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Undertaker's WrestleMania streak - who should have ended it?

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Undertaker's WrestleMania streak - who should have ended it?

Postby AkydefGoldberg » Nov 27, '20, 7:09 am

Watching Undertaker's The Last Ride series and remembering the absolute shock on here in the legendary chatbox when Lesnar pinned the Phenom to become the ONE.

But should it have ended earlier? I get why Taker (and I presume Vince) wanted the legitimacy of Lesnar to beat him, but from a wrestling traditions point of view it seemed there may have been a better candidate who deserved it.


Looking back at the names, I felt he would have deserved the title as the one to end the streak. From a personality, in and out of the ring, genuine and a love for the business plus I think he was WrestleMania unbeaten by the time of him facing Undertaker at WM24.

HBK/HHH were never going to end it even though the Shawn matches were good - from what I hear - and the HHH matches were well, okay.

What ya think?
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Re: Undertaker's WrestleMania streak - who should have ended it?

Postby prophet » Nov 27, '20, 10:01 am

I think anyone could have been ‘the one’ if they were competent enough to build to it correctly. Sadly whoever else they might have gone with would’ve been dead on their feet afterwards because they’d have ruined them. Brock didn’t need it but in hindsight he was probably the right choice.

Reigns might have been a good one, though.
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Re: Undertaker's WrestleMania streak - who should have ended it?

Postby PorkChop » Nov 28, '20, 3:32 pm

Of his actual opponents, either Edge or Orton should've beaten him. I'd have preferred Edge but Orton also made sense. I think Reigns would've been a good shout, although I can imagine him getting proper X-Pac heat for it given how unpopular he's been since The Shield broke up.

With the right build, I wouldn't have minded Cena beating him providing that it resulted in a mega heel turn. Probably would've been best around 2009 / 2010.

- On RAW, Cena gets on the mic and says he's accomplished everything in the business
- Either he challenges Undertaker or he's interrupted by Undertaker taking umbrage at that statement
- Huge headline match at WrestleMania booked
- Cena wins, immediately getting a load of heel heat for breaking the streak from both casual and hardcore fans
- Cena claims the fans turned on him, etc etc
- Then goes on to have a load of fun match ups against an increasingly popular CM Punk, The Rock, etc.

It's difficult to conclusively say who should've broken it and when, and I don't think any opponent suits everyone's tastes. But I do think there were several better options than Lesnar, that's for sure.
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Re: Undertaker's WrestleMania streak - who should have ended it?

Postby The Legend » Nov 30, '20, 5:26 pm

So I'll echo a lot of what was said. Orton would have been the best option from a performer, character, longevity standpoint, but also Orton was the first match that they actually made a big deal about specifically the undefeated streak. From a booking standpoint, it would not have made a lot of sense to make note of something and then kill it immediately before you can build to it.

Of the characters that he faced when he faced them, Edge absolutely made the most sense. He could have gotten away with it and was the type of character that can be underhanded without looking completely weak and lame which could have played to the storyline very well. Also, Edge was an underrated all-time rival of Taker's and this moment could have been huge.

The CM Punk build up was really good and would have made sense, but with the trouble WWE and Punk had I figure they knew Punk wouldn't be around long and it would have been a waste to drop it on him.

If I could re-write history, instead of Taker facing HBK the first time I think I would have done a re-match with Orton. He could come back wiser and instead of just being cocky and arrogant he could bring the cold and calculating parts of his character to develop a gameplan to defeat Taker and take the story after that (I also like the idea of breaking the streak at WM 25). If not Orton, I would have also liked a heel turn by Cena about the same time where he could have ended the streak.
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Re: Undertaker's WrestleMania streak - who should have ended it?

Postby Kreashko » Jan 20, '21, 12:42 pm

Who should have ended it? Definitely not Brock. It just didn't make sense in the grand scheme of things. Brock was already over. Brock was already a multi time champion. He just didn't need it.

I say if it had to be broken at all then give it Roman. Which they did in a sense but it was well after Taker was past his "sell by" date.

So yeah, Roman or no one is my answer.
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