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Roman Reigns is more intolerable than Cena ever was

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Roman Reigns is more intolerable than Cena ever was

Postby Everlong » Apr 08, '18, 10:04 pm

At least Cena often puts on good-quality performances.

Seriously, FIVE F5s and kickouts, before one finally keeps him down? That's some massive no-sell bullshit.

The whole main event was complete ass, and Brock as champ is lame as shit now, but at least Roman fucking lost.
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Re: Roman Reigns is more intolerable than Cena ever was

Postby KaiserGlider » Apr 08, '18, 10:21 pm

You mean to tell me that the unstoppable F5, which Goldberg, Samoa Joe, and Braun Strowman could NOT kick out of, was just hit 5 fucking times and kicked out of by that guy . It's one thing to have been building it all this time so Roman could look better by surviving it, but this is just absurdly over the top.

Lesnar said it best. MOTHERFUCKER.
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Re: Roman Reigns is more intolerable than Cena ever was

Postby Messiah » Apr 08, '18, 10:24 pm

Not all matches need to be technical classics or anything, and I love a senseless brawl as much as the next guy. But that match took wrestling psychology, took a shit on it, and then shoved it in our faces.

6 F5s, with Reigns kicking out of 5 of them in like a 4 minute stretch, was just overboard. And they wonder why nobody wants to cheer for him.
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Re: Roman Reigns is more intolerable than Cena ever was

Postby Str8Shooter » Apr 08, '18, 10:27 pm

Reigns is fully capable of having good to great matches. He'd had plenty of good ones with a variety of opponents. He's had a really good match at Mania with Brock. But unfortunately Brock is lazy as hell now, and Reigns is more played out and hated than he was then. Put it at the end of such a long day and weekend, recipe for disaster.
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Re: Roman Reigns is more intolerable than Cena ever was

Postby AkydefGoldberg » Apr 09, '18, 6:52 am

Not sure how well it reflects on Brock's finisher that Reigns kicked out of so many.. but yeah, from the reports, it doesn't seem it was a good main event and atmosphere as expected, not great either..
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Re: Roman Reigns is more intolerable than Cena ever was

Postby The Legend » Apr 09, '18, 9:01 am

People criticize that he kicked out of so many finishers, yes true. However, that was also like the only moves Brock did the entire match. It's lazy booking that WWE has and that Brock accentuates because he doesn't want to do more thna the bare minimum Suplex City bitch bullshit anymore.

I mean I had no trouble believing he could kick out of most of those because that was the only impact Brock made on him. It was a terribly booked match, but not indicative of Roman's abilities at all.
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Re: Roman Reigns is more intolerable than Cena ever was

Postby PorkChop » Apr 09, '18, 11:32 am

The average Reigns match is better than the average Cena match imo.

WWE need to stop trying so hard with him though.
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Re: Roman Reigns is more intolerable than Cena ever was

Postby Hanley! » Apr 09, '18, 11:48 am

Reigns is pretty damn good in the ring. He's downright great when paired with someone equally talented or more talented than he is. His moves look cooler and he moves better than Cena ever has in the ring. He probably sells better, and he doesn't bellow out spots. He's a definite step up from Cena in terms of his actual wrestling, if you ask me. Particularly when you consider how bad Cena was at this stage of his run.

The big problem with Reigns is Cena. We've just been through ten years of a plastic corporate hero that the fans didn't really want, who was still shoved down their throats repeatedly. And now WWE are giving fans another one. There's a level of exhaustion now that just wasn't there for Cena. Fans waited patiently for WWE to be done with Cena so they could properly enjoy the show again, and then WWE gave them Cena 2.0. They're just fucking done with it.

As a four time Wrestlemania main eventer, a multi-time world champion, and a presumably very rich dude, it's hard to have much sympathy for Reigns. But he is in many ways a victim of circumstance here. He is genuinely talented and could have become a massive success if he was pushed at a different time or in a different way.
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Re: Roman Reigns is more intolerable than Cena ever was

Postby KaiserGlider » Apr 09, '18, 12:24 pm

The Legend wrote:People criticize that he kicked out of so many finishers, yes true. However, that was also like the only moves Brock did the entire match. It's lazy booking that WWE has and that Brock accentuates because he doesn't want to do more thna the bare minimum Suplex City bitch bullshit anymore.

I mean I had no trouble believing he could kick out of most of those because that was the only impact Brock made on him. It was a terribly booked match, but not indicative of Roman's abilities at all.

But they've established (or tired to in a sorta half-assed way) that all of Brock's moves are devastating. You can't have Brock do all these high-profile matches where it takes one F5 and a couple Germans to put away monsters and world champions, and then have Roman kick out of not 1, not 2, but 5 F-5s. It was a stupid way to book Brock's matches to begin with, but they made that bed and now have to lie in it.
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Re: Roman Reigns is more intolerable than Cena ever was

Postby The Legend » Apr 09, '18, 12:38 pm

KaiserGlider wrote:
The Legend wrote:People criticize that he kicked out of so many finishers, yes true. However, that was also like the only moves Brock did the entire match. It's lazy booking that WWE has and that Brock accentuates because he doesn't want to do more thna the bare minimum Suplex City bitch bullshit anymore.

I mean I had no trouble believing he could kick out of most of those because that was the only impact Brock made on him. It was a terribly booked match, but not indicative of Roman's abilities at all.

But they've established (or tired to in a sorta half-assed way) that all of Brock's moves are devastating. You can't have Brock do all these high-profile matches where it takes one F5 and a couple Germans to put away monsters and world champions, and then have Roman kick out of not 1, not 2, but 5 F-5s. It was a stupid way to book Brock's matches to begin with, but they made that bed and now have to lie in it.

There's no saving the Brock Lesnar character or what he does to other characters at this point. Lesnar retiring is what's best for business at this point.
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