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Re: Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas everybody!! Here's to a healthy and happy 2021 :tim
by Str8Shooter
Dec 25, '20, 5:40 pm
Forum: The Pub
Topic: Merry Christmas!
Replies: 1
Views: 5199

Re: Roman's cancer was a work to get him cheered

I don't think it would have been a bad idea for McIntyre to win, but Reigns was never losing his first Mania back from cancer. I disagree with you on Drew having "IT" though. The guy looks like a million bucks, he's jacked, he's alright on the mic and he can work well enough. But he's miss...
by Str8Shooter
Apr 10, '19, 8:11 am
Forum: WWE
Topic: Roman's cancer was a work to get him cheered
Replies: 2
Views: 10088

Re: They have to do something about the length of WrestleMania

If they're not going to shorten the show or split it into 2 nights, couldn't they just move the start time up a bit? The preshow started at 5 Eastern in NY, main show at 7. Couldn't they move the preshow to like 2 Eastern and the main card to 4 Eastern? The even if it's 7 hours long it's still over ...
by Str8Shooter
Apr 08, '19, 10:11 pm
Forum: WWE
Topic: They have to do something about the length of WrestleMania
Replies: 9
Views: 22571

Re: Which babyface are you rooting for the most at WM?

Kofi for me as well. I think at this point his popularity seems the most organic of any of them. Becky's rise was organic but the company is clearly super behind her at this point and I think there's still doubt the company feels that way about Kofi. I also think Bryan/Kofi has the highest possibili...
by Str8Shooter
Apr 06, '19, 9:54 am
Forum: WWE
Topic: Which babyface are you rooting for the most at WM?
Replies: 12
Views: 19152

Re: Gargano/Cole

That match was nuts, I thought Johnny was toast like 5 times. It was cool the crowd seemed to be pro Cole but the more insane it got they got behind Johnny more.
by Str8Shooter
Apr 06, '19, 9:48 am
Forum: WWE
Topic: Gargano/Cole
Replies: 10
Views: 20912

Re: Terrible wrestler Brie Bella legitimately KO's Liv Morgan

I gotta say I'd love to see the Riott Squad refuse to work with Brie at Super Showdown, she's an injury waiting to happen. If the rest of the locker room boxed WWE into a corner, refusing to work with Brie I wonder what exactly WWE would wind up doing. Yeah a bunch of replaceable newbies will refus...
by Str8Shooter
Sep 27, '18, 9:33 pm
Forum: WWE
Topic: Terrible wrestler Brie Bella legitimately KO's Liv Morgan
Replies: 9
Views: 14825

Re: Terrible wrestler Brie Bella legitimately KO's Liv Morgan

It hasn't been a good few weeks for Brie. Sounds like the fault here is mostly on the referee for not ending the match or at least getting Liv out of there. I haven't watched the match, but I heard that Brie dragged Liv to the corner by the neck after this, and that Liv was back in for a spot later ...
by Str8Shooter
Sep 25, '18, 8:07 am
Forum: WWE
Topic: Terrible wrestler Brie Bella legitimately KO's Liv Morgan
Replies: 9
Views: 14825

Re: Is AAA always this much of a trainwreck?

It seems like TripleMania has something ridiculous happen every year. This year it was Vampiro, I didn't see the show but I heard the actual in ring stuff was pretty good this year.
by Str8Shooter
Sep 01, '18, 9:58 pm
Forum: General Wrestling Discussion
Topic: Is AAA always this much of a trainwreck?
Replies: 3
Views: 10596

Re: How come Steve Austin's Hollywood career didn't take off?

I think he's said that he struggled to remember his lines and found out that hosting reality competition shows/his podcast are more enjoyable for him and it's not like he needs the acting money anyway.
by Str8Shooter
Sep 01, '18, 9:57 pm
Forum: Movies and TV
Topic: How come Steve Austin's Hollywood career didn't take off?
Replies: 3
Views: 11748

Re: Possible spoilers for Greatest Royal Rumble

The lengths they go to protect Reigns is mad. Can they not just accept that people aren't so keen on him as they are? Vince really has gone mad if this is the reason. What's he think is going to happen all the other places they go where he's booed the rest of the year? Does he think the fans after ...
by Str8Shooter
Apr 10, '18, 8:26 am
Forum: WWE
Topic: Possible spoilers for Greatest Royal Rumble
Replies: 6
Views: 10512

Re: Angle/Rousey and HHH/Steph was surprisingly entertaining

Did Triple H and The Rock genuinely have issues with one another? If so, when/why? The extent I don't think has ever really been known. I believe it goes back to when Triple H was with HBK during the original DX days in 97 and they didn't particularly like young Rocky Maivia or think he was any goo...
by Str8Shooter
Apr 10, '18, 8:24 am
Forum: WWE
Topic: Angle/Rousey and HHH/Steph was surprisingly entertaining
Replies: 56
Views: 409018

Re: Lesnar signs new WWE deal; will face Roman Reigns at Greatest Royal Rumble

Everlong wrote:WTF is Greatest Royal Rumble?

Lmao it's a big event they're doing in Saudi Arabia later this month they decided to out on the Network. They decided to make it a big deal there they'd have a 50 Man Royal Rumble match. Also every other match will be a championship match I believe.
by Str8Shooter
Apr 09, '18, 9:45 pm
Forum: WWE
Topic: Lesnar signs new WWE deal; will face Roman Reigns at Greatest Royal Rumble
Replies: 14
Views: 13353

Re: Lesnar signs new WWE deal; will face Roman Reigns at Greatest Royal Rumble

Reigns can win the belt and get huge cheers there because the fans think it's a shoot. About the other 364 days though......

Brock should lose the title and go on a long vacation. I think everyone can see if he's not gone completely he should be gone for a while to freshen things up.
by Str8Shooter
Apr 09, '18, 4:55 pm
Forum: WWE
Topic: Lesnar signs new WWE deal; will face Roman Reigns at Greatest Royal Rumble
Replies: 14
Views: 13353

Re: I don't understand (WrestleMania)

McMahon/Bryan vs Owens/Zayn - How, just how? I have no words for all the things that were wrong with this match. I'm sure this leads to Owens and Zayn moving to RAW, but that was just a sad way to go with this story. The guy who just came back from a career threatening injury that kept him out for ...
by Str8Shooter
Apr 09, '18, 1:31 pm
Forum: WWE
Topic: I don't understand (WrestleMania)
Replies: 5
Views: 6524

Re: Angle/Rousey and HHH/Steph was surprisingly entertaining

Rousey was great in that match. The rest of it annoyed the crap out of me. Stephanie being able to fight off the arm bar was ridiculous. It is a move that has beaten tons of women in a UFC ring, but somehow Steph figured it out. :facepalm I think people really have to stop thinking like this. This ...
by Str8Shooter
Apr 09, '18, 1:26 pm
Forum: WWE
Topic: Angle/Rousey and HHH/Steph was surprisingly entertaining
Replies: 56
Views: 409018

Re: I don't understand (WrestleMania)

McMahon/Bryan vs Owens/Zayn - How, just how? I have no words for all the things that were wrong with this match. I'm sure this leads to Owens and Zayn moving to RAW, but that was just a sad way to go with this story. The guy who just came back from a career threatening injury that kept him out for ...
by Str8Shooter
Apr 09, '18, 12:11 pm
Forum: WWE
Topic: I don't understand (WrestleMania)
Replies: 5
Views: 6524

Re: Styles/Nakamura was a major letdown

I kept thinking they were building slow and steady and would have a crazy finishing stretch, then the match ended.... The work never got out of second gear, and it's bizarre. I know Nakamura has a bit of a reputation of being a guy will mail it in sometimes but gets up for big matches. I think the m...
by Str8Shooter
Apr 09, '18, 12:06 pm
Forum: WWE
Topic: Styles/Nakamura was a major letdown
Replies: 6
Views: 6574

Re: Angle/Rousey and HHH/Steph was surprisingly entertaining

I'm not saying he'd undeserving of any criticism, and there's plenty I can't defend. There was no reason for him to beat Sting other than Vince proving WWE is/was better than WCW. He didn't need to get involved in the Punk stuff with Kevin Nash etc. But I do think the Triple H hate and his "ego...
by Str8Shooter
Apr 09, '18, 11:58 am
Forum: WWE
Topic: Angle/Rousey and HHH/Steph was surprisingly entertaining
Replies: 56
Views: 409018

Re: Braun and that boy/girl

I didn't mind it, but it would have been better earlier in the show rather than we were already 6 hours deep and just wanted it to end. It would have been a nice 2nd match after Rollins/Miz/Balor. I actually thought it was a good buffer between the title matches. Lighthearted, jovial, relatively sh...
by Str8Shooter
Apr 09, '18, 11:20 am
Forum: WWE
Topic: Braun and that boy/girl
Replies: 6
Views: 6301

Re: Angle/Rousey and HHH/Steph was surprisingly entertaining

Man do you ever hate the dude. It's unhealthy.
by Str8Shooter
Apr 09, '18, 11:19 am
Forum: WWE
Topic: Angle/Rousey and HHH/Steph was surprisingly entertaining
Replies: 56
Views: 409018

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