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I started watching wrestling again.

I got a streaming account that has WWE. Then YouTube started spying on me and put a million videos about wrestling alongside the suggested videos of doggos, gym stuff, yoga stretching and hoof GPs for some fucking reason. So started watching from the last show I saw, WM30. Can’t wait for shit like T...
by Chewy
Feb 23, '24, 12:14 am
Forum: WWE
Topic: I started watching wrestling again.
Replies: 2
Views: 4478

You old now

I have grey pubes, everything hurts…

Fuck growing old.
by Chewy
Feb 23, '24, 12:06 am
Forum: The Pub
Topic: You old now
Replies: 2
Views: 3127

Re: Lmao it’s 2024

What’s the discord link?

I still love you jerks.
by Chewy
Feb 23, '24, 12:04 am
Forum: The Pub
Topic: Lmao it’s 2024
Replies: 3
Views: 4643

Re: The Bloodline Storyline

Everlong wrote:I'm here! Albeit late!

I have absolutely NOTHING in terms of knowledge of what the WWE is doing right now. Literally nothing. So give me the cliff's notes about this storyline @Messiah or @KaiserGlider or @The Legend

You think you’re late…..
by Chewy
Feb 22, '24, 11:59 pm
Forum: WWE
Topic: The Bloodline Storyline
Replies: 20
Views: 67093

Re: Seven years

Nine years
by Chewy
Nov 14, '22, 8:47 pm
Forum: Forum Info and Discussion
Topic: Seven years
Replies: 24
Views: 55696

Re: Seven years

So, did you start a Discord? :deadhorse
by Chewy
May 20, '22, 6:52 am
Forum: Forum Info and Discussion
Topic: Seven years
Replies: 24
Views: 55696

Re: My piano version of The Terminator theme song

Needs more cowbell, otherwise it’s great.
by Chewy
Sep 19, '18, 10:43 pm
Forum: Music
Topic: My piano version of The Terminator theme song
Replies: 2
Views: 36460

Re: What's something which bothers you more than it should?

Cyclist not paying road tax, lazy fuckers should brought to rule.

Not enough room in my bin for my rubbish.

Shitty storytelling in TV shows, for fuck sake I don't care about their feelings, kill someone.
by Chewy
Nov 19, '16, 8:47 am
Forum: The Pub
Topic: What's something which bothers you more than it should?
Replies: 15
Views: 15142

Re: Squared Circle NFL Support Group

I feel your pain guys, sick of the fucking patriots choking all the time like this.
by Chewy
Nov 15, '16, 9:09 am
Forum: NFL
Topic: Squared Circle NFL Support Group
Replies: 13
Views: 11573

Re: Kanye West is going to be the next president

Tim can run on a platform of craft beer, Wisconsin cheese and German meats. Coincidentally with very little running. Very little running, but a whole lot of hurdling. Right @Everlong?
by Chewy
Nov 11, '16, 10:26 pm
Forum: News and Politics
Topic: Kanye West is going to be the next president
Replies: 26
Views: 28004

Re: Kanye West is going to be the next president

HFX wrote:
Chewy wrote:
Hanley! wrote:Elect an actual politician, you train-wreck of a country. :P

This, for fucks sake.

300 million people....aim higher.


Im in.
by Chewy
Nov 11, '16, 5:43 pm
Forum: News and Politics
Topic: Kanye West is going to be the next president
Replies: 26
Views: 28004

Re: Recommend me some PS4 games

I can't wait for Dishonored 2. Gonna probably be waiting on it til Christmas, but definitely on my must-purchase list! No point waiting, Trump will have you in a ginger death camp by then. :moocow Probably accurate :( You can live with me if that happens. We have a bit of land where we have quite a...
by Chewy
Nov 11, '16, 5:43 pm
Forum: Gaming and Technology
Topic: Recommend me some PS4 games
Replies: 30
Views: 41414

Re: Recommend me some PS4 games

Everlong wrote:I can't wait for Dishonored 2. Gonna probably be waiting on it til Christmas, but definitely on my must-purchase list!

No point waiting, Trump will have you in a ginger death camp by then. :moocow
by Chewy
Nov 11, '16, 2:47 pm
Forum: Gaming and Technology
Topic: Recommend me some PS4 games
Replies: 30
Views: 41414

Re: Kanye West is going to be the next president

Hanley! wrote:Elect an actual politician, you train-wreck of a country. :P

This, for fucks sake.

300 million people....aim higher.
by Chewy
Nov 11, '16, 2:44 pm
Forum: News and Politics
Topic: Kanye West is going to be the next president
Replies: 26
Views: 28004

Re: Donald Trump is going to be the next president

I'm too lazy and too drained to list all of the reasons that I'm more appalled and worried by this result than that of any other election in my life time. So I just wanted to take a quick moment to look at another side of this. Can we all agree now that the two year long American presidential campa...
by Chewy
Nov 10, '16, 8:41 pm
Forum: News and Politics
Topic: Donald Trump is going to be the next president
Replies: 84
Views: 75730

Re: Recommend me some PS4 games

Cool, I'll post something up in a week once I've played plenty of it. Cards on the table though, the first one is one of my favourite games of all time. So provided they haven't strayed too far off course, it's likely to be a very positive review. Same boat forme, looking forward to playing as Emil...
by Chewy
Nov 10, '16, 8:09 pm
Forum: Gaming and Technology
Topic: Recommend me some PS4 games
Replies: 30
Views: 41414

Re: Recommend me some PS4 games

Yea, I'm keen on Dishonored 2 as well. I won't be getting it for a couple weeks though so if you could do a review of sorts that'd be great sir.
by Chewy
Nov 10, '16, 7:03 pm
Forum: Gaming and Technology
Topic: Recommend me some PS4 games
Replies: 30
Views: 41414

Re: British thread

Viazon wrote:Most of my best friends have been my friends since I was 3 years old. I don't remember a time when I didn't know them. But I see your point. Perhaps I need to be more outgoing and willing to meet new people.

I'll meet you at Tescos if you want?
by Chewy
Nov 10, '16, 7:02 pm
Forum: The Pub
Topic: British thread
Replies: 514
Views: 403057

Re: Donald Trump is going to be the next president Incase you were still interested wondering how Trump won. It is because Democrats failed. They didn't turn out to vote. May it be because Hillary was trash or because of complete laziness, here we are. Wow, that vote turnout in itself is terr...
by Chewy
Nov 10, '16, 6:51 pm
Forum: News and Politics
Topic: Donald Trump is going to be the next president
Replies: 84
Views: 75730

Re: Donald Trump is going to be the next president

At breakfast this morning a server told me that after the election she fears for her mixed race child. I tried to let her know I didn't care, but she stuck around, so I asked why? She shrugged her shoulders and just said I don't know. Your media here is fucking trash. Keep everyone dumb and afraid. ...
by Chewy
Nov 09, '16, 3:31 pm
Forum: News and Politics
Topic: Donald Trump is going to be the next president
Replies: 84
Views: 75730

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