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Booking The Miz/Maryse vs Cena/Bella Mania Match

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Booking The Miz/Maryse vs Cena/Bella Mania Match

Postby Headlesspete » Mar 16, '17, 6:18 am

So as much as i can't believe I'm saying it myself, this whole feud up to this point has been terrific. Miz has taken what made him the M.V.P talker of 2016, and turned it up even louder, while Maryse showed on Smackdown she can hold her end of the bargain. Cena as usual brings it when he's motivated to make things work, and Nikka Bella is....well...Nikki Bella.

So how do you book the actual match? Cena's off filming for another movie as soon as Mania wraps up, so it seems stupid to me in letting him get the win. Miz on the other hand has got to be getting a World Title run in 2017, between his Mic work and improved ring work, the man clearly should get a 2nd chance at the top.

So here's what i propose, at WrestleMania, the Miz pins.....NIKKI BELLA! The match is a mixed tag team match, and if i were WWE, i'd not make it too clear about the man vs woman aspect of the match. Leave it in the air and allow the fans to assume its the usual man vs man / woman vs woman rule. Then in the match, Miz can blind tag in from Maryse and when Nikki isn't looking, nail her with the Skull Crushing Finale.

First off, its pure heat for Miz, who on the grandest stage of them all pins a woman to get his moment. It worked for Edge 10 years ago when he pinned Beulah in his mixed tag match involving Dreamer, Foley and Lita. Its a despicable cowardly move that Miz would thrive off, and it makes his cowardly heel act even better, because unlike most heels, Miz isn''t trying to get "Cool Heel" status, he tries to actually get fans to hate him, and this is the perfect way. Not to mention it means Cena doesn't take the loss. Just watching Miz proclaim every week how he beat "Team Cena" while we all know he pinned a woman, would make his shit eating grin even more perfect.

(Sidenote - As much as WWE don't endorse man vs woman stuff, they let Roman spear Stephanie last year at WrestleMania, so obviously there's leeway somewhere on Pay Per Views).

As for after the match, fantasy booking maybe, but I'd have Cena propose to Nikki andin response, she slaps him while he's on one knee and walk out on him. Nikki is such a better heel than face, and her turning on Cena when he's at his most vulnerable would be perfect. She can go on about how her man never protected her in the match, and how she hated how he never really lover her (the usual stuff). Cena can return months later with a 1 on 1 feud with the Miz, ready made for SummerSlam maybe.

And to top it off, assuming she can still go in the ring, I'd have Maryse enter the Smackdown Woman's title match later on and get the win. She's a great mic worker, something WWE woman always struggle with, and Maryse with the Woman's title and Miz eventually with the World tile would be a great combo for Smackdown to have.

The dynamics of the womans roster would also look a lot better! The heel side of Maryse, Nikki Bella, Alexa Bliss, Carmella, Eva Marie whenever she turns up, and the faces of Becky Lynch, Mickie James, Naomi and possibly Natalya (who needs a major character overhaul).
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Re: Booking The Miz/Maryse vs Cena/Bella Mania Match

Postby The Legend » Mar 16, '17, 1:21 pm

I've got to say, not only is there no chance of this, there should be no chance of this and it would be ridiculous and be an inefficient way to get Miz heat that doesn't really allow his character to go anywhere from that point where it develops into a further in-ring action.

First, let's get this out of the way, comparing HHH ducking out of the way so that Reigns misses him and inadvertently spears Stephanie instead is a far cry from Miz intentionally sneaking behind Nikki to blindside her with what would amount to a dangerous reality were it to actually happen.

Next, would it gain a little bit of heat for Miz? Sure it would. Would it gain massively more amount of heat and bad publicity in the current climate for WWE, you better damn believe it would. In the current climate (something I very much believe is progress and a good thing), you'd be doing far more damage to the WWE than you would be benefitting the Miz, in fact much of what they've done to portray women in a better light as a company over the past year would get erased with a decision like this. Just think about the name of the move as it's announced, Miz hits Nikki with something called the SKULL CRUSHING finale, that's horrible.

Third, you can accomplish the same thing of making Miz look more weasel-like and more deserving of hatred, while pushing Maryse as a threat in the women's division worthy of the belt in a far more effective way. As Miz and Cena are fighting towards the end of the match, Cena gets the upper hand on Miz and gets him in position for the AA, on Cena's shoulders, Miz goes for the effective classic heel tactic of raking his eyes and crawls away like a coward barely escaping Cena's grasp to tag in Maryse, who comes in on a hot tag, clotheslines Nikki a couple times and then hits her with whatever finishing move Maryse is going to use and pins the most decorated woman in the company in the middle of the ring - now that would set Maryse up for a title chance in a big way.

You can still accomplish the same things in the fall out of the match. Have Miz brag about beating Team Cena acting like it's a major accomplishment, only this time instead of pinning Nikki, take it a step further where he needs his wife to take care of business for him. When Cena returns you can have him feud with Miz by reputing everything Miz says about beating him, Miz and Maryse find more ways to screw Cena in a couple of matches before Cena finally gets Miz cornered in a match where he can't cheat his way out and Cena wins his record breaking 17th championship at some point over the summer.

As for Nikki, rumor has it this is her retirement match so a heel turn isn't necessary. If she is staying around, then she should turn heel, but I'd rather it not have anything to do with Cena and the poorly executed, bad acting emotionless stupidity those segments would surely be.
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Credit to Tim/Everlong for this awesome sig
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