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The end?

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The end?

Postby Everlong » Apr 02, '17, 10:10 pm

After Taker lost to Reigns, he folded up his coat and put it in the middle of the ring with his hat, walking away.

Is this really the end of the Undertaker? Crazy...
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Re: The end?

Postby Kreashko » Apr 02, '17, 10:13 pm

Tonight is truly the end of an era...
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Re: The end?

Postby AkydefGoldberg » Apr 02, '17, 10:16 pm

It sure is. I thought the way it was done was perfect, and it was clear he was emotional and rightly so. A great career has ended.
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Re: The end?

Postby Str8Shooter » Apr 02, '17, 10:42 pm

Yup looks that way. That match was awful too and Taker didn't look good. It was like watching a past his prime fighter or pro athlete stay too long and lose the battle to father time. Which I guess is kind of fitting. Not everyone goes out with a bang, some go out with a whimper.
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Re: The end?

Postby prophet » Apr 03, '17, 4:00 am

Damn, end of an era. Glad he was able to walk up the ramp on his own power though.

That was probably the last we'll ever see of him but I'll be damned if I don't hope he shows up for a farewell tomorrow on RAW and gets decimated by Reigns.
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Re: The end?

Postby Messiah » Apr 03, '17, 5:05 am

Yea there is no way he wrestles again, not if he cares for his health or has self respect. He's awful.

I don't blame them too much, it was still a worthy main event because Undertaker's last match deserves to be the main event. Makes me feel old that it's all over for him.
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Re: The end?

Postby Str8Shooter » Apr 03, '17, 7:37 am

Messiah wrote:Yea there is no way he wrestles again, not if he cares for his health or has self respect. He's awful.

I don't blame them too much, it was still a worthy main event because Undertaker's last match deserves to be the main event. Makes me feel old that it's all over for him.

Taker desperately trying to pull himself up into a Reigns tombstone and being unable to do so might be my defining image from this match sadly. Reigns was like "shit this ain't gonna work", and just superman punched him instead.
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Re: The end?

Postby AkydefGoldberg » Apr 03, '17, 1:47 pm

It's difficult with that botch whose fault it was but it made for an awkward moment.

His exit from the ring was done perfectly IMO and again, I'd hope there'd be an opportunity for him to say a farewell on RAW but with him being protective of his character, he might be of the opinion that the items he left in the ring were symbolic enough.
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Re: The end?

Postby KaiserGlider » Apr 05, '17, 8:58 pm

If this is really the end, which I'm not certain of, then I think Taker deserves credit for not making it all about him and using his exit to really give a rub to Reigns. Like Vince once said on Austin's podcast, "nobody wants to give back to the business more than The Undertaker"

If his official retirement match comes later so they can sell tickets off of it, then it wouldn't surprised me if Taker retires at Survivor Series.
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Re: The end?

Postby Messiah » Apr 05, '17, 9:15 pm

KaiserGlider wrote:If this is really the end, which I'm not certain of, then I think Taker deserves credit for not making it all about him and using his exit to really give a rub to Reigns. Like Vince once said on Austin's podcast, "nobody wants to give back to the business more than The Undertaker"

If his official retirement match comes later so they can sell tickets off of it, then it wouldn't surprised me if Taker retires at Survivor Series.

He needs hip replacement surgery. That on average takes about 6 months to recover from, but keep in mind we're talking about someone with numerous other injuries and is 52 years old. If he has another match, which I just can't see happening, he probably won't be able to make it back in time for Survivor Series.
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Re: The end?

Postby Hanley! » Apr 06, '17, 11:35 am

I think it would be damaging to his credibility and his reputation - not to mention his health - if he came back again. Fans don't want wrestlers to jerk them around when it comes to this stuff, and he's just had a series of four average to bad Wrestlemania matches. It's more obvious than its ever been that he's not the same guy anymore. It's time for him to call it quits. The money is probably great and all, but he's always said he has plenty of that and it's not what he wrestles for these days. And nothing else good can come from him keeping this up.

He should disappear for a couple of years and then come back for the big Hall of Fame ceremony induction.
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Re: The end?

Postby Headlesspete » Apr 08, '17, 9:15 am

I'm gonna call it.... i don't think he's done.

No big retirement speech on Raw, the constant "IF" and "What If" the Undertaker is retired quotes on Raw, the lack of confirmation. It all just feels like WWE don't want to commit to saying anything incase the Undertaker decides he wants to come back, and if I'm honest, i kinda want him to. BUT on the condition he has just one more match, and that be against Balor.

Lets not like, the match with Reigns was.....decent. But it was not what the Undertaker's final match should be. His final match should be as epic as his career was. Balor and the Undertaker have similar gimmicks and a ready made feud, but more importantly, Balor can bump around like crazy for Undertaker whereas Reigns couldn't. Balor can make Undertaker look 100x better by simply flying around from Takers offence.

I don't reckon we'll see the Undertaker until his Hall of Fame announcement in January next year. That'll tie in to an appearance on Raw , where Balor will interrupt and demand Undertaker redeem himself one more time in the building his streak died, and win or lose, make it his final match.
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Re: The end?

Postby The Legend » Apr 08, '17, 9:55 am

You could be right, but I really don't think you are. I think the more likelier truth is the Undertaker didn't do the normal retirement things because the Undertaker is a character unlike any other character the WWE has and they are very protective of the image and aura of the Undertaker. Cole didn't come on RAW and say I talked to Undertaker earlier today and he told me he's retiring, because it's not in his character. Taker didn't come out and give a Ric Flair monologue because it's not his character. they were maintaining the aura of mystery around the Undertaker not because they are unsure what he'll do, but because to do anything else would be to break kayfabe in a way they don't with Undertaker.

Hell, honestly, I'm not even sure there will be a traditional HOF announcement and he'll give a HOF speech like other guys and I doubt it would be next year. He may end up being more like Warrior to protect the character and not go into the Hall for a long time until that all wears off.

Also, I think you are really overestimating Balor, Taker or both. I know it's commonplace to blame Roman for everything wrong with WWE, just like it used to be commonplace to blame Cena for everything wrong with wrestling, but Taker can't cut it any more. He was a far bigger problem in that match than Reigns and a match with Balor would suck as much as all Taker matches now, because his body just can't do it any more.
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Re: The end?

Postby Hanley! » Apr 08, '17, 11:41 am

For all of Roman's faults - and they do exist - the dude is seriously underrated by the fans when it comes to his actual wrestling. The guy rarely has a bad match, and has gotten pretty damn good matches out of guys who are green or limited or immobile in the past. He was essentially leading this match too, and Undertaker was the one that needed to be worked around.

It's easy to blame Reigns for these things, because people dislike him. But the problem with the Undertaker's last match was the Undertaker. He's getting older, and more importantly his body is in bad shape. This stuff doesn't get better with time.

Could he have had a better match with someone who wasn't Reigns? Possibly. If you paired him with someone absolutely elite, who also doesn't work all that stiff. Styles would have been the obvious candidate if getting a great match out of Undertaker was the priority. But the priority was putting over their guy, so Reigns was always going to get that spot.

That being said, I'm not sure Balor could have gotten a better match out of Undertaker, particularly just after coming back from a long injury. And I'm not sure he could do any better next year either, after Undertaker has had another hip surgery and is another year older.

Reigns did what he could. Undertaker just isn't that performer anymore. He should have retired three years ago really. He's doing himself no favours by trying to hang on for one last great match that he might never be able to accomplish.
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Re: The end?

Postby KaiserGlider » Apr 08, '17, 1:31 pm

I used to think Taker would retire after Wrestlemania 27 when he barely survived against Triple H. Funny to look back on that now :lol

I'm not sure if I want to see a final Taker match. On one hand, the way he went out was just sad. It would be a nice feel-good moment for fans it Taker went out on a higher note. But we're used to send-offs like Flair's and Michael's where the story is them giving one last amazing performance and then walking off into the sunset with their heads held high. The next Raws were all about honoring their career and giving them big sendoffs with the whole roster standing on the stage clapping.

But that's not what happened here. Nowhere in the buildup to Taker vs Reigns was there any hint that this would be Taker's final performance. Reigns was the one generating any buzz. Reigns was the one people were talking about. The spotlight was on Reigns, while Taker treated this like Default Undertaker Feud #245. There was nothing noteworthy about the graveyard promo he cut on the final Raw before Mania. Then on the Raw after Mania, the spotlight wasn't on Taker. It was still on Reigns. Maybe that's what Taker wanted, and maybe that's the only way his character could truly go out - knowing that he just doesn't have it anymore. Knowing it is no longer his yard. Being straight-up outclassed and dominated. Perhaps losing at Wrestlemania not once, but TWICE is the thing that ultimately made him realize he's done.

I won't believe he's truly done until it's 100% confirmed, and I like that they're taking it in this direction. I wouldn't mind him coming back for one final match with the right opponent and the right story, but if he doesn't, I respect him for choosing to go out like this.
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Re: The end?

Postby Messiah » Apr 10, '17, 1:07 pm

They retired him in the most Undertaker-ish way. They put his match last at WrestleMania with Ross commentating. After the match, he stood in the ring and put his hat and jacket on the mat, which is what fighters do when they are retiring. They have posted all the social media snippets on Raw talking about how it was probably his last match and had what felt like a 5 minute standing ovation for him to open Raw. Arguably the biggest sign that he is done is the fact they allowed him to break kayfabe and kiss Michelle McCool when he was walking out.

I really hope we don't see another Undertaker match. Just for his health. A 52 year old man with his injuries shouldn't be wrestling. It was brutal trying to watch him hang in there with Reigns, it was like watching Manning in his final year. He just couldn't do it no matter how hard he tried. And I don't see why any Undertaker fan would want to see him put his health at further risk just for one more match, a match that would likely be even worse.
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