on RAW but I personally felt you should give those that actually bought the PPV something exclusive to the show rather than wait until the next night

I have no problem with this, because everyone was saying that the Shield would lose because of miscommunication and how WWE should have done the Wyatts vs The Shield when there was no hints of the Shield breaking up. So what we got last night was Shield vs Wyatts with both teams being at their absolute best, the match everyone wanted to see. On a show that was full of predictable finishes and outcomes, it was nice to get something unexpected. Personally, I would have had Reigns accidentally spear Ambrose, but like I said, I think either finish works.

What I think they'll do is play up how Reigns was in there battling all 3 Wyatts by himself, Rollins was recovering after getting put through the table, but where was Ambrose? Reigns can call him out on that, Ambrose will make up some kind of excuse, and the tension between the Shield continues.

Everlong wrote:They were stupid enough to completely leave Bryan out of the Royal Rumble, were they not?

I assume the reason Bryan wasn't in the Rumble was that they didn't want the fans to cheer for him over Batista and ruin Batista's big babyface moment. They didn't think the same thing would have happened if Bryan wasn't even in the match.
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Re: Daniel Bryan will win the World Title at Wrestlemania.

Postby Messiah » Feb 24, '14, 10:17 pm

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Re: Daniel Bryan will win the World Title at Wrestlemania.

Postby Everlong » Feb 24, '14, 10:26 pm

prophet wrote:I honestly don't think so, though. I'm not denying the WWE are capable of making the most retarded decisions but after the negative backlash they received after the Royal Rumble which made it's way into the mainstream media I really can't see them sticking with a singles match that they know is going to get shat all over.

So, would you like to revisit this? :lol
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Re: Daniel Bryan will win the World Title at Wrestlemania.

Postby DanielsonTHAGOAT » Feb 24, '14, 10:26 pm

TIL: WWE Creative is the dumbest set of writers of all time.
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Re: Daniel Bryan will win the World Title at Wrestlemania.

Postby prophet » Feb 25, '14, 8:05 am

Everlong wrote:
prophet wrote:I honestly don't think so, though. I'm not denying the WWE are capable of making the most retarded decisions but after the negative backlash they received after the Royal Rumble which made it's way into the mainstream media I really can't see them sticking with a singles match that they know is going to get shat all over.

So, would you like to revisit this? :lol

LMAO yeah you can all pretty much disregard everything I wrote above :lol
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Re: Daniel Bryan will win the World Title at Wrestlemania.

Postby SortaCreative » Feb 25, '14, 8:10 am

Well this is awkward :P
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Re: Daniel Bryan won't win the World Title at Wrestlemania because Creative is stupid.

Postby prophet » Feb 25, '14, 8:14 am

SortaCreative wrote:Well this is awkward :P

No idea what you're talking about!

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Re: Daniel Bryan won't win the World Title at Wrestlemania because Creative is stupid.

Postby Locke » Feb 25, '14, 9:27 am

10/10 thread :lol
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Re: Daniel Bryan won't win the World Title at Wrestlemania because Creative is stupid.

Postby ShaneOfan » Feb 25, '14, 9:37 am

I'm not sure what happened here.
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