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WWE up for sale?

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WWE up for sale?

Postby The Legend » Apr 29, '20, 2:31 pm

So according to Dutch Mantell (Zeb Coulter), Vince is shopping or at least exploring options to sell the entire WWE company. ESPN (Disney) and Fox are considered to be top contenders if the WWE actually gets sold. Never thought we'd see a day like this, but here we are in the middle of a global pandemic that already forced Vince to file for bankruptcy in his XFL venture and now possibly selling WWE.

Gotta be honest, I don't like WWE's future prospects if a mainstream media giant like Disney or Fox purchases them. As much as Vince has taken his company mainstream and he's struggled to keep up with times in recent years, I don't think anyone in those companies will ever really understand what makes pro wrestling/sports entertainment special.

Here's the link:
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