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Should Ziggler challenge Styles at WrestleMania?

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Should Ziggler challenge Styles at WrestleMania?

Postby Messiah » Dec 07, '16, 1:48 pm

I think mostly everyone would prefer they go the logical route of Styles/Cena. It makes so much sense in story and would be the best main event we have had in years. However, I can't imagine them going away from Cena/Undertaker - it is the last opportunity they will probably have to do it.

So if Styles somehow retains against The Undertaker at the Royal Rumble, I don't think there is any better or logical contender than Ziggler. It would line up with his story arc on SmackDown - how he's tried so hard to prove himself. Granted he's won world titles before but never the WWE Championship and it would be at WrestleMania. Plus it would definitely be a great match. I'm not the biggest Ziggler fan, but right now this is what I'm hoping for after Styles/Cena.
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Re: Should Ziggler challenge Styles at WrestleMania?

Postby Headlesspete » Dec 07, '16, 2:08 pm

I'm a fan of Ziggler, and I'm sure the match would be good. But in no way shape of form is Dolph Ziggler ready to challenge for the WWE Title. He's lost every big matches he's had in the past year bar one, he's never been less over,and he's stale as hell as a face.

If there's anyone that should challenge AJ at WrestleMania, it should be The Miz. He's the most over heel by far, and the fans are begging to cheer AJ. How AJ turns face i have no idea, but Miz should win the Rumble and go for the WWE Title. Most over heel vs most over face,book it!
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Re: Should Ziggler challenge Styles at WrestleMania?

Postby The Legend » Dec 07, '16, 2:30 pm

Looking at the roster as constituted on SD, yes Ziggler should challenge Styles for the world title.
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Re: Should Ziggler challenge Styles at WrestleMania?

Postby Str8Shooter » Dec 07, '16, 4:12 pm

Given how thin Smackdown is on the babyface side, he's as good an option as any. There's no real buzz about this match though, unless they somehow heat up Ziggler a lot in the next 4 months. Maybe a Rumble win would be the only thing that could do it?

Then again the SD title match could be way down the card. Universal Title will take precedence of course, Cena/Taker and Brock/whoever would likely go on after it too.
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Re: Should Ziggler challenge Styles at WrestleMania?

Postby Hanley! » Dec 07, '16, 4:30 pm

Ziggler isn't hot enough right now for a singles match at Wrestlemania. Unfortunate, but true.

There aren't a lot of other options for Styles at Wrestlemania though. If Orton has finished with Wyatt, then he could be an option. But I think doing either a Wyatt/Orton match at Wrestlemania or having the pair of them face American Alpha makes more sense.

I'd probably have someone from Raw win the Rumble and jump to Smackdown to compete for the most prestigious title in wrestling, and to face the best wrestler in the world right now.
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Re: Should Ziggler challenge Styles at WrestleMania?

Postby The Legend » Dec 07, '16, 5:08 pm

Ziggler is talented enough to heat up if given the proper focus that begins with a Rumble win. From there you just have to let him be exciting and get wins to prepare for Mania.
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