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How would you solve this WWE Title clusterfuck?

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How would you solve this WWE Title clusterfuck?

Postby prophet » Feb 27, '14, 8:38 am

I think we're all in agreement that as is stands the WWE Title scene at Wrestlemania is nothing short of a complete clusterfuck. Nobody wants to see Orton vs Batista and despite fans voicing their disdain for the idea at pretty much every show since the Royal Rumble the powers that be within the company are still apparently insisting on pushing it down our throats. So if you had the authority to do so how would you fix things?

I'd probably have Bryan come out and cut a promo on Monday's RAW about how Triple H is too much of a coward to face him and so instead he wants into the title match. Bryan can talk about the fact that nobody likes either Orton or Batista and nobody wants to see them as Champion, how he's been screwed out of the title time and again and deserves another chance.

Triple H could then come out and refuse to both face Bryan at Mania or put him in the title match, promising to find him a spot on the card somewhere else etc... Then in the coming weeks eventually have HHH agree to put Bryan in the main event of Wrestlemania..if he can beat him in a match earlier in the night. Then at Wrestlemania have Bryan beat HHH then go on to win the title and give the fans what they want.

Personally I think the WWE Title match needs to be the last match of the night. If the one major title isn't closing the show then why should anyone care about who the Champion is at all? I really have no interest in Taker vs Lesnar and don't think they should close the show but in saying that if it stays Orton vs Batista I wouldn't be bothered about that either. Right now the only match I'm interested in is Cena vs Wyatt. Another interesting point is that (unless I'm mistaken) we haven't had a 'happy ending' to a PPV since MITB 2013 - that's horrific.

So yeah that's pretty much how I'd do it, something like that. What about yourselves?
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Re: How would you solve this WWE Title clusterfuck?

Postby Everlong » Feb 27, '14, 9:44 am

At this point I think the whole situation is just too fucked to resolve in any coherent, sensible way.

They've had so many chances to fix the whole thing since the Royal Rumble and they've balked at all of them. They could have a Triple H/Bryan match on RAW to set up Bryan getting into the main event, but there's two problems with this. One, there's no way that Triple H is going to miss out on WrestleMania, and two, there's no way that Triple H is going to let Daniel Bryan go over him on free television.

Now, since HHH/Bryan at WrestleMania is GOING to happen, there are only a couple possibilities here, each of which is just as unlikely as the other.

First, they add the stipulation that if Bryan beats HHH at Mania, he gets added to the main event. Second, Bryan gets added right before the main event as a surprise entrant.

Maybe they'd do something where if Bryan wins he's guaranteed a title shot, then he cashes in that title shot immediately after Orton/Batista, but that'd be too much like MITB and I don't really see that happening.

Basically what I'm saying is, there are maybe two or three possibilities to get Bryan in the main event, but all of them are unlikely and none of them make a whole lot of sense. They've already missed out on all of the best, second-best and third-best options for getting Bryan the belt, and while it's still the best-case scenario that Bryan walks out of Mania as the champion, there isn't a situation left in which it'd feel natural or anywhere near as exciting as it could have been.

The angle is beyond redemption, and at this point all that's left is to watch the shitstorm blow past.
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Re: How would you solve this WWE Title clusterfuck?

Postby ShaneOfan » Feb 27, '14, 12:40 pm

I posted this before but here we go.

I would set up Mania with Batista vs Orton being the Main Event. Before that like the match right before that would be the HHH vs Bryan match. I would have HHH go over just to piss the fans off. Orton vs Batista starts off and the crowd is LIVID. Half way through the match, I would have Hulk Hogan interrupt the match and say he wants to give the people what the want he is adding someone to this match. Crowd chants "Yes Yes Yes" Key Daniel Bryan's music. The crowd fucking explodes screw the biggest pop of the night this is the biggest pop of the year! Bryan storms the ring and takes both guys down. YES YES YES YES. They recover and HHH comes down and interrupts the match he says he can't remove a superstar from a match but he can tell the others that if Daniel Bryan wins they are both fired. The crowd boo's as he leaves and Batista and Orton now double team Bryan. But their alliance can't last as both men want to be Champion. Orton RKO's Batista and punts him. He turns back to Bryan who nails the Yes Lock. Batista is down and out. Orton has no choice... he taps. YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES.

Not only does this save the night, it makes the fans fuck ecstatic. They LOVE it. HHH tried to screw Bryan again he overcame anyway. Plus it could actually help Batista. Have HHH just fire him. Orton gets to stay. At Extreme Rules Bryan defends against Orton. HHH has Kane come out to screw Bryan but Kane is taken out by THE ANIMAL BATISTA!!!! Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes! Bryan gets the win. Bryan is still champion and Batista is the mega beast face they had wanted him to be. All is right in the world.
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Re: How would you solve this WWE Title clusterfuck?

Postby Hanley! » Feb 27, '14, 1:09 pm

I agree with Tim on this one. The angle is beyond saving. Even if they contrived a way to put Bryan in the match, the story will still be tremendously shit and people won't give a damn about 2 of the 3 people in the biggest match of the year. You'd need to put two new people into the match to make it half good. That's a failure, no matter what way you look at it.

If I had been booker, I would have never gotten myself into this mess in the first place. But if I was suddenly given the authority to book the shows from this point forwards, I think I would have to accept that the main event cannot be fixed. I could make it less bad, but I wouldn't be able to make it good.

So I'd cancel the championship match and replace it with something else.

There are pros and cons to doing this. On the con side, it would make WWE look disorganised and it would leave them with even less time to build a Wrestlemania main event than what they already have. But on the plus side, it would allow them to book a main event that fans would actually be interested in. It would also send a message to fans that they CAN be flexible sometimes. Which would improve their crappy image in that department. Finally, I think it would help salvage any star power that Batista & Orton have left. If they bomb as hard as I think they might at Wrestlemania, they may never fully recover from it.

So in order to change the title match, I'd have Batista lose his #1 contender status. And Orton should probably be stripped of the title also. Orton could conceivably play some role in a successful main event, but Batista just cannot. Luckily there are easy ways to accomplish both of these things without the wrestlers breaking character and without the story breaking kayfabe.

Batista appears rattled by the negative reaction he is getting from the fans. Lets have him brutally attack a fan on next week's Raw. It would be a stuntman/wrestler planted in the crowd obviously. He invites a jeering fan over the barricade and then beats the shit out of him. He's now 100% heel. And it also forces the Authority to take him out of the main event as punishment.

Orton has been paranoid about his relationship with the Authority. Lets tease more dissension between Orton & the Authority, leading to Orton over-stepping the line and beating up Triple H or Stephanie. Better yet, Bryan should have a part in convincing Orton that the Authority are plotting against him, just to keep him right at the centre of this entire situation.

So now we have no championship match. Orton & Batista are both furious with the Authority. Bryan is still angling for his match with Triple H. Triple H himself is frantically trying to repair a shit-storm of a situation, because now Wrestlemania has no main event. He's trying to find the person who he thinks could be the face of the company to participate in the main event, but Stephanie starts to convince him that they don't need anyone else; that things were easier back when it was just the two of them. Triple H should position HIMSELF as face of the WWE.

Triple H inserts himself into the title match at Wrestlemania. And ultimately Bryan is named as his opponent. This could be done in a variety of ways. He is either goaded into accepting the match by Bryan, or his opponent is determined via an online poll, or Hogan uses his authority as Wrestlemania host to name Bryan as his opponent.

So we have the match that we've been expecting all along, but now it's on last and it's for the title.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Another way of doing things would be to set up a tournament for the vacated title after Batista & Orton are removed from the main event. They could focus on it being the first time this has happened since Wrestlemania 4.

Hogan can give Batista & Orton a second chance by saying that they will still have a match against each other, but now it's as part of the first round of a tournament for the vacated heavyweight title. Cena v Bray Wyatt can be another first round match. Cesaro v Swagger can be another first round match. And finally Triple H v Daniel Bryan.

That tournament could play out in a lot of interesting ways, but ultimately it should end with Bryan winning the title to close the show.
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Re: How would you solve this WWE Title clusterfuck?

Postby Settee » Feb 27, '14, 9:58 pm

All I need is a gun, and put me in the same room as McMahon and we won't have this problem anymore.
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Re: How would you solve this WWE Title clusterfuck?

Postby Buck » Feb 28, '14, 12:12 pm

Have Vince McMahon beg CM Punk to come back and have him only agree (in storyline) if he can face Batista for his number one contendership on Raw. Punk wins.

Then have Bryan face Orton on free TV for the title and Bryan goes over. Storyline reason for that being Bryan was awarded the title shot because he was screwed at EC.

Fixed. And if Punk legit won't come back, come up with some reason for Cesaro to challenge Batista instead.

Simple but effective. Odds of it happening? Somewhere between pigs flying out of my ass and the three hottest girls I work with dragging me into a dark room and having their way with me.

BTW this was my 200th post! Yay!
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Re: How would you solve this WWE Title clusterfuck?

Postby KaiserGlider » Feb 28, '14, 2:11 pm

Here's how I would do it.

Triple H wants to prove that Bryan doesn't belong in the main event. He wants to prove that The Authority is smarter than the fans, that they know what's best for business. Simply put, HHH wants to stick it to the fans that they are wrong, and The Authority is right. And what better way to do that than give the fans EXACTLY what they want, then watch it fail and disappoint them?

Bryan continues goading HHH into a match at Wrestlemania. HHH eventually agrees, because he wants to shut Bryan down and prove he can't hang with the real big boys. Meanwhile, Batista is getting increasingly angry and frustrated at the fans for thinking "their heroes", namely Daniel Bryan, are better than he is. So he challenges Bryan to a match to prove that he is better than him. Bryan says he will only wrestle Batista if he gets added to the Batista/Orton match if he wins. HHH jokingly asks Bryan if he is crazy enough to wrestle twice in one night, Bryan says... well, he says "YES!"

Triple H makes the stipulation because even if Bryan somehow beats him at Wrestlemania, there's obviously NO WAY he can beat both Orton and Batista after already wrestling. So even if HHH loses, Bryan would ultimately fail. It could actually be a back up plan of sorts for the Authority.

So Bryan beats Batista, and gets added to Batista/Orton at Wrestlemania. Everyone's happy now, because HHH can have his Wrestlemania match and Bryan is officially in the main event.

Triple H's character wouldn't be upset about this because he would see it as the chance to shut the fans up once and for all. "You wanted Bryan to face me? I gave you what you wanted. You wanted Bryan in the main event? I gave you what you wanted. But at Wrestlemania, what you're REALLY going to get is Bryan FAILING, disappointing all of you, and proving me right." Then of course, Bryan wins both matches and gets the ultimate redemption.

I think this would be a pretty natural way to take things from here. It would fit everybody's characters, and doesn't include anything too drastic like having Orton lose the belt before Wrestlemania, having someone get fired, having CM Punk return or having Vince die.
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Re: How would you solve this WWE Title clusterfuck?

Postby Ace » Feb 28, '14, 5:39 pm

Buck wrote:BTW this was my 200th post! Yay!

Congrats, I'm right behind ya pal :tim

ShaneOfan wrote:I would set up Mania with Batista vs Orton being the Main Event. Before that like the match right before that would be the HHH vs Bryan match. I would have HHH go over just to piss the fans off. Orton vs Batista starts off and the crowd is LIVID. Half way through the match, I would have Hulk Hogan interrupt the match and say he

3 years ago the Rock was heavily involved with the the main event title match & I think that Hogan will do the same thing.

The way I see it going down is that Daniel Bryan focuses on the authority & how much they've screwed him over
worrying only about Triple H going into WrestleMania. In their match at Mania I see Kane & Orton getting involved in his match to help Triple H pick up a quick victory. This being so, Trips vs. D Bryan would be the 2nd to last match.

Next match would be Orton vs. Batista. The WWE universe is letting Orton & Batista have it. Boos & tension fill the air. The match is about to star then. BAM Hogan's music hits & the crowd cheers. Hogan goes on to say that the last match on the biggest stage of them all won't go on with boos & hate. As the host of WM30 he tells his Hulkamaniacs that he's adding another variable into the match.

Daniel Bryan's music hits & the crowd loses it. D Bryan runs down the ramp. Triple H comes out & Hogan take him out with just one punch. The match starts. D Bryan has tons of energy as his match with Triple H was a rather quick one. After lots of action (mostly Orton & Daniel Bryan because Lord knows that Batista will be winded just walking down the ramp) :lol Towards the end of the match, Batista hits the Batista Bomb onto Orton. Daniel Bryan break the count & hits the Yes lock. Orton breaks it. Daniel Bryan hits the running knee to Orton. Gets the 3 count.

The crowds erupts with Daniel Bryan walking out of WM 30 the WWE champ :cheers2
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