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Post your most controversial Wresting Opinions!

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Post your most controversial Wresting Opinions!

Postby Headlesspete » Apr 29, '17, 11:11 am

Topic Title says it all! Post opinions that you think may ruffle some feathers! Whether that be about the current product or about stuff from a previous era.

- Brock Lesnar hasn't been worth the money WWE have paid him since he killed John Cena at SummerSlam.
- Roman Reigns isn't the worst member of the Shield, Dean Ambrose is.
- Bray Wyatt is a complete bust. Bar 3 or 4 matches in which others have made him look good, almost every match and feud he's had has underwhelmed. His Promo's are boring, his matches utterly lacking of interest and his character flawed.
- Michelle McCool was at one point the best woman on the WWE roster for quite a while, and she'll never get the credit she deserves due to her relationship with the Undertaker.
- Neither Bret Hart nor Randy Savage would be in my Top 100 wrestlers list. Savage i can atleast understand why he was so loved, but Bret bores me to tears in almost all of his matches.
- The Undertaker's streak should never have been broken, not to Lesnar nor anyone else.

I'll post some more later, but interesting to hear others and get some debate going.
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Re: Post your most controversial Wresting Opinions!

Postby Messiah » Apr 29, '17, 12:09 pm

Relative to the likes of Neville, Owens, Zayn, Styles, and even Reigns...

I can't remember the last time Rollins has put on that good of a match. Maybe WWE is holding him back but out of every current main event player, he's by far the least interesting outside of Orton.
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Re: Post your most controversial Wresting Opinions!

Postby Messiah » Apr 29, '17, 12:12 pm

Rollins to me is like that one sports athlete every overrates because he's supposed to be great but he isn't. I don't think it is all his fault but dude is just a snore as a face.
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Re: Post your most controversial Wresting Opinions!

Postby Headlesspete » Apr 29, '17, 12:21 pm

I can't disagree. Its really hard because as a heel, his character work is fantastic but he has to limit his move set as WWE don't want their heels to be doing exiting stuff. On the other end of the spectrum, as a face he gets to do more moves that get the crowd going, but he's awful as a face the same way Charlotte is, just much better suited as a heel.

Rollins at the moment reminds me of Edge when he returned from his Achilles Heel injury, like he's not putting in 100% incase he gets injured again, and so it seems to be a little reserved. Can't blame him, but i can see the issue.
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Re: Post your most controversial Wresting Opinions!

Postby Str8Shooter » Apr 29, '17, 2:30 pm

I don't think any of these are that controversial yet, even if I don't agree with them, except for Pete saying Bret and Savage aren't in his top 100 list, which is absurd. :P

A decent point about Rollins not having a great match for a while. It's not even something I've really noticed, but a guy like him should seemingly have more standout performances. He's never in bad matches, but his ceiling should be higher.
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Re: Post your most controversial Wresting Opinions!

Postby Everlong » Apr 29, '17, 3:22 pm

Oh god remind me when I get back and actually have a computer to wrtie up a big ol thing about Bret and Savage.

Here are a few for me.

Neither undertaker nor Shawn Michaels are top 10 overall wwe wrestlers/stars.

Goldberg is an outstanding performer (not as controversial now as it was when I used to have to justify it in like 2003-2004 but still).

Daniel Bryan really isn't particularly great, looking only at his we career.
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Re: Post your most controversial Wresting Opinions!

Postby Headlesspete » Apr 29, '17, 3:34 pm

Everlong wrote:Oh god remind me when I get back and actually have a computer to wrtie up a big ol thing about Bret and Savage.

Neither undertaker nor Shawn Michaels are top 10 overall wwe wrestlers/stars.

I look forward to seeing you explain Savage or Hart can be put above Undertaker and Michaels. :cheers
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Re: Post your most controversial Wresting Opinions!

Postby PorkChop » Apr 29, '17, 5:22 pm

The Undertaker is the most overrated wrestler of the modern era. He's been shit in the ring for years, shit on the microphone for his entire career and the deadman gimmick has been shit since its inception. He hasn't been cool since he had his motorbike, and that was about 15 years ago.

MVP could've been world champion if booked properly.

Roman Reigns is quite good, and consistently puts on quite entertaining matches. A lot of fans just hate him because it's the fashionable thing to do.

Brie Bella is the hotter Bella twin.

Dean Ambrose sucks. The only interesting thing he's done was his feud with William Regal back in NXT, which as several years ago now.

The Rock is unbearably dull 90% of the time.

Kelly Kelly was one of the best Divas WWE have had in some time, but she never seemed to receive the recognition she deserved. On the other hand, Beth Phoenix was praised as if she was a female Bret Hart, when she botched moves on the regular and was often quite dangerous in the ring.

Racism absolutely still exists in WWE.
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Re: Post your most controversial Wresting Opinions!

Postby Hanley! » Apr 29, '17, 7:57 pm

I've agreed with a majority of what people have said so far, apart from a few of Pete's insane opinions. :P

If Savage or Hart aren't on his Top 100 list then that's fair enough, but any top 100 list without them on it looks pretty ridiculous. In comparison, I've always thought Shawn Michaels and Ric Flair were overrated, but if I saw a Top 100 list without them on it even I'd be rolling my eyes in a big way.

Michelle McCool was never any good. People didn't like her before anyone knew she was with the Undertaker. As I remember it, people were wondering why someone who was so lacking in anything special was getting such a big push and when people found out about her boyfriend it all suddenly made sense. She wasn't good in the ring and managed to be really attractive without having any actual sex appeal.

Also, I've talked about it enough in the past to not want to spend too much time on it, but Undertaker not losing the streak would have been daft to the extreme. There was no justification for letting him keep it. That being said, I think he should have lost it to someone else and at least a couple of years earlier. They didn't handle it all that well.

Plenty of other opinions here that I very much agree with though:

Dean Ambrose sucking was my controversial opinion from a year ago, but I'm happy to see that people mostly agree with me now. Reigns is much better than him. I'd also agree that Rollins is under-performing lately. He was having tons of great matches before his injury, but since he's come back he hasn't been anything special. And he's been back for well over 6 months now, so you can't really blame ring rust or fear of reinjuring himself. Something's just missing at the moment and he needs to find a way to put the pieces together.

Undertaker is the most overrated main event wrestler of all time without question. His promos have always been shit. Most of his angles have been shit. He's been a consistently high quality in-ring performer for only a fraction of his long career. He's not great at selling stories, making others look good or putting people over. His reputation far exceeds his actual worth. In line with what Porkchop was saying, of the biggest names in wrestling history, Undertaker and the Rock are the most overhyped in my opinion.

Bray Wyatt is all potential but very little of it has been delivered. And now that he's back on his own, it's obvious that things aren't going to get any better. They don't understand the character, and he's not doing enough to sell it either. At this point, we're probably too far gone with Wyatt for him to ever be a great main event talent. It's weird and sad to think that his name will now always be listed as a former WWE champion when it will likely never feel like he actually reached that sort of status.

Lesnar has been dull for ages. It's the problem with booking an entire character around a gimmick as simple as "suplex city". It was bound to get tired after a while.

I'll try and come up with my own list later.
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Re: Post your most controversial Wresting Opinions!

Postby Circled Square » Apr 29, '17, 8:39 pm

NXT has been a failure
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Re: Post your most controversial Wresting Opinions!

Postby Str8Shooter » Apr 29, '17, 8:55 pm

Circled Square wrote:NXT has been a failure

In what way? I can see if you mean that they built this massive facility and signed a shit ton of weightlifters, ex pro athletes etc to try and train into superstars and most of their big hits have been people who were "trained" elsewhere and went to NXT, not homegrown talent.

But a "failure", the show has become a legitimate third touring brand and has had very successful sellout arena crowds for major Network shows. It's also created a "buzz" for the company that was cool when the company has struggled with that for years.
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Re: Post your most controversial Wresting Opinions!

Postby Circled Square » Apr 29, '17, 10:39 pm

If NXT is supposed to create stars, it's failed. I can't believe some of these guys got taught promos by Dusty or some shit, they can all wrestle well and not kill each other but in the WWE that's arguably less than half the battle especially if you're supposed to be a star. Character development and storylines are abysmal. I refuse to believe it's all on the writers. An example of that is how Ambrose went from an unpredictable great mic worker and character to a hot dog eating goofball jobber who loves black men over the span of like a year or two.
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Re: Post your most controversial Wresting Opinions!

Postby Messiah » Apr 29, '17, 10:41 pm

Another one I thought of:

Austin's heel turn in 2001 may have been poorly done, but it was sorely needed. Whenever I go back and watch the WWE from around that time period, baby-face Austin just didn't fit in well. I know a lot of people say the Attitude Era ended at WrestleMania 17, which is fair, but the product in 1998/1999 was nothing like it was in 2000. So much changed in that year and so when Austin came back, it just felt like there was something missing with him. I don't know, he was kind of dull. When he turned heel, yeah they could have done some things differently, but he delivered far more interesting segments than he had in the months prior after his return and his matches were fantastic. His clashes with Benoit and Angle were amazing.

Austin in 2001 is one of my favorite runs by a wrestler ever. He could do no wrong.
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Re: Post your most controversial Wresting Opinions!

Postby Ali » Apr 29, '17, 10:57 pm

Santino Marella should go in the WWE Hall of Fame one day. He might be the best comedy wrestler of all time, and he should've either beat the Honky Tonk Man's IC Title Reign, or come damn close.

Dean Ambrose is great. I like Dean Ambrose. I like how he seems to genuinely not give a s*it about anything, probably because he genuinely doesn't give a s*it about anything. His dry, uncaring attitude just makes me identify with him more.

All Heel authority figures and commentators are annoying dogs*it. After Bobby Heenan, who was great, every single Heel commentator just makes my skin crawl. The reason I can not sit through a full-length WWE match nowadays is because of Heel commentators, ESPECIALLY JBL. Jibble is absolutely insufferable. The problem with them is that Heel commentators are loud, obnoxious, and over-the-top, while the Face commentators tend to be quieter, meeker, and more reserved. There's no balance to it, and it takes me totally out of the mood of just about every match.

Heel authority figures are just as overbearingly stupid. I get it, it's a tried and true story that is very easy to tell. The evil boss tries to keep the fan favorite down, but he overcomes the odds and beats the authority figure, hooray! Except that the Evil Boss never goes away. It works when you have a single long-term opponent, like Vince McMahon against Stone Cold Steve Austin, but when Triple H and Stephanie face an endless revolving door of challengers, it gets a wee bit tiring. CM Punk, Daniel Bryan, John Cena, Roman Reigns, and Seth Rollins have all gone through the rigamarole of taking them on and even taking them out, only for them to crop right back up with a new flunky that they will soon turn on. Boy, I can't wait for Hunter to return and screw over Samoa Joe, leading to an inevitable clash at WrestleMania 34! And then for Sami Zayn to go back to RAW only to go through the Daniel Bryan Odyssey in time for WrestleMania 35! Ha ha ha, SARCASM.

I hate this storyline. Hate it with the white-hot fury of ten thousand suns. I wouldn't hate it so much if we didn't suffer through it every single year. I would love so much for Triple H and Stephanie to not show up on WWE TV until 2020, but we know that won't happen. And even if it does, WWE is going to turn Shane heel just so they can run this same bloody storyline until the universe implodes upon itself. Gah.
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Re: Post your most controversial Wresting Opinions!

Postby VaderBomb » Apr 30, '17, 1:43 am

The much less famous Joe Malenko was a better wrestler than his younger brother Dean, who I'd also consider one of the all time greatest.

Doug Furnas and Phil Lafon would rank higher than The Rock or Hulk Hogan on my Greatest Wrestlers List.

Highly regarded and very famous wrestlers who would be in my top 100 but not beyond 100-80: Hiroshi Tanahashi, Bruno Sammartino, Rick Steamboat, Kurt Angle, Chris Benoit.

Vader > The Undertaker.

I prefer British catch wrestling to Mexican Lucha Libre by decent margin.

Billy Robinson and Chris Hero are both in my top 10 of all time.
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Re: Post your most controversial Wresting Opinions!

Postby Circled Square » Apr 30, '17, 10:56 am

Imagine putting Lafonetty over Hogan
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Re: Post your most controversial Wresting Opinions!

Postby Str8Shooter » Apr 30, '17, 11:33 am

Messiah wrote:Another one I thought of:

Austin's heel turn in 2001 may have been poorly done, but it was sorely needed. Whenever I go back and watch the WWE from around that time period, baby-face Austin just didn't fit in well. I know a lot of people say the Attitude Era ended at WrestleMania 17, which is fair, but the product in 1998/1999 was nothing like it was in 2000. So much changed in that year and so when Austin came back, it just felt like there was something missing with him. I don't know, he was kind of dull. When he turned heel, yeah they could have done some things differently, but he delivered far more interesting segments than he had in the months prior after his return and his matches were fantastic. His clashes with Benoit and Angle were amazing.

Austin in 2001 is one of my favorite runs by a wrestler ever. He could do no wrong.

I'll chime in on this as I've recently taken to watching a bunch of Invasion stuff in chronological order. I actually agree with you, not necessarily that he was dull and needed to turn heel, but it did freshen him up. As I watch these Raw and SD's, Heel Austin is always a highlight. He's entertaining as hell, and the theory that fans didn't want to boo him I'm not sure holds any weight. He's getting plenty of heat as the Alliance Leader, Austin sucks chants, Angle is getting cheered over him. Scotty 2 Hotty just got cheered for knocking him on his ass for crying out loud.
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Re: Post your most controversial Wresting Opinions!

Postby VaderBomb » May 01, '17, 12:02 am

Circled Square wrote:Imagine putting Lafonetty over Hogan

I'd put him over Furnas too
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Re: Post your most controversial Wresting Opinions!

Postby Messiah » May 01, '17, 8:03 am

PorkChop wrote:Roman Reigns is quite good, and consistently puts on quite entertaining matches. A lot of fans just hate him because it's the fashionable thing to do.

I don't think people boo Reigns because they don't think he is a good wrestler. I mean, some probably do, but not everybody. They boo him because WWE is terrible at character development and Reigns as a personality is a very boring main eventer. So when they see how hard they try to shove him down everyone's face, they get pissed.

Look at Strowman. Yea, he is a way better wrestler than when he first started, but he is still nothing special in the ring. What sticks out with him is that he is by far one of the best characters on the show and the crowd loves that about him.

They should just turn him heel. I don't know why they are so hesitant. They have so many guys who could take his place as the top baby-face and sell a lot of merch.
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Re: Post your most controversial Wresting Opinions!

Postby KaiserGlider » May 01, '17, 9:29 pm

Messiah wrote:They should just turn him heel. I don't know why they are so hesitant. They have so many guys who could take his place as the top baby-face and sell a lot of merch.

They want him to be the next John Cena. That's it. They don't care if he gets cheered or booed; they'll just tout the "he gets a reaction out of everyone" line and keep doing the same thing with him. He'll act like a heel when he goes up against a popular babyface, and then go back to acting like a face the rest of the time. He'll just be Roman Reigns the way John Cena was just himself, and people will boo him or cheer him.

Back to the question at hand~

I'm surprised no one brought up Rollins/HHH at Wrestlemania. I thought that was one of Rollins' best singles matches. He also had a pretty good match with Joe last night. But looking at the big picture, yeah I agree that his face run hasn't lived up to expectations. A large part of that has to do with them not turning him face as soon as he returned last year, as well as Triple H disappearing for months after he turned on him. Both of those things cost Rollins a lot of momentum. I think Rollins is kinda overrated in general though. His title run as heel was kinda boring for the most part, and I don't think he would have gotten as over as he did in 2014-2015 if the roster had as many total package guys as it does now.

- Finn Balor doesn't do much for me besides the face paint.
- Dolph Ziggler is vastly overrated in the ring.
- Despite the many booking problems, TNA Impact was consistently better week-to-week than Raw or Smackdown during 2010-2013.
- Sting vs Triple H at Wrestlemania 31 was great.
- Triple H vs Roman Reigns at Wrestlemania 32 was good.
- I was perfectly okay with CM Punk dropping the title to The Rock.
- HBK vs Undertaker at Wrestlemania 25 is one of the greatest matches of all time.
- People hate Dean Ambrose because he isn't a good face. They'll change their tune if he turns heel.
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